Producer's equilibrium - class-XII

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 ______ refers to the situation when aggregate supply falls short of aggregate demand corresponding to full employment level of output in the economy.

  1. Deficient Demand

  2. Excess Demand

  3. Inflationary Gap

  4. Deflationary gap

Correct Option: C

Inflationary gap is the excess of aggregate demand over and above its level required to maintain full employment equilibrium in the economy. It implies two things-
1) Planned aggregate demand in the economy happens to exceed its full employment level.
2) The level of aggregate demand surpasses the level of aggregate supply even when the available factors are fully utilized.

Inflationary gap exists when aggregate demand is greater than aggregate supply.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Inflationary gap exists when Aggregate Demand is greater than Aggregate Supply at full employment.

Deficient Demand indicates __________________.

  1. Under employment equilibrium

  2. Over Full employment equilibrium

  3. Full employment equilibrium

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Deficient demand refers to the situation when aggregate demand is short of aggregate supply corresponding to full employment level in the economy. Aggregate supply being perfectly elastic, it converges with aggregate demand at a lower level of output lower than the full employment level of output in the economy. This is a situation of underemployment equilibrium.

Equilibrium price is determined at the interaction point of demand curve and supply curve.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The law of demand states ______ relation between demand and price.

  1. a direct

  2. an inverse

  3. no

  4. positive

Correct Option: B

The market for hand tools (Such as hammers and screwdrivers) is dominated by Draper, Stanley, and Craftsman. This market is best described as

  1. Monopolistically competitive

  2. a monopoly

  3. an oligopoly

  4. perfectly competitive

Correct Option: C

Consumer stops purchasing the additional units of the commodity when ______________________.

  1. marginal utility starts declining

  2. marginal utility become zero

  3. marginal utility is equal to marginal utility of money

  4. total utility is increasing

Correct Option: B

Marginal utility of a commodity dependson its quantity and is_______.

  1. inversely proportional to its quantity

  2. not proportional to its quantity

  3. independent of its quantity

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

The point of intersection between aggregate demand curve and aggregate supply curve is called _________________.

  1. aggregate demand

  2. market demand

  3. effective demand

  4. demand

Correct Option: C

Aggregate supply refers to the desired level of output in the economy during an accounting year. It is through this output only that the producer sector generates income. 

Aggregate Demand refers to the desired level of expenditure in the economy during an accounting year. It is what people wish to spend on the purchase of goods and services during an accounting year.

Therefore, the point of  intersection between aggregate demand curve and aggregate supply curve is called effective demand as at this point all the output produced in the economy is used by the consumers of the economy owing to full employment. 

Marginal Productivity Theory is based on the assumption of ___________________.

  1. perfect competition

  2. monopoly

  3. oligopoly

  4. monopsony

Correct Option: A

Marginal productivity theory is the _______________ theory of distribution.

  1. primary

  2. general

  3. central

  4. secondary

Correct Option: B

When average cost production (AC) falls, marginal cost of production must be _________.

  1. rising

  2. falling

  3. greater than the average cost

  4. less than the average cost

Correct Option: D

Effective demand depends on ______.

  1. capital-output ratio

  2. output-capital ratio

  3. total expenditure

  4. supply price

Correct Option: D

Effective demand depends on supply price. Effective demand refers to that point where aggrgate demand is equal to aggregate supply. Therefore, supply price and demand price are independent.

When demand curve shifts to the right, the ________. 

  1. equilibrium quantity and price increase

  2. equilibrium quantity and price decrease

  3. equilibrium quantity increases and price decreases

  4. equilibrium quantity decreases and price increases

Correct Option: A

When demand curve shifts to the right, What happens to the new equilibrium?

  1. Higher than original

  2. Lower than original

  3. Same as original

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

When the price of petrol goes up, demand for cars will _____ . 

  1. rise

  2. fall

  3. not changes

  4. remain unchanged

Correct Option: B

In the case of unitary elastic demand, the total outlay of the consumer before the price change and after the price change will ______ . 

