Proper use of articles - class-V

Description: proper use of articles
Number of Questions: 74
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Tags: articles english
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Fill in the blank using an appropriate article:

Who is ______ Doctor Johnson?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before proper nouns. 'Doctor Johnson' is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill with a suitable article:

If you're looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend ______ Harrison's.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. 'Harrison's' is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article.

The following sentence refers to two separate coats.
I have a blue and red coat.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The statement is false because the sentence refers to only one coat that is blue and red in colour. When we use adjectives to modify two different nouns, we will use an article before each adjective. Therefore, if we were referring to two separate coats, the sentence would be:
I have a blue and a red coat.

P : His letter for admission to engineering institute, which was received yesterday, has gone missing.
Q : The bouquet of flowers, which was ordered yesterday, has just arrived.

Which of the above statements is/are gramatically correct?

  1. Both right

  2. Both wrong

  3. Only P right

  4. Only Q right

Correct Option: D

P is wrong. We require 'the' before 'engineering institute' since we are referring to a specific one. So, only Q is right, which is option D. 

Use an appropriate article where necessary:

There is no life on ___ Mars.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns and those nouns which are referred to in a general sense. 'Mars' is a proper noun and here, we are referring to it in a general sense. Therefore, the correct option is: D) no article. 

Fill the blank with a suitable article:

When the fire alarm rang, there was ____ total chaos.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before uncountable /abstract nouns used in a general sense. 'Chaos' is an abstract noun and is used in a general sense here. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill the blank with an appropriate article where necessary:

It's very difficult to find _____ work at the moment.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns used in a general sense. 'Work' is an abstract noun and is used in a general in the sentence given. Therefore, the correct option is: no article.

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:

We had ______ very good weather while we were on holiday.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before uncountable / abstract nouns used in a general sense. (Good) Weather is an abstract noun used in a general sense in the given sentence. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Insert an appropriate article if necessary:

We were very unfortunate. We had ______ bad luck.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before uncountable / abstract nouns used in a general sense. (Bad) Luck is an abstract noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Use an appropriate article where necessary:

I know a lot of people. Most of them are _______ students.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. 'Students' is a countable plural, common noun which is used in a general sense here. Therefore, the correct option is: No article. 

Insert an appropriate article:

Do you enjoy going to ______ concerts?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before uncountable and abstract nouns or plural countable nouns used in a general sense. Here, 'concerts' is a plural countable noun used in a general sense. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:
Those are _____ nice shoes. Where did you get them?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. 'Shoes' is a plural countable noun and is used in a general sense in this sentenceTherefore, the correct option is: no article.

Insert appropriate articles where necessary:

Do you collect ______ stamps?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before countable plural nouns used in a general sense. Here 'stamps' is a countable plural noun used in a general sense. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Insert appropriate articles:

There's ___ small supermarket at ____ end of _____ street on which I live.

  1. a ; an ; an

  2. a ; the ; the

  3. a ; a ; a

  4. an ; the ; a

Correct Option: B

We are referring to a small supermarket in general. So, we need to use an indefinite article here. Since 'small' begins with a consonant sound, we should use 'a'. 

'The' is used before specific or unique places / things. Here, 'end' is specific because there is only one end and 'street' is the specific one on which the speaker lives. 
Therefore, the correct option is: a ... the ..... the. 

Fill appropriate articles where necessary:

A: What did you have for              breakfast this morning?
B: Nothing. I never eat              breakfast.

  1. no article ; no article 

  2. no article ; a 

  3. a ; no article 

  4. the ; the 

Correct Option: A

No article is used before names of meals. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Choose an appropriate article to fill in the blank:

Have you had _____ dinner yet?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before the names of meals. Therefore, the correct option is: no article.

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:

I'm afraid of _____ dogs.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense as 'dogs' in the given sentence. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill using a suitable article where necessary:

______ apples are good for you.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. Here, "apples" are being spoken about in general and not any apple in particular. Therefore, the correct option is: No article. 

