The great depression - class-X

Description: the great depression
Number of Questions: 39
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Tags: between the two world wars - the russian revolution and the great depression the world between two wars history
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Black Tuesday is a significant day in U.S. history because it marks the beginning of __________.

  1. U.S. involvement in World War II in 1941

  2. the Depression of 1929

  3. the atomic age with the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945

  4. World War I in 1914

  5. the great blackout in New York City in 1976

Correct Option: B

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late-1930s

The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt began with _________.

  1. A court-packing scheme

  2. An end to speculation in stocks an the stock market

  3. A decrease in unemployment

  4. The establishment of the Social Security system

  5. A bank holiday

Correct Option: E

The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt began with A bank holiday.

A philosophical basis of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was the _________.

  1. philosophy of Herbert Hoover

  2. practice of laissez-faire by the government

  3. combination of relief, recovery, and reform

  4. idea that wars end depression

  5. importance of gaining the approval of Congress before he established his programs

Correct Option: C

A philosophical basis of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was the combination of relief, recovery, and reform.

Which of the following statements best defines the economic term "depression"?

  1. A sharp drop in business activity along with rising unemployment

  2. A large influx of foreign capital

  3. An unpredicted increase in exports with a decline in imports

  4. A lowering of interest rates

  5. The laws of supply and demand

Correct Option: A

Depression is defined as a severe and prolonged recession. A recession is a situation of declining economic activity. Declining economic activity is characterized by falling output and employment levels. Generally, when an economy continues to suffer recession for two or more quarters, it is called depression.

Which statement best explains the trickle-down theory of economics?

  1. Government-sponsored lotteries give people a chance to get rich.

  2. Lowering the top income tax rates will spur economic growth.

  3. Government programs that hire the unemployed lower the poverty rates.

  4. Lowering the bottom income tax rates encour ages spending.

  5. Low-interest government loans spur economic growth.

Correct Option: B

Truman wanted to dismantle Japan's nuclear facilities.

Because of his belief that the New Deal had not accomplished its goals, Francis Townsend proposed a plan to __________.

  1. use nonviolent civil disobedience to oppose racial segregation

  2. send aid to antifascist groups in Europe

  3. force all "subversive" groups to register with the government

  4. ban women from working outside the home until all able-bodied men had work.

  5. provide a monthly stipend to everyone in the United States over 60 years old

Correct Option: E

 New Deal had not accomplished its goals, Francis Townsend proposed a plan to provide a monthly stipend to everyone in the United States over 60 years old.

When Herbert Hoover was elected as President in 1928, the U.S. economy appeared to be in a _________.

  1. Depression

  2. Recession

  3. Period of prosperity

  4. Recovery

  5. Bank crisis

Correct Option: C

When Herbert Hoover was elected as President in 1928, the U.S. economy appeared to be in a Period of prosperity.

One of the first actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after his inauguration in 1933 was to __________.

  1. declare a bank holiday

  2. establish the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  3. establish Social Security

  4. establish the National Recovery Administration

  5. pack the Supreme Court

Correct Option: A

One of the first actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after his inauguration in 1933 was to declare a bank holiday.

The phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick," originally referred to ___________.

  1. President Theodore Roosevelt's policy in regard to Latin America.

  2. President John F. Kennedy's policy in regard to Vietnam.

  3. President Andrew Jackson's policy in regard to Native American nations.

  4. President George H. W. Bush's policy in regard to Saudi Arabia.

  5. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's policy in regard to the Soviet Union.

Correct Option: A

The phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick," originally referred to President Theodore Roosevelt's policy in regard to Latin America.

All the following were New Deal programs EXCEPT:

  1. Civil Works Administration

  2. Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  3. National Labor Relations Act

  4. Farm Security Administration

  5. Federal Housing Administration

Correct Option: B

The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1936. It responded to needs for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression except for Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to pack the Supreme Court in 1937 because _______.

  1. the justices were too inexperienced to deal with the Great Depression.

  2. the court had declared some New Deal legislation unconstitutional.

  3. Roosevelt felt that Congress had become more powerful than the president.

  4. the court refused to allow the president to implement the Lend-Lease Act.

  5. the court had demonstrated liberal tendencies in interpreting the New Deal legislation.

