Deductive Arguments and Validity

Description: This quiz covers the topic of Deductive Arguments and Validity in Logic.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: deductive arguments validity logic
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Which of the following is an example of a deductively valid argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: B

A deductively valid argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. In the given argument, the premises "All dogs are mammals" and "All mammals are animals" logically imply the conclusion "All dogs are animals".

Which of the following is an example of a deductively invalid argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: A

A deductively invalid argument is one in which the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises. In the given argument, the premises "All dogs are mammals" and "Some mammals are cats" do not logically imply the conclusion "Some cats are dogs".

Which of the following is a necessary condition for a deductive argument to be valid?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option: C

For a deductive argument to be valid, the premises must be relevant to the conclusion. This means that the premises must provide evidence or support for the conclusion.

Which of the following is a sufficient condition for a deductive argument to be valid?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option: D

A deductive argument is valid if it is in a standard logical form, such as a syllogism or a conditional argument. This means that the argument has a specific structure that guarantees the conclusion follows from the premises.

What is the difference between a deductive argument and an inductive argument?

  1. Deductive arguments are based on evidence, while inductive arguments are based on logic.

  2. Deductive arguments are always valid, while inductive arguments are sometimes valid.

  3. Deductive arguments are about the past, while inductive arguments are about the future.

  4. Deductive arguments are used to prove something, while inductive arguments are used to explain something.

Correct Option: B

The main difference between a deductive argument and an inductive argument is that a deductive argument is always valid, while an inductive argument is sometimes valid. This means that in a deductive argument, the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises, while in an inductive argument, the conclusion is only probably true.

Which of the following is an example of a deductive argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: B

A deductive argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. In the given argument, the premises "All dogs are mammals" and "All mammals are animals" logically imply the conclusion "All dogs are animals".

Which of the following is an example of an inductive argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: C

An inductive argument is one in which the conclusion is only probably true. In the given argument, the premises "Some dogs are black" and "All black things are evil" do not logically imply the conclusion "Some dogs are evil".

Which of the following is a necessary condition for a deductive argument to be sound?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option: A

For a deductive argument to be sound, the premises must be true. This means that the premises must accurately represent the facts of the situation.

Which of the following is a sufficient condition for a deductive argument to be sound?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option:

A deductive argument is sound if it is both valid and has true premises. This means that the argument must have a structure that guarantees the conclusion follows from the premises, and the premises must accurately represent the facts of the situation.

What is the difference between a deductive fallacy and a deductive argument?

  1. A deductive fallacy is an argument that is always valid, while a deductive argument is sometimes valid.

  2. A deductive fallacy is an argument that is based on evidence, while a deductive argument is based on logic.

  3. A deductive fallacy is an argument that has true premises, while a deductive argument has false premises.

  4. A deductive fallacy is an argument that is in a standard logical form, while a deductive argument is not in a standard logical form.

Correct Option:

The main difference between a deductive fallacy and a deductive argument is that a deductive fallacy is not valid, while a deductive argument is valid. This means that in a deductive fallacy, the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises, while in a deductive argument, the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises.

Which of the following is an example of a deductive fallacy?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: C

A deductive fallacy is an argument that is not valid. In the given argument, the premises "Some dogs are black" and "All black things are evil" do not logically imply the conclusion "Some dogs are evil".

Which of the following is an example of a deductive argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: B

A deductive argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. In the given argument, the premises "All dogs are mammals" and "All mammals are animals" logically imply the conclusion "All dogs are animals".

Which of the following is an example of an inductive argument?

  1. All dogs are mammals. Some mammals are cats. Therefore, some cats are dogs.

  2. All dogs are mammals. All mammals are animals. Therefore, all dogs are animals.

  3. Some dogs are black. All black things are evil. Therefore, some dogs are evil.

  4. All cats are furry. Some furry things are dogs. Therefore, some dogs are cats.

Correct Option: C

An inductive argument is one in which the conclusion is only probably true. In the given argument, the premises "Some dogs are black" and "All black things are evil" do not logically imply the conclusion "Some dogs are evil".

Which of the following is a necessary condition for a deductive argument to be sound?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option: A

For a deductive argument to be sound, the premises must be true. This means that the premises must accurately represent the facts of the situation.

Which of the following is a sufficient condition for a deductive argument to be sound?

  1. The premises must be true.

  2. The conclusion must be true.

  3. The premises must be relevant to the conclusion.

  4. The argument must be in a standard logical form.

Correct Option:

A deductive argument is sound if it is both valid and has true premises. This means that the argument must have a structure that guarantees the conclusion follows from the premises, and the premises must accurately represent the facts of the situation.

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