Insert an appropriate article:

What causes _____ aggression?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Aggression' is an abstract noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:
____ life is strange sometimes. You never know what is going to happen next. 
  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Life' is an abstract noun. Hence, it won't be preceded by an article. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:
One of our biggest social problems is ____ unemployment.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Unemployment' is an abstract noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

I saw _____ bears in Yellowstone National Park.
  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. 'Bears' is a plural countable noun and is used in a general sense here. Therefore the correct option is: No article. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:

Do you know ______ Professor Brown's phone number?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before proper nouns. Professor Brown is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

______ Hyde Park is a very large park in central London.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. Hyde Park is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: No article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

We flew to New York from ______ Gatwick Airport near London.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. Gatwick Airport is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank using a suitable article:

Another park in central London is ______ St James' Park.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. St. James' Park is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill with suitable articles:

John works for              IBM now. He used to work for              British Telecom.

  1. the ; the

  2. a ; a

  3. no article ; no article

  4. the ; no article

Correct Option: C

No article is used before most proper nouns. IBM and British Telecom are both proper nouns. Therefore, the suitable option is: no article ; no article. 

Select a suitable article to fill in the blank:

This book is published by ______ Penguin Publisher. (Name of the Publisher)

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. No article

Correct Option: D
In the given sentence, the name of a publisher is given. The 'name' of any such noun requires no article to be used.
'A' and 'an' is used with singular and common nouns.
'The' is not used with a proper noun unless the noun contains a prepositional phrase.
Therefore, the correct option will be Option D, no article.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

When will the dinner be ready?

  1. When will a dinner be ready?

  2. When will an dinner be ready?

  3. When will dinner be ready?


Correct Option: C

Articles are not used before names of meals. Therefore, the correct option is: When will dinner be ready?

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

______ Mrs Smith, who introduced us last evening, is my aunt.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

'A' is an indefinite article used before a consonant sound. 'An' is an indefinite article used before a vowel sound. 'The' is a definite article used before definite / specific things / superlatives / etc. Proper nouns do not usually take articles. 'Mrs. Smith' is a proper noun so it will not be preceded by any article. Therefore, the correct option is D) No article.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

The laptops are provided to employees of the company.


  2. A laptops are provided to employees of the company.

  3. An laptops are provided to employees of the company.

  4. Laptops are provided to employees of the company.

Correct Option: D
'An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject. We use A/An with a singular countable noun.
We use 'A' with words starting with a consonant and 'An' with words starting with a vowel respectively.
'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
By reading all the options. we see Option B and C are grammatically incorrect. We don't use articles in front of names. Hence the given sentence requires correction and option D is correct.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
A demonstration is an act of showing by giving proof or ______ evidence.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D
Articles are part of speech, used to indicate nouns and to specify their application. Definite articles (the) limit the meaning of a noun to one particular  thing. Indefinite articles (a, an) are used when referring to a noun in a general sense 
The word  'evidence' is an uncountable noun. Sentences that refer to plurals or uncountable nouns do not require any article.
Thus, the correct answer is Option D and the other options are incorrect.

Fill in the blanks with the correct or no article(s):
_____ actor won _____ national award for his performance. (specific actor and specific award)

  1. The ; a

  2. The ; the

  3. An ; a

  4. An ; no article

Correct Option: B

Since in the question it is already mentioned that we are referring to a specific actor and a specific award, we have to use the definite article 'the' in both the blanks as it refers to, or introduces a particular and specific noun. Hence option B is the correct answer.

Option A is incorrect because as already mentioned, it is imperative that we use the definite article in both blanks, however, 'a' is an indefinite article thus making it incorrect.
Options C and D are incorrect because it includes the indefinite articles 'a' and 'an' that is used before singular nonspecific nouns. Since the nouns in question (actor and national award) are specific, using either of these options would be grammatically incorrect.

Fill in the blank with the correct or no article with the help of the hint in the bracket:
Robert owns _____ yellow and _____ blue bird. (any bird)

  1. a; a

  2. the; the

  3. a; no article

  4. a; the

Correct Option: C

If two nouns refer to the same person or thing, the article is used before the first noun only. But if the nouns refer to different persons or things, the article is used before each noun. SInce in the given statement, both the nouns yellow and blue refer to one bird the article will be used before the first noun only and no article will be used before the second. Also, the indefinite article 'a' should be used whenever noun is unspecific. Therefore, Option C is the correct answer. Since the nouns are not used to refer the two different birds, the indefinite article 'a' cannot be used before the second noun. Therefore, Option A is incorrect'The' cannot be used in when the nouns are being used in general, it is used with specified nouns only. Therefore, Option B and D are incorrect.