Correct Option: B

Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to pack the Supreme Court in 1937 because the court had declared some New Deal legislation unconstitutional.

Herbert Hoover reacted to the Depression of 1929 by __________________.

  1. doing nothing.

  2. encouraging unions to organize.

  3. establishing extensive federal relief programs to meet the emergency.

  4. building Hoovervilles to shelter the homeless in all the large cities.

  5. providing loans to industry to restart production.

Correct Option: E

Frank Capra was a Depression-era film director whose artistic response to the Great Depression could best be described as ________________________.

  1. elaborate musicals, such as Gold Diggers of 1933, with lavish dance numbers and opulent sets, which suggested that better times were just around the corner.

  2. earnest films, such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, which suggested that the problems of the era could be solved by old-fashioned values rather than sweeping political or economic change.

  3. bright, animated films, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which offered Americans an escape from the drudgery of daily life.

  4. zany comedies, such as Duck Soup, which created an anarchic world that mocked authority at a time when traditional authorities seemed to be unable to provide answers to the day's problems.

  5. gritty gangster movies, such as The Public Enemy, which presented a lonely, often cruel world of urban decay and violence.

Correct Option: B

The nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as the presidential candidate for the "Bull Moose" party led to the election of which of the following presidents?

  1. William McKinley

  2. William Howard Taft

  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  4. Woodrow Wilson

  5. Calvin Coolidge

Correct Option: D

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an American statesman and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. A member of the Democratic Party, Wilson served as the president of Princeton University and as the 34th governor of New Jersey before winning the 1912 presidential election.

President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy initiatives included all of the following EXCEPT:

  1. securing the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty with Panama to build a canal through Panama.

  2. brokering a peace treaty between Russia and Japan.

  3. establishing a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine asserting a U.S. right to intervene in Latin American affairs.

  4. popularizing the expression "speak softly but carry a big stick" in regard to dealing with foreign nations.

  5. negotiating a treaty with Spain following the Spanish-American War.

Correct Option: E

As part of President Franklin Roosevelt's plan to fight the Great Depression, the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was passed to _____________.

  1. replace the New Deal farm price supports, which had been declared unconstitutional.

  2. help raise the prices of farm goods so that farmers could survive the Depression.

  3. provide new equipment so farmers could grow more crops.

  4. give loans to farmers who planted crops that were needed in cities.

  5. ensure that all farmers who wanted to relocate to more fertile land could move without difficulty.

Correct Option: B

As part of President Franklin Roosevelt's plan to fight the Great Depression, the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was passed to help raise the prices of farm goods so that farmers could survive the Depression.

The Square Deal domestic programs were established by ___________.

  1. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  2. James Garfield

  3. Grover Cleveland

  4. James K. Polk

  5. Theodore Roosevelt

Correct Option: E

Theodore Roosevelt established the Square Deal domestic programs in 1910. It aims to the conservation of natural resources, control of corporations and consumer protection.

"Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph---so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire."
The statement above was most likely made by which of the following?

  1. Woodrow Wilson

  2. Herbert Hoover

  3. Harry Truman

  4. Dwight D. Eisenhower

  5. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Correct Option: E

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, often referred to by his initials FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.

The End Poverty in California campaign and the Share the Wealth Society could best be described as ________________________.

  1. campaigns that argued the New Deal did not go far enough.

  2. local programs under the auspices of the New Deal.

  3. labor organizations formed by the Communist Party.

  4. conservative attacks on the "dictatorial" New Deal.

  5. women's organizations that thought male-dominated organizations did not understand the realities of poverty.

Correct Option: A

President Herbert Hoover took all of the following steps to meet the problems created by the Great Depression except _____________.

  1. providing federal funds for banks

  2. working with the Federal Farm Board to help farmers stabilize prices

  3. encouraging volunteerism

  4. meeting with business leaders to ask them not to reduce wages

  5. expanding the federal government to provide help for the needy

Correct Option: E

President Herbert Hoover took all of the following steps to meet the problems created by the Great Depression except expanding the federal government to provide help for the needy.

In order to facilitate the building of the Panama Canal. the U.S.

