The Functions of Money

Description: This quiz aims to evaluate your understanding of the various functions of money. Money is a crucial concept in economics, serving as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. Test your knowledge by answering the following questions.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: economics monetary economics functions of money
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Which of the following is NOT a function of money?

  1. Medium of exchange

  2. Unit of account

  3. Store of value

  4. Standard of deferred payment

Correct Option: D

The standard of deferred payment is not a function of money. It refers to the unit of account used to measure the value of future payments, such as interest rates or loan repayments.

What is the primary function of money as a medium of exchange?

  1. To facilitate transactions and eliminate the need for barter

  2. To provide a common unit of measurement for comparing the value of different goods and services

  3. To allow individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time

  4. To enable the transfer of purchasing power from one individual to another

Correct Option: A

As a medium of exchange, money allows individuals to exchange goods and services without the need for direct barter, simplifying transactions and promoting economic efficiency.

What role does money play as a unit of account?

  1. It provides a common base for comparing the prices of different goods and services

  2. It facilitates the exchange of goods and services by eliminating the need for barter

  3. It allows individuals to store and accumulate wealth over time

  4. It enables the transfer of purchasing power from one individual to another

Correct Option: A

As a unit of account, money provides a common base for comparing the prices of different goods and services, allowing individuals to make informed economic decisions and compare the relative values of different items.

How does money function as a store of value?

  1. It enables individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time

  2. It facilitates transactions and eliminates the need for barter

  3. It provides a common unit of measurement for comparing the value of different goods and services

  4. It allows individuals to transfer purchasing power from one individual to another

Correct Option: A

As a store of value, money allows individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time by holding it in various forms, such as cash, bank deposits, or investments, which can be used to make future purchases or investments.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a sound monetary system?

  1. Stability of the value of money

  2. Flexibility in the supply of money

  3. Acceptability of money as a medium of exchange

  4. Scarcity of money

Correct Option: D

Scarcity of money is not a characteristic of a sound monetary system. A sound monetary system should have a sufficient supply of money to meet the needs of the economy without causing inflation or deflation.

What is the relationship between the quantity of money and the price level?

  1. An increase in the quantity of money leads to a decrease in the price level

  2. An increase in the quantity of money leads to an increase in the price level

  3. There is no relationship between the quantity of money and the price level

  4. The relationship between the quantity of money and the price level is unpredictable

Correct Option: B

According to the quantity theory of money, an increase in the quantity of money leads to an increase in the price level, assuming other factors remain constant.

Which of the following is NOT a type of money?

  1. Commodity money

  2. Fiat money

  3. Representative money

  4. Credit money

Correct Option: D

Credit money is not a type of money in the traditional sense. It refers to various forms of debt instruments, such as loans, bonds, and promissory notes, which can be used to make payments.

What is the primary function of central banks in managing the money supply?

  1. To regulate the quantity of money in circulation

  2. To set interest rates

  3. To supervise and regulate financial institutions

  4. To promote economic growth

Correct Option: A

The primary function of central banks is to regulate the quantity of money in circulation to maintain price stability and promote economic growth.

Which of the following is NOT a monetary policy tool used by central banks?

  1. Open market operations

  2. Reserve requirements

  3. Discount rate

  4. Fiscal policy

Correct Option: D

Fiscal policy is not a monetary policy tool. It refers to government spending and taxation policies, which are used to influence the economy.

What is the main objective of monetary policy?

  1. To maintain price stability

  2. To promote economic growth

  3. To reduce unemployment

  4. To control inflation

Correct Option: A

The main objective of monetary policy is to maintain price stability, which helps to promote economic growth and stability.

What is the relationship between inflation and the value of money?

  1. Inflation increases the value of money

  2. Inflation decreases the value of money

  3. Inflation has no effect on the value of money

  4. The relationship between inflation and the value of money is unpredictable

Correct Option: B

Inflation decreases the value of money because it reduces its purchasing power, meaning that each unit of money can buy fewer goods and services.

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of deflation?

  1. Decreased economic activity

  2. Increased unemployment

  3. Increased purchasing power of money

  4. Increased investment

Correct Option: D

Increased investment is not a consequence of deflation. Deflation typically leads to decreased economic activity, increased unemployment, and increased purchasing power of money.

What is the primary role of money in facilitating economic growth?

  1. It enables the efficient allocation of resources

  2. It promotes technological innovation

  3. It increases the supply of labor

  4. It reduces the cost of production

Correct Option: A

Money facilitates economic growth by enabling the efficient allocation of resources, allowing individuals and businesses to make informed decisions about how to use their resources.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines the demand for money?

  1. The level of economic activity

  2. The price level

  3. The interest rate

  4. The availability of credit

Correct Option: D

The availability of credit is not a factor that directly determines the demand for money. However, it can influence the demand for money indirectly by affecting the level of economic activity and the interest rate.

What is the relationship between the demand for money and the interest rate?

  1. An increase in the interest rate leads to an increase in the demand for money

  2. An increase in the interest rate leads to a decrease in the demand for money

  3. There is no relationship between the demand for money and the interest rate

  4. The relationship between the demand for money and the interest rate is unpredictable

Correct Option: B

An increase in the interest rate typically leads to a decrease in the demand for money because it becomes more attractive to hold assets that earn interest, such as bonds and savings accounts.

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