Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Collisions: GW170817

Description: Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Collisions: GW170817
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Tags: gravitational waves neutron stars general relativity
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What is the name of the gravitational wave event that was detected on August 17, 2017?

  1. GW150914

  2. GW170817

  3. GW190521

  4. GW200114

Correct Option: B

GW170817 is the name of the gravitational wave event that was detected on August 17, 2017.

What type of objects were involved in the GW170817 event?

  1. Black holes

  2. Neutron stars

  3. White dwarfs

  4. Supernovae

Correct Option: B

The GW170817 event was caused by the collision of two neutron stars.

Where was the GW170817 event located?

  1. Andromeda Galaxy

  2. Milky Way Galaxy

  3. Large Magellanic Cloud

  4. Small Magellanic Cloud

Correct Option:

The GW170817 event was located in the galaxy NGC 4993, which is about 130 million light-years away from Earth.

What was the mass of the two neutron stars involved in the GW170817 event?

  1. 1.4 solar masses and 2.6 solar masses

  2. 1.1 solar masses and 1.6 solar masses

  3. 0.9 solar masses and 1.3 solar masses

  4. 0.7 solar masses and 1.0 solar masses

Correct Option: A

The mass of the two neutron stars involved in the GW170817 event was 1.4 solar masses and 2.6 solar masses.

How long did the GW170817 event last?

  1. 0.1 seconds

  2. 1 second

  3. 10 seconds

  4. 100 seconds

Correct Option: A

The GW170817 event lasted for about 0.1 seconds.

What was the distance between the two neutron stars when they collided?

  1. 100 kilometers

  2. 1,000 kilometers

  3. 10,000 kilometers

  4. 100,000 kilometers

Correct Option: A

The distance between the two neutron stars when they collided was about 100 kilometers.

What was the speed of the two neutron stars when they collided?

  1. 0.1 times the speed of light

  2. 0.5 times the speed of light

  3. 0.9 times the speed of light

  4. 0.99 times the speed of light

Correct Option: D

The speed of the two neutron stars when they collided was about 0.99 times the speed of light.

What was the energy released in the GW170817 event?

  1. 10^47 joules

  2. 10^50 joules

  3. 10^53 joules

  4. 10^56 joules

Correct Option: C

The energy released in the GW170817 event was about 10^53 joules.

What was the gravitational wave strain produced by the GW170817 event?

  1. 10^-22

  2. 10^-21

  3. 10^-20

  4. 10^-19

Correct Option: B

The gravitational wave strain produced by the GW170817 event was about 10^-21.

What was the frequency of the gravitational waves produced by the GW170817 event?

  1. 10 hertz

  2. 100 hertz

  3. 1,000 hertz

  4. 10,000 hertz

Correct Option: B

The frequency of the gravitational waves produced by the GW170817 event was about 100 hertz.

What was the wavelength of the gravitational waves produced by the GW170817 event?

  1. 10 kilometers

  2. 100 kilometers

  3. 1,000 kilometers

  4. 10,000 kilometers

Correct Option:

The wavelength of the gravitational waves produced by the GW170817 event was about 3,000 kilometers.

What was the name of the telescope that observed the optical counterpart to the GW170817 event?

  1. Hubble Space Telescope

  2. Chandra X-ray Observatory

  3. Spitzer Space Telescope

  4. Kepler Space Telescope

Correct Option: A

The Hubble Space Telescope observed the optical counterpart to the GW170817 event.

What was the name of the element that was detected in the optical counterpart to the GW170817 event?

  1. Hydrogen

  2. Helium

  3. Carbon

  4. Oxygen

Correct Option:

A kilonova, which is a type of supernova, was detected in the optical counterpart to the GW170817 event.

What was the name of the element that was detected in the gamma-ray counterpart to the GW170817 event?

  1. Gold

  2. Platinum

  3. Uranium

  4. Plutonium

Correct Option: A

Gold was detected in the gamma-ray counterpart to the GW170817 event.

What was the significance of the GW170817 event?

  1. It was the first direct detection of gravitational waves.

  2. It was the first detection of gravitational waves from a neutron star collision.

  3. It was the first detection of gravitational waves from a kilonova.

  4. It was the first detection of gravitational waves from a gamma-ray burst.

Correct Option: B

The GW170817 event was the first detection of gravitational waves from a neutron star collision.

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