Divine Beings and Figures

Description: Test your knowledge about Divine Beings and Figures from various cultures and religions.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: religion spirituality divine beings mythology legends
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In Greek mythology, who is the god of the underworld?

  1. Zeus

  2. Hades

  3. Poseidon

  4. Apollo

Correct Option: B

Hades is the Greek god of the underworld, the realm of the dead.

In Hinduism, who is the supreme god?

  1. Brahma

  2. Vishnu

  3. Shiva

  4. Lakshmi

Correct Option: A

Brahma is the Hindu god of creation and one of the three main deities of the Hindu Trinity.

In Christianity, who is the son of God?

  1. Jesus Christ

  2. Moses

  3. Abraham

  4. David

Correct Option: A

Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity, believed to be the son of God and the savior of humanity.

In Buddhism, who is the founder and central figure?

  1. Buddha

  2. Confucius

  3. Laozi

  4. Muhammad

Correct Option: A

Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is the founder and central figure of Buddhism.

In Islam, who is the prophet and messenger of God?

  1. Muhammad

  2. Abraham

  3. Moses

  4. Jesus

Correct Option: A

Muhammad is the prophet and messenger of God in Islam, considered the final prophet in the Abrahamic religions.

In Norse mythology, who is the god of thunder?

  1. Thor

  2. Odin

  3. Loki

  4. Freya

Correct Option: A

Thor is the Norse god of thunder, strength, and protection.

In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the sun?

  1. Ra

  2. Osiris

  3. Anubis

  4. Horus

Correct Option: A

Ra is the Egyptian god of the sun, often depicted as a man with a falcon head.

In Chinese mythology, who is the goddess of the moon?

  1. Chang'e

  2. Nuwa

  3. Houtu

  4. Mazu

Correct Option: A

Chang'e is the Chinese goddess of the moon, associated with immortality and the lunar cycle.

In Japanese mythology, who is the goddess of the sun?

  1. Amaterasu

  2. Inari

  3. Susanoo

  4. Izanagi

Correct Option: A

Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun, often considered the most important deity in the Shinto pantheon.

In Aztec mythology, who is the god of rain and agriculture?

  1. Tlaloc

  2. Huitzilopochtli

  3. Quetzalcoatl

  4. Xolotl

Correct Option: A

Tlaloc is the Aztec god of rain and agriculture, often depicted with a mask and a headdress adorned with seashells.

In Mayan mythology, who is the god of death and the underworld?

  1. Ah Puch

  2. Kukulkan

  3. Itzamna

  4. Hunab Ku

Correct Option: A

Ah Puch is the Mayan god of death and the underworld, often depicted as a skeleton or a decaying corpse.

In Inca mythology, who is the creator god and the sun god?

  1. Viracocha

  2. Inti

  3. Pachamama

  4. Mama Quilla

Correct Option: A

Viracocha is the Inca creator god and the sun god, often considered the most important deity in the Inca pantheon.

In Native American mythology, who is the creator god and the sky father?

  1. Great Spirit

  2. Manitou

  3. Coyote

  4. Raven

Correct Option: A

Great Spirit is the creator god and the sky father in many Native American mythologies, often associated with the concept of a universal force or energy.

In African mythology, who is the god of thunder and lightning?

  1. Shango

  2. Ogun

  3. Orisha

  4. Anansi

Correct Option: A

Shango is the African god of thunder and lightning, often depicted as a powerful and unpredictable deity.

In Aboriginal Australian mythology, who is the creator goddess and the mother of all living things?

  1. Bunjil

  2. Baiame

  3. Daramulun

  4. Narelle

Correct Option: A

Bunjil is the creator goddess and the mother of all living things in Aboriginal Australian mythology, often associated with the eagle or the wedge-tailed eagle.

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