Political Film and Television: The Power of the Political Documentary

Description: Political Film and Television: The Power of the Political Documentary
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: political film documentary politics media
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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a political documentary?

  1. It presents a factual account of a political event or issue.

  2. It aims to influence public opinion.

  3. It uses persuasive techniques to promote a particular viewpoint.

  4. It is always objective and impartial.

Correct Option: D

Political documentaries often have a clear agenda and aim to persuade the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint. They may use various persuasive techniques, such as emotional appeals, biased interviews, and selective editing, to achieve this goal.

Which of the following is considered one of the most influential political documentaries of all time?

  1. Fahrenheit 9/11

  2. An Inconvenient Truth

  3. The Cove

  4. Bowling for Columbine

Correct Option: A

Fahrenheit 9/11, directed by Michael Moore, is widely regarded as one of the most influential political documentaries of all time. It examines the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq and its aftermath, and was highly controversial upon its release.

What is the primary purpose of a political documentary?

  1. To inform the public about a political event or issue.

  2. To persuade the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint.

  3. To entertain the audience with political satire.

  4. To promote a political candidate or party.

Correct Option: A

The primary purpose of a political documentary is to inform the public about a political event or issue. It aims to provide factual information and analysis, and may also explore different perspectives on the issue.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on environmental issues?

  1. An Inconvenient Truth

  2. The Cove

  3. Bowling for Columbine

  4. Super Size Me

Correct Option: A

An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim, is a political documentary that focuses on environmental issues, particularly the dangers of global warming and climate change. It features former US Vice President Al Gore presenting evidence and solutions to address the issue.

What is the role of the narrator in a political documentary?

  1. To provide factual information and analysis.

  2. To present a particular viewpoint and persuade the audience.

  3. To entertain the audience with humorous commentary.

  4. To promote a political candidate or party.

Correct Option: A

The narrator in a political documentary typically provides factual information and analysis related to the topic being explored. They may also offer their own insights and perspectives, but their primary role is to inform the audience about the issue at hand.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on social justice issues?

  1. 13th

  2. Blackfish

  3. Food, Inc.

  4. The Hunting Ground

Correct Option: A

13th, directed by Ava DuVernay, is a political documentary that focuses on social justice issues, particularly the history of racial inequality and mass incarceration in the United States. It examines the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which abolished slavery but allowed for involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime.

What is the difference between a political documentary and a political satire?

  1. Political documentaries aim to inform, while political satires aim to entertain.

  2. Political documentaries are always objective, while political satires are always subjective.

  3. Political documentaries focus on real-world events, while political satires focus on fictional events.

  4. Political documentaries are typically longer than political satires.

Correct Option: A

Political documentaries aim to inform the public about political events or issues, while political satires aim to entertain the audience through humor and exaggeration. Political satires often use fictional scenarios or characters to comment on real-world political issues.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on economic issues?

  1. Inside Job

  2. The Corporation

  3. Gasland

  4. The True Cost

Correct Option: A

Inside Job, directed by Charles Ferguson, is a political documentary that focuses on economic issues, particularly the 2008 financial crisis and the role of Wall Street banks in causing it. It examines the events leading up to the crisis and the subsequent government bailout of the banks.

What are some of the ethical considerations that filmmakers should keep in mind when creating a political documentary?

  1. Objectivity and impartiality

  2. Accuracy and fairness

  3. Transparency and disclosure of funding sources

  4. Respect for privacy and confidentiality

Correct Option:

Filmmakers should strive to maintain objectivity and impartiality when creating a political documentary, presenting all sides of the issue fairly and accurately. They should also be transparent about their funding sources and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Additionally, they should respect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved in the documentary.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on foreign policy issues?

  1. The Fog of War

  2. No End in Sight

  3. The Act of Killing

  4. The Square

Correct Option: A

The Fog of War, directed by Errol Morris, is a political documentary that focuses on foreign policy issues, particularly the Vietnam War and the role of former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in the war. It features McNamara reflecting on his decisions and actions during the war.

What are some of the challenges that filmmakers face when creating a political documentary?

  1. Access to information and sources

  2. Funding and financial constraints

  3. Political pressure and censorship

  4. Balancing objectivity and engagement

Correct Option:

Filmmakers often face challenges in accessing information and sources when creating a political documentary, as individuals and organizations may be reluctant to cooperate or share sensitive information. Funding and financial constraints can also be a challenge, as political documentaries can be expensive to produce. Additionally, filmmakers may face political pressure or censorship from governments or other powerful entities. Balancing objectivity and engagement can also be a challenge, as filmmakers need to present a fair and accurate account of the issue while also engaging the audience and keeping them interested.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on historical events?

  1. The Civil War

  2. The World at War

  3. Planet Earth

  4. Cosmos

Correct Option: A

The Civil War, directed by Ken Burns, is a political documentary that focuses on historical events, specifically the American Civil War. It provides a detailed account of the war, its causes, and its consequences, using archival footage, photographs, and interviews with historians and experts.

What are some of the ways in which political documentaries can influence public opinion?

  1. Raising awareness and educating the public about political issues

  2. Changing attitudes and beliefs about political issues

  3. Mobilizing people to take action on political issues

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Political documentaries can influence public opinion in a number of ways. They can raise awareness and educate the public about political issues, helping people to understand complex topics and the different perspectives on those issues. They can also change attitudes and beliefs about political issues, by presenting new information or challenging existing beliefs. Additionally, political documentaries can mobilize people to take action on political issues, by inspiring them to vote, donate to campaigns, or participate in protests or other forms of activism.

Which of the following is an example of a political documentary that focuses on cultural issues?

  1. The Thin Blue Line

  2. The Power of Nightmares

  3. The Act of Killing

  4. Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Correct Option: C

The Act of Killing, directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, is a political documentary that focuses on cultural issues, specifically the Indonesian genocide of 1965-1966. It features interviews with perpetrators of the genocide, who reenact their crimes in staged scenes, providing a unique and disturbing perspective on the events.

What are some of the criticisms that have been leveled against political documentaries?

  1. Bias and subjectivity

  2. Lack of objectivity and impartiality

  3. Misrepresentation of facts and evidence

  4. Promoting a particular agenda or viewpoint

Correct Option:

Political documentaries have been criticized for a number of reasons, including bias and subjectivity, lack of objectivity and impartiality, misrepresentation of facts and evidence, and promoting a particular agenda or viewpoint. Critics argue that some political documentaries are more interested in advancing a particular narrative or promoting a specific ideology than in providing a fair and accurate account of the issue at hand.

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