The Psychology of Consumer Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Description: This quiz evaluates your understanding of consumer decision-making under uncertainty, focusing on how consumers make choices when faced with incomplete or ambiguous information.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: consumer psychology decision making under uncertainty behavioral economics
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Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences consumer decision-making under uncertainty?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Framing effects

  4. Information availability

Correct Option: D

While risk aversion, ambiguity aversion, and framing effects are all factors that influence consumer decision-making under uncertainty, information availability is not a direct factor. Instead, it is a condition that can affect the other factors.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to prefer a sure outcome over a risky outcome, even if the expected value of the risky outcome is higher?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Framing effects

  4. Prospect theory

Correct Option: A

Risk aversion is the tendency of consumers to prefer a sure outcome over a risky outcome, even if the expected value of the risky outcome is higher. This is a common phenomenon in consumer decision-making under uncertainty.

Which of the following is NOT a type of framing effect?

  1. Positive framing

  2. Negative framing

  3. Risk framing

  4. Gain-loss framing

Correct Option: C

Positive framing, negative framing, and gain-loss framing are all types of framing effects, which are cognitive biases that influence consumer decision-making by presenting information in a particular way. Risk framing is not a type of framing effect.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to prefer a risky outcome over a sure outcome, even if the expected value of the risky outcome is lower?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Risk seeking

  4. Framing effects

Correct Option: C

Risk seeking is the tendency of consumers to prefer a risky outcome over a sure outcome, even if the expected value of the risky outcome is lower. This is the opposite of risk aversion.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that consumers use to cope with uncertainty in decision-making?

  1. Information seeking

  2. Simplification

  3. Framing

  4. Diversification

Correct Option: C

Information seeking, simplification, and diversification are all strategies that consumers use to cope with uncertainty in decision-making. Framing is not a coping strategy, but rather a cognitive bias that influences consumer decision-making.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to be more risk-averse when making decisions involving gains compared to losses?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Prospect theory

  4. Loss aversion

Correct Option: D

Loss aversion is the tendency of consumers to be more risk-averse when making decisions involving gains compared to losses. This means that consumers are more likely to take risks to avoid losses than they are to take risks to achieve gains.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences ambiguity aversion?

  1. Lack of information

  2. Complexity of the decision

  3. Personal experience

  4. Cultural factors

Correct Option: C

Lack of information, complexity of the decision, and cultural factors are all factors that influence ambiguity aversion. Personal experience is not a direct factor, as it is more relevant to risk aversion.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to make different decisions depending on how the options are presented, even if the underlying outcomes are the same?

  1. Framing effects

  2. Prospect theory

  3. Loss aversion

  4. Risk aversion

Correct Option: A

Framing effects are cognitive biases that influence consumer decision-making by presenting information in a particular way. Consumers may make different decisions depending on how the options are presented, even if the underlying outcomes are the same.

Which of the following is NOT a type of uncertainty that consumers face in decision-making?

  1. Risk

  2. Ambiguity

  3. Ignorance

  4. Complexity

Correct Option: D

Risk, ambiguity, and ignorance are all types of uncertainty that consumers face in decision-making. Complexity is not a type of uncertainty, but rather a characteristic of the decision-making situation.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to overweight small probabilities and underweight large probabilities when making decisions under uncertainty?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Prospect theory

  4. Probability weighting

Correct Option: D

Probability weighting is the tendency of consumers to overweight small probabilities and underweight large probabilities when making decisions under uncertainty. This is a cognitive bias that can lead to irrational decision-making.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that marketers use to influence consumer decision-making under uncertainty?

  1. Framing

  2. Simplification

  3. Providing information

  4. Creating ambiguity

Correct Option: D

Framing, simplification, and providing information are all strategies that marketers use to influence consumer decision-making under uncertainty. Creating ambiguity is not a strategy that marketers typically use, as it can lead to negative consumer reactions.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to make different decisions when they are presented with a series of choices compared to when they are presented with a single choice?

  1. Framing effects

  2. Prospect theory

  3. Loss aversion

  4. Choice overload

Correct Option: D

Choice overload is the tendency of consumers to make different decisions when they are presented with a series of choices compared to when they are presented with a single choice. This is because consumers may experience difficulty in processing and evaluating multiple options, leading to decision-making errors.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences consumer decision-making under risk?

  1. Expected value

  2. Variance

  3. Skewness

  4. Kurtosis

Correct Option: D

Expected value, variance, and skewness are all factors that influence consumer decision-making under risk. Kurtosis is not a factor that directly influences consumer decision-making, as it is a measure of the peakedness or flatness of a distribution.

What is the term for the tendency of consumers to be more risk-averse when making decisions involving small amounts of money compared to large amounts of money?

  1. Risk aversion

  2. Ambiguity aversion

  3. Prospect theory

  4. Diminishing marginal utility

Correct Option: D

Diminishing marginal utility is the tendency of consumers to be more risk-averse when making decisions involving small amounts of money compared to large amounts of money. This is because the marginal utility of money decreases as the amount of money increases.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that consumers use to reduce uncertainty in decision-making?

  1. Information seeking

  2. Simplification

  3. Framing

  4. Diversification

Correct Option: C

Information seeking, simplification, and diversification are all strategies that consumers use to reduce uncertainty in decision-making. Framing is not a strategy for reducing uncertainty, but rather a cognitive bias that influences consumer decision-making.

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