
Description: Cognitivism Quiz
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Tags: cognitivism learning theory psychology
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What is the primary focus of cognitivism in psychology?

  1. The role of unconscious processes in behavior

  2. The importance of social interactions in learning

  3. The influence of thoughts, beliefs, and mental processes on behavior

  4. The impact of emotions on decision-making

Correct Option: C

Cognitivism emphasizes the role of mental processes, such as thinking, remembering, and problem-solving, in understanding human behavior.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of schema?

  1. Jean Piaget

  2. Lev Vygotsky

  3. Jerome Bruner

  4. Frederic Bartlett

Correct Option: D

Frederic Bartlett introduced the concept of schema, which refers to mental structures that organize and interpret information.

What is the main idea behind Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

  1. Children's cognitive abilities develop through a series of distinct stages

  2. Learning occurs through social interactions and collaboration

  3. Knowledge is constructed through active exploration and experimentation

  4. Intelligence is fixed and cannot be changed

Correct Option: A

Piaget's theory suggests that children's cognitive abilities develop through a series of stages, from sensorimotor to formal operations, as they interact with their environment.

Which cognitive psychologist emphasized the importance of social interactions in learning?

  1. B.F. Skinner

  2. Lev Vygotsky

  3. Albert Bandura

  4. Carl Rogers

Correct Option: B

Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasizes the role of social interactions and cultural tools in cognitive development.

What is the term for the process of organizing and interpreting new information in terms of existing knowledge?

  1. Assimilation

  2. Accommodation

  3. Schema

  4. Equilibration

Correct Option: A

Assimilation is the process of fitting new information into existing schemas, while accommodation involves modifying existing schemas to accommodate new information.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of multiple intelligences?

  1. Howard Gardner

  2. Robert Sternberg

  3. Daniel Goleman

  4. Carol Dweck

Correct Option: A

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences proposes that there are different types of intelligence, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, and bodily-kinesthetic.

What is the term for the mental representation of a concept or object?

  1. Prototype

  2. Schema

  3. Mental model

  4. Concept map

Correct Option: A

A prototype is a mental representation of a category that contains the most typical features of its members.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of situated cognition?

  1. Jean Lave

  2. Etienne Wenger

  3. Barbara Rogoff

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger, and Barbara Rogoff are all cognitive psychologists known for their work on situated cognition, which emphasizes the role of context and social interactions in learning.

What is the term for the process of transferring knowledge or skills from one context to another?

  1. Generalization

  2. Discrimination

  3. Transfer

  4. Extinction

Correct Option: C

Transfer refers to the ability to apply knowledge or skills learned in one context to a new context.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of metacognition?

  1. John Flavell

  2. Ann Brown

  3. David Perkins

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

John Flavell, Ann Brown, and David Perkins are all cognitive psychologists known for their work on metacognition, which refers to the awareness and control of one's own cognitive processes.

What is the term for the process of actively seeking out and using information to solve problems or make decisions?

  1. Metacognition

  2. Self-regulation

  3. Information processing

  4. Problem-solving

Correct Option: D

Problem-solving involves actively seeking out and using information to solve problems or make decisions.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of expertise?

  1. K. Anders Ericsson

  2. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  3. Howard Gardner

  4. Robert Sternberg

Correct Option: A

K. Anders Ericsson is a cognitive psychologist known for his research on expertise, which suggests that expertise is developed through deliberate practice.

What is the term for the mental representation of a sequence of actions?

  1. Schema

  2. Script

  3. Mental model

  4. Algorithm

Correct Option: B

A script is a mental representation of a sequence of actions that are typically performed in a certain context.

Which cognitive psychologist is known for his theory of dynamic systems?

  1. Esther Thelen

  2. Linda Smith

  3. Annette Karmiloff-Smith

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Esther Thelen, Linda Smith, and Annette Karmiloff-Smith are all cognitive psychologists known for their work on dynamic systems theory, which emphasizes the role of self-organization and adaptation in cognitive development.

What is the term for the process of using prior knowledge to make predictions about new information?

  1. Hypothesis testing

  2. Deductive reasoning

  3. Inductive reasoning

  4. Analogical reasoning

Correct Option: C

Inductive reasoning involves using prior knowledge to make predictions about new information.

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