  1. Coerced France into giving up its claims on building the canal.

  2. Militarily conquered the Canal Zone in order to build the canal with no outside interference.

  3. Backed Panamanian independence from Colombia in order to get a better financial offer to build the canal.

  4. Was in a tight competition to finish building the canal before the English efforts to build a canal in Nicaragua succeeded.

  5. Declared that only countries that put money towards the building of the canal would get to use it.

Correct Option: A

Coerced France into giving up its claims on building the canal.

To  protect citizens  from  bank failures, what was established by Franklin  D. Roosevelt and Congress?

  1. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA).

  2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

  4. Social Security Administration.

  5. Federal Reserve System.

Correct Option: C

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent federal agency insuring deposits in U.S. banks and thrifts in the event of bank failures. The FDIC was created in 1933 to maintain public confidence and encourage stability in the financial system through the promotion of sound banking practices. As of 2018, the FDIC insures deposits up to $250,000 per depositor as long as the institution is a member firm. It is critical for consumers to confirm if their institution is FDIC insured.

The reason why President Franklin  D.  Roosevelt was  not a  strong  advocate of  civil  rights for African  Americans is because he __________________.

  1. Believed that the separation of the races was in the best interests of all concerned.

  2. Resented the fact that African Americans voted for the Republican Party in 1936.

  3. Believed the role of the federal government in society should be minimal.

  4. Believed that Progressive-era reformers had successfully addressed the problem of segregation.

  5. Feared losing the support of the Southern Democrats in Congress.

Correct Option: E

Which aspect of the New Deal is featured in this political cartoon?  

  1. FDR's introduction of his "Second" New Deal.

  2. The re-election of FDR to an unprecedented third term in office.

  3. The 1934 mid-term congressional elections.

  4. The "Court packing" Bill.

  5. The Supreme Court's rulings overturning New Deal legislation.

Correct Option: A

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 attempted to increase farm prices by __________. 

  1. Restricting farm production through voluntary cooperation by farmers

  2. Increasing farm production to meet growing demand

  3. Reducing farm production by paying farmers to plant fewer crops

  4. Lowering the tariffs to increase the sale of agricultural products abroad

  5. Teaching farmers industrial skills so that they could leave the land

Correct Option: C

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 attempted to increase farm prices by reducing farm production by paying farmers to plant fewer crops.

After his inauguration in 1933, one of the first actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to ________.

  1. Declare a bank holiday

  2. Establish the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  3. Establish Social Security

  4. Establish the National Recovery Administration

  5. Pack the Supreme Court

Correct Option: A

After his inauguration in 1933, one of the first actions taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to Declare a bank holiday.

A significant result of the 1936 presidential election was _____________.

  1. the Democrats lost control of the House but retained a majority in the Senate

  2. the South became solidly Democratic

  3. business leaders promised to support the new reforms of the Second New Deal

  4. African Americans became an essential part of the New Deal coalition

  5. Midwest farmers abandoned the Democratic Party because of Roosevelt's agricultural policy

Correct Option: D

A significant result of the 1936 presidential election was African Americans became an essential part of the New Deal coalition.

Start of the Great Depression
Which event triggered the Great Depression?

  1. The end of World War I

  2. The rice of fascism

  3. The collapse of the American stock market

  4. Rapid Japanese industrialism

  5. The onset of World War II

Correct Option: A

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs, which were designed to end the Great Depression, ___________.

  1. were overwhelmingly effective in ending unemployment

  2. had a limited effect on ending the Depression

  3. led the United States into World War II

  4. were strongly supported by the Supreme Court

  5. led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System

Correct Option: B

The main purpose of the Free Speech Movement of 1964 was to allow college students to support civil rights and political causes.had a limited effect on ending the Depression.

The result of New Deal policy was _______.

  1. U.S.A. once again became an economic power

  2. Friendship between U.S.A. and China improved

  3. America entered into World War II

  4. America lost its hold on Pearl Harbour

Correct Option: A

The New Deal was the set of federal programs launched by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after taking office in 1933, in response to the calamity of the Great Depression, and lasting until the American entry into the Second World War in 1942. In less than a decade, the New Deal changed the face of America and laid the foundation for success in World War II and the prosperity of the postwar era – the greatest and fairest epoch in American history. 

