Darwinism or theories of natural selection - class-VIII

Description: darwinism or theories of natural selection
Number of Questions: 73
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Tags: origin and evolution of life heredity and evolution biology the paths traversed by life human evolution evolution of life
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The theory of natural selection was given by

  1. Lamarck

  2. Alfred Wallace

  3. Charles Darwin

  4. Oparin and Haldane

Correct Option: C
The characteristics that enable enable some organism to survive better than others in the same environment, are said to be selected by nature. Darwin use the phrase 'Natural selection' for this.
So, the correct option is 'Charles Darwin'

Which one of the following sequences was proposed by Darwin and Wallace for organic evolution?

  1. Overproduction, variations, constancy of population size, natural selection

  2. Variations, constancy of population size, over-production, natural selection

  3. Overproduction, constancy of population size, variations, natural selection

  4. Variations, natural selection, overproduction, constancy of population size

Correct Option: C

Organisms tend to increase the number of offsprings in the individual for survival in number. Then the interspecific, intraspecific, extra specific struggle for existence occurs. Then small changes occur from the parent generation to the next progenies which acts as a raw material for a source of evolution. And nature selects the useful or adaptive variation.

So, the correct answer is 'Overproduction, the constancy of population size, variations, natural selection'.

Fitness according to Darwin refers to______________.

  1. Number of species in a community

  2. Useful variation in population

  3. Strength of an individual

  4. Reproductive fitness of an organism

Correct Option: D
According to Darwin's theory fitness refers to the Reproductive fitness of an organism because it describes the reproductive success of an individual which is measured as the number of offsprings produce by an individual with respect to specific genotype or phenotype. Fitness theory of Darwin doesn't depend on strength of an organism to survive but the ability of an organism to pass on its genetic material to its offsprings. 
So, the correct answer is 'Reproductive fitness of an organism'.

The ship used by Charles Darwin during his sea voyages was _____________.

  1. HMS Beagle

  2. HSM Beagle

  3. HMS Eagle

  4. HSM Eagle

Correct Option: A

Darwinism explains all the following except.

  1. Offspring with better traits that overcome competition are best suited for the environment

  2. Variations may or may not be inherited from parents to offspring through genes

  3. Within each species, there are variations

  4. Organisms tend to produce more number of offspring than can survive

Correct Option: B

The main drawback of Darwinism is lack of knowledge of heredity. Darwin's theory could not explain the inheritance of variations from parents to offsprings through genes.

So, the correct answer is 'Variations may or may not be inherited from parents to offspring through genes'.

Which of the following statements about natural selection are correct?
(i) Tends to increase the characters that enhance survival and reproduction
(ii) Individuals with better adaptive ability leave more progeny
(iii) Was considered as mechanism of evolution by Darwin.

  1. (i), (ii) and (iii)

  2. (i) and (ii) only

  3. (iii) only

  4. (i) and (iii) only

Correct Option: A
According to Darwin those organisms who are better fit in their environment produce more number of off springs than others or we can say their reproductive rate is higher than the others. These , therefore , will survive more and hence are selected by nature. And this is the method of evolution according to him.
So, the correct option is '(I), (ii), (iii)'

Which of the following are the two key concepts of Darwinian theory of evolution?

  1. Genetic drift and mutation

  2. Adaptive radiation and homology

  3. Mutation and natural selection

  4. Branching descent and natural selection

Correct Option: D
According to Darwin's theory of evolution, nature selects the fittest. Fitness is based on characteristics which are inherited. Therefore, there must be a genetic basis for getting selected and to evolve. Some organisms are better adapted to survive in an otherwise hostile environment. Adaptative ability is inherited. It has a genetic basis. Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and get selected by nature. Therefore, branching descent (inheritance) and natural selection are the two key concepts of Darwin's theory of evolution.

So, the correct answer is 'Branching descent and natural selection'.

By the statement 'survival of the fittest', Darwin meant that

  1. The strongest of all species survives

  2. The most intelligent of the species survives

  3. The cleverest of the species survives

  4. The species most adaptable to changes survives

Correct Option: D
The organisms which are provided with favorable variations would survive, because they are the fittest to face their surroundings, while the unfit are eliminated. Originally it was an idea of Herbert Spencer $(1820 - 1903)$ who used the phrase 'the survival of the fittest' first time. While Darwin named it as natural selection.
So, the correct answer is 'The species most adaptable to changes survives'.

