Atp - class-XI

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Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
If a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, what will occur?

  1. Salts will move into the cell from the surrounding solution

  2. Water will move into the cell from the surrounding solution

  3. Salts will move out of the cell into the surrounding solution

  4. None of the above will occur

Correct Option: D
Two or more isotonic solutions are those that have the same osmotic pressure across a semipermeable membrane. When a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, there will be no or equal exchange of salts between them; hence, then cells will neither shrink nor burst and there will be no movement of salts between the cells and the surrounding solution.

So, the correct answer is 'None of the above will occur'.

During phloem transportation sugar is moved in form of sucrose in to the companion cells and them into the living phloem sieve tube cells by -

  1. Passive transport

  2. Active transport

  3. Facilitated diffusion

  4. Osmosis

Correct Option: A

Pholem is the food-conducting tissue.

The sugar sucrose is transported from the companion cells to the sieve tube by the mechanism for simple diffusion because of the concentration gradient.
The concentration of the sucrose is higher in the companion cells an lower in sieve tubes.
So, the correct option is 'Passive transport'

A root concentrates minerals by?

  1. Active transport

  2. Facilitated diffusion

  3. Osmosis

  4. Diffusion

Correct Option: A

Percentage of water left in the soil when a plant begins to wilt is known as

  1. Wilting coefficient

  2. pH value of soil

  3. Field capacity

  4. Water holding cpacity

Correct Option: A

Water held tightly by soil particles around them is called as hygroscopic water. It is held in a very thin film and is not available to plants. Plants are able to absorb capillary water, which is present in the capillary spaces between soil particles. Run away water is also not available to plants. 

Field capacity denotes total water content in a field including hygroscopic water, capillary water and chemically bound water. 
The percentage of water left in soil when plants begin to wilt is called as wilting coefficient. At wilting coefficient soil contains hygroscopic and chemically bound water.

Absorption of mineral elements from the soil occurs through

  1. Diffusion

  2. Active transport

  3. Osmosis

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Absorption of mineral elements from the soil involves active transport by the cells. Minerals may also be absorbed as ions rather than salts.

In trees, death of protoplasts is essential for vital function such as

  1. Stomatal movements

  2. Food transport

  3. Water transport

  4. Both water and food transport

Correct Option: C

Water transport is a physical process and not a physiological process. It does not require living cells and protoplasm. The driving force is the transpiration pull generated by loss of water through leaves. This is the reason why xylem tracheids and vessels are dead on maturity. Food transport is a physiological process and requires living cells similarly stomatal movement also is a physiological process and requires living cells.

Nobel prize in 1991 for discovering the single ion channels in cell was awarded to

  1. Waston and Har gobind Khorana

  2. Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann

  3. Nirenberg and Kornberg

  4. Holley and Matthaei

Correct Option: B

In 1991, the Nobel prize in medicine or physiology was given to Erwin Neher and Bert Sarkmann for the discovery of single ion channels in cells. They were able to develop a technique that registers very minute variations in electric currents that passes through a single ion channel. This new method helped them to watch the activity of a single molecule.  

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

The process by which minerals get absorbed is

  1. Active absorption

  2. Passive absorption

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The minerals are mainly absorbed by roots which are in direct contact with the soil. Absorption of water is known as water uptake. Short distance transport of water takes place from cell to cell  across the membranes involving physical processes such as diffusion, osmosis and water potential differences. Long distance transport involves complex processes such as root pressure and transpiration pull. transport There are two processes by which mineral absorption takes place:

1. There is rapid uptake of ions into the outer free surface passively down the gradient of electrochemical potential energy. 
2.  The movement of ions into the inner space requires the expenditure of energy and is called active uptake.
Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Which statement is incorrect for ion-channels?

  1. They are protein

  2. Movement through them is simple diffusion

  3. Movement through them is from high to low concentration

  4. All ions pass through the same type of channel

Correct Option: D

Ion channels are special proteins through which ions flow along the concentration gradient. These channels are important, because the membrane is made up of bilayer of lipids and will not allow transport of water soluble ions. However lipid soluble components can dissolve in membrane lipids and can be transported across the membrane without special carrier or transport proteins.
But all ions cannot pass through same transport protein because volume of each ion will be different. There are different transport proteins for transport of different ions.

ATP is required for

  1. Active process

  2. Passive process

  3. All types of processes

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A

Which of the following shows that metabolic energy is required in the absorption of ions

  1. More ions absorption in presence of oxygen

  2. Less absorption of ions in presence of oxygen

  3. More ions absorption in presence of ATP

  4. More ions absorption in presence of NAD

Correct Option: C

The absorption of ions, involving use of metabolic energy is called active absorption. Energy is generally obtained from ATP.Therefore active absorption is linked to hydrolysis of ATP

Difference between active and passive modes of membrane transport is

  1. Active transport is confined to cations while passive is connected to anions

  2. Active transport is non-selective while passive one is selective

  3. Active transport requires metabolic energy while passive transport requires concentration gradients

  4. Active transport is more rapid.

Correct Option: A

Active transport of solutes in a living system is?

