Cross pollination - class-X

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Name the types of pollination which ensures genetic variation?

  1. Parthenocarpy

  2. Cross pollination

  3. Tissue culture

  4. Insects

Correct Option: B

  • Transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive organ (anther) of one plant to the female reproductive organ (stigma) of another plant. 
  • Insects and wind are the main agents of cross-pollination.
  • Thus, it creates genetic variations in the plants making it more resistant to diseases and other conditions than the parent plants.

The correct answer is OPTION B.

Allogamy is very useful because it results in ...............

  1. Formation of male off-springs

  2. Weaker progeny

  3. Superior progeny

  4. formation of seeds

Correct Option: C

Allogamy is also called as cross pollination. In the case of allogamy, the pollen from a flower falls on the flower of a different plant. This causes the genetic recombinations to take place. This is not possible in any other type of pollinations. Thus it produces the superior progeny.

During breeding, the removal of anthers from a flower is called as

  1. Anthesis

  2. Pollination

  3. Emasculation

  4. Vasectomy

Correct Option: C

Emasculation involves the removal of stamens from bisexual flowers of the female parents in order to avoid self-pollination in these flowers. It is done before the anthers mature. If in a condition the female parent bears bisexual flowers, then elimination of anthers from the flower bud before the anther dehisces by means of a pair of forceps is necessary. This step is called as emasculation.

Cross-pollination is advantageous because it results in

  1. Formation of weaker progeny

  2. Formation of better progeny

  3. Formation of male off-spring

  4. Formation of female offspring

Correct Option: B

Cross-pollination is advantageous because it results in formation of better progeny. The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (an anther or a male cone) of one plant to the female reproductive organ (a stigma or a female cone) of another plant. Insects and wind are agents of cross-pollination.

Advantages of cross pollination:
  • Progeny shows enhanced vigor.
  • Offsprings are more viable and resistant.
  • There is a possibility to get new desirable characters.
  • Yield of crop can be maintained.
  • It helps in evolution.
  • Undesirable characters of the plant can be eliminated.

In plant breeding / hybridization, removal of stamens in the early stage of bisexual flower is practiced and it is known as

  1. Emasculation

  2. Crossing

  3. Sterilization

  4. Pure-line selection

Correct Option: A

  • Emasculation is the removal of anthers in a bisexual flower to prevent self-pollination. 
  • The female reproductive part is not involved in this process. It is a technique used by plant breeders to obtain the desired variety by crossing a plant with the desired pollen grain obtained by emasculation. 

Thus the correct answer is option A.

Select the correct pair of a statement.
A. Flowers are said to be unisexual when it contains either stamens or carpels.
B. Flower are said to be bisexual when both stamens or carpels are present.
C. If the transfer of pollen occurs in the same flower, it is referred to as cross-pollination.
D. If the pollen is transferred from one flower to another it is known as self-pollination.

  1. A and B

  2. C and D

  3. A and C

  4. B and D

Correct Option: A

Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (an anther or a male cone) of one plant to the female reproductive organ (a stigma or a female cone) of another plant. Insects and the wind are the main agents of cross-pollination. 

Self-pollination is the transfer of pollen from a male reproductive structure (an anther or male cone) to a female reproductive structure (a stigma or female cone) of the same plant or of the same flower. 
Flowers are said to be unisexual when it contain either stamens or carpels.
Flower are said to be bisexual when both stamens or carpels are present.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following statements is true with reference to cross pollination?

  1. It most often results in higher yield of plants.

  2. It occurs only in unisexual flowers.

  3. It can fail to occur due to distance.

  4. It requires production of large number of pollen grains.

Correct Option: D

Cross pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower by the action of wind, insects, etc. It requires production of large number of pollen grains. Progeny shows enhanced vigor.
Offsprings are more viable and resistant. There is a possibility to get new desirable characters. Yield of crop can be maintained. It helps in evolution.
Undesirable characters of the plant can be eliminated.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Emasculation is achieved by

  1. Removal of stigma

  2. Removal of anthers

  3. Removal of sepal and petals

  4. Removal of gynoecium

Correct Option: B

Emasculation involves the removal of anthers of a flower in order to prevent self-pollination or the undesirable pollination of neighbouring plants. After emasculation the female reproductive part of the plant should be covered to prevent unwanted fertilisation.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B), 'Removal of anthers'.