Which of the following are necessary for evolution by natural selection to take place?
(i) Offspring resemble their parents more than other individuals in the population.
(ii) Differences among individuals exist and lead to different numbers of successful offspring being produced.
(iii) Individuals adjust their development depending on the environment
(iv) Every individual possess enormous fertility.

  1. (i) and (ii)

  2. (ii) and (iv)

  3. (i), (iii) and (iv)

  4. (iii) only

Correct Option: B

The theory of natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin. It states that Natural selection is the process where organisms with favourable traits are more likely to reproduce. In doing so, they pass on these traits to the next generation. Over time this process allows organisms to adapt to their environment. Features which are necessary for evolution by natural selection to take place are 

a) Differences among individuals exist and lead to different numbers of successful offspring being produced.

b) Every individual possesses enormous fertility.
So, the correct answer is '(ii) and (iv)'

The diversity in the type of beaks of finches adapted to different feeding habits on the Galapagos Islands, as observed by Darwin, provides evidence for

  1. Intraspecific competition

  2. Interspecific competition

  3. Origin of species by natural selection

  4. Origin of species by mutation

Correct Option: C
Darwin during his famous voyage, observed that finches from various Islands of Galapagos had beaks of different sizes and shapes. He observed that this was due to adaptation to different available food types. He concluded that the ancestral finches on reaching different islands occupied all empty ecological niches in absence of competition and evolved into different species. This provides evidences for origin of species by natural selection.

So, the correct answer is 'Origin of species by natural selection'.

Given: 1= Natural selection; 2= Variations and their inheritance; 3= Survival of the fittest; 4= Struggle for existence.
According to Darwinism, which of the following represents the correct sequence of events in the origin of new species?

  1. $3, 4, 1, 2$

  2. $2, 3, 1, 4$

  3. $1, 2, 3, 4$

  4. $4, 2, 3, 1$

Correct Option: D

  1.  There is a struggle for existence, because of the disparity between the number of individuals produced by reproduction and the number that can survive.
  2. Individuals within a species show variation; no two individuals are exactly alike. Those with advantageous characters have a greater probability of survival, and therefore of reproducing, in the struggle for existence.
  3. Individuals produce offspring that tend to resemble their parents (the principle of inheritance). Provided that the advantageous characters that promote survival are inherited by offspring.
  4. The offspring that evolve according to the condition are fittest for survival.
  5. Those are selected by nature and weaker ones got eliminated.
So the correct option is '4,2,3,1'

Naturalist who sailed round the world in ship Beagle was :

  1. Charles Lyell

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Alfred Wallace

  4. Lamarck

Correct Option: B

  • Darwinism is an evolutionary theory proposed by Charles Robert Darwin, an English Naturalist. He believed that evolution is a gradual, rather than a sudden biological event. His theory was based on several facts, He sailed round in Beagle, his ship observations and inferences. They are 1) overproduction, 2) constancy in population, 3) struggle for existence, 4) natural selection.
  • The prodigality of production or overproduction: Every organism tends to increase its population in large proportions. For example, Paramecium divides by binary fission at the rate of three to four times a day. At this rate, the volume of all the paramecia equals to 10,000 times that of the earth at the end of the 9000th generation in the absence of any check.
  • Constancy in population: However, such an abnormal increase is not noticed in the population of any species in nature as the offspring die in large number before reaching the reproductive age. It is true that the food and the other sources do not increase in the same proportion as that of the population.
  • Struggle for existence: As the food sources are limited, severe competition exists among the members of a population. Darwin called it a struggle for existence.
  • Natural selection: The organisms with less reproductive success are not represented in future generations, however, fit they may be in the struggle for existence. This is called the Natural selection. Herbert Spencer called this phenomenon Survival of the fittest.
  • Darwinism failed to explain the mechanism by which variations occur. Thus Darwin faced the criticism "DARWINISM EXPLAINS THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST BUT NOT THE ARRIVAL OF THE FITTEST".
So, the correct option is ' Charles Darwin'.