  1. Unidirectional

  2. Bidirectional

  3. Multidirectional

  4. Cyclic

Correct Option: A

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
Active transport from outside to inside of molecules across a membrane requires:

  1. cyclic AMP

  2. acetyl chlorine

  3. ATP

  4. lecithin

Correct Option: C

Active transport, which is the movement of ions or molecules across a cell membrane in the direction opposite that of diffusion, that is, from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration, requires the assistance of a type of protein called a carrier protein, using energy supplied by ATP. So, the correct option is 'ATP'.

Sucrose moves into sieve tube elements by?

  1. Diffusion

  2. Endosmosis

  3. Active transport

  4. Exosmosis

Correct Option: C

The mechanism used for the translocation of sugars from source to sink is called the pressure flow hypothesis. As glucose is prepared at the source, it is converted to sucrose. This is moved into the companion cells and then into the living phloem sieve tube cells by active transport. Again active transport is necessary to move the sucrose out of the phloem sap and into the cells which will use the sugar converting it into energy. 

Hence, the correct answer is option C.

Energy currency/coin of cell is

  1. ATP

  2. NAD

  3. ADP

  4. GDP

Correct Option: A

ATP is adenosine triphosphate. It is formed of an adenine, a ribose and three phosphate radical attached to ribose. It is a storehouse of energy. It is found in all living cell. ATP is called energy currency as well as an energy carrier of the cell. ATP usually obtains energy during respiration. It provides energy for membrane transport, nerve conduction, cell movement, cell division etc. Breakage of one phosphate bond in the presence of ATP-ase and releases of 8.9Kcal per mole. Thus, the correct option is A.

Which of the following is energy rich compound formed in cellular respiration?

  1. ADP

  2. Glucose

  3. Water

  4. ATP

  5. Oxygen

Correct Option: D

During cellular respiration, the energy formed in mitochondria is stored in the form of ATP which is also known as energy currency of the cell. It provides energy for all the life activities by its breakdown into ADP and Pi. ATP contains three phosphate group which has high energy bond. On the hydrolysis of ATP energy is released and ADP formed.

Which one of the following is known as energy currency of cell?

  1. Adenosine diphosphate

  2. Adenosine triphosphate

  3. Pyruvate

  4. Glucose

Correct Option: B

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is known as the energy currency of the cell. There are three phosphate bonds which store a large amount of energy. When these bonds are broken down, the energy is released. The energy is used to carry out biochemical reactions in the cell.

Thus, the correct answer is option B. 

ATP was discovered by

  1. Lipmann

  2. Lohmann

  3. Blackman

  4. Bowman

Correct Option: B

ATP is known as energy currency of the cell and it is a nucleotide formed by the combination of adenine as a nitrogenous base, ribose sugar, and triphosphate. It is found in free cells which breaks to form energy by breaking its high energy phosphate bonds. Karl Lohmann was first to discover ATP. It is produced by the mitochondria in the cell.

So, the correct answer is option B.

In which molecule is energy stored in the body?

  1. RNA

  2. DNA

  3. ADP

  4. ATP

Correct Option: D

Adenosine triphosphate is a nucleotide also known as the energy currency of the cell that stores the energy in the form of phosphate bonds. When this bond breaks energy releases.

DNA and RNA are the genetic material of the living organism.
So the correct option is 'ATP'.

In structure ATP is similar to

  1. DNA (deoxyribonucleotide)

  2. RNA(ribonucleotide)

  3. Ribonucleoside

  4. Deoxyribonucleoside

Correct Option: A

ATP means Adenosine Tri Phosphate, is a energy rich ribonucleoside. It is similar to ribonucleoside.

So correct option is 'Ribonucleoside'.

The energy necessary for active transport across cytoplasmic membranes is believed to come from

  1. ATP

  2. Diffusion

  3. Osmosis

  4. Kinetic energy

Correct Option: A

ATP is the energy currency of our body produced by the oxidation of food in the cell. ATP is utilized to proceed different metabolic process. Active transport is the movement of molecules across a cell membrane in the direction against the concentration gradient i.e., moving from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration with the involvement of energy in the form of ATP. 