Removal of stamens in an inter-sexual flower before they dehisce is called as____________

  1. Protogyny

  2. Protandry

  3. Inducing male sterility

  4. Emasculation

Correct Option: D

  • Emasculation is the removal of anthers in a bisexual flower to prevent self-pollination. 
  • The female reproductive part is not involved in this process. It is a technique used by plant breeders to obtain the desired variety by crossing a plant with the desired pollen grain obtained by emasculation. 

Thus the correct answer is option D.

Cross pollination is considered as a/an

  1. Natural method

  2. Artificial method

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Cross pollination occur when pollen grains are transferred to a flower from a different plant. The plants that undergo cross pollination often have taller stamens than their carpels. They use mechanisms to ensure that the pollen grains are spread to other plants' flowers. The process of cross pollination requires the help of abiotic or biotic agents like wind, water, insects, birds, bats, snails and other animals as pollinators. 

Main condition for a plant to perform cross pollination is 

  1. Herkogamy

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Self sterility

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Herkogamy - common strategy employed by hermaphroditic angiosperms to reduce sexual interference between male and female function. Herkogamy differs from other such strategies by supplying a spatial separation of the anthers and stigma.
- having pistils and stamens that mature at different times, thus promoting cross - pollination rather than self - pollination.
Self sterility
- sterile to its own pollen or sperm.

Pollination is a characteristic of 

  1. Angiosperms

  2. Pteridophytes

  3. Bryophytes

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Pollination is a process in which pollen is transferred to the female reproductive organs of seed plants, thereby enabling fertilization and reproduction through growth of the pollen tube and eventual release of sperm. Both gymnosperms and angiosperms undergo pollination, although the mechanism for angiosperms is much faster and more complex. A successful angiosperm pollen grain (gametophyte) containing the male gametes is transported to the stigma, where it germinates and its pollen tube grows down the style to the ovary. Pteridophytes and bryophytes pollination does not occur. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Pollination which occurs in closed flowers is known as 

  1. Allogamy

  2. Cleistogamy

  3. Dicliny

  4. Protogyny

Correct Option: B

Cleistogmay is also called as automatic self - pollination. It describes the trait of certain plants to propagate using non - opening, self - pollinating flowers.

In which crops, is the method of mass selection applied?

  1. Cross-pollinated

  2. Self-pollinated

  3. Both self and cross-pollinated

  4. Potato and sugarcane

Correct Option: C

Mass selection is a simplest , common and oldest method of crop improvement, in which large number of plants of similar phenotype are selected and their seeds are harvested and mixed together to constitute the new variety. This method is practised in both self and cross – pollinated crops and plants are selected on the basis of their phenotype of appearance. Therefore, selection is done for easily observable characteristics such as plant height, ear/type, grain colour, grain size, etc.

Cross pollination is important for producing

  1. New varieties of plants

  2. Plants with better growth

  3. More viable seeds

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

  • Cross-pollination is important for the production of new varieties of plants. Plants are having better growth and the creation of more viable seeds.  
  • Cross-pollination is the process where the plants of different variety can breed with another to create a unique plant. 
  • The resultant plant shows the characteristics of both the parent generation and therefore it is used to create new varieties of plants. 
  • Cross-pollination is also performed to create more viable seeds of plants and also to generate plants having a better scope of growth.
  • The correct option is D. 

Which of the following is the wrong match between the plant and its character for adaptation of cross pollination?

  1. Zostera - Bright coloured flowers with nectar

  2. Bougainvillea - Petaloid bracts

  3. Passion Flower - Corona

  4. Adansonia - Copious nector

Correct Option: A

One plant produces only female white flower, if it produce pink flower in the next generation then which one of the following is possible?

  1. Double fertilisation

  2. Self pollination

  3. Cross pollination

  4. No fertilisation

Correct Option: C

If it produces a pink flower in the next generation then cross-pollination might have occurred.

