Political Psychology of Social Movements and Activism

Description: Political Psychology of Social Movements and Activism
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Tags: political psychology social movements activism
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What is the primary focus of the political psychology of social movements and activism?

  1. Understanding the individual motivations and behaviors of activists.

  2. Analyzing the broader social, economic, and political factors that drive social movements.

  3. Examining the role of emotions, values, and beliefs in shaping collective action.

  4. Investigating the impact of social movements on political institutions and policies.

Correct Option: A

The political psychology of social movements and activism primarily focuses on understanding the psychological processes and factors that motivate individuals to participate in social movements and engage in activist behaviors.

Which theory emphasizes the role of emotions in motivating social movement participation?

  1. Social Identity Theory

  2. Resource Mobilization Theory

  3. Political Opportunity Theory

  4. Emotion-Based Theory of Collective Action

Correct Option: D

The Emotion-Based Theory of Collective Action posits that emotions, particularly anger, fear, and hope, play a crucial role in motivating individuals to participate in social movements.

What is the central tenet of Social Identity Theory in the context of social movements?

  1. Individuals' sense of belonging to a social group influences their behavior.

  2. Social movements provide opportunities for individuals to express their grievances.

  3. Political opportunities shape the success or failure of social movements.

  4. Emotions are the primary motivators for social movement participation.

Correct Option: A

Social Identity Theory suggests that individuals' sense of belonging to a social group, and their identification with that group's goals and values, influences their behavior, including their participation in social movements.

According to Resource Mobilization Theory, what is a key factor in the success of social movements?

  1. The availability of financial resources

  2. The presence of charismatic leaders

  3. Widespread public support

  4. Favorable political conditions

Correct Option: A

Resource Mobilization Theory emphasizes the importance of financial resources in enabling social movements to organize, mobilize, and sustain their activities.

Political Opportunity Theory suggests that social movements are more likely to emerge and succeed when:

  1. Political institutions are responsive and inclusive.

  2. Political elites are supportive of social change.

  3. There is widespread public apathy towards political issues.

  4. Political opportunities are limited or constrained.

Correct Option: D

Political Opportunity Theory argues that social movements are more likely to arise and gain momentum when political opportunities are limited or constrained, creating a sense of urgency and motivating individuals to mobilize for change.

What is the concept of 'frame alignment' in the context of social movements?

  1. The ability of a movement to effectively communicate its message to the public.

  2. The process of building alliances and coalitions with other social groups.

  3. The alignment of individual motivations with collective goals within a movement.

  4. The convergence of different social movements around a common cause.

Correct Option: A

Frame alignment refers to the ability of a social movement to effectively communicate its message and goals to the public in a way that resonates with their values and concerns, thereby gaining support and legitimacy.

Which psychological factor is often associated with the persistence of social movements despite setbacks and challenges?

  1. Collective efficacy

  2. Political cynicism

  3. Social alienation

  4. Economic deprivation

Correct Option: A

Collective efficacy refers to the shared belief among movement participants that they can collectively achieve their goals through concerted action, even in the face of obstacles and setbacks.

What is the term used to describe the process by which individuals become involved in social movements?

  1. Socialization

  2. Recruitment

  3. Mobilization

  4. Radicalization

Correct Option: B

Recruitment refers to the process by which individuals are brought into a social movement, often through personal connections, social networks, or targeted outreach efforts.

According to Social Identity Theory, what is a key factor that influences individuals' participation in social movements?

  1. Perceived injustice or grievance

  2. Economic self-interest

  3. Charismatic leadership

  4. Group identification and solidarity

Correct Option: D

Social Identity Theory emphasizes the role of group identification and solidarity in motivating individuals to participate in social movements, as they seek to defend or promote the interests of their social group.

What is the term used to describe the process by which social movements influence public policy and decision-making?

  1. Political lobbying

  2. Grassroots organizing

  3. Policy advocacy

  4. Electoral mobilization

Correct Option: C

Policy advocacy refers to the efforts of social movements to influence public policy and decision-making by engaging with policymakers, lobbying for specific policies, and raising public awareness about issues.

Which psychological factor is often associated with the emergence of social movements?

  1. Relative deprivation

  2. Political efficacy

  3. Social trust

  4. Collective identity

Correct Option: A

Relative deprivation refers to the perception that one's social or economic status is unfairly disadvantaged compared to others, which can lead to feelings of injustice and motivate individuals to engage in collective action.

What is the term used to describe the process by which social movements mobilize resources and support to achieve their goals?

  1. Resource mobilization

  2. Political lobbying

  3. Grassroots organizing

  4. Electoral mobilization

Correct Option: A

Resource mobilization refers to the process by which social movements acquire and allocate resources, such as financial support, volunteers, and expertise, to carry out their activities and achieve their goals.

According to Political Opportunity Theory, what is a key factor that shapes the success or failure of social movements?

  1. The availability of financial resources

  2. The presence of charismatic leaders

  3. Widespread public support

  4. Favorable political conditions

Correct Option: D

Political Opportunity Theory suggests that social movements are more likely to succeed when political conditions are favorable, such as when there is a receptive political climate, weak or divided opposition, and opportunities for policy change.

What is the term used to describe the process by which social movements build support and legitimacy among the general public?

  1. Public relations

  2. Grassroots organizing

  3. Media advocacy

  4. Electoral mobilization

Correct Option: A

Public relations refers to the efforts of social movements to communicate their message and goals to the general public, build support, and shape public opinion in their favor.

Which psychological factor is often associated with the decline or demise of social movements?

  1. Burnout

  2. Complacency

  3. Free riding

  4. Radicalization

Correct Option: A

Burnout refers to the emotional and physical exhaustion experienced by activists and movement participants, which can lead to decreased motivation, reduced participation, and ultimately the decline of the movement.

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