  1. become more

  2. become less

  3. remain the same

  4. fluctuate

Correct Option: C

In the case of unitary elastic demand, the total outlay of the consumer before the price change and after the price change will remain the same. This is a hypothetical case as there is no real life examples for the same. 

The life saving medicines have inelastic demand. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Life saving medicines have inelastic demand. By inelastic we mean when the price changes that consumer buying habit remains the same. The consumer will not reduce the consumption of a life saving drug is the price increase and vice versa. 

Government expenditure increases aggregate demand.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True.  Government expenditure increases Aggregate demand. Its one of the components to determine demand. Aggregate demand takes into account all the expenditure incurred in the country during the year. Government spending can be in the form of welfare, pension etc which increases the purchasing power of the people thereby increasing demand. 

If the demand is less than unitary elastic , the total outlay of the consumers will change in the opposite direction of change in price.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

False. If the demand is less than unitary elastic, the total outlay of the consumers will change in the same direction of change in price. In this case when the total expenditure rises with a rise in price and decreases with a fall in price elasticity will be less than 1.  

A firm total cost is not dependent upon which of the following?

  1. Maximum retail price of the final produt

  2. Taxes

  3. Input output ratio

  4. Cost of inputs

Correct Option: A

As per Total Revenue less Total Cost (TR - TC) approach of looking at the producer's equilibrium, which of the following condition is necessary for producer's equilibrium?

  1. The difference between TR and TC is maximum

  2. Profits falls if one more unit of output is produced

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. Either (A) or (B)

Correct Option: C

As per Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost (MR and MC) approach of looking at the producer's equilibrium, which of the following condition is necessary for producer's equilibrium?

  1. MR = MC

  2. MC cuts the MR curve from below

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. Either (A) or (B)

Correct Option: C

Producer's equilibrium refers to the level of output of a commodity that gives the ________ to the producer of that commodity.

  1. normal profit

  2. average profit

  3. maximum loss

  4. maximum profit

Correct Option: D

A monopolist is able to maximize his profits when _________________.

  1. His output is maximum

  2. He charges a high price

  3. His average cost is minimum

  4. His marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue

Correct Option: D

A monopolist is able to maximize his profits when his marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue. The profit-maximizing choice for the monopoly will be to produce at the quantity where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost: that is, MR = MC.

Marginal Revenue is equal to:

  1. The change in price divided by the change in output.

  2. The change in quantity divided by the change in price.

  3. The change in P x Q due to a one unit change in output.

  4. Price, but only if the firm is a price searcher.

Correct Option: C

Marginal revenue refers to the change in revenue or additional revenue which a firm earns on selling a unit more of its output. IT is the change in Revenue= Price x Quantity.

Assume that when price is Rs. 20, quantity demanded is 9 units, and when price is Rs. 19, quantity demanded is 10 units. Based on this information, what is the marginal revenue resulting from an increase in output from 9 units to 10 units?

  1. Rs. 20

  2. Rs. 19

  3. Rs. 10

  4. Rs. 1

Correct Option: C

$\displaystyle MR =\frac {Change\, in\,TR}{Change \,in\, output}$
$\displaystyle =\frac{(10 \times 19) - (20 \times 9)}{10 - 9} = Rs.\, 10$

With a given supply curve, a decrease in demand causes -

  1. An overall decrease in price but an increase in equilibrium quantity.

  2. An overall increase in price but a decrease in equilibrium quantity.

  3. An overall decrease in price and a decrease in equilibrium quantity.

  4. No change in overall price but a reduction in equilibrium quantity.

Correct Option: C

An increase in demand causes the equilibrium price to rise. On the other hand, a decrease in demand causes the equilibrium price to fall. An increase in supply causes the equilibrium price to fall, while a decrease in supply causes the equilibrium price to rise

If the marginal (additional) opportunity cost is a constant then the PPC would be __________.

  1. Convex

  2. Straight line

  3. Backward bending

  4. Concave

Correct Option: B

The basic behavioural principle which apply to all market conditions ________.

  1. a firm should produce only if its TR > TVC

  2. a firm should produce at a level where its MC = MR

  3. MC curve cuts the MR curve from below.

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

In every market a firm should produce either if they are earning profits or if they are able to cover up total variable cost, i.e. if total revenue is greater than total variable cost.