Cross-pollination - The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (an anther or a male cone) of one plant to the female reproductive organ (a stigma or a female cone) of another plant. Insects and wind are agents of cross-pollination.
Double fertilization is a complex fertilization mechanism of flowering plants (angiosperms). This process involves the joining of a female gametophyte (megagametophyte, also called the embryo sac) with two male gametes (sperm).
There are two types of self-pollination: In autogamy, pollen is transferred to the stigma of the same flower. In geitonogamy, pollen is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on the same flowering plant or from microsporangium to ovule within a single (monoecious) Gymnosperm.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

When a red flowered plant was cross pollinated by white flowered one and the offspring were self pollinated to obtain a phenotypic ratio of 1:2:1, it has to be a case of -

  1. Incomplete dominance

  2. Co-dominance

  3. Recessive epistasis

  4. Pleurotropic effect of genes

Correct Option: A

Incomplete dominance or blending dominance is a type of inheritance where the hybrid is not related to either of the parents but exhibit a blending of characters of the two parents.

It shows the ratio of 1:2:1 instead of the normal 3:1 phenotypic ratio.
So, the correct option is 'incomplete dominance'

Transfer of pollen from one flower to stigma of another flower of same species is termed as

  1. Cross-pollination

  2. Pollination

  3. Self-pollination

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
  • Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower by the action of wind, insects, etc. 
  • The two plants genetic material combines and the resulting seeds from that pollination will have characteristics of both varieties and is a new variety. 
  • Sometimes cross-pollinating is used intentionally in the garden to create new varieties. So option A is correct.

Statement $1$ : In pea plant, transfer of pollen grains to the stigma is easy.
Statement $2$: In cross pollinating plants, pollination does not take place.

  1. Both statements $1$ and $2$ are correct

  2. Statement $1$ is correct but statement $2$ is incorrect

  3. Statement $1$ is incorrect but statement $2$ is correct

  4. Both statements $1$ and $2$ are incorrect

Correct Option: B

In pea, anthers and stigma are present close to each other therefore pollination is easy while in cross pollinating plants pollination takes place with the help of an external agency.

So, the correct answer is 'statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect'

Heterostyly as a contrivance for cross-pollination is found in.

  1. Pennisetum

  2. Impatiens

  3. Primula vulgaris

  4. Oenothera

Correct Option: C

Heterostyly is the presence of $2-3$ types of flower with different heights of styles and stamens. In diheterostyly (dimorphic heterostyly), there are two types of flower, pin eyed (long style and short stamens) and thrum eyed(short style and long stamens), e.g., Primula vulgaris (primrose), jasmine.

So, the correct answer is 'Primula vulgaris'

The process of removing stamens of a flower during the hybridization process is called as________________

  1. Hybridization

  2. Emasculation

  3. Sterilisation

  4. Crossing

Correct Option: B

  • Emasculation is the removal of stamens or anthers or killing the pollen of a flower without the female reproductive organ is known as emasculation. In bisexual flowers, emasculation is essential to prevent self-pollination. In monoecious plants, male flowers are removed or male inflorescence is removed. 
  • In species with large flowers e.g., (cotton, pulses) hand emasculation is accurate and it is adequate. In species with large flowers, removal of anthers is possible with the help of forceps. It is done before anther dehiscence. 
  • The corolla of the selected flower is opened with the help of forceps and the anthers are carefully removed with the help of forceps. 
  • An efficient emasculation technique should prevent self-pollination and produce a high percentage of seed set on cross-pollination.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

By cross pollinating certain tobacco species, some fertile hybrids were obtained by

  1. Mendel

  2. Morgan

  3. Kolreuter

  4. Khorana.

Correct Option: C

In tobacco, due to the continuous self-pollination, homozygosity increases. It results in the occurrence of inbreeding depression, and the plants are called Inbred lines. When these inbred lines are subjected to hybridization, fertile hybrids are obtained. This is called Hybrid vigour or heterosis. This was developed by Kolreuter.

So, the correct option is ‘Kolreuter’.

Cross pollination produces

  1. Similar offspring

  2. Weaker progeny

  3. Better progeny

  4. Male progeny

Correct Option: C
Cross pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower borne on a separate plant. Cross pollination results in mixing or combination of characters, and thus improve the vigour and quality of species.
Cross pollination results in better progeny because:
1. Two genetically different pants are involved.
2. There is recombination in cross pollination which increase the vigour.
3. Fertility is increased.
So, the correct answer is C.

