Environmental Science: Water Pollution

Description: Environmental Science: Water Pollution
Number of Questions: 10
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What is a way we can help Earth by conserving water?

  1. Turn off the water while brushing our teeth.

  2. Properly throwing away our trash.

  3. Water our lawn sparingly.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Pollution that comes from many sources

  1. Point-source pollution

  2. Wastewater

  3. None of these

  4. Nonpoint-source pollution

Correct Option: D

Pollution discharged from a single source

  1. non-point source pollution

  2. None of these

  3. point-source pollution

  4. wastewater

Correct Option: C

The process of removing the salt from salt water

  1. Permeability

  2. Desalination

  3. None of these

  4. Wastewater

Correct Option: B

These are built across rivers to control the river's flood

  1. None of these

  2. Groundwater

  3. Reservoir

  4. Dam

Correct Option: D

If water is safe to drink, it is

  1. None of these

  2. Pathogens

  3. Potable

  4. Permeable

Correct Option: C

The ability of rock or soil to allow water to flow through it is called

  1. None of these

  2. Groundwater

  3. Reservoir

  4. Permeability

Correct Option: D

Water that is found beneath Earth's surface in the spaces in sediment and rock formation is

  1. Groundwater

  2. Surface water

  3. None of these

  4. Watershed

Correct Option: A

The area of land that is drained by a river is known as a

  1. Surface Water

  2. None of these

  3. Watershed

  4. River System

Correct Option: C

Another name for the freshwater on Earths lands surface. Ex: lakes, rivers, streams etc.

  1. Watershed

  2. Surface water

  3. Groundwater

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B
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