New Classical Economics and Monetary Policy

Description: This quiz will test your understanding of New Classical Economics and Monetary Policy.
Number of Questions: 14
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Tags: economics economic policy new classical economics monetary policy
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What is the main assumption of New Classical Economics?

  1. Individuals are rational and make decisions based on perfect information.

  2. The economy is always at full employment.

  3. Prices are flexible and adjust quickly to changes in supply and demand.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

New Classical Economics is based on the assumption that individuals are rational and make decisions based on perfect information, that the economy is always at full employment, and that prices are flexible and adjust quickly to changes in supply and demand.

What is the role of monetary policy in New Classical Economics?

  1. To stabilize the economy and prevent inflation.

  2. To promote economic growth.

  3. To redistribute income.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: D

In New Classical Economics, monetary policy is not seen as an effective tool for stabilizing the economy or promoting economic growth. This is because it is assumed that the economy is always at full employment and that prices are flexible, so any attempt to use monetary policy to change the level of output or employment will be ineffective.

What is the main criticism of New Classical Economics?

  1. It is based on unrealistic assumptions.

  2. It does not take into account the role of uncertainty.

  3. It is too focused on the long run.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

New Classical Economics has been criticized for being based on unrealistic assumptions, for not taking into account the role of uncertainty, and for being too focused on the long run.

What is the New Classical view of the Phillips curve?

  1. It is a vertical line at the natural rate of unemployment.

  2. It is a downward-sloping line.

  3. It is an upward-sloping line.

  4. It is a horizontal line.

Correct Option: A

The New Classical view of the Phillips curve is that it is a vertical line at the natural rate of unemployment. This means that there is no trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the long run.

What is the New Classical explanation for the Great Depression?

  1. It was caused by a monetary contraction.

  2. It was caused by a supply shock.

  3. It was caused by a combination of monetary contraction and supply shock.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: C

The New Classical explanation for the Great Depression is that it was caused by a combination of monetary contraction and supply shock. The monetary contraction was caused by the Federal Reserve's decision to raise interest rates in 1929, and the supply shock was caused by the collapse of the stock market in 1929.

What is the New Classical view of the role of government in the economy?

  1. Government should intervene in the economy to stabilize it.

  2. Government should promote economic growth.

  3. Government should redistribute income.

  4. Government should do none of these things.

Correct Option: D

The New Classical view of the role of government in the economy is that government should do none of these things. This is because it is assumed that the economy is self-correcting and that any attempt by government to intervene will only make things worse.

What is the New Classical view of the relationship between money and prices?

  1. Money is neutral in the long run.

  2. Money is non-neutral in the long run.

  3. Money is neutral in the short run but non-neutral in the long run.

  4. Money is non-neutral in the short run but neutral in the long run.

Correct Option: A

The New Classical view of the relationship between money and prices is that money is neutral in the long run. This means that an increase in the money supply will not lead to a permanent increase in the price level.

What is the New Classical view of the role of expectations in the economy?

  1. Expectations are rational and forward-looking.

  2. Expectations are irrational and backward-looking.

  3. Expectations are a mixture of rational and irrational elements.

  4. Expectations are irrelevant.

Correct Option: A

The New Classical view of the role of expectations in the economy is that expectations are rational and forward-looking. This means that individuals form their expectations about the future based on all available information and that they use these expectations to make decisions.

What is the New Classical view of the business cycle?

  1. The business cycle is caused by real shocks.

  2. The business cycle is caused by monetary shocks.

  3. The business cycle is caused by a combination of real and monetary shocks.

  4. The business cycle is caused by irrational expectations.

Correct Option: C

The New Classical view of the business cycle is that it is caused by a combination of real and monetary shocks. Real shocks are shocks to the supply side of the economy, such as a natural disaster or a technological change. Monetary shocks are shocks to the demand side of the economy, such as a change in interest rates or a change in the money supply.

What is the New Classical view of the effectiveness of monetary policy?

  1. Monetary policy is effective in stabilizing the economy.

  2. Monetary policy is effective in promoting economic growth.

  3. Monetary policy is effective in redistributing income.

  4. Monetary policy is not effective in any of these things.

Correct Option: D

The New Classical view of the effectiveness of monetary policy is that it is not effective in any of these things. This is because it is assumed that the economy is self-correcting and that any attempt by the government to intervene will only make things worse.

What is the New Classical view of the role of fiscal policy in the economy?

  1. Fiscal policy is effective in stabilizing the economy.

  2. Fiscal policy is effective in promoting economic growth.

  3. Fiscal policy is effective in redistributing income.

  4. Fiscal policy is not effective in any of these things.

Correct Option: D

The New Classical view of the role of fiscal policy in the economy is that it is not effective in any of these things. This is because it is assumed that the economy is self-correcting and that any attempt by the government to intervene will only make things worse.

What is the New Classical view of the relationship between inflation and unemployment?

  1. There is a trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the short run.

  2. There is a trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the long run.

  3. There is no trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the short run or the long run.

  4. The relationship between inflation and unemployment is indeterminate.

Correct Option: C

The New Classical view of the relationship between inflation and unemployment is that there is no trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the short run or the long run. This is because it is assumed that the economy is self-correcting and that any attempt by the government to intervene will only make things worse.

What is the New Classical view of the role of central banks in the economy?

  1. Central banks should focus on stabilizing the economy.

  2. Central banks should focus on promoting economic growth.

  3. Central banks should focus on redistributing income.

  4. Central banks should do none of these things.

Correct Option: D

The New Classical view of the role of central banks in the economy is that central banks should do none of these things. This is because it is assumed that the economy is self-correcting and that any attempt by the government to intervene will only make things worse.

What is the New Classical view of the role of government in the financial system?

  1. Government should regulate the financial system to prevent crises.

  2. Government should provide financial assistance to banks in times of crisis.

  3. Government should nationalize banks in times of crisis.

  4. Government should do none of these things.

Correct Option: D

The New Classical view of the role of government in the financial system is that government should do none of these things. This is because it is assumed that the financial system is self-correcting and that any attempt by the government to intervene will only make things worse.

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