Darwin wrote "Origin of Species" in

  1. 1530

  2. 1795

  3. 1859

  4. 1895

Correct Option: C

  • Darwinism is an evolutionary theory proposed by Charles Robert Darwin, an English Naturalist. He believed that evolution is a gradual, rather than a sudden biological event. His theory was based on several facts, observations and inferences. They are 
1) overproduction
2) constancy in population
3) struggle for existence
4) natural selection.
  • The prodigality of production or overproduction: Every organism tends to increase its population in large proportions. For example, Paramecium divides by binary fission at the rate of three to four times a day. At this rate, the volume of all the paramecia equals to 10,000 times that of the earth at the end of the 9000th generation in the absence of any check.
  • Constancy in population: However, such an abnormal increase is not noticed in the population of any species in nature as the offspring die in large number before reaching the reproductive age. It is true that the food and the other sources do not increase in the same proportion as that of the population.
  • Struggle for existence: As the food sources are limited, severe competition exists among the members of a population. Darwin called it a struggle for existence.
  • Natural selection: The organisms with less reproductive success are not represented in future generations, however, fit they may be in the struggle for existence. This is called the Natural selection. Herbert Spencer called this phenomenon Survival of the fittest.
  • He wrote Origin of Species including these points in 1859.
So, the correct option is '1859'.

Charles Darwin discovered the law of independent assortment.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
  • The law of independent assortment was given by Mendel. He also gave the 'Law of Dominance' and 'Principle of Segregation'.

Charles Darwin concluded that 

  1. Existing living forms share similarities to varying degree not only among themselves but also with the life forms that existed millions of years ago.

  2. These has been gradual evolution in the life forms on earth.

  3. Those organism, who are better fit in an environment leave more progeny that others. These therefore, will survive more and hence are selected by nature

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

The Darwin theory of natural selection can be concluded as :

1. The number of organisms are produced more than that can survive because of limited resources.
2. Organisms struggle for the necessities of life; there is competition for resources.
3. Individuals within a population vary in their traits; some of these traits are heritable.
4. Some variants are better adapted to survive and reproduce under local conditions than others.
5. Better-adapted individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, thereby passing on copies of their genes to the next generation.
6. Species whose individuals are best adapted survive while others become extinct.
So, the correct option is 'All of the above'.

Darwin's theory of natural selection to explain organic evolution was based on?

  1. Inheritance of acquired character

  2. Appearance of sudden large inheritable variation

  3. Modification of organs through use and disuse

  4. Prodigality of reproduction, struggle for existence and survival of the fittest

Correct Option: D

Darwin's theory of natural selection explains organic evolution as follows : 

1. The number of organisms are produced more than that can survive because of limited resources.

2. Organisms struggle for the necessities of life; there is competition for resources.
3. Individuals within a population vary in their traits; some of these traits are heritable.
4. Some variants are better adapted to survive and reproduce under local conditions than others.
5. Better-adapted individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, thereby passing on copies of their genes to the next generation.
6. Species whose individuals are best adapted survive while others become extinct.

So, the correct option is 'Prodigality of reproduction, struggle for existence and survival of fittest'.


  1. Believed that organisms could pass on acquired changes to offspring

  2. Worked out the mechanism of evolution by natural selection

  3. Was the first person to realize that organisms can evolve

  4. Was eager to publish his theory so that he could get all the credit

Correct Option: B
Charles Darwin was born in 1809. In 1831, he accepted an unpaid post of naturalist on a survey ship in which he spent five years in sea charting the East Coast of South America. During his five-week stay on Galapagos island, he noticed characteristic distribution of species of finches. After collecting a lot of information, Darwin began to realise that under the conditions of intense competition between members of a population, any variation that favours survival in a particular environment, would increase the ability of the individual to reproduce and leave fertile offspring. The variations which are less favourable would decrease the chances of survival of the individual. With this data, Darwin formulated a theory of evolution by 'natural selection' in 1839.
So, the correct answer is 'Worked out the mechanism of evolution by natural selection'.

The theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin is known as ________.

  1. Theory of natural selection

  2. Synthetic theory of evolution

  3. Lamarckism inheritance

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A
The theory of evaluation proposed by Charles Darwin is known as theory of natural selection. It considers natural selection as one of the basic mechanisms of evolution, which is the gradual change in the trait of an organism by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring and the individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce, may become extinct.
So, the correct option is 'Theory of natural selection'.

According to Darwin, adaptive ability is :-

  1. Acquired

  2. Mutation

  3. Inherited

  4. Branching descent

Correct Option: D
Some individuals are better adapted to survive in new environment as the adaptive ability is transmitted to next generation as it has a genetic basis and is selected by nature. Branching descent and natural selection are the two basic points in Darwinian Theory of evolution.
So the correct answer is 'Branching descent'.

Darwin was influenced by Malthus who in 1798, wrote that human population increases.............
Whereas their resources increases..............

