
Description: summary
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Choose the option that best summarizes the following:
The International Center is hosting Spanish Conversation classes. They help non-native speakers of Spanish practice their Spanish speaking skills.

  1. The International Center is hosting Spanish Conversation classes to help non-native speakers practice their Spanish speaking skills.

  2. The International Center is hosting Spanish Conversation classes which will help non-native Spanish speakers practice their Spanish speaking skills.

  3. Spanish non-native speakers can improve by taking classes at the International Center.

  4. Spanish non-native speakers can improve their Spanish by taking classes at the International Center.

Correct Option: D

The correct summary to the given sentence is Option D. Summarizing involves retaining the main idea of the given sentence with minimum use of words. Options A and B are incorrect as the sentences are too long to be called a summary, as the summarized sentence is expected to be one third or half of the main sentence. Option C is incorrect as the idea remains incomplete because what classes are being hosted isn't mentioned.

Select the option that appropriately summarizes the following:
There will be a party at Denise's house tomorrow. Would you like to go?

  1. Will you be at Denise's party tomorrow?

  2. Denise's party is tomorrow. Would you like to go?

  3. Would you like to go to Denise's party tomorrow?

  4. Tomorrow, there is a party at Denise's house. Would you like to go?

Correct Option: C

The correct summary of the given sentence is Option C. It includes the whole idea of the sentence that one is asking another if he wants to go to a party that will be held at Denise's house tomorrow. Option A does not give an appropriate idea of the sentence and thus is incorrect. Option B and D do not adhere to the format of summary writing as the tense of the sentences have changed.

Choose the option that best summarizes the following:
In a very happy mood, he read the letter in which it was stated that he had been accepted into the university.

  1. In a very happy state, he read his university acceptance letter.

  2. In a very happy state, he read his letter of acceptance.

  3. Happily, he read his letter of acceptance into the university.

  4. Happily, he read his university acceptance letter.

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D because it mentions about the complete idea with the minimum use of words. It suits to the norms of the summary writing. Option A and C also mention the complete idea but the sentences are longer and thus are incorrect. Option B is incorrect because it does not mention the complete idea of the given sentence.

In note-making, which of the following is not a common abbreviation?

  1. Sc.

  2. Mister.

  3. Dr.

  4. Govt.

Correct Option: B

Note-making is a process of writing important things about something in a compact manner. Option B)Mister is correct as it is not an abbreviation. The other options are wrong as they are commonly used abbreviations in note-making. The correct answer is B)Mister.

State whether true or false.
Always write full sentences while writing a note.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

State whether true or false.
Use standard abbreviations and symbols as far as possible while writing a note.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

State whether true or false:
You should abbreviate every word while making notes.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

State whether true or false:
In note-making, you can make your own abbreviations by keeping the main sounds of the word. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Choose whether the following is true or false:
As a general rule, the heading should not be abbreviated, but you may use abbreviations in subheadings.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Select the option that appropriately summarizes the sentence:
The student requested that the teacher excuse her absence, but the teacher did not accept.

  1. The teacher denied the request.

  2. The teacher denied the student's request for an excused absence.

  3. The student asked for an excused absence but was denied.

  4. The student asked the teacher to excuse her absence but she was declined.

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B. Summarizing a sentence includes mentioning the main idea of the sentence briefly. Option B summarizes the whole idea of the sentence with the minimum use of words. Option A and B are incorrect as they only mention the idea of the given sentence partially and the whole idea is not clear. Option D is incorrect as the sentence is not brief enough to be called a summary of the given sentence.

Which option appropriately summarizes the following:
Harry had a long day at work and was very tired by the end of the day. Because of his exhaustion, he became ill the next day.

  1. Being exhausted after a long day of work, Harry became ill.

  2. Harry became ill after working all day due to exhaustion.

  3. Exhausted from a long day of work, Harry fell sick.

  4. Harry had a long day at work and hence, became ill from exhaustion the following day.

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C. The sentence portrays the correct idea and with the minimum use of words, suiting to the format of summarizing. Options A and B are not making it clear about when Harry fell sick and so they are incorrect. Option D is incorrect as the sentence is too long to suit the format of summary writing.

Mr. Kilner and writer Michael Wright joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, The Fortunate Souls. In the book, it is stated that China sent one hundred twenty boys to America to acquire knowledge about developments that could help modernize their country.

  1. "The Fortunate Souls" by Mr. Kilner and Michael Wright tells the story of Chinese boys who were sent by China to America to learn about developments that could modernize their country.

  2. "The Fortunate Souls" by Mr. Kilner and Michael Wright tells the story of Chinese boys who came to America to learn how to modernize their country.