The firm achieves equilibrium where the marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost and the marginal cost curve cuts the marginal revenue curve from below.

If a monopolist sets her output such that marginal revenue, marginal cost and average tool cost are equal, economic profit must be:

  1. Negative

  2. Positive

  3. Zero

  4. Indeterminate from the given information

Correct Option: B

The efficient level of output can be achieved under perfect competition as _______________.

  1. government regulates the output level that must be produced

  2. firms earn only normal profit in the long run

  3. firms can earn an economic profit in the long run

  4. price equals marginal cost

Correct Option: D

According to "marginal revenue marginal cost approach" approach, a monopoly firm attains equilibrium when _______.

  1. MC = MR

  2. MC curve must cut MR curve from below

  3. AR < MC

  4. both (A) and (B)

Correct Option: D

For profit to be maximized the difference between MR and MC should be zero. If MR > MC it is profitable to increase production and when MR < MC it is profitable to decrease production. And the MC curve should intersect the MR curve from below for maximising profit in absolute terms. (Higher output will lead to larger total revenue).

In the table below that will be equilibrium market price?

Price (Rs.) Demand (tonnes per annum) Supply (tonnes per annum)
12345678 1,000900800700600500400300 4005006007008009001,0001,100
  1. Rs. 2

  2. Rs. 3

  3. Rs. 4

  4. Rs. 5

Correct Option: C

Equilibrium market price is a point where the demand equals the supply for a particular commodity. Hence, in the given illustration, demand (700) is equal to supply (700) at Rs.4. Hence, it is equilibrium market price.

If the supply of bottled water decreases, the equilibrium price ___________ and the equilibrium quantity ___________.

  1. Increases; decreases

  2. Decreases; increases

  3. Decreases; decreases

  4. Increases; increases

Correct Option: A

If demand decreases and supply increases then equilibrium quantity could go up, down, or stay the same, and equilibrium price will go down. If demand decreases and supply decreases then equilibrium quantity goes down, and the equilibrium price could go up, down, or stay the same

Which of the following would not, of itself, cause a shift of the demand curve for a product?

  1. A change in consumers preference

  2. A change in consumer income

  3. A change in the price of the product

  4. A change in the price of related products

Correct Option: C

A change in the price of the product leads to movement along the demand curve and not a shift in the demand curve.

Equilibrium level of output for the pure monopolist is where _________.

  1. $MR=MC$

  2. $MR>MC$

  3. $MR< MC$

  4. $P< AC$

Correct Option: A

Under monopoly form of market, TR is maximum when __________.

  1. MR is zero

  2. MR is maximum.

  3. $MR > 0$

  4. $MR < 0$

Correct Option: A

When does a firm maximize its profit in an imperfect competition?

  1. $MR > MC$

  2. $MR < MC$

  3. $MR=MC$

  4. $MR+MC=0$

Correct Option: C

An increase in demand while supply remains unchanged causes equilibrium price and quantity to ________.

  1. decrease

  2. increase

  3. rise initially and then fall

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

An increase in demand while the supply remains unchanged causes equilibrium price and quantity to increase. Due to increase in demand the quantity demanded will increase this will thereby increase competition in the market which will leaf to increase in price of the product. hence, when the price increases demand decreases to reach to equilibrium and new equilibrium quantity and price will be derived. 

Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue the competitive firm can maximize its profit in _________.

  1. the long run

  2. the short run

  3. the market period

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Using total revenue and total cost curves, the level of output that gives maximum profits will be one where ___________.

  1. TR and TC curves intersect

  2. where the gap between TR and TC is maximum and TR curve lies below TC curve

  3. where the gap between TR and TC is maximum and TR curve lies above TC curve

  4. can't be determined

Correct Option: C
Producer's equilibrium is a situation of 'revenue maximisation'.
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Producer's equilibrium refers to a situation of profit maximization.
It is only when (a) MR = MC, and (b) MC is rising, these two conditions are satisfied, then a 
producer will reach the point of his equilibrium and maximizing his profit.