Both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in 

  1. Papaya

  2. Cucumber

  3. Castor

  4. Maize

Correct Option: A

Papaya plant is a dioecious plant. It prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy, which is a method of self pollination.

Pollen grains do not germinate on the stigma of the same flower. The phenomenon is

  1. Prepotency

  2. Self sterility

  3. Dicliny

  4. Dichogamy

Correct Option: B
When a pistil having functional female gametes fails to set seeds with viable and fertile pollen, which can bring about fertilisation in another pistil, the pistil and pollen are said to be incompatible and this is known as incompatibility. 
When the sexual incompatibility is between individuals of different species, it is interspecific.
When the sexual incompatibility is between individuals of same species, it is intraspecific. This intraspecific incompatibility is also called as self-incompatibility which may include many reasons like pollen fail to germinate on the surface of the stigma of the same flower, which is also known as self-sterility.
So, the correct answer is B.

Two species live in the same locale but each one reproduces at the different time of the year & both do not attempt to mate each other. This can be considered as an example of

  1. Gamete isolation

  2. Mechanical isolation

  3. Behavioral isolation

  4. Hybrid sterility

Correct Option: C

The species of birds and animals shows different types of isolation. The organisms which are located in the same habitat or geographical area but do not mate with each other. This type of isolation is known as the behavioral isolation in which different species have a different type of behavior with respect to reproduction. This prevents the interbreeding of the different species. 

Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Transfer of pollen between two plants is 

  1. Cross pollination

  2. Self pollination

  3. Pollen transfer

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The transfer of pollen from an anther of a flower of one plant to a stigma of a flower of another plant of the same species by the action of wind, insects etc is known as cross pollination. 

Name the phenomenon of two flowers, one having long stamens and short styles, and other having short stamens and long style

  1. Allogamous device

  2. Heterostyly

  3. Dicliny

  4. Herkogamy

Correct Option: B
Heterostyly is the presence of 2 or 3 types of flowers within the same plant and such flowers differ in the length of style and stamens. Example, Primula which shows distyly.
It has two types of flowers:
1. Pin eyed flowers: These have long styles with short stamens.
2. Thrum eyed flowers: These have a short style and long stamens.
So, the correct answer is B.

Find out correct statement:-

  1. Clonal selection is applicable to cross pollinated crops

  2. Inbreeding depression is loss of vigour due to inbreeding

  3. Dr. M.s swaminathan is responsible for revolution in india.

  4. plant tissue culture technique is not based on totipotency

Correct Option: A

Cross-pollination is preferred over self-pollination because it?

  1. Produces better offspring

  2. Forms new varieties

  3. Induces parthenogenesis

  4. Is economical

Correct Option: B
  • Cross-pollination can be defined as the transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive organ (an anther or a male cone) of one plant to the female reproductive organ (a stigma or a female cone) of another plant. 
  • Insects and wind act as the agents of cross-pollination.
  • Cross-pollination helps to produce varieties in species by recombinant genes while self-pollination maintains homozygosity. 
  • So the correct option is 'forms new varieties'. 

The get cross-pollinated by a species of bees, the Mediterranean orchid Ophrys employs

  1. Psuedocopulation

  2. Sexual deceit

  3. Camouflage

  4. Diapause

Correct Option: B

Mediterranean orchid Ophrys employs sexual deceit to ensure the cross pollination. In this process, one of the petals of the flower shows high resemblance with the structure of female bee. The male bee is deceived when it lands on the flower and tries to copulate with the petal. The male bee in the process of attempting pseudocopulation, carries pollen grains from one flower to the another.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Sexual deceit'.

Which of the following is not an out-breeding device ?

  1. Self incompatibility

  2. Unisexual flower

  3. Synchronisation in pollen release and stigma receptivity

  4. Chasmogamy

Correct Option: A

Two plants showing morphological similarities were cross pollinated. But after the mating progeny formation was absent. So the two plants must be considered as?

  1. Same biological species

  2. Allopatric species

  3. Different biological species

  4. Same taxonomic species

Correct Option: A

In dimorphic flowers, cross pollination is contrived by 

  1. Dicliny

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Herkogamy

  4. Heterostyly

Correct Option: D

Heterostyly is a form of polymorphism. In this condition, styles are of different lengths relative to the stamens in flowers. This reduces self pollination and promotes cross pollination. Primrose plants shows heterostyly.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

The phenomenon of male and female structures maturing at two different 

times is ...............