  3. In the book, "The Fortunate Souls", the story of many Chinese boys who went to America to learn how to help their country is told.

  4. The book, "The Fortunate Souls" is about many Chinese boys who learnt how to help their country.

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is option B. This option mentions the whole idea of the given sentence in minimum number of words which makes the sentence nearly one third of the main sentence. Option A is incorrect as even though it mentions the whole idea but the sentence is longer and does not adhere to the format of summarizing. Options C and D are incorrect as they do not portray the whole idea even though the sentences are smaller.

Which of the following is the most appropriate summary of the following line:
I regret to inform you that I will be arriving late to the party for your 20th anniversary. 

  1. I regret to tell you that I will arrive at the 20th-anniversary party late.

  2. I regret telling you that I will be late.

  3. Regretfully, I will be late to your 20th-anniversary party.

  4. Regretfully, I will be late to your anniversary.

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C. Summarizing a sentence includes mentioning the main idea of the sentence briefly. Here the writer regrets that he would be late for the 20th anniversary party. The whole idea is summarized in option C. Option B and D are incorrect as they do not give the whole idea of the sentence given. Option A is incorrect as the sentence is not brief enough to be called a summary.

Identify the main idea/point in the passage:

The house was majestic, with ten rooms and five balconies overlooking the scenic view of the lake. A large garden sprawled before the mansion-like abode and led, along an elegantly coiled cobblestone pathway, to a large gate. This was Henry's home.

  1. Henry lives in a mansion which has a large garden in front of it.

  2. There is a mansion with a large garden.

  3. Henry's home is huge and lavish.

  4. There are many rooms and balconies in the house.

Correct Option: C

The main idea or point of a text or the main point summary should include the most important fact contained in the text.
The correct answer is Option C. The text describes a huge and beautiful house which was owned by Henry. So, the main idea is given by Option C.
Options A, B and D are incorrect as the complete fact of the text is not appropriately contained in these summaries.

Identify the main idea/point of the following:

The cat prowled silently towards the unsuspecting mouse. It laid one paw carefully, cautiously, upon the ground, the whole while keeping a fixed, unwavering gaze on its next meal. Suddenly, before one could blink, it plunged forward and grabbed its victim between its canines.

  1. A cat is trying to catch a mouse and succeeds.

  2. A cat is using its skills.

  3. A cat is eating a mouse.

  4. A mouse gets eaten by a cat.

Correct Option: A
The main idea or point of a text or the main point summary should include the most important fact contained in the text.
The correct answer is Option A. The text suggest how the cat finds and catches its prey successfully. So, the main idea is given by Option A.
Options B, C and D are incorrect as the complete fact of the text is not appropriately contained in these summaries.

Identify the main idea/point in the following:

Through the long, carpeted hallways, where her dormmates silently threw questioning glances at her, out through the majestic steel gates that barricaded the college grounds from the outside world, and down the road that led to her home Clara ran.

  1. Clara runs away from college.

  2. Clara drops out of college.

  3. Clara stays in a dorm at a college.

  4. Clara's dormmates dislike her.

Correct Option: A

The main idea or point of a text or the main point summary should include the most important fact contained in the text.
The correct answer is Option A. The text suggest that Clara ran through all the hallways and then through the steel gates out of her college. So, the main idea is given by Option A.
Options B, C and D are incorrect as the complete fact of the text is not appropriately contained in these summaries.

Identify the main idea/point of the following:

He walked carefully into the tiny room. Then he saw a picture above the mantlepiece. He pondered over who was in the picture. He walked over the polished wooden floors. He was certain he had seen that face before. He looked once more at the white hair and empty eyes. He couldn't remember where he had seen them before. Finally, it struck him: he was a friend of his father.

  1. A man walks into a room and looks at the pictures.

  2. A man looks at a picture and tries to remember the person in it.

  3. A man tries to remember something.

  4. A picture is seen by someone.

Correct Option: B

The main idea or point of a text or the main point summary should include the most important fact contained in the text.
The correct answer is Option B. The text suggest that a man walks into a room where he sees a picture and tries to remember the person in it and finally remembers it. So, the main idea is given by Option B.
Options A, C and D are incorrect as the complete fact of the text is not appropriately contained in these summaries.

Following are important steps in identifying the main concepts of a text, EXCEPT -

  1. Looking for key words

  2. Dividing the text into sections

  3. Including your own views

  4. Understanding the text

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

The question is on the step which is not a part of identifying the main concepts of a text.
In summary writing, it is first essential to understand the text. Then a writer divides the text into sections to understand the ideas presented and looks for key words in the text to facilitate identification of important points to be included in the summary. Therefore Option A,B and D are not the correct options.
In summary writing, it is to be noted that a writer only writes on the important ideas of the text. He is NOT supposed to include his own views. Thus option C is not part of identification of the main concepts of a text- Option C is the correct answer. 

