Self-Efficacy and Sport Performance

Description: This quiz will evaluate your understanding of the concept of self-efficacy and its impact on sport performance.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: sport psychology self-efficacy performance
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What is self-efficacy?

  1. The belief in one's ability to succeed in a specific situation

  2. The confidence in one's physical abilities

  3. The perception of one's own competence

  4. The expectation of success

Correct Option: A

Self-efficacy is the belief that an individual has the capabilities to execute the necessary actions to achieve a desired outcome.

Who developed the concept of self-efficacy?

  1. Albert Bandura

  2. Martin Seligman

  3. Abraham Maslow

  4. Carl Rogers

Correct Option: A

Albert Bandura, a renowned psychologist, introduced the concept of self-efficacy in the 1970s.

What are the four sources of self-efficacy?

  1. Enactive mastery, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological states

  2. Past experiences, social comparison, self-instruction, and goal setting

  3. Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, self-regulation, and self-awareness

  4. Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction

Correct Option: A

According to Bandura, self-efficacy is influenced by four primary sources: enactive mastery (personal experiences), vicarious experiences (observing others), verbal persuasion (receiving encouragement), and physiological states (emotional and physical reactions).

How does self-efficacy affect sport performance?

  1. It enhances motivation and persistence

  2. It reduces anxiety and stress

  3. It improves skill acquisition and execution

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Self-efficacy positively impacts sport performance by enhancing motivation, reducing anxiety, and facilitating skill acquisition and execution.

Which of the following is an example of enactive mastery?

  1. Watching a teammate score a goal

  2. Receiving positive feedback from a coach

  3. Successfully completing a difficult training session

  4. Visualizing oneself performing a skill perfectly

Correct Option: C

Enactive mastery involves gaining self-efficacy through direct experience and personal accomplishments.

What is vicarious experience?

  1. Observing others perform a task

  2. Receiving instruction from a coach

  3. Setting challenging goals for oneself

  4. Using self-talk to boost confidence

Correct Option: A

Vicarious experience refers to learning and gaining self-efficacy by observing the actions and outcomes of others.

How can verbal persuasion influence self-efficacy?

  1. By providing positive feedback and encouragement

  2. By setting realistic and achievable goals

  3. By using self-instruction to focus on strengths

  4. By creating a supportive and positive environment

Correct Option: A

Verbal persuasion involves receiving positive feedback, encouragement, and support from others, which can enhance self-efficacy.

What is the role of physiological states in self-efficacy?

  1. They can influence self-efficacy by affecting mood and arousal levels

  2. They can provide information about one's physical capabilities

  3. They can be used to regulate emotions and manage stress

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Physiological states, such as mood, arousal, and energy levels, can impact self-efficacy by influencing cognitive processes, motivation, and performance.

How can self-efficacy be developed and strengthened?

  1. By setting realistic and achievable goals

  2. By engaging in challenging tasks and overcoming obstacles

  3. By receiving positive feedback and encouragement

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Self-efficacy can be developed and strengthened through various strategies, including setting realistic goals, engaging in challenging tasks, receiving positive feedback, and building a supportive environment.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for enhancing self-efficacy?

  1. Focusing on past failures and dwelling on mistakes

  2. Using self-talk to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs

  3. Visualizing oneself performing successfully

  4. Setting specific and challenging goals

Correct Option: A

Focusing on past failures and dwelling on mistakes can hinder self-efficacy by reinforcing negative beliefs and undermining confidence.

How does self-efficacy contribute to resilience in sport?

  1. It helps athletes bounce back from setbacks and challenges

  2. It promotes a positive mindset and reduces self-doubt

  3. It enhances motivation and persistence in the face of obstacles

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Self-efficacy plays a crucial role in resilience by enabling athletes to cope with setbacks, maintain a positive outlook, and persist in the face of challenges.

Which of the following is an example of a self-efficacy-enhancing intervention?

  1. Providing athletes with opportunities to experience success

  2. Encouraging athletes to set challenging but achievable goals

  3. Using imagery techniques to build confidence

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Self-efficacy-enhancing interventions aim to increase athletes' belief in their abilities through various strategies, such as providing opportunities for success, setting challenging goals, and using imagery techniques.

How can coaches and trainers promote self-efficacy in their athletes?

  1. By creating a supportive and positive environment

  2. By providing constructive feedback and encouragement

  3. By helping athletes set realistic and achievable goals

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Coaches and trainers can foster self-efficacy in their athletes by creating a supportive environment, providing constructive feedback, and helping athletes set realistic goals.

What is the relationship between self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation?

  1. Self-efficacy enhances intrinsic motivation by increasing enjoyment and satisfaction

  2. Intrinsic motivation promotes self-efficacy by providing a sense of purpose and direction

  3. They are independent of each other and do not influence each other

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Self-efficacy positively influences intrinsic motivation by enhancing enjoyment, satisfaction, and a sense of competence in performing an activity.

How does self-efficacy impact an athlete's response to challenges and setbacks?

  1. It helps athletes persevere in the face of obstacles and setbacks

  2. It reduces the likelihood of athletes giving up or experiencing burnout

  3. It promotes a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from mistakes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Self-efficacy empowers athletes to persist in the face of challenges, reduces the risk of burnout, and fosters a growth mindset that embraces learning from mistakes.

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