Pallava Script

Description: Test your knowledge on the ancient Pallava Script, a significant writing system used in South India during the Pallava dynasty.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: indian history indian epigraphy pallava script
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What is the primary language associated with the Pallava Script?

  1. Sanskrit

  2. Tamil

  3. Kannada

  4. Telugu

Correct Option: B

The Pallava Script was predominantly used to write in Tamil, the primary language of the Pallava dynasty.

Which dynasty is credited with the development and usage of the Pallava Script?

  1. Chola Dynasty

  2. Pandya Dynasty

  3. Pallava Dynasty

  4. Chera Dynasty

Correct Option: C

The Pallava Dynasty, ruling in South India from the 3rd to the 9th century CE, is attributed with the development and widespread use of the Pallava Script.

What is the approximate time period during which the Pallava Script was in use?

  1. 2nd century BCE - 2nd century CE

  2. 7th century CE - 10th century CE

  3. 1st century CE - 4th century CE

  4. 4th century CE - 7th century CE

Correct Option: D

The Pallava Script was primarily used from the 4th century CE to the 7th century CE, coinciding with the reign of the Pallava Dynasty.

Which region was the primary area of usage for the Pallava Script?

  1. North India

  2. South India

  3. Central India

  4. Eastern India

Correct Option: B

The Pallava Script was primarily used in South India, particularly in the regions ruled by the Pallava Dynasty.

What is the approximate number of characters in the Pallava Script?

  1. 50

  2. 100

  3. 150

  4. 200

Correct Option: C

The Pallava Script consists of approximately 150 characters, including vowels, consonants, and special symbols.

Which material was commonly used for writing in the Pallava Script?

  1. Papyrus

  2. Vellum

  3. Palm Leaves

  4. Birch Bark

Correct Option: C

Palm leaves were the primary writing material used for inscriptions and manuscripts in the Pallava Script.

What is the primary direction of writing in the Pallava Script?

  1. Left to Right

  2. Right to Left

  3. Top to Bottom

  4. Bottom to Top

Correct Option: A

The Pallava Script is typically written from left to right, similar to the direction of writing in many modern languages.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '1' in the Pallava Script?

Correct Option: A

The symbol '।' is used to represent the number '1' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '10' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १०

  2. १०

  3. १०

Correct Option: A

The symbol '॥' is used to represent the number '10' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '100' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १००

  2. १००

  3. १००

  4. १००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१००' is used to represent the number '100' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '1000' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १०००

  2. १०००

  3. १०००

  4. १०००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१०००' is used to represent the number '1000' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '10000' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १००००

  2. १००००

  3. १००००

  4. १००००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१००००' is used to represent the number '10000' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '100000' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १०००००

  2. १०००००

  3. १०००००

  4. १०००००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१०००००' is used to represent the number '100000' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '1000000' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १००००००

  2. १००००००

  3. १००००००

  4. १००००००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१००००००' is used to represent the number '1000000' in the Pallava Script.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the number '10000000' in the Pallava Script?

  1. १०००००००

  2. १०००००००

  3. १०००००००

  4. १०००००००

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

The symbol '१०००००००' is used to represent the number '10000000' in the Pallava Script.

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