How did Western European governments initially respond to the Great Depression?

  1. Political parties were reorganized into single, national parties to tackle the problem with unified efforts

  2. Public works projects were immediately launched to counteract the negative economic effects

  3. Legislatures passed measures allowing for more open trade with reduced tariffs to stimulate the economy

  4. Conservative political measures were largely replaced by leftist socialist policies in most countries

  5. European holdings in Africa and Asia were decolonized to liberate spending for the home economies.

Correct Option: A

The difference between FDR and Herbert Hoover was _________.

  1. FDR believed in rugged individualism, while Herbert Hoover believed that the individual was capable of raising himself/herself above the Depression

  2. Herbert Hoover believed that the government and the people had a duty to help those suffering from the depression, while FDR believed in laissez-faire

  3. FDR supported the idea of "priming the pump" with government money to end the Depression, while Herbert Hoover believed in direct relief to the people suffering from the Depression

  4. Herbert Hoover believed in rugged individualism, while FDR believed in "priming the pump" with government funds to end the Depression

  5. FDR was willing to take control of legislation to end the Depression even without the support of Congress, while Herbert Hoover believed in expanding the powers of the presidency to deal with the Depression

Correct Option: D

he difference between FDR and Herbert Hoover was Herbert Hoover believed in rugged individualism, while FDR believed in "priming the pump" with government funds to end the Depression.

A major change brought about by Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal, 1933-1939, was the ______.

  1. Creation of machinery for maintaining full employment

  2. Transformation of a business-dominated society into a labor-dominated one

  3. Redistribution of population from urban centers to rural areas

  4. Development of new attitudes about the role and function of government

  5. Destruction of machine politics at the state and city levels

Correct Option: D

The idea was to develop new attitudes about the role of government.

Which of the following is the most important cause of the Great Agrarian Depression?

  1. Closure of banks

  2. Closure of factories

  3. Over production and fall of agricultural prices

  4. Crash ofstock market

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

 Mechanisation had reduced the need for labour. Production had expanded so rapidly during the war and post-war years that that there was a large surplus. Unsold stocks piled up, storehouses overflowed with grain, and vast amounts of corn and wheat were turned into animal feed. Wheat prices fell and export markets collapsed. This created the grounds for the Great Agrarian Depression of the 1930s that ruined wheat farmers everywhere.

After they drove west from the Dust Bowl seeking work in California, most farmers ________.

  1. Found good jobs and soon returned to prosperity

  2. Competed with thousands like themselves for poorly paid work

  3. Got arrested protesting unfair working conditions

  4. Crossed the border into Mexico to find work

  5. Petitioned the White House for help in fighting the growers' association

Correct Option: B

After they drove west from the Dust Bowl seeking work in California, most farmers competed with thousands like themselves for poorly paid work.

Who prided itself in escaping the impact of the Great Depression?

  1. USA

  2. USSR

  3. UK

  4. China

Correct Option: B

The USSR prided itself in escaping the impact of the Great Depression. USSR was able to escape the effect of the Depression because it was not integrated with the international market. Secondly, it had a planned economy in which the state decided what has to be produced and how much. This helped them to maintain a balance between demand and supply.

Herbert Hoover's idea of "rugged individualism" suggested that ___________.

  1. people were able to survive hard times through their inner strength and resources

  2. the government should give direct aid to the people in hard times

  3. all of the basic needs of the people are the sole responsibility of the government

  4. difficult times called for exceptional individuals to exercise power

  5. the government and the people are partners who must share equal responsibility for the well-being of the populace

Correct Option: A

Herbert Hoover's idea of "rugged individualism" suggested that people were able to survive hard times through their inner strength and resources.

To protect citizens from bank failures, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress established the _________.

  1. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

  2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

  4. Social Security Administration

  5. Federal Reserve System

Correct Option: C

To protect citizens from bank failures, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Roosevelt introduced the much needed ___________ system in the US.

  1. Feudal

  2. Capitalist

  3. Socialist

  4. Social Security

Correct Option: D

Roosevelt introduced the much needed social security system in the US. It established a permanent system of universal retirement pensions (Social Security), unemployment insurance, and welfare benefits for the handicapped and needy children in families without a father present. It established the framework for the U.S. welfare system.

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