First Five-Year Plan (1951-56)

Description: This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about the First Five-Year Plan (1951-56), which was the first of a series of five-year plans implemented by the Government of India to achieve rapid economic growth and social development.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: indian economics economic planning five-year plans first five-year plan
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What was the primary objective of the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. To achieve rapid industrialization

  2. To increase agricultural production

  3. To improve infrastructure

  4. To reduce poverty and unemployment

Correct Option: B

The First Five-Year Plan focused on increasing agricultural production to ensure food security and reduce dependence on imports.

Which sector received the highest allocation of funds under the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Agriculture and irrigation

  2. Industry and mining

  3. Transport and communications

  4. Social services

Correct Option: A

Agriculture and irrigation received the highest allocation of funds, reflecting the government's priority to address food shortages and improve agricultural productivity.

Which major irrigation project was initiated during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Bhakra Nangal Dam

  2. Hirakud Dam

  3. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam

  4. Tungabhadra Dam

Correct Option: A

The Bhakra Nangal Dam project was a significant achievement of the First Five-Year Plan, providing irrigation and hydroelectric power to the northern states of India.

What was the target growth rate set for the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. 2.1%

  2. 3.5%

  3. 5.0%

  4. 7.0%

Correct Option: A

The First Five-Year Plan aimed for a modest growth rate of 2.1%, which was considered achievable given the limited resources and infrastructure at the time.

Which institution was established to oversee the implementation of the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Planning Commission

  2. National Development Council

  3. Reserve Bank of India

  4. Ministry of Finance

Correct Option: A

The Planning Commission was established in 1950 to formulate and oversee the implementation of five-year plans in India.

Which state achieved the highest growth rate during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Punjab

  2. Madhya Pradesh

  3. Uttar Pradesh

  4. West Bengal

Correct Option: A

Punjab achieved the highest growth rate of 11.1% during the First Five-Year Plan due to its focus on agricultural development and irrigation projects.

What was the contribution of the First Five-Year Plan to India's Gross National Product (GNP)?

  1. 10%

  2. 15%

  3. 20%

  4. 25%

Correct Option: B

The First Five-Year Plan contributed approximately 15% to India's GNP, indicating a significant increase in economic output.

Which industry experienced rapid growth during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Textiles

  2. Steel

  3. Cement

  4. Automobile

Correct Option: A

The textiles industry experienced rapid growth during the First Five-Year Plan due to increased demand for cotton and jute products.

What was the impact of the First Five-Year Plan on India's foreign exchange reserves?

  1. Increased significantly

  2. Decreased significantly

  3. Remained stable

  4. Fluctuated widely

Correct Option: B

The First Five-Year Plan led to a significant decrease in India's foreign exchange reserves due to the import of capital goods and machinery.

Which social welfare program was introduced during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

  2. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

  3. Integrated Child Development Services

  4. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Correct Option: C

The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program was introduced during the First Five-Year Plan to provide nutrition, healthcare, and early childhood education to children.

What was the role of the private sector in the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Played a dominant role

  2. Played a significant role

  3. Played a limited role

  4. Played no role

Correct Option: C

The private sector played a limited role in the First Five-Year Plan as the government focused on public sector industries and infrastructure development.

Which international organization provided financial assistance to India during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. World Bank

  2. International Monetary Fund

  3. United Nations Development Program

  4. Asian Development Bank

Correct Option: A

The World Bank provided financial assistance to India during the First Five-Year Plan to support various development projects.

What was the impact of the First Five-Year Plan on India's balance of payments?

  1. Improved significantly

  2. Worsened significantly

  3. Remained stable

  4. Fluctuated widely

Correct Option: B

The First Five-Year Plan led to a significant worsening of India's balance of payments due to increased imports and limited exports.

Which sector experienced the lowest growth rate during the First Five-Year Plan?

  1. Agriculture

  2. Industry

  3. Services

  4. Mining

Correct Option: D

The mining sector experienced the lowest growth rate during the First Five-Year Plan due to limited investment and technological constraints.

What was the overall impact of the First Five-Year Plan on the Indian economy?

  1. Accelerated economic growth

  2. Reduced poverty and unemployment

  3. Improved infrastructure and social welfare

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The First Five-Year Plan had a positive impact on the Indian economy by accelerating economic growth, reducing poverty and unemployment, and improving infrastructure and social welfare.

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