Fill in the blanks with the correct or no article:
I went to __ market to buy __ white shirt. (specific market and shirt)

  1. a; a

  2. the; the

  3. the; no article

  4. no article; the

Correct Option: B

The three articles in English are 'a', 'an', and 'the'. The rule is if the nouns refer to different things or persons, the article is used before each noun. 

Article 'the' is used while speaking of a particular person or thing. Here, market and shirt are the specific things thus, 'the' should be used. Both the nouns are different hence, 'the' should be used before each noun. 
Thus, option B is the correct answer. 

Fill in the blanks with the correct or no article(s) with the help of the hint in the brackets:
I saw ____ black and ____ gold painting in ____ museum, which was inspiring. (Two different paintings/MET in New York)

  1. the; a; the

  2. a; an; the

  3. a; the; a

  4. a; a; the

Correct Option: D

As per the rules of use of the indefinite article, the indefinite article is used in its original numerical sense of one i.e. to denote that there is a single unit of anything the indefinite article can be used to replace the use of number 'one'. Here since there are two paintings one black and one gold, the indefinite article 'a' or 'an' should be used before each noun in place of number one to denote a single unit of each.  ‘A’ is used for nouns the sound of which begins with a consonant. Since it is a specific museum, the definite article 'the' should be used before it. Therefore Option D is the correct answer. Since 'the' cannot be used in place of number one, it cannot be used for the paintings and 'a' cannot be used before any specified thing so it cannot be used before the museum in this sentence. Therefore, Option A, C, and D are incorrect.

Fill in the blanks with the correct or no article:
According to me, he is _ better actor than _ producer. (one person)

  1. the ; a

  2. a ; an

  3. a ; a

  4. the ; no article

Correct Option: C

There are three articles namely 'a', 'an' and 'the'.  'a', 'an' are stated as indefinite articles whereas 'the' is a definite article.

Option A - 'The better actor' is incorrect as the sentence describes the person in general and it is not a definite fact. 'A producer' is correct as the noun is singular. Thus option A is incorrect.
Option B - 'A better actor' is correct as the sentence describes the person in general and is a singular noun. 'An producer' is incorrect as 'producer' has a consonant sound. Thus option B is incorrect.

Option D - 'The better actor' is incorrect as the sentence describes the person in general and it is not a definite fact. We will put 'a' before 'producer' because it is a general fact and is a singular noun. Thus option D is incorrect.
Option C - 'A better actor' is correct as the sentence describes the person in general and is a singular noun.We will put 'a' before 'producer' because it is a general fact and is a singular noun. Thus option C is the correct answer.
'According to me, he is a better actor than a producer.'

Fill in the blank with a suitable article from the options given.
__________ rice is the staple food of South Indians.

  1. The

  2. A

  3. An

  4. No article

Correct Option: D
'An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject. 
Option D is correct as we usually don't use articles in front of names. Option C is incorrect as  'An' is used as the article for words with a vowel sound. Option A is incorrect as we usually don't use definite articles in front of names. Option B is incorrect as 'A rice' sounds illogical and wouldn't provide meaning to the sentence. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:
______ bravery is a virtue.

  1. The

  2. An

  3. A

  4. No article

Correct Option: D
An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject. 
Option D is correct as we usually don't use articles in front of an uncountable noun. Option B is incorrect as  'An' is used as the article for words with a vowel sound. Option A is incorrect as using the definite article won't suit the meaning of the sentence. Option C is incorrect as 'A bravery' sounds illogical and wouldn't provide meaning to the sentence. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Butterflies are ______ insects.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option D is correct as no article is required to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Option A is incorrect as 'A' as an article doesn't suit the blank as 'a insects' is wrong. Option B is incorrect as 'an insects' is incorrect. 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound.  'An insect' is grammatically correctOption C is incorrect as 'The' doesn't suit the meaning of the sentence. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
He is Mrs. Taylor's _______ husband.

  1. a

  2. no article

  3. the

  4. an

Correct Option: B

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option B is correct as no article is required to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Option A is incorrect as 'A' as an article doesn't suit the blank as 'a husband' implies any random husband. 'A' is used with singular countable noun. Option D is incorrect as 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound. An husband is incorrect. Option C is incorrect as 'The' indicates a particular husband mentioned previously in the passage. 

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
Peter is on _______ night duty. When I go to _______ bed, he goes to ______ work.

  1. the/no article/a

  2. no article/no article/no article

  3. a/a/a

  4. the/the/no article

  5. no article/the/a

Correct Option: B

The first blank refers to duty, the second to bed and the third one to work. Since work is an uncountable noun, no article will be used in the third blank.