'The summary should cover the original as a whole.' This statement means that __________________________________.

  1. an effective summary covers the main ideas and concepts of the passage

  2. a summary should contain every detail

  3. a summary can contain views other than those expressed by the writer

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is option A.

The summary should cover the original as a whole - this statement means that though shorter in length, a summary should reflect and express the essence of the text.
It should not contain every detail covered - only relevant and important details are to be contained. Option B is therefore not the correct answer.
A summary is a brief statement and hence includes only the views expressed by the writer. It should not contain views other than those written by the writer. Option C is thus the incorrect option.
We are now left with option A that correctly defines a summary.
An effective summary covers the main ideas and concepts of the passage.
Option A is the correct answer.

Indenting helps to ______________. 

  1. Lend a visual character to the note

  2. See the main aspects of the passage at a glance

  3. Indicate clearly the sub-headings, points and sub-points

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Indentation refers to the subheadings, points, sub-points, sub-subheadings, etc. in note making. Indentation offers a well-defined structure for a note. It makes it readable and increases the objectives of the content. Hence, D is correct answer as indenting lends a visual character through spacing and writing in points, subpoints etc. It also helps in reviewing the passage at a glance. As, it is written in points and headings and sub headings, these are indicated clearly. Only A, B and C are incorrect as all together are correct. 

The heading of a note serves which of the following purpose?

  1. Gives detailed information

  2. Reflects the main idea of the passage

  3. Ends the note

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

The heading of a note reflects the main idea of the passage. It makes the purpose of the note abundantly clear. Thus, B is correct.
The main body gives the detailed information Hence, A is incorrect.
The name ends the note. Hence, C is incorrect.
As, only B is correct, hence, D is incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable option. 

Following points should be kept in mind while note-making, except __________. 

  1. Mentioning every detail

  2. Use of abbreviations

  3. Indenting

  4. Heading and sub-headings

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A.

We are to identify the point that should not be taken into consideration while making a note.
Note-making follows a fixed format and certain rules are to be followed.
Note-making employs the use of abbreviations as rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling are to be ignored in writing a note. 
Maintaining equal distance from the margin is important.
Mentioning the heading and sub-heading also is a part of note-making.
Hence option B, C, and D are the incorrect options.
Note-making is to contain only important and significant details. Mentioning every detail is strictly not to be done.
Option A is the correct answer.

Subheading in a note is framed on the basis of these, EXCEPT _______________.

  1. Detailed information

  2. Associated ideas

  3. Main idea

  4. Conclusion

Correct Option: B

Subheadings are the subdivisions of the main topic. As many subheadings can be used as required. It is like the heading to the subsections of the passage. Thus, subheadings give detailed information and can also communicate the main idea or even the conclusion. They are not used for associated ideas as they only address the issue at hand. Thus, only B is correct. 

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. A note should not contain grammatically correct sentences.

  2. Following grammatical rules in note writing is very important.

  3. A note should contain detailed information.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A

Choice A is correct as note need not be grammatically correct, it must communicate a detail in general. Choice B is wrong as it does not have follow grammar. Choice C is wrong as it need give details Choice D is wrong

The correct sequence in the format of note-writing is __________________.

  1. Heading, sub-heading, points, key

  2. Introduction, body and conclusion

  3. Table of contents, chapters, bibliography

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
There is a fixed note making format. One needs to follow this note making format in order to have a clear and unambiguous understanding from it. The note making format has 
1. Heading: shows the title or the heading of note.
2. Sub-heading: is a subdivision of the main topic. As many subheadings as one wants can be used.
3. Points: are the part of the main topics. 
4. Key: shows the various codes, symbols or the abbreviation used. It helps to get a clear understanding of the keys used in the note making format. Thus, A is correct. B is format for paragraph. C is format for books.

Identify the main idea/point in the passage:

Anjali didn't want to go to office. She was thinking of making an excuse to her manager but she wasn't able to find any because she had already made four in the last month to skip office. So, she decided that she would just switch her cell phone off and sleep.

  1. Anjali decided to switch off her cell phone.

  2. Anjali was thinking of an excuse.

  3. Anjali didn't want to go to office.

  4. Anjali had made four excuses last month.

Correct Option: C

The primary fact in the passage is about Anjali's unwillingness to go to office. Rest are all ancillary information related to the main topic which elucidate as to what was going through Anjali's mind when she thought of not going to office. Hence, Option C is correct and the others are not.

