Political Geography of Development and Inequality

Description: This quiz covers the political geography of development and inequality, with a focus on the spatial distribution of resources, power, and opportunities.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: political geography development inequality resources power opportunities
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Which theory argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between economic and political forces?

  1. Dependency theory

  2. World-systems theory

  3. Core-periphery theory

  4. Modernization theory

Correct Option: C

Core-periphery theory argues that the global economy is divided into a core of developed countries and a periphery of less developed countries. The core countries exploit the periphery countries through trade and investment, leading to a widening gap in wealth and development.

What is the term for the process by which the benefits of economic growth are concentrated in the hands of a small elite?

  1. Accumulation by dispossession

  2. Elite capture

  3. Rent-seeking

  4. Neoliberalism

Correct Option: A

Accumulation by dispossession refers to the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to acquire resources and wealth from the poor and marginalized. This can take many forms, such as land grabs, forced evictions, and the privatization of public assets.

Which concept refers to the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by historical processes and institutions?

  1. Path dependence

  2. Institutional inertia

  3. Historical contingency

  4. Structural determinism

Correct Option: A

Path dependence refers to the idea that the current state of a system is influenced by its past history. In the context of political geography, this means that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by historical processes and institutions, such as colonialism, imperialism, and the Cold War.

What is the term for the process by which the benefits of economic growth are spread more evenly across a population?

  1. Inclusive growth

  2. Pro-poor growth

  3. Shared prosperity

  4. Trickle-down economics

Correct Option: A

Inclusive growth refers to the process by which the benefits of economic growth are spread more evenly across a population. This can be achieved through policies that promote job creation, education, and social protection.

Which theory argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces?

  1. Dependency theory

  2. World-systems theory

  3. Core-periphery theory

  4. Political ecology

Correct Option: D

Political ecology is a theoretical approach that examines the relationship between environmental change and political, economic, and social processes. It argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between these forces.

What is the term for the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to influence government policy in their favor?

  1. Lobbying

  2. Clientelism

  3. Corruption

  4. Neoliberalism

Correct Option: A

Lobbying is the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to influence government policy in their favor. This can be done through direct contact with politicians, campaign contributions, or the use of public relations firms.

Which concept refers to the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between human and environmental factors?

  1. Environmental determinism

  2. Possibilism

  3. Cultural ecology

  4. Human-environment interaction

Correct Option: D

Human-environment interaction refers to the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between human and environmental factors. This includes the ways in which humans use and modify the environment, as well as the ways in which the environment affects human activities.

What is the term for the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to exclude others from access to resources and opportunities?

  1. Exclusion

  2. Discrimination

  3. Segregation

  4. Apartheid

Correct Option: A

Exclusion is the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to exclude others from access to resources and opportunities. This can take many forms, such as discrimination, segregation, and apartheid.

Which theory argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces, and that these forces are shaped by historical processes and institutions?

  1. Dependency theory

  2. World-systems theory

  3. Core-periphery theory

  4. Historical materialism

Correct Option: D

Historical materialism is a theoretical approach that examines the relationship between economic, political, and social forces, and how these forces are shaped by historical processes and institutions. It argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between these forces.

What is the term for the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to control the media and shape public opinion?

  1. Propaganda

  2. Censorship

  3. Disinformation

  4. Public relations

Correct Option: A

Propaganda is the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to control the media and shape public opinion. This can be done through the use of advertising, public relations, and other forms of mass communication.

Which concept refers to the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces, and that these forces are shaped by the environment?

  1. Political ecology

  2. Human-environment interaction

  3. Environmental determinism

  4. Possibilism

Correct Option: A

Political ecology is a theoretical approach that examines the relationship between economic, political, and social forces, and how these forces are shaped by the environment. It argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between these forces.

What is the term for the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to influence the outcomes of elections?

  1. Gerrymandering

  2. Voter suppression

  3. Electoral fraud

  4. Campaign finance

Correct Option: A

Gerrymandering is the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to influence the outcomes of elections by manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts.

Which theory argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces, and that these forces are shaped by culture?

  1. Dependency theory

  2. World-systems theory

  3. Core-periphery theory

  4. Cultural materialism

Correct Option: D

Cultural materialism is a theoretical approach that examines the relationship between economic, political, and social forces, and how these forces are shaped by culture. It argues that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by the interaction between these forces.

What is the term for the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to control the economy?

  1. Economic domination

  2. Monopoly capitalism

  3. Oligopoly

  4. Neoliberalism

Correct Option: A

Economic domination is the process by which the wealthy and powerful use their power to control the economy. This can be done through the use of monopolies, oligopolies, and other forms of economic concentration.

Which concept refers to the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces, and that these forces are shaped by technology?

  1. Technological determinism

  2. Possibilism

  3. Cultural ecology

  4. Human-environment interaction

Correct Option: A

Technological determinism is the idea that the spatial distribution of resources and opportunities is shaped by the interaction between economic, political, and social forces, and that these forces are shaped by technology.

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