Religious Tales

Description: This quiz consists of questions related to Religious Tales from Indian Literature.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: indian literature indian folk tales religious tales
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In the Hindu epic Ramayana, who is the antagonist?

  1. Ravana

  2. Indrajit

  3. Kumbhakarna

  4. Vibhishana

Correct Option: A

Ravana is the antagonist in the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is the king of Lanka and abducts Rama's wife, Sita.

In the Sikh holy book Guru Granth Sahib, what is the name of the first hymn?

  1. Japji Sahib

  2. Asa Di Var

  3. Tav Prasad Swaye

  4. Sidh Gosht

Correct Option: A

Japji Sahib is the first hymn in the Sikh holy book Guru Granth Sahib. It is a morning prayer that is recited by Sikhs every day.

In the Buddhist text Dhammapada, what is the name of the verse that teaches the importance of non-attachment?

  1. Verse 220

  2. Verse 221

  3. Verse 222

  4. Verse 223

Correct Option: A

Verse 220 of the Dhammapada teaches the importance of non-attachment. It states, "He who clings to nothing, who has no desires, who is free from attachments, he is the one who is truly free."

In the Islamic holy book Quran, what is the name of the chapter that discusses the importance of charity?

  1. Al-Baqara

  2. Al-Imran

  3. An-Nisa

  4. Al-Maidah

Correct Option: A

Al-Baqara is the chapter in the Quran that discusses the importance of charity. It states, "And spend in charity out of the wealth which We have bestowed on you, before death comes to one of you and he says, 'My Lord, why did You not respite me for a little while so that I could give charity and be among the righteous?'"

In the Jewish holy book Torah, what is the name of the commandment that prohibits idolatry?

  1. The First Commandment

  2. The Second Commandment

  3. The Third Commandment

  4. The Fourth Commandment

Correct Option: A

The First Commandment in the Torah prohibits idolatry. It states, "You shall have no other gods before Me."

In the Christian holy book Bible, what is the name of the parable that teaches the importance of forgiveness?

  1. The Parable of the Prodigal Son

  2. The Parable of the Good Samaritan

  3. The Parable of the Mustard Seed

  4. The Parable of the Sower

Correct Option: A

The Parable of the Prodigal Son teaches the importance of forgiveness. It tells the story of a son who leaves his father's house and squanders his inheritance. When he returns home, his father forgives him and welcomes him back.

In the Baha'i holy book Kitab-i-Aqdas, what is the name of the law that prohibits the consumption of alcohol?

  1. The Law of Prohibition

  2. The Law of Abstinence

  3. The Law of Temperance

  4. The Law of Moderation

Correct Option: A

The Law of Prohibition in the Kitab-i-Aqdas prohibits the consumption of alcohol. It states, "It is forbidden to drink wine or any intoxicating beverage."

In the Jain holy book Tattvartha Sutra, what is the name of the principle that teaches the importance of non-violence?

  1. Ahimsa

  2. Aparigraha

  3. Satya

  4. Asteya

Correct Option: A

Ahimsa is the principle in the Tattvartha Sutra that teaches the importance of non-violence. It states, "Do not injure any living being."

In the Zoroastrian holy book Avesta, what is the name of the god who represents wisdom and knowledge?

  1. Ahura Mazda

  2. Mithra

  3. Anahita

  4. Haoma

Correct Option: A

Ahura Mazda is the god in the Avesta who represents wisdom and knowledge. He is the creator of the universe and the source of all good.

In the Shinto holy book Kojiki, what is the name of the goddess who is the ancestress of the Japanese imperial family?

  1. Amaterasu

  2. Tsukuyomi

  3. Susanoo

  4. Izanagi

Correct Option: A

Amaterasu is the goddess in the Kojiki who is the ancestress of the Japanese imperial family. She is the goddess of the sun and the most important deity in the Shinto pantheon.

In the Taoist holy book Tao Te Ching, what is the name of the principle that teaches the importance of non-action?

  1. Wu wei

  2. Ziran

  3. Yinyang

  4. Taiji

Correct Option: A

Wu wei is the principle in the Tao Te Ching that teaches the importance of non-action. It states, "Do nothing and everything will be done."

In the Confucian holy book Analects, what is the name of the virtue that emphasizes the importance of respect for elders?

  1. Ren

  2. Yi

  3. Li

  4. Zhi

Correct Option: C

Li is the virtue in the Analects that emphasizes the importance of respect for elders. It includes proper behavior, etiquette, and social norms.

In the Sikh holy book Guru Granth Sahib, what is the name of the hymn that teaches the importance of humility?

  1. Asa Di Var

  2. Japji Sahib

  3. Tav Prasad Swaye

  4. Sidh Gosht

Correct Option: A

Asa Di Var is the hymn in the Guru Granth Sahib that teaches the importance of humility. It is a morning prayer that is recited by Sikhs every day.

In the Buddhist text Dhammapada, what is the name of the verse that teaches the importance of mindfulness?

  1. Verse 190

  2. Verse 191

  3. Verse 192

  4. Verse 193

Correct Option: A

Verse 190 of the Dhammapada teaches the importance of mindfulness. It states, "He who is mindful, who always keeps watch over his body, who is diligent, and who subdues his senses, he will find the path to Nibbana."

In the Islamic holy book Quran, what is the name of the chapter that discusses the importance of patience?

  1. Al-Baqara

  2. Al-Imran

  3. An-Nisa

  4. Al-Maidah

Correct Option: A

Al-Baqara is the chapter in the Quran that discusses the importance of patience. It states, "And be patient, for Allah is with the patient."

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