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Heterostyly

  3. Hekrogamy

  4. Dioecious

Correct Option: A

Dichogamy : It is defined as the condition in some flowering plants, in which the pistils and stamens mature at different times, thus preventing self-pollination. In other terms, it is defined as the maturation of male and female parts of a flower at different times, preventing automatic self-pollination.

Non-transfer of pollen from anther to stigma of the same flower due to a physical barriers is called as 

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Heterostyly

  4. Homogamy

Correct Option: B

Herkogamy - common strategy employed by hermaphroditic angiosperms to reduce sexual interference between male and female function. It differs from other such strategies by supplying a spatial separation of the anthers and stigma.

When the pollen grains are not transferred from anthers to the stigma in flower due to the barrier or fence, it is referred or when some natural barrier exists between androecium and gynoecium to check self pollination, it is known as _____________.

  1. Heterostyly

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Dichogamy

  4. Cleistogamy

Correct Option: B

Herkogamy is a probable strategy applied by hermaphroditic angiosperms to reduce sexual interference between male and female function. It varies from other such strategies by supplying a spatial parting of the anthers and stigma.

Heterostyly is referring to the condition of having styles of different lengths, These are relative to the stamens in the flowers of various individual plants for reducing self-fertilization.

Dichogamy is the condition in which the male and female reproductive organs of the flower mature at different times to ensure that self-fertilization does not occur.

Cleistogamy refers to the self-fertilization which occurs within a permanently closed flower.

So option B is correct.

Despite high level of heterozygosity, the progeny derived from seed of a cross pollination plant was found to be completely uniform. One reason for this may the phenomenon of 

  1. Parthenocarpy

  2. Apomixis

  3. Induced mutation

  4. Polyploidy

Correct Option: B

Because apomixis is a abnormal kind of sexual reproduction in which egg or other cells associated with egg (synergids, antipodals etc) develop into embryo without fertilization and with or without meiosis.

Heterostyly is show by

  1. Primula

  2. Mirabilis

  3. Helianthus

  4. China rose

Correct Option: A

In heterostyly condition , stamens style and stigma are of different heights e.g., Primula , Oxalis , Linum etc .

What name has been assigned to the genus produced by a cross between cabbage and radish

  1. Secale

  2. Bursa pastor

  3. Lysogenicophyll

  4. Raphano brassica

Correct Option: D

Raphanobrassica , Triticale and Bromato are some  intergeneric hybrids. Raphanobrassica (Cabbage) is the result of distant cross between Raphanus (Radish) and Brassica (Cabbage). 

Allogamy is favoured by

  1. Homogamy

  2. Cleistogamy

  3. Monocliny

  4. Dicliny

Correct Option: D
Allogamy, also known as cross pollination, is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower borne on a separate plant.
Dicliny is the presence of only one kind of reproductive whorl in a flower. It is also called unisexuality.
A plant may be monoecious i.e. male and female flowers are present on the same plant. In such cases, both cross pollination and self pollination can occur.
Or the plant may be dioecious i.e. male and female flowers are present on different plants. In such cases, only cross pollination can occur. Thus, dicliny favours allogamy or cross pollination.
So, the correct answer is D.

Which one of the following is not a device to promote cross-pollination?

  1. Herkogamy

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Cleistogamy

  4. Heterostyle

Correct Option: C

Cleistogamy is not a device to promote cross-pollination as the flowers remain closed and they promote self-pollination. For example, Balsam, Oxalis and Viola anthers dehisce inside closed flowers. 

Herkogamy, dichogamy and heterostyly are the devices which promote cross-pollination. Herkogamy is a mechanical device to prevent self-pollination. For example in Pansy, stigma lies inside a flap.
In dichogamy, anthers and stigma mature at different times which ensures cross-pollination. When anthers mature earlier, it is known as protandry as in sunflower and when stigmas mature earlier it is known as protogyny as in Gloriosa.
In heterostyly, there are 2 or 3 different types of flowers with different heights of stamens and stigmas which prevent self-pollination as in jasmine. 
Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

The pollen of apple germinates easily on the stigma than the pollen of another flower. This tendency is known as

  1. Prepotency

  2. Self sterility

  3. Dichogamy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

In some plants when the stigma receives pollen from the same flower as well as from the other flower simultaneously, the foreign pollen germinates vigorously and fertilize the ovule.

So the correct option is 'Prepotency'.

Which of the following plants shows the tendency of prepotency?

  1. Guava

  2. Apple

  3. Grapes

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

Prepotency is the phenomenon in which Pollen grains of another flower of the same species germinate more rapidly over the stigma, in comparison to the pollen grains of the same flower. For example Apple, Grape, etc.

So the correct answer is D.

Faster and better growth of pollen from other plants than the pollen from the same plant is?

  1. Self incompatibility

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Monocliny

  4. Prepotency

Correct Option: D

Self-incompatibility is the widespread mechanism in flowering plants which prevents the inbreeding and promotes the outcrossing. Dichogamy is the mechanism when the stigma and anther mature at different times.  Monocliny i.e. Bisexuality is applicable for bisexual flowers. Pollen prepotency is the mechanism when the pollen of a different flower germinates faster than of the same flower thus preventing autogamy.

Thus, the correct option is D.

Barrier to avoid self pollination between stamens and pistils is

  1. Heterostyly

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Dichogamy

  4. Dicliny

Correct Option: B
Plants have adapted various ways to prevent self pollination, such as:
Heterostyly- It is the occurrence of 2-3 types of flowers within the same plant and such flowers have the difference in length of styles and stamens.
Herkogamy- It is the condition in which the flower structure is such that even being bisexual, the pollen grains fail to reach the stigma. In some flowers, a mechanical barrier exists between the compatible pollen and stigma so that self pollination is not possible. Sometimes, there is a hood like covering that covers the stigma.
Dichogamy- It is the condition when the anther and stigma mature at different times. Either anthers dehisce before the stigma becomes receptive (called protandry) or stigma becomes receptive before anthers dehisce (called protogyny).
Dicliny- It is the presence of only one kind of reproductive whorl in a flower. It is also called unisexuality.
Therefore, from all of the above measures, herkogamy is the one in which self pollination is prevented by floral barriers between stamens and pistils.
So, the correct answer is B.
Dicliny is found in
  1. Calotropis

  2. Cucurbita

  3. Crotalaria

  4. Pisum

Correct Option: B
Dicliny is the presence of only one kind of reproductive whorl in a flower. Dicliny is thus called unisexuality. In dicliny, a plant may be monoecious i.e. both male and female flowers are borne on the same plant or the plant may be dioecious i.e. male and female flowers are borne on different plants. Among all the options given in the question, Calotropis, Pisum and Crotalaria have bisexual flowers. But, Cucurbita is monoecious plant. Thus, Cucurbita exhibit dicliny. So, the correct answer is B.

Nontransfer of pollen from anther to stigma of the same flower due to a mechanical barrier is

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Heterostyly

  4. Cleistogamy

Correct Option: B

Dichogamy- It is the condition when the anther and stigma mature at different times. Either anthers dehisce before the stigma becomes receptive (called protandry) or stigma becomes receptive before anthers dehisce (called protogyny).

Herkogamy- It is the condition in which the flower structure is such that even being bisexual, the pollen grains fail to reach the stigma. In some flowers, a mechanical barrier exists between the compatible pollen and stigma so that self pollination is not possible. Sometimes, there is a hood like covering that covers the stigma.
Heterostyly- It is the occurrence of 2-3 types of flowers within the same plant and such flowers have the difference in length of styles and stamens.
Cleistogamy- It is a phenomenon, where flowers never open and in such flowers, only self-pollination occurs within the bud (unopened flower). In such flowers, anthers and stigma lie close to each other. When the anthers dehisce in the flower buds, pollen grains come in contact with the stigma and pollination occurs. 
Thus, from all the options given in question, mechanical barrier to prevent the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma is found in Herkogamy.
So, the correct answer is B.

Which is not a correct explanation of cross pollination?

  1. Pollen grains of male flowers are transferred to stigma of female flowers

  2. Pollen grains are transferred from one flower to another flower of another plant of the same species

  3. Pollen grains are transferred from one flower to another flower situated on the same species

  4. Pollen grains of one flower are transferred to the stigma of the same flower

Correct Option: D

In Kigellia pinnate/ Sausage Tree, pollination is performed by.

  1. Bats

  2. Birds

  3. Insects

  4. Wind

Correct Option: A
Gloriosa superba exhibits
  1. Heterostyly

  2. Self sterility

  3. Herkogamy

  4. Cleistogamy

Correct Option: C
In Gloriosa superba, flower structure is such that inspite of being bisexual the pollen grains are not able to reach the stigma. The anther dehisce outwardly at a distance from the stigma and therefore, pollen can't fall on the stigma and self-pollination is prevented. This adaptation by Gloriosa to prevent self-pollination by means of floral barriers is called Herkogamy.
So, the correct answer is C.

The maturation of anthers and stigmas at times in the same flower is known as _____________.

  1. Herkogamy

  2. Cleistogamy

  3. Chasmogamy

  4. Dichogamy

Correct Option: A

Maturation of stigma and anthers at different times in the same flower is

  1. Heterostyly

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Dicliny

  4. Herkogamy

Correct Option: B

Heterostyly- It is the occurrence of 2-3 types of flowers within the same plant and such flowers have the difference in length of styles and stamens.

Dichogamy- It is the condition when the anther and stigma mature at different times. Either anthers dehisce before the stigma becomes receptive (called protandry) or stigma becomes receptive before anthers dehisce (called protogyny).
Dicliny- It is the presence of only one kind of reproductive whorl in a flower. It is also called unisexuality.
Herkogamy- It is the condition in which the flower structure is such that even being bisexual, the pollen grains fail to reach the stigma. In some flowers, a mechanical barrier exists between the compatible pollen and stigma so that self pollination is not possible. Sometimes, there is a hood like covering that covers the stigma.
So, the correct answer is B.

Dichogamy is

  1. Placement of anthers and stigmas at different levels

  2. Inability of the pollen to germinate on the stigma of the same flower

  3. Occurrence of barrier between anther and stigma of the same flower

  4. Maturation of anthers and stigmas at different times

Correct Option: D

Dichogamy- It is the condition when the anther and stigma mature at different times. Either anthers dehisce before the stigma becomes receptive (called protandry) or stigma becomes receptive before anthers dehisce (called protogyny).

While placement of anthers and stigma at different levels is called Heterostyly, inability of pollen to germinate on the stigma of the flower is called self-incompatibility and the occurrence of a barrier between anther and stigma of the same flower is called Herkogamy.
So, the correct answer is D.

In the light of Neo-Darwinism, which one of the following offers the greatest advantage to a population invading a new ecological niche?

  1. Outbreeding

  2. Apomixes

  3. Vegetative propagation

  4. Inbreeding

Correct Option: A

With reference to mass selection of crop plants, consider the following statements.
a. Mass selection has been more commonly used for the improvement of cross-pollinated crops than the single plant selection.
b. The purpose of mass selection is to increase the frequency of superior genotypes in the population.
c. This method of breeding has been very effective in improving characters governed by many genes.
Which of the statements given are correct?

  1. $1, 2$ and $3$

  2. $1$ and $2$

  3. $1$ and $3$

  4. $2$ and $3$

Correct Option: A

Dichogamy refers to _________________.

  1. Male and female sex organs maturing at the same time

  2. Male and female sex organs maturing at different times

  3. Male sterility

  4. Female sterility

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following conditions favors the cross pollination in papaya?

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Herkogarny

  3. Self-sterility

  4. Unisexuality

Correct Option: A

Choose the mismatched pair.

  1. Cannabis - Anemophily

  2. Zostera - Hydrophily

  3. Salvia - Entomophily

  4. Adansonia - Ornithophily

Correct Option: D

In Adansonia cross pollination takes place through bat. This type of pollination is called chiropterophily.

Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.

Column I Column II
A. Monoecious (i) Primula
B. Dioecious (ii) Maize
C. Cleistogamous (iii) Date palm
D. Heterostyly (iv) Commelina
  1. A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)

  2. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)

  3. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(iv)

  4. A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv)

Correct Option: B

Monoecious plants are those that have the male and female flower on the same plant. An example is maize.