  1. at 0 percent rate, at 0 percent rate

  2. exponentially, arithmetically

  3. exponentially, geometrically

  4. arithmetically, geometrically

Correct Option: B

  • The human population increases exponentially when the resources are unlimited according to Darwin.
  • Unlimited resources are the ones that increases arithmetically.
So, the correct answer is 'Exponentially, Arithmetically'

Which of the following is not related to the Darwin's theory of Evolution

  1. All living organisms of a group are not identical.

  2. Variations may be passed from parent to off-spring

  3. Evolution is a slow and continuous process.

  4. Population do not grow in geometrical progression

Correct Option: D

In 1859, Charles Darwin in his book 'Origin of species' stated the 'theory of evolution'. in this theory he has stated that no two individuals are the same but they have variations which help them in survival. This is called a natural selection. According to his theory, evolution is a slow and continuous process as it creates variation among individuals, these variations may or may not be passed among the offsprings. He had not explained the population growth and the phylogeny of an individual.

So, the correct option is 'Population do not grow in geometrical progression'. 

In Galapagos islands, Drawin observed variation in structure in

  1. Elephants

  2. Giraffies

  3. Rats

  4. Finch birds

Correct Option: D

Darwin developed a theory of biological evolution in which by observing a different type of finches in the Galapagos islands. He observed 15 species of passerine birds and they varied island to island. This observation helped him to give a theory on natural selection and that lead to evolution to Finch species. 

So the correct answer is ' Finch birds ' 

In Galapagos islands, Darwin observed variations in structures in

  1. Elephants

  2. Giraffies

  3. Rats

  4. Finch birds

Correct Option: D
In the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observed that there were many varieties of small black birds, later called finches were present. All those varieties evolved on the island itself ranging from being seed-eating nature to become insectivorous, fruit eaters etc 
So, the correct option is 'Finch birds'

Mass extinctions which occurred in different eras can be explained on the bases

  1. Darwin's theory

  2. Lamarck's theory

  3. Both A and B

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Who did an experiment to prove that "The organic compounds were the basis of life"?

  1. Darwin

  2. Stanley Miller and Harold C. Urey

  3. Melvin

  4. Fox

Correct Option: A

Darwin was most influenced by research work of 

  1. Wallace

  2. Spencer

  3. Malthus

  4. Weismann

Correct Option: C

Charles Darwin was influenced by Thomas Robert Malthus, a late-eighteenth century economist. Malthus wrote "Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798), which Darwin read and was inspired by. The central theme of Malthus' work was that population growth would always overpower food supply growth, creating perpetual states of hunger, disease and struggle. The natural, ever-present struggle for survival caught the attention of Darwin and he extended Malthus' principle to the evolutionary scheme. 

On the voyage of the Beagle, Darwin (1809 - 1882) found that flora and fauna of temperate South America are most similar to that of 

  1. Tropical South America

  2. Australia

  3. Asia

  4. Europe

Correct Option: A

Charles Darwin went on a trip aboard HMS beagle as a naturalist. The purpose of this voyage was to map the uncharted areas of south Americal coastline. Darwin observed unique species of plants and animals in South America like finches and iguana. He noticed that the temperate South American animals closely resembled the tropical South Americal animals as compared to temperate European animals. Some of the characteristics of fossils observed by him in South America were similar with the contemporary South American characters of organisms.

The colleague of Darwin on his ship Beagle was

  1. Dr. Hensley

  2. Packard

  3. Gado

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The book 'Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex' was written by

  1. Charles Darwin

  2. J B. Lamarck and C. Darwin

  3. F.B. Sumner and E. Darwin

  4. Robert Brown

Correct Option: A

The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex is a book by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in 1871, which applies evolutionary theory to human evolution, and details his theory of sexual selection, a form of biological adaptation distinct from, yet interconnected with, natural selection. The book discusses many related issues, including evolutionary psychology, evolutionary ethics, differences between human races, differences between sexes, the dominant role of women in mate choice, and the relevance of the evolutionary theory to society. Thus, option A is correct.

