Political Film and Television: The Power of the Political Video Game

Description: Political Film and Television: The Power of the Political Video Game
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: politics film and television video games
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Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a U.S. president and make decisions that affect the country's economy, foreign policy, and social issues?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Democracy 3

  3. Commander-in-Chief

  4. Power & Revolution

Correct Option: B

Democracy 3 is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a U.S. president and make decisions that affect the country's economy, foreign policy, and social issues.

In the political video game 'The Political Machine', players can compete against each other to win elections and gain power by using various strategies, including:

  1. Campaign finance

  2. Media manipulation

  3. Voter suppression

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'The Political Machine', players can use campaign finance, media manipulation, and voter suppression to win elections and gain power.

Which political video game allows players to experience the challenges of running a political campaign, from fundraising to managing volunteers and dealing with the media?

  1. The Campaign Trail

  2. Spin Doctor

  3. Electioneering

  4. Political Tycoon

Correct Option: A

The Campaign Trail is a political simulation game that allows players to experience the challenges of running a political campaign.

In the political video game 'Power & Revolution', players can lead a revolutionary movement to overthrow an oppressive regime by using tactics such as:

  1. Guerrilla warfare

  2. Civil disobedience

  3. Political negotiation

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'Power & Revolution', players can use guerrilla warfare, civil disobedience, and political negotiation to lead a revolutionary movement.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a political consultant and advise candidates on how to win elections?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Spin Doctor

  3. Electioneering

  4. Political Tycoon

Correct Option: B

Spin Doctor is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a political consultant and advise candidates on how to win elections.

In the political video game 'Commander-in-Chief', players can take on the role of a military commander and lead troops into battle in various historical conflicts, including:

  1. World War II

  2. The Cold War

  3. The Vietnam War

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'Commander-in-Chief', players can lead troops into battle in World War II, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a journalist and investigate corruption and political scandals?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Democracy 3

  3. Commander-in-Chief

  4. Press Tycoon

Correct Option: D

Press Tycoon is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a journalist and investigate corruption and political scandals.

In the political video game 'Electioneering', players can compete against each other to win elections by using various strategies, including:

  1. Campaign finance

  2. Media manipulation

  3. Voter suppression

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'Electioneering', players can use campaign finance, media manipulation, and voter suppression to win elections.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a political activist and organize protests and rallies to raise awareness for important causes?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Democracy 3

  3. Commander-in-Chief

  4. Activism Tycoon

Correct Option: D

Activism Tycoon is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a political activist and organize protests and rallies to raise awareness for important causes.

In the political video game 'Political Tycoon', players can build their own political party and compete against other parties to win elections and gain power by using various strategies, including:

  1. Campaign finance

  2. Media manipulation

  3. Voter suppression

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'Political Tycoon', players can use campaign finance, media manipulation, and voter suppression to win elections and gain power.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a lobbyist and influence politicians to support their interests?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Democracy 3

  3. Commander-in-Chief

  4. Lobby Tycoon

Correct Option: D

Lobby Tycoon is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a lobbyist and influence politicians to support their interests.

In the political video game 'The Political Machine', players can compete against each other to win elections and gain power by using various strategies, including:

  1. Campaign finance

  2. Media manipulation

  3. Voter suppression

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'The Political Machine', players can use campaign finance, media manipulation, and voter suppression to win elections and gain power.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a political consultant and advise candidates on how to win elections?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Spin Doctor

  3. Electioneering

  4. Political Tycoon

Correct Option: B

Spin Doctor is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a political consultant and advise candidates on how to win elections.

In the political video game 'Commander-in-Chief', players can take on the role of a military commander and lead troops into battle in various historical conflicts, including:

  1. World War II

  2. The Cold War

  3. The Vietnam War

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In 'Commander-in-Chief', players can lead troops into battle in World War II, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War.

Which political video game allows players to take on the role of a journalist and investigate corruption and political scandals?

  1. The Political Machine

  2. Democracy 3

  3. Commander-in-Chief

  4. Press Tycoon

Correct Option: D

Press Tycoon is a political simulation game that allows players to take on the role of a journalist and investigate corruption and political scandals.

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