Religion and Social Justice

Description: This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about the relationship between religion and social justice. It covers various aspects of how religious beliefs and practices have influenced social justice movements and initiatives throughout history.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: religion social justice religious history social movements ethics
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Which religious tradition emphasizes the principle of 'ahimsa' or non-violence as a core tenet?

  1. Hinduism

  2. Buddhism

  3. Christianity

  4. Islam

Correct Option: A

Ahimsa is a central concept in Hinduism, emphasizing the importance of non-violence and compassion towards all living beings.

The concept of 'Jubilee' in the Hebrew Bible refers to a periodic redistribution of wealth and land, aiming to promote what social justice principle?

  1. Equality

  2. Charity

  3. Restitution

  4. Liberation

Correct Option: A

The Jubilee year in ancient Israel was intended to restore economic equality and social justice by canceling debts and redistributing land.

The teachings of which religious leader inspired the nonviolent civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States?

  1. Jesus Christ

  2. Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Nelson Mandela

  4. Martin Luther King Jr.

Correct Option: A

The nonviolent resistance and teachings of Jesus Christ, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, served as a significant inspiration for Martin Luther King Jr.'s civil rights activism.

The concept of 'zakat' in Islam is a form of what type of religious obligation?

  1. Prayer

  2. Fasting

  3. Charity

  4. Pilgrimage

Correct Option: C

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and requires Muslims to donate a portion of their wealth to those in need, promoting social solidarity and economic justice.

Which religious movement emerged in the 19th century, advocating for social justice and equality through nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience?

  1. Quakers

  2. Unitarians

  3. Transcendentalists

  4. Abolitionists

Correct Option: D

The Abolitionist movement in the 19th century fought against slavery and racial injustice, employing nonviolent strategies and civil disobedience.

The concept of 'metta' or loving-kindness is a central teaching in which religious tradition?

  1. Buddhism

  2. Hinduism

  3. Christianity

  4. Judaism

Correct Option: A

Metta, or loving-kindness, is a core principle in Buddhism, emphasizing the cultivation of compassion and goodwill towards all beings.

Which religious text contains the teachings of Jesus Christ, including the Sermon on the Mount, which emphasizes love, forgiveness, and social justice?

  1. The Quran

  2. The Vedas

  3. The Bible

  4. The Bhagavad Gita

Correct Option: C

The Bible, particularly the New Testament, contains the teachings of Jesus Christ, including the Sermon on the Mount, which expounds on ethical and social justice principles.

The concept of 'dharma' in Hinduism encompasses what range of meanings?

  1. Religious duty

  2. Moral order

  3. Cosmic law

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Dharma in Hinduism encompasses religious duty, moral order, and cosmic law, guiding individuals and society towards righteous conduct and social harmony.

Which religious leader advocated for nonviolent resistance against oppression and injustice, inspiring movements such as the Salt March in India?

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Martin Luther King Jr.

  3. Nelson Mandela

  4. Desmond Tutu

Correct Option: A

Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience played a pivotal role in India's independence movement and inspired similar movements worldwide.

The concept of 'tikkun olam' in Judaism refers to what ethical imperative?

  1. Repairing the world

  2. Seeking justice

  3. Promoting peace

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Tikkun olam in Judaism encompasses repairing the world, seeking justice, and promoting peace, emphasizing the responsibility of individuals to work towards a more just and harmonious society.

Which religious tradition emphasizes the importance of social equality and the rejection of caste-based discrimination?

  1. Buddhism

  2. Hinduism

  3. Sikhism

  4. Jainism

Correct Option: C

Sikhism, founded by Guru Nanak, strongly emphasizes social equality and rejects caste-based discrimination, promoting unity and brotherhood among all individuals.

The concept of 'agape' in Christianity refers to what type of love?

  1. Romantic love

  2. Platonic love

  3. Unconditional love

  4. Self-love

Correct Option: C

Agape in Christianity represents unconditional love, extending beyond personal relationships to encompass love for all humanity and even enemies.

Which religious text contains the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, including guidance on social justice, equality, and compassion?

  1. The Quran

  2. The Vedas

  3. The Bible

  4. The Bhagavad Gita

Correct Option: A

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, providing guidance on social justice, equality, compassion, and other ethical principles.

The concept of 'karma' in Hinduism and Buddhism refers to what principle?

  1. Reincarnation

  2. Cause and effect

  3. Moral accountability

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Karma encompasses reincarnation, cause and effect, and moral accountability, emphasizing the interconnectedness of actions and their consequences.

Which religious leader advocated for the equality of all people, regardless of race, gender, or social status, and condemned slavery and oppression?

  1. Jesus Christ

  2. Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Martin Luther King Jr.

  4. Nelson Mandela

Correct Option: A

Jesus Christ's teachings emphasized the equality and inherent worth of all individuals, condemning slavery and oppression and promoting love and compassion towards all.

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