The main features of Darwin's theory of evolution are 

  1. Struggle for existence

  2. Natural selection

  3. Survival of the fittest

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection to explain the process of evolution. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, all organisms have the potential to reproduce limitlessly irrespective of the fact that each species maintain a constant density over time. However, the struggle for existence, i.e. the competition among individuals for available resources to survive and reproduce, put a check on species density and maintains it at a constant level. Survival of fittest is unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce based on suitability of their inherited characters to prevailing environmental conditions. It imparts the reproductive advantage to certain organisms which account for major part of the gene pool of the species. Thus, natural selection favors the individual with survival and/or reproductive advantage over others under existing environmental condition. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

The Galapagos islands are associated with the visit of

  1. Jean Lamarck

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Gregor Mendel

  4. Alfred Wallace

Correct Option: B

Charles Darwin visited Galapagos islands, the chain of 22 islands located in the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of South America, during his voyage on HMS Beagle. Since Galapagos islands were once connected with South America mainland, many birds of the island resembled those of mainland. This observation laid the foundation of his concept of adaptive radiation and his theory of evolution. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What did Charles Darwin publish in 1859?

  1. Origin of Species by natural selection

  2. Species Plantarum

  3. Philosophie Zoologique

  4. De Naturien Familien

Correct Option: A

Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection to explain the process of evolution which was published in the book entitled The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 1859. Linnaeus is considered as the father of taxonomy and was first to use the binomial nomenclature for organisms in his book “Species Plantarum, 1753” in which he gave a generic name to each species. Philosophie Zoologique was published by Lamarck in 1809 in which he proposed his theory of evolution, Lamarckism.Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Who came up with the idea of evolution?

  1. Mendel

  2. Morgan

  3. Charles Darwin

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Charles Darwin came up with the idea of evolution of species with natural selection. Therefore, (c) is the correct answer.

Who described role of natural selection in speciation?

  1. Orator F. Cook

  2. Charles Robert Darwin

  3. J.B.S Haldane

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Speciation is the term used for the development of new species by changes in population. Charles Darwin was the first to describe role of natural selection in speciation. Therefore, (b) is the correct answer.

Whose bicentenary is the year 2009?

  1. Darwin

  2. Edward Jenner

  3. Stanley Miller

  4. T.H. Morgan

Correct Option: A

Charles Darwin was born in year 1809. His bicentenary year was 2009.

A scientist who gave a theory very similar to that given by Darwin was

  1. Malthus

  2. Wallace

  3. Goldstein

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: B

British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace worked on a diversity of plants and animals of Malay Archipelago, reached at the same conclusion as Darwin. Wallace's book, "Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection", was published in 1870.

The 'Descent of Man' was published by

  1. Charles Darwin in 1871

  2. Charles Darwin in 1859

  3. Hugo de Vries in 1901

  4. Lamarck in 1809

Correct Option: A

'Descent of man' was another publication by Darwin after he published 'Origin of species' in 1859.

The term 'Phyletic evolution' was proposed by

  1. Lamarck

  2. Mayer

  3. Darwin

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Phyletic evolution actually refers to slow gradual evolution. It is a theory stating that, evolutionary change happens slowly, steadily and gradually in an attempt of the species to continue to adapt to changes in the environment, until they gradually become new species.

Modern evolutionary theory consists of the concepts of Darwin modified by knowledge concerning

  1. Population statistics

  2. Mendel's law

  3. The idea of the survival of the fittest

  4. Competition

Correct Option: C
  • Charles Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. It emphasized that in a population, variations result based on different combinations of traits and the carrying capacity of the environment is limited. 
  • Hence there cannot be a guarantee of breeding and reproduction probability. In such a situation nature selects the best-adapted organisms for survival with better traits than the other.  
  • Such an organism will have a greater chance of becoming parents for the next generation because of its superior characters. 
  • So there is a struggle among the organisms for existence in which only the fittest organism survives and others perish. This concept is called as the survival of the fittest. Thus the correct answer is option C. 

Darwin correlated variations observed in nature to variations found in

  1. Human society

  2. Breeding domesticated animals

  3. Breeding crop plants

  4. Caged animals

Correct Option: B

Darwin notes that there is greater variation observed in domesticated species than would be seen in the wild. Darwin admits that the laws governing inheritance are not yet fully understood, why some traits might skip generations while others only appear in one sex or the other. He reviews a number of domesticated species, in particular various breeds of dogs where it remains unclear if they derive from a single parent species or several. After the different types of animals he has focused his study on domestic pigeons. So, the correct answer is "Breeding domesticated animals".

According to Darwin, one acre of land may contain

  1. About 100,000 earthworms

  2. About 50,000 earthworms

  3. About 20,000 earthworms

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Darwin in his old ages returned to earthworms and wrote a book which described the volume of soil that earthworms swallow and eject as castings. He reported that an acre of land may contain about 50,000 earthworms and yield 18 tons of castings per year. So, the correct answer is 'About 50,000 earthