Causation and Free Will

Description: Test your understanding of Causation and Free Will, a fundamental topic in philosophy that explores the relationship between cause and effect and the concept of free will.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: causation free will determinism indeterminism compatibilism
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Which philosophical view holds that every event is caused by a prior event, and thus there is no true freedom of choice?

  1. Determinism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Compatibilism

  4. Libertarianism

Correct Option: A

Determinism asserts that every event is causally determined by preceding events, leaving no room for genuine free will.

According to the principle of causal determinism, if we know all the relevant causal factors leading up to an event, can we accurately predict its outcome?

  1. Yes, with certainty

  2. Yes, with high probability

  3. No, due to indeterminacy

  4. No, due to human agency

Correct Option: A

Causal determinism implies that given complete knowledge of all causal factors, the outcome of an event is fixed and predictable.

Which philosophical perspective argues that free will and determinism are not necessarily incompatible, and that both can coexist?

  1. Compatibilism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Libertarianism

  4. Dualism

Correct Option: A

Compatibilism posits that free will and determinism can be reconciled, allowing for both causal determinism and meaningful choices.

The concept of moral responsibility is closely linked to the idea of free will. If our actions are predetermined, can we still be held morally responsible for them?

  1. Yes, if we have the capacity to choose

  2. Yes, if we are aware of the consequences

  3. No, as our actions are not truly free

  4. No, as moral responsibility requires indeterminism

Correct Option: A

Compatibilists argue that moral responsibility can be maintained even in a deterministic world, as long as individuals have the capacity to make choices and understand the consequences of their actions.

Which philosophical view rejects the idea of causal determinism and posits that events occur randomly or unpredictably?

  1. Determinism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Compatibilism

  4. Libertarianism

Correct Option: B

Indeterminism asserts that not all events are causally determined, allowing for genuine randomness and unpredictability.

The compatibilist position on free will and determinism can be summarized as:

  1. Free will and determinism are incompatible

  2. Free will requires indeterminism

  3. Free will is an illusion

  4. Free will is compatible with determinism

Correct Option: D

Compatibilists argue that free will and determinism can coexist, as long as individuals have the capacity to make choices and understand the consequences of their actions.

According to libertarianism, what is the essential condition for genuine free will?

  1. The absence of causal determinism

  2. The ability to make choices

  3. The awareness of consequences

  4. The capacity for rational thought

Correct Option: A

Libertarians argue that true free will requires the absence of causal determinism, allowing for genuine randomness and unpredictability in human choices.

Which philosophical perspective emphasizes the role of human agency and the ability to make choices, regardless of external constraints?

  1. Determinism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Compatibilism

  4. Libertarianism

Correct Option: D

Libertarianism asserts that individuals have genuine free will, independent of causal determinism, and that their choices are not predetermined.

The hard determinism stance on free will and determinism maintains that:

  1. Free will is an illusion

  2. Free will is compatible with determinism

  3. Free will requires indeterminism

  4. Moral responsibility is impossible

Correct Option: A

Hard determinists argue that free will is an illusion and that all human actions are causally determined, leaving no room for genuine choice.

Which philosophical view holds that the mind and body are distinct entities, with the mind having the capacity for free will independent of physical causation?

  1. Determinism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Compatibilism

  4. Dualism

Correct Option: D

Dualism posits that the mind and body are separate entities, with the mind having the ability to make choices independent of physical causation.

According to compatibilism, what is the key factor that allows for free will even in a deterministic world?

  1. The absence of external constraints

  2. The capacity for rational thought

  3. The awareness of consequences

  4. The ability to make choices

Correct Option: D

Compatibilists argue that free will is compatible with determinism as long as individuals have the capacity to make choices and understand the consequences of their actions.

The compatibilist position on free will and determinism is often illustrated using the analogy of a:

  1. Chess game

  2. Lottery draw

  3. Coin toss

  4. Train schedule

Correct Option: A

Compatibilists often use the analogy of a chess game to illustrate their position, where players have genuine choices within the constraints of the rules.

Which philosophical perspective argues that the concept of free will is meaningless and that all human actions are predetermined by external factors?

  1. Determinism

  2. Indeterminism

  3. Compatibilism

  4. Nihilism

Correct Option: D

Nihilism, in its extreme form, rejects the notion of free will and posits that all human actions are predetermined and meaningless.

The libertarian position on free will and determinism can be summarized as:

  1. Free will requires indeterminism

  2. Free will is compatible with determinism

  3. Free will is an illusion

  4. Moral responsibility is impossible

Correct Option: A

Libertarians argue that true free will requires the absence of causal determinism, allowing for genuine randomness and unpredictability in human choices.

According to hard determinism, what is the relationship between human actions and prior events?

  1. Human actions are causally determined by prior events

  2. Human actions are independent of prior events

  3. Human actions are partially determined by prior events

  4. Human actions are completely random

Correct Option: A

Hard determinists argue that all human actions are causally determined by prior events, leaving no room for genuine choice or free will.

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