Thus, A, C and E cannot be the answers.

Go to bed is a phrase used for sleeping, and thus no article will be used in the second blank.

Thus, D cannot be the answer.

B is the answer.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Many tourists visit ________ Turkey.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. an

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option D is correct as no article is required before a name. Option B is incorrect as 'The' isn't used before Proper nouns especially with names. Though there are exceptions like The USA, The UK which are correct .Option C is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound for a single countable noun which is random in nature. Option A is incorrect as 'A turkey' which means a bird doesn't go with the meaning of the sentence. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
It's _________ time for us to go home.

  1. no article

  2. a

  3. the

  4. an

Correct Option: A

  1. 'An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
 Option A is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Time is an uncountable noun. Option D is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound. Option C is incorrect as 'The time' doesn't carry out the meaning of the sentence. It means a particular point of time. Option B is incorrect as 'A time' implies any random point of time.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
This cake was made with ________ butter, so it should be good.

  1. a

  2. no article

  3. the

  4. an

Correct Option: B

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option B is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Butter is an uncountable noun. Option D is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound. Option C is incorrect as 'The butter' means particular butter that the readers are aware of. Option A is incorrect as 'A butter' implies any random single butter.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
They don't like _____ chocolate.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. No article

  4. an

Correct Option: C
  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option C is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence.  Chocolate is an uncountable noun. Option D is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound. Option B is incorrect as 'The chocolate' is illogical here as the readers are unaware of it. Option A is incorrect as 'A chocolate' implies any random single chocolate which doesn't go with the meaning of the sentence.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
I come to ______ school by _____ bus.

    • / the
  1. the / a

    • / *
  2. the / the

Correct Option: C

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
My father hates _________ hospitals.

  1. no article

  2. the

  3. a

  4. an

Correct Option: A

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option A is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence. It's speaking of hospitals in general. Option D is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound.  Option B is incorrect as 'The hospitals' is illogical here as they haven't been mentioned previously. The readers are unaware of them. Option C is incorrect as 'A' is used for a singular countable noun. 

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
________ Lake Oregon is __________ large lake.

  1. The / a

  2. No article / a

  3. A / a

  4. No article / no article

Correct Option: B

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option B is correct as 'no article' is used with names usually and as 'A' is used with singular countable noun that are random in nature and has a consonant sound. Option A is incorrect as 'The' refers to a particular subject of which the reader is aware of. Here the readers don't know of it. Option C is incorrect because 'A Lake Orgeon' sounds illogical to bring out the meaning of the sentenceOption D is incorrect as an article is required in the second blank to bring out the meaning of the sentence

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Mike wants to watch TV _________ tonight.

  1. no article

  2. a

  3. an

  4. the

Correct Option: A

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option A is correct as the blank requires no article to give meaning to the sentence. Option C is incorrect as 'An' is used with words having a vowel sound. 'An' is used with singular countable noun that are random in nature. Option D is incorrect because 'The' refers to a particular object of which the reader is aware of. Option B is incorrect because 'A' is used with words having a consonant sound. 'A' is used with singular countable noun that are random in nature. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Everything is fair in ________ love and _______ war.

  1. no article / the

  2. a / no article

  3. no article / no article

  4. the / the

Correct Option: C

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option C is correct because both the blanks don't require articles to provide meaning to the sentence. Option B is incorrect as 'A' is used for words with random nature. A love and war doesn't  provide the correct sense. Option A is incorrect as 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. The war doesn't fit here logically. It refers to a particular war. Option D is incorrect as 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. 

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
_________ abnormal behavior can be caused by _________ fear, but there are _________ other causes as well.

  1. no article / no article / no article

  2. An / no article / no article

  3. An / no article / the

  4. The / no article / the

Correct Option: A

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option A is correct because both the blanks don't require articles to provide meaning to the sentence. Option C is incorrect as 'The' is wrongly used to provide the sense to the sentence. 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. Option B is incorrect as 'An' is used for words with a random nature and it doesn't fit here logically tprovide sense to the sentence. Option D is incorrect as 'The' is wrongly used to provide the sense to the sentence. 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. 

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
__________ physical fitness can help you live longer, feel healthier and cope with _________ life's problems.

  1. The / no article

  2. no article / the

  3. A / no article

  4. no article / no article

Correct Option: D

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option D is correct because both the blanks don't require articles to provide meaning to the sentence. Option A is incorrect as 'The' is wrongly used to provide the sense to the sentence. 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. Option B is incorrect as The' is wrongly used to provide the sense to the sentence. 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware ofOption C is incorrect as 'A'  is used as an indefinite article for any random subject. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
Do you think that I could ever learn to speak ______ Japanese _______ way ________ Japanese speak it?

  1. _ / the / the

  2. the / the / the

  3. _ / _ / _

  4. _ / the / _

Correct Option: A
The articles 'the', 'an' and 'a' are mainly divided into definite and indefinite. 'The' is a definite article used when the noun is specific (or when the noun is made known to the speaker), whereas 'a' and 'an' are used when the noun is non specific.
We do not use articles in front of proper nouns. Since 'Japanese' is a proper noun (in the first case it refers to the language, the second time it refers to the people) we omit the article in the first blank.
When the proper noun refers to a group of people, like 'the Japanese' collectively refers to the citizens of Japan, we use the definite article 'the'.
Hence options B, C and D are wrong.
The noun 'way' is specific as it expresses a particular manner in which the Japanese speak.
Hence we use the definite article 'the' for 'way'.

As explained above, the right combination is present only in option A: _/the/the, which is the correct option.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
The two kinds of ______ dogs that I detest most are ______ snow dogs and ______ lap dogs.

  1. the / _ / _

  2. _ / the / the

  3. no article

  4. the / _ / the

Correct Option: C
The articles 'the', 'an' and 'a' are mainly divided into definite and indefinite. 'The' is a definite article used when the noun is specific (or when the noun is made known to the speaker), whereas 'a' and 'an' are used when the noun is non specific.
We omit the article before plural countable nouns that are spoken of in general sense.
In the given sentence, the nouns 'dogs', 'snow dogs' and 'lap dogs' are plural countable nouns that are spoken of in the general sense.
Hence we do not put an article in front of any of the nouns.
So, option C is the right answer and the other answers are wrong.

Fill in the blanks using appropriate articles:

There are two cars parked outside: _____ blue one and  __ grey one.  blue one belongs to my neighbour. I don't know who is  owner of __ grey one.

  1. a ; a ; The ; a ; a 

  2. a ; a ;The ; the ; the 

  3. a ; an ; The ; the ; the

  4. a ; a ;  The ; the ; a

Correct Option: B

The blue car and the grey car are mentioned for the first time in the first sentence and they're known only to the speaker at this point. They're indefinite things starting with a consonant sound, hence the article 'a' is used and 'the' isn't. In the second sentence, these nouns are mentioned for the second time, which is why 'the' is used and not 'a'. The noun 'owner' has not been mentioned before but is still specific, as there is only one owner of the gray car, hence the article 'the' is correct, and 'a' isn't. This makes the option B correct, having all the correct articles mentioned, and for the reasons mentioned above the other options are incorrect.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:
Though their father is from Russia, the children cannot speak Russian.

  1. Though their father is from Russia, the children cannot speak a Russian.

  2. Though their father is from Russia, the children cannot speak an Russian.

  3. Though their father is from Russia, the children cannot speak the Russian.


Correct Option: D

The article is omitted before the names of continents, countries, capes, cities, towns, days, months, arts, languages, sciences, some diseases, etc. Hence, the correct answer is C).

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

Children enjoy playing in the rain.

  1. The children enjoy playing in the rain.

  2. A children enjoy playing in the rain.

  3. An children enjoy playing in the rain.


Correct Option: A,D

The given statement can be taken as a general statement and can also be directed towards a particular group of children. Hence Option D is correct (we don't need an article when making general statements). Option A is correct because it refers to a particular group of children which further describes them by mentioning what they enjoy. Options B and C are incorrect because the articles in both of them are used for singular nouns.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:
The tea will be served when you return to the hotel.

  1. Tea will be served when you return to the hotel.

  2. A tea will be served when you return to the hotel.

  3. An tea will be served when you return to the hotel.


Correct Option: A

Before proper, material and abstract nouns used in a general sense, the article may be omitted. The noun 'tea' is used in a general sense in the given sentence. Hence, the correct answer is A.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:
He was studying the Japanese and Chinese.