Which of the following helps to identify the main ideas in a passage?

  1. Understanding the main point of the passage without thinking about the details

  2. Looking for repetition of words, phrases or similar ideas

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

Identification of main ideas in the passage is the most important and preliminary step in summary writing. This involves 1. understanding the main idea of the passage and 2. Looking for repetition of words, phrases or similar ideas- this helps us to understand the main point the writer has to say and helps to write an efficient summary that covers the entire text.
Therefore Option A and B are correct.
Option C the answer.

The first step to identifying important details in a passage is -

  1. Mention your own views

  2. Change the meaning of the text

  3. Not refer to the original text

  4. Read and understand the text properly

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

Identification of important details is essential to write a summary.
The first step for that is to read the text and understand what the writer has to say. Only then one can know the important details in a passage.
Mentioning one's own views is not to be done in summary writing. Only the writer's views are to be included. There can be no change in meaning of the text and one has to adhere to the original text. Therefore, option A, B and C are not the correct options.
As mentioned above reading and understanding the text properly is the first step to identifying important details in a passage. Option D is the correct answer.

General rules of note-making include -

  1. Mentioning the main idea in the heading

  2. Use of abbreviations

  3. Writing a key at the end of the note

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

Note-making follows various general rules.
These rules include-
1. Mentioning the main idea/subject in the heading.
2. Using abbreviations as grammar rules are to be ignored.
2. Writing a key at the end of the note to facilitate better understanding when the note is read at a later date.
Option D- all of the above is thus the correct answer. 

Fill in the blank with respect to note-making:
Maintaining the same distance from the margin in note-making is known as ____________.

  1. Indenting

  2. Marginalizing

  3. Heading

  4. Sub-heading

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A.

In note-making it is important that same distance from the margin is maintained. This is also known as INDENTING.
Marginalizing is treating any person as insignificant.
Heading is the main subject and sub-heading refers to the sub-ordinate and supporting ideas of the subject.
Option D is therefore the correct answer.

Fill in the blank with a suitable option.

The heading of the note is written _______________.

  1. at the end of the page

  2. in the middle of the page and at the beginning

  3. after the sub-heading

  4. before the key

Correct Option: B

As conclusion is written at end of note. A is incorrect.
As, sub sub-heading comes after the sub-heading, C is incorrect.
As, sub sub=headings are written before the key, D is incorrect.
B is correct as the heading is placed at the beginning and in the middle of the page to draw attention to it. 

Choose an appropriate option in relation to note writing:
The first step in note writing is ___________________.

  1. writing the note directly

  2. reading or listening carefully

  3. deciding the important points

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.

A note is a short and informal record of something that is written to jog the memory later.
Note writing follows a particular format and is a step by step process.
The first step is listening or reading carefully the subject on which the note is to be prepared.
On basis of this first step one decides the important points and writes the note. 
The above-mentioned explanation rules out Option A and C as correct options and the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following should be kept in mind while using abbreviations in note-making?

  1. Use standard abbreviations as far as possible

  2. Maintain your own abbrevaitions

  3. The heading should not be abbreviated

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

Use of abbreviations is a component of note-making. Note-making does not follow rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
A few points to be kept in mind while using abbreviations include:
1. Use of standard and established abbreviations like kg for kilogram, ltr for litre etc. (Option A)
2. Maintaining your own abbreviations in a manner that the basic form of the word is maintained. (Option B)
3. The heading should not be abbreviated (Option C)
All of the above- Option D is the correct answer.

Which are the important components in note making?

  1. Heading

  2. Sub-headings

  3. Points

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In note making, the writer records the essence of the information. It helps us to understand and clarify thinking. Note making saves a lot of time by going through the notes made. One can get a glimpse of a lot of information from a short note. Thus, headings are very important as they show the title of the note at a  glance. Subheadings are also important as they subdivide the main topic. Notes are convinient to review if they are made in a point system. Hence, A, B and C are all very important in note making. Just choosing one of these options renders the answer correct. Only D is the correct answer. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable option. 

The key in note making should _________________.

  1. be enclosed within a box

  2. be written at the end of the note

  3. contain the list of abbreviations used in the note

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

The key is an important component of note-making.
1. It is written at the end of the note.
2. It contains the abbreviations written in the note.
3. It is enclosed within a box.
The answer is, therefore, Option D - all of the above.

It is important to include all the details in a note.
The given statement is __________________.

  1. Partially true

  2. Completely true

  3. Completely false

  4. Partially incorrect

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

Note-making only includes the main points and ideas of the text or the lecture. One is not supposed to include all the details in the note.
Hence the given statement is completely false.
Option C is thus the correct answer.  

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