Comparative Political Culture

Description: This quiz is designed to assess your knowledge of Comparative Political Culture, covering various aspects of political culture and its impact on political systems and behavior.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: comparative politics political culture political systems political behavior
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Which of the following is NOT a dimension of political culture, as identified by Almond and Verba?

  1. Cognitive Orientation

  2. Affective Orientation

  3. Evaluative Orientation

  4. Behavioral Orientation

Correct Option: D

Almond and Verba identified three dimensions of political culture: Cognitive Orientation (knowledge and beliefs about politics), Affective Orientation (feelings and attitudes towards politics), and Evaluative Orientation (judgments about the legitimacy and effectiveness of political institutions).

According to the concept of political socialization, how are political values and beliefs transmitted from one generation to the next?

  1. Through formal education

  2. Through the media

  3. Through family and peer groups

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political socialization occurs through various channels, including formal education, the media, and family and peer groups. These channels transmit political values, beliefs, and attitudes from one generation to the next.

Which of the following is NOT a type of political culture identified by Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba?

  1. Parochial Political Culture

  2. Subject Political Culture

  3. Participant Political Culture

  4. Civic Political Culture

Correct Option: B

Almond and Verba identified three types of political culture: Parochial Political Culture, Participant Political Culture, and Civic Political Culture. Subject Political Culture is not a term used by Almond and Verba.

According to the concept of political efficacy, what is the belief that citizens can influence political outcomes through their actions?

  1. Internal Efficacy

  2. External Efficacy

  3. Collective Efficacy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Internal efficacy refers to the belief that one's own actions can influence political outcomes. External efficacy refers to the belief that the political system is responsive to the demands of citizens. Collective efficacy refers to the belief that citizens can collectively influence political outcomes through collective action.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a civic political culture?

  1. High levels of political participation

  2. Strong sense of civic duty

  3. Emphasis on individual rights and freedoms

  4. Low levels of trust in government

Correct Option: D

A civic political culture is characterized by high levels of political participation, a strong sense of civic duty, and an emphasis on individual rights and freedoms. Low levels of trust in government are not typically associated with a civic political culture.

According to the concept of political trust, what is the belief that government institutions are legitimate and responsive to the needs of citizens?

  1. System Trust

  2. Government Trust

  3. Institutional Trust

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political trust refers to the belief that government institutions are legitimate and responsive to the needs of citizens. It can be divided into three components: System Trust (trust in the political system as a whole), Government Trust (trust in the specific government in power), and Institutional Trust (trust in specific government institutions).

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences political culture?

  1. Historical experiences

  2. Economic development

  3. Social structure

  4. Geographical factors

Correct Option: D

While historical experiences, economic development, and social structure are all factors that can influence political culture, geographical factors are not typically considered to be a major influence.

According to the concept of political ideology, what is a system of beliefs that guides political action?

  1. Liberalism

  2. Conservatism

  3. Socialism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political ideology refers to a system of beliefs that guides political action. It can be used to describe a wide range of political positions, including liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and many others.

Which of the following is NOT a type of political system identified by David Easton?

  1. Input-Output Model

  2. Systems Theory

  3. Structural-Functionalism

  4. Cybernetic Model

Correct Option: C

David Easton identified three types of political systems: Input-Output Model, Systems Theory, and Cybernetic Model. Structural-Functionalism is not a type of political system identified by Easton.

According to the concept of political legitimacy, what is the belief that a government has the right to rule?

  1. Traditional Legitimacy

  2. Charismatic Legitimacy

  3. Rational-Legal Legitimacy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political legitimacy refers to the belief that a government has the right to rule. It can be based on tradition, charisma, or rational-legal authority.

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of political culture, as identified by Ronald Inglehart?

  1. Traditional Values

  2. Secular-Rational Values

  3. Survival Values

  4. Post-Materialist Values

Correct Option: C

Ronald Inglehart identified three dimensions of political culture: Traditional Values, Secular-Rational Values, and Post-Materialist Values. Survival Values is not a dimension identified by Inglehart.

According to the concept of political participation, what is the involvement of citizens in the political process?

  1. Voting

  2. Running for office

  3. Contacting elected officials

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political participation refers to the involvement of citizens in the political process. It can include a wide range of activities, such as voting, running for office, contacting elected officials, and many others.

Which of the following is NOT a type of political culture identified by Lucian Pye?

  1. Traditional Political Culture

  2. Modern Political Culture

  3. Totalitarian Political Culture

  4. Authoritarian Political Culture

Correct Option: C

Lucian Pye identified three types of political culture: Traditional Political Culture, Modern Political Culture, and Authoritarian Political Culture. Totalitarian Political Culture is not a type identified by Pye.

According to the concept of political socialization, what is the process by which individuals learn about politics and develop political values and beliefs?

  1. Formal education

  2. The media

  3. Family and peer groups

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political socialization is the process by which individuals learn about politics and develop political values and beliefs. It occurs through a variety of channels, including formal education, the media, and family and peer groups.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences political culture?

  1. Religion

  2. Ethnicity

  3. Social class

  4. Geographical factors

Correct Option: D

While religion, ethnicity, and social class are all factors that can influence political culture, geographical factors are not typically considered to be a major influence.

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