  1. He was studying a Japanese and a Chinese.

  2. He was studying an Japanese and an Chinese.

  3. He was studying Japanese and Chinese.


Correct Option: C

The article is omitted before the names of continents, countries, capes, cities, towns, days, months, arts, languages, sciences, some diseases, etc. Hence, the correct answer is C).

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

The Europe has many lakes and castles.

  1. Europe has many the lakes and castles.

  2. An Europe has many lakes and castles.

  3. Europe has many lakes and castles.


Correct Option: C
'An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
We don't use articles in front of names. Thus in the given sentence 'the Europe' needs to be changed. But in option A 'the lakes' is wrong. Similarly in option B 'an Europe' is also wrong. Thus option C is correct.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

After he turned eighteen, he left the home to seek his fortune.


  2. After he turned eighteen, he left a home to seek his fortune.

  3. After he turned eighteen, he left an home to seek his fortune.

  4. After he turned eighteen, he left home to seek his fortune.

Correct Option: D

In some common expressions to do with place and time, generally countable nouns act like uncountable nouns and the article is omitted. 'Home' is where the speaker resides hence it does not need to be specified and the article is not used here. 'The' needs to be removed from the sentence hence option A is incorrect. Option D is correct as the sentence in the option has omitted the article 'the'. Options B and C include articles (a, an) used for non-specific nouns, 'home' is not a non-specific noun because it belongs to the speaker. Since we know that the home was his home, we can't use any of these articles, they're both incorrect.

Choose the option that best corrects the sentence:

Mrs Trent became an headmistress of the school last year.

  1. Mrs Trent became a headmistress of the school last year.

  2. Mrs Trent became the headmistress of the school last year.

  3. Mrs Trent became headmistress of the school last year.


Correct Option: C

A predicate noun is a noun that provides more information about the subject of the sentence, here 'headmistress' is a predicate noun for the subject "Mrs Trent". The article is omitted before predicate nouns that denote a unique position, there can be only one headmistress in a school. Hence the article is omitted from the sentence and option D is incorrect. Option C is the correct option as there's no article before 'headmistress'. Options A and B are incorrect because the article (a, the) is to be omitted from the statement.

Fill in the blank with the correct or no article:

He is an architect and _____ interior designer. 

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. No Article

Correct Option: B

There are three articles namely 'a', 'an' and 'the'.  'a', 'an' are stated as indefinite articles whereas 'the' is a definite article.

Option A - 'A' is used for a singular subject that starts with a consonant sound. 'Interior' starts with a vowel sound and hence we can't use 'a' here. Thus option A is incorrect.
Option C - 'The' is used with a singular as well as plural subject, only if the subject is definite. As he is one of the interior designers, the subject is indefinite. Thus option C is incorrect.

Option D - We usually use no article in case of uncountable nouns. Here, the noun is countable and hence we need an article. Thus option D is incorrect.
Option B - 'An' is used with a singular subject that starts with a vowel sound. As 'interior' starts with a vowel sound, we can use 'an' here. Thus option B is the correct answer.
'He is an architect and an interior designer.'

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable articles:
____ ice floats on ___ water.

  1. The, the

  2. An, a

  3. The, an

  4. No article, no article

Correct Option: D

The use of an article is omitted before names of substances (uncountable noun). Both the words, 'ice' and 'water' are substances which are uncountable nouns. Hence, no article is to be used before both the words. Option D is the correct answer

Options A, B and C are all incorrect as each of them indicates use of one article or the other for the uncountable nouns

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
The village of the King more has __________ post office and _____________ shop.

  1. Some / a

  2. Some / any

  3. A / a

  4. An / a

Correct Option: C

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option C is correct as 'A' as an article suits the blank as 'a post and a shop' implies any post office and any shop that is random in nature. 'A' is used with singular countable noun. Option A is incorrect because 'Some' used in the first blank doesn't suit the meaning of the sentence. Option B is incorrect as 'any shop' doesn't suit the meaning of the sentence. Option D is incorrect as 'an post office' is grammatically incorrect as 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
She ordered _______ fried chicken with _______ green salad and black coffee for _______ dessert.

  1. no article/no article/no article

  2. an/no article/no article

  3. an/the/no article

  4. no article/a/the

  5. a/an/the

Correct Option: A

OPTION "A" is the correct answer.
There are two types of articles: 
DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) : Article 'the' is used to refer to a DEFINITE thing or person.
INDEFINITE ARTICLE(A/AN): Article 'a/an' is used to refer to a thing or person in general. For instance: man, door etc.
Article 'a' is used with consonant sounds whereas article 'an' is used with vowel sounds. 
In the first blank, "no article" or "zero article" will be used because no article is used before meals' name ( fried chicken).
Similarly, In the second blank,  "no article" or "zero article" will be used because no article is used with food names ( green salad).
In the third blank,  "no article" or "zero article" will be used because no article is used before food names' (dessert).

