Indian Philosophy of Law

Description: This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Indian Philosophy of Law.
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Tags: indian philosophy indian philosophy and psychology indian philosophy of law
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Which ancient Indian text is considered to be the foundation of Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Rigveda

  2. Upanishads

  3. Manusmriti

  4. Arthashastra

Correct Option: C

Manusmriti, also known as the Laws of Manu, is an ancient Indian legal text that is considered to be the foundation of Indian Philosophy of Law.

What is the central concept of Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Dharma

  2. Karma

  3. Moksha

  4. Samsara

Correct Option: A

Dharma is the central concept of Indian Philosophy of Law. It refers to the moral and ethical principles that govern human conduct and social order.

According to Indian Philosophy of Law, what is the primary goal of law?

  1. To punish criminals

  2. To protect the rights of individuals

  3. To maintain social order

  4. To promote spiritual development

Correct Option: C

According to Indian Philosophy of Law, the primary goal of law is to maintain social order and harmony.

Which of the following is not a source of law in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Shruti

  2. Smriti

  3. Sadachara

  4. Rajadharma

Correct Option: D

Rajadharma is not a source of law in Indian Philosophy of Law. It refers to the duties and responsibilities of a king or ruler.

What is the concept of 'Vyavahara' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Legal procedure

  2. Legal rights

  3. Legal duties

  4. Legal remedies

Correct Option: A

Vyavahara refers to legal procedure in Indian Philosophy of Law. It encompasses the rules and processes for resolving disputes and administering justice.

Which of the following is not a type of punishment in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Corporal punishment

  2. Fines

  3. Imprisonment

  4. Social ostracism

Correct Option: D

Social ostracism is not a type of punishment in Indian Philosophy of Law. It is a social practice of excluding someone from a community or group.

What is the concept of 'Nyaya' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Justice

  2. Equity

  3. Fairness

  4. Reason

Correct Option: A

Nyaya refers to justice in Indian Philosophy of Law. It encompasses the principles of fairness, equity, and impartiality in the administration of justice.

Which of the following is not a type of legal dispute in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Civil disputes

  2. Criminal disputes

  3. Religious disputes

  4. Family disputes

Correct Option: C

Religious disputes are not a type of legal dispute in Indian Philosophy of Law. They are typically resolved through religious authorities or customs.

What is the concept of 'Danda' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Punishment

  2. Authority

  3. Power

  4. Justice

Correct Option: A

Danda refers to punishment in Indian Philosophy of Law. It is the means by which the state enforces the law and maintains social order.

Which of the following is not a principle of Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Equality before the law

  2. Presumption of innocence

  3. Right to a fair trial

  4. Trial by ordeal

Correct Option: D

Trial by ordeal is not a principle of Indian Philosophy of Law. It is a traditional method of determining guilt or innocence that is based on superstition and chance.

What is the concept of 'Arthashastra' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Political science

  2. Economics

  3. Law

  4. Ethics

Correct Option: A

Arthashastra refers to political science in Indian Philosophy of Law. It is a treatise on statecraft, economics, and military strategy.

Which of the following is not a type of legal remedy in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Compensation

  2. Injunction

  3. Specific performance

  4. Restitution

Correct Option: D

Restitution is not a type of legal remedy in Indian Philosophy of Law. It is a concept in modern law that refers to the restoration of property or rights to their rightful owner.

What is the concept of 'Dharmashastra' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Religious law

  2. Moral law

  3. Legal code

  4. Social law

Correct Option: A

Dharmashastra refers to religious law in Indian Philosophy of Law. It is a body of religious texts that provide guidance on moral and ethical conduct.

Which of the following is not a source of evidence in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Testimony of witnesses

  2. Documentary evidence

  3. Physical evidence

  4. Astrological predictions

Correct Option: D

Astrological predictions are not a source of evidence in Indian Philosophy of Law. They are considered to be unreliable and unscientific.

What is the concept of 'Nyaya-Vyavahara' in Indian Philosophy of Law?

  1. Legal procedure

  2. Legal rights

  3. Legal duties

  4. Legal remedies

Correct Option: A

Nyaya-Vyavahara refers to legal procedure in Indian Philosophy of Law. It encompasses the rules and processes for resolving disputes and administering justice.

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