A produce strikes his equilibrium when the difference between $TR$ and $TC$ is maximised.
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A producer strikes his equilibrium when he produces that amount of output at which the difference between total revenue and total cost is maximum. This is because, $\text{Net profit} = TR - TC$.

The producer strikes his equilibrium only when $MP$ is diminishing.
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A producer strikes his equilibrium only when $MP$ is diminishing, where the $MC$ is simultaneously rising. The producer stops production when rising $MC$ matches with falling $MR$. Beyond this point, rising $MC$ would exceed $MR$, causing loss of profit.

In finding equilibrium position of a profit maximising firm, which technique is most convenient ___________.

  1. total revenue and total cost technique

  2. marginal revenue and marginal cost technique

  3. demand and supply technique

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

A circumstance in which it might pay a monopolist to cut the price of his product is where _________.

  1. MC is falling

  2. MR is greater than MC

  3. his advertising costs are increasing

  4. average costs seem about to fall

Correct Option: B

The entrepreneur coordinates all the other three factors (land, labour and capital) of production.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
$TR > TC$ is a situation of ________.
  1. normal profit

  2. rising profits

  3. abnormal profits

  4. falling profits

Correct Option: C

$M p = f (y)$ is denoted for ____________________.

  1. Transactionary motive

  2. Precautionary motive

  3. Speculative motive

  4. demand for money

Correct Option: B

What are the kinds/types of Profits?

  1. Monopoly Profit.

  2. Windfall Profit.

  3. Profit as functional reward.

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

According to American economist Frank.H.Knight. To him, profit is the reward for uncertainty bearing.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Dynamic Theory of Profit was propounded by ______________ in 1900.

  1. Keynes

  2. Alfred Marshall

  3. J.B.Clark

  4. Robbins

Correct Option: C

Innovation theory of profit was propounded by ________________.

  1. Jacob Viner

  2. Joesph. A.Schumpeter

  3. F.B Hawley

  4. Alfred Marshall

Correct Option: B

______________ is the net income of the organizer.

  1. Wage

  2. Profit

  3. Interest

  4. Rent

Correct Option: B

______________ is the profit earned by the firm because of its monopoly control.

  1. Oligopolist profit

  2. Monopoly profit

  3. Monopsony profit

  4. Excess profit

Correct Option: B

The precautionary motive relates to the desire of the people to hold cash to meet unexpected or unforeseen expenditures.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Risk bearing theory of profit was propounded by the American economist F.B.Hawley in __________.

  1. $1900$

  2. $1908$

  3. $1907$

  4. $1850$

Correct Option: C

According to _____________, there are three motives for liquidity preference. 

  1. Robbins

  2. Marshall

  3. Keynes

  4. Viner

Correct Option: C

According to Keynes, there are ____________ motives for liquidity preference. 

  1. five

  2. three

  3. two

  4. eight

Correct Option: B

In a long run equilibrium of a competitive firm ___________.

  1. $AR < AC$

  2. $AR > AC$

  3. $AC > AR$

  4. $AR = LRAC$

Correct Option: C

In a long run equilibrium of a competitive firm _______________.

  1. fixed cost vanishes

  2. Average fixed cost curve vanishes

  3. Average total cost are present

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In the long run, there is enough time for the Firm to cover its Losses and earn Normal Profits. This is because in the long run, all inputs are-

  1. Identical

  2. Homogeneous

  3. Variable

  4. Fixed

Correct Option: C

Time element was conceived by _________.

  1. Adam Smith

  2. Alfred Marshall

  3. Pigou

  4. Lionel Robinson

Correct Option: B

Time element was propounded by Alfred Marshall with respect to price discrimination. He said that demand and supply and the price all these factors should be managed by the seller perfectly on time to earn huge profits. Hence, time element was conceived by Alfred Marshall.

If the firm increases its output even after $MR = MC$ and an equilibrium is struck, then:
  1. $MR$ becomes greater than $MC$

  2. $MC$ becomes greater than $MR$

  3. $MR$ stays equal to $MC$

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B
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