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
_______ Penguins live in the South Pole.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. no article

  4. the

  5. some

Correct Option: C
OPTION "C" is the correct answer.
There are two types of articles: 
DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) : Article 'the' is used to refer to a DEFINITE thing or person.
INDEFINITE ARTICLE(A/AN): Article 'a/an' is used to refer to a thing or person in general. For instance: man, door etc.
Article 'a' is used with consonant sounds whereas article 'an' is used with vowel sounds. 
In the first blank, "no article" or "zero article" will be used as 'no article' is used to refer about general things. ( the speaker is making a general statement)

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
_______ doctor says ______ child must eat ________ apple _______ day.

  1. the/the/a/a

  2. a/a/the/a

  3. the/the/an/the

  4. a/a/an/a

  5. the/the/an/a

Correct Option: E
OPTION "E" is the correct answer.
There are two types of articles: 
DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) : Article 'the' is used to refer to a DEFINITE thing or person.
INDEFINITE ARTICLE(A/AN): Article 'a/an' is used to refer to a thing or person in general. For instance: man, door etc.
Article 'a' is used with consonant sounds whereas article 'an' is used with vowel sounds. 
In the FIRST Blank, article "the" will be used because article "the" is used to refer to a DEFINITE person (doctor).
Similarly, In the SECOND blank, article "the" will be used because 'THE' is used to refer to a DEFINITE person
In the THIRD Blank, article "an" will be used as the sentence is referring to something general. 
Similarly, In the FOURTH blank, article "a" will be used as the sentence is referring to something general. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
I was at _____ home all day yesterday.

  1. the

  2. No article

  3. an

  4. a

Correct Option: B
  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option B is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Option C is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound. Option A is incorrect as 'The home' is illogical here as the readers are unaware of it. Option D is incorrect as 'A home' implies any random single house.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Would you like _____ coffee or tea?

  1. no article

  2. the

  3. an

  4. a

Correct Option: A

There are certain sentences where articles are omitted. These include:

1. before uncountable and abstract nouns used in a general sense.
2. before plural countable nouns used in a general sense.
3. before names of countries, people, continents, cities, rivers and lakes.
4. before names of meals.
5. before names of languages
In this particular sentence, it is an uncountable abstract noun (coffee or tea). Thus, the blank would have no article.
Option A is correct. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Can you see those two men? They are ___________ policemen.

  1. no article

  2. the

  3. a

  4. an

Correct Option: A

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option A is correct as the blank requires no article to carry out the meaning of the sentence. Option D is incorrect because 'An' is used with a word having a vowel sound.  Option B is incorrect as 'The policemen' is illogical here as they haven't been mentioned previously as policemen. Option C is incorrect as 'A' is used for a singular countable noun. 

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
In _______ fog or rain, you should reduce ________ speed.

  1. the / no article

  2. no article / no article

  3. no article / a

  4. a / no article

Correct Option: B

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.

Option B is correct because both the blanks don't require articles to provide meaning to the sentence. Option C is incorrect as 'A' is used for words with random nature. A speed doesn't  provide the correct sense to the sentence. Option A is incorrect as 'The' refers to a particular subject & shows the uniqueness of the subjects of which the readers are aware of. The fog or rain doesn't fit here logically. It refers to a particular fog or rain. Option D is incorrect as 'Ais used with a word with a random nature. Though it may sound OK but 'in a fog or rain' doesn't provide the right sense.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
He always drinks _______ tea with _____ milk.

  1. the / no article

  2. no article / no article

  3. a / no article

  4. a / a

Correct Option: B

  1. An/A' is used as an indefinite article for a thing or person when the reader doesn't know which one we are referring to out of many nouns. It states the random nature of the subject.
  2. 'The' is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
 Option B is correct as no articles are required in the blanks to carry out the  meaning of the sentence. Option A is incorrect as 'The tea' refers to a particular type of tea which the reader is unaware of. Option D is incorrect because 'A' is used with singular countable noun. Milk an tea are both uncountable nouns. Option C is incorrect as 'A tea' is illogical here.

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