Social Stratification and Crime

Description: This quiz is designed to assess your understanding of the relationship between social stratification and crime. It covers topics such as the different theories of social stratification, the impact of social class on crime rates, and the role of social institutions in shaping criminal behavior.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: social stratification crime sociology
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Which of the following is NOT a major theory of social stratification?

  1. Functionalist Theory

  2. Conflict Theory

  3. Symbolic Interactionist Theory

  4. Rational Choice Theory

Correct Option: D

Rational Choice Theory is a theory of crime, not social stratification.

According to Functionalist Theory, what is the primary function of social stratification?

  1. To maintain social order and stability

  2. To promote social mobility

  3. To create a sense of community

  4. To ensure equal opportunity for all

Correct Option: A

Functionalist Theory argues that social stratification is necessary to maintain social order and stability by ensuring that different groups perform different roles in society.

Which of the following is NOT a type of social class?

  1. Upper Class

  2. Middle Class

  3. Working Class

  4. Criminal Class

Correct Option: D

Criminal Class is not a type of social class. It is a term used to describe a group of people who engage in criminal behavior.

According to Conflict Theory, what is the primary cause of social stratification?

  1. Competition for scarce resources

  2. Differences in power and authority

  3. Cultural values and beliefs

  4. Social institutions

Correct Option: A

Conflict Theory argues that social stratification is caused by competition for scarce resources, such as wealth, power, and status.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to social mobility?

  1. Education

  2. Occupation

  3. Income

  4. Race

Correct Option: D

Race is not a factor that contributes to social mobility. It is a social category that is often associated with discrimination and inequality.

Which of the following is NOT a type of crime?

  1. Violent Crime

  2. Property Crime

  3. White-Collar Crime

  4. Social Crime

Correct Option: D

Social Crime is not a type of crime. It is a term used to describe behavior that violates social norms and values.

According to Social Disorganization Theory, what is the primary cause of crime?

  1. Lack of social control

  2. Poverty and inequality

  3. Cultural values and beliefs

  4. Social institutions

Correct Option: A

Social Disorganization Theory argues that crime is caused by a lack of social control, which can be caused by factors such as poverty, inequality, and family breakdown.

Which of the following is NOT a type of social institution?

  1. Family

  2. School

  3. Government

  4. Media

Correct Option: D

Media is not a type of social institution. It is a form of mass communication that can influence public opinion and behavior.

Which of the following is NOT a type of criminal justice system?

  1. Adversarial System

  2. Inquisitorial System

  3. Mixed System

  4. Socialist System

Correct Option: D

Socialist System is not a type of criminal justice system. It is a political and economic system that is based on the idea of collective ownership of the means of production.

Which of the following is NOT a type of punishment?

  1. Imprisonment

  2. Fines

  3. Probation

  4. Restitution

Correct Option: D

Restitution is not a type of punishment. It is a form of compensation that is paid to the victim of a crime.

Which of the following is NOT a type of crime prevention program?

  1. Community Policing

  2. School-Based Programs

  3. Social Programs

  4. Prisons

Correct Option: D

Prisons are not a type of crime prevention program. They are a form of punishment for criminals.

Which of the following is NOT a type of restorative justice program?

  1. Victim-Offender Mediation

  2. Family Group Conferencing

  3. Circle Sentencing

  4. Boot Camps

Correct Option: D

Boot Camps are not a type of restorative justice program. They are a type of military-style prison program that is designed to deter crime.

Which of the following is NOT a type of juvenile justice program?

  1. Diversion Programs

  2. Detention Centers

  3. Group Homes

  4. Boot Camps

Correct Option: D

Boot Camps are not a type of juvenile justice program. They are a type of military-style prison program that is designed to deter crime.

Which of the following is NOT a type of criminal justice reform?

  1. Decriminalization

  2. Legalization

  3. Sentencing Reform

  4. Prison Privatization

Correct Option: D

Prison Privatization is not a type of criminal justice reform. It is a policy that allows private companies to operate prisons.

Which of the following is NOT a type of social stratification?

  1. Caste System

  2. Class System

  3. Estate System

  4. Meritocracy

Correct Option: D

Meritocracy is not a type of social stratification. It is a system in which social status is based on merit or achievement.

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