Dioecious plants are those that have the male and female flowers on two different plants. Example is date palm.
Heterostyly is a measure taken by the plant to prevent inbreeding or self -fertilization. In this type of plants, they have styles of different length related to stamen in the flower of the individual plant so the pollen of the same flower cannot fertilize the stigma. Occurs in Primula vulgaris
Cleistogamy is a type of self-pollination in a certain type of plants which can take place when there are flowers which do not open and self-pollination takes place inside of them. It is most widespread in the grass family. Commelina also shows cleistogamy.
So, the correct option is 'A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)'

The features where stamens and stigma mature at different times favouring cross pollination is known as?

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Autogamy

  4. Cleistogay

Correct Option: A

Herkogamy is shown by hermaphroditic angiosperms to reduce sexual interference between anthers and female stigma function. Autogamy, or self-fertilization, refers to the fusion of two gametes that come from one individual. cleistogamy is self-fertilization that occurs within a permanently closed flower. Dichogamy means when stamens and stigma mature at different times favouring cross-pollination. 

So, 'the correct option is 'Dichogamy'

Allogamy is best favoured by ...............

  1. Cleistogamy

  2. Dicliny

  3. Homogamy

  4. None above

Correct Option: B

In plants, allogamy is used specifically to mean the use of pollen from one plant to fertilize the flower of another plant and are usually synonymous with the term cross fertilization , though the latter can be used more specifically to mean pollen exchange between different plant strains or even different individuals. Allogamy is best favoured by Dicliny. Dicliny refers to unisexual flowers. This is of two types: monoecy and dioecy.

Outbreeding devices which is/are strcturally bisexual but functionally unisexual

  1. Dichogamy

  2. Herkogamy

  3. Dicliny

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: A

Continous self-pollination or inbreeding leads to inbreeding depression, a condition where the decrease in genetic vigor and vitality results in reduced fitness in offsprings.
Dichogamy is the condition in some flowering plants where the pistils and stamens mature at different times, thus preventing self-pollination.
It is of two types: protandry and protogyny.

So, the correct answer is 'Dichogamy'.

Which of the following plants shows the self-sterility?

  1. Tobacco

  2. Potato

  3. Crucifers

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Incapability of pollen grains of one flower to grow over the stigma of the same flower due to the presence of similar sterile genes is called self-sterility. Ex: Tobacco, Crucifers, Potato and Gramineae.

So the correct option is 'Tobacco, Potato and Crucifers'.

Self-sterility can be related to which of the following phenomena?

  1. Emasculation

  2. Sexual incompatibility

  3. Cross pollination

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Incapability of pollen grains of one flower to grow over the stigma of the same flower due to the presence of similar sterile genes is called self-sterility. Which a leads to emasculation, sexual incompatibility, and cross-pollination.

So the correct option is 'Emasculation, Sexual incompatibility, and Cross-pollination'.

Cross-pollination is favoured by

  1. Self-sterility

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Herkogamy and heterostyly

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Cross-pollination is when one plant pollinates a plant of another variety. The two plants' genetic material combines and the resulting seeds from that pollination will have characteristics of both varieties and is a new variety. Self-sterility in plants is enhanced to prevent self-fertilization and increase family diversification. Dichogamy is the ripening of the stamens and pistils of a flower at different times so that self-fertilization is prevented. Herkogamy is a common strategy employed by hermaphroditic angiosperms to reduce sexual interference between male (anthers) and female (stigma) function. Heterostyly is a unique form of polymorphism and herkogamy in flowers. In a heterostylous species, two or three morphological types of flowers, exist in the population. All these prevent self-pollination and favour cross-pollination.

So, the correct option is, 'all of these'.

The phenomenon of maturation of anthers earlier than the stigma of the same flower is

  1. Dicliny

  2. Protandry

  3. Herkogamy

  4. Heterostyly

Correct Option: B

Heterostyly is the occurrence of 2-3 types of flowers within the same plant. Such flowers have a difference in length of styles and stamens.

Protandry is the condition when anthers mature before the stigma becomes receptive is called protandry. So, the condition in which the male reproductive organs of a flower mature before the female ones, and hence ensuring that self-fertilization does not occur.

Dicliny is the presence of only one kind of reproductive whorl in a flower.

Herkogamy is the condition in which the flower structure is such that even being bisexual. In some flowers, a mechanical barrier exists and thus self-pollination is not possible. Sometimes, there is a hood for covering the stigma.

So, the correct answer is B.

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