The common immediate source of energy for cellular activity is

  1. NAD.

  2. ATP.

  3. DNA.

  4. RNA.

Correct Option: B

Cellular respiration is the set of metabolic processes that take place in the cells. In this process glucose is oxidized through the metabolic pathways like glycolysis in cytoplasm and Krebs's cycle in mitochondria and produces energy in the form of ATP. ATP is further utilized by the different cell for their activities.

The currency of energy in a typical living cell is

  1. ATP molecule.

  2. ADP molecule.

  3. Glucose molecule.

  4. Haemoglobin molecule.

Correct Option: A

Various metabolic processes in our body utilize ATP as a source of energy. It is considered as energy currency of cells as it stores the chemical energy of food molecules to be utilized as and when required by the body. 

Which of the following elements is needed as a component in cell membranes, nucleic acids and energy transfer?

  1. Sulphur

  2. Phosphorus

  3. Calcium

  4. Potassium

Correct Option: B
Phosphorus is a constituent of cell membranes, certain proteins, all nucleic acids and nucleotides. This element is involved in energy transfer such as ATP and ADP and activates coenzymes for amino acid production which is necessary for  protein synthesis. Further phosphorous is also a required for other metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, glycolysis, respiration and fatty acid synthesis.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

The assimilatory power in photosynthesis is

  1. ATP.

  2. NADPH.

  3. ATP and NADPH$ _2$.

  4. ATP, NAPDH and CO$ _2$.

Correct Option: C

The phase of reactions in photosynthesis which involves the direct sunlight is called light reaction. This reaction takes place inside the grana of chloroplast. In this reaction assimilatory power ATP and NADPH$ _2$ are generated with evolution of oxygen and photolysis of water. These assimilatory powers help in the fixation of carbon dioxide during dark phase reaction.

Organisms undergo processes that require energy and produce energy. Processes such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration, reproduction, and movement are just a few of these processes. Which of these best describes the energy available to do cellular work?

  1. Heat

  2. Free energy

  3. Potential energy

  4. Kinetic energy

Correct Option: B
Free energy is the capacity of a system to do work in an exothermic reaction
So, the correct answer is 'Free energy'

Which of the following is called energy currency of the cell?

  1. ATP

  2. NADP$H _2$

  3. $C _6 H _{12}O _6$

  4. $C _2 H _5$OH

Correct Option: A

The energy currency of the cell is ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).

During a cellular reaction, all the energy is not released as free energy but some of it is stored in ATP as chemical energy.
The phosphate bonds in ATP are high energy bonds and they are broken whenever the cell requires energy. It is used in various energy-requiring processes of the cell.

So, the correct option is 'ATP'

In ATP, high energy bond is present between 

  1. Nucleoside and phosphate group

  2. Sugar and phosphate group

  3. Base and phosphate group

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D
ATP is known as energy currency of the cell. It has three phosphate out of which one is directly attached to the ribose with phosphate ester bond and it is low energy bond. The bond between two phosphate groups is a phosphoanhydride bond which is considered as high energy bond. So ATP has two high energy phosphoanhydride bonds.
So, the correct answer is option D.

Which one forms ATP?

  1. Fe and P

  2. N and P

  3. Fe and Mo

  4. Mg and Mn

Correct Option: B

Energy liberated during respiration is stored as

  1. ATP

  2. ADP

  3. FAD

  4. NADP

Correct Option: A

Cellular respiration requires oxidation of organic substrates for the liberation of energy. The energy released is stored in every living cell in the form of a universal high energy molecule called ATP or adenosine triphosphate.

So the answer is 'ATP'.

ATP is

  1. Adenine triphosphate

  2. Adenosine tetraphosphate

  3. Adenosine triphosphate

  4. Adenine tetraphosphate

Correct Option: C

Adenosine triphosphate is the long form of ATP, it is the complex organic chemical that participates in many processes. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer.

So, the correct option is C.

When ATP molecules is hydrolysed in ADP, then the quantity of energy released is about

  1. 120 cal

  2. 1,200 cal

  3. 12,000 cal

  4. 1,20,000 cal

Correct Option: C

Common immediate source of energy in cellular activity or energy currency of the cell is

  1. DNA

  2. ATP

  3. RNA

  4. NAD

Correct Option: B

The common immediate source of energy in cellular activity is ATP molecule. It is also called as energy currency of the cell. ATP molecules are formed as a result of phosphorylation. It is used in various cellular processes for providing energy.

Which one is not a commercial energy?

  1. Coal

  2. Animal power

  3. Petroleum and natural gas

  4. Electricity

Correct Option: B

Commercial energy is obtained to the users at some price and is used mostly for commercial purposes. It is a non-renewable form of energy. Where as, non-commercial energy is a renewable form, obtained from cow dung, fire wood and agricultural waste. 

So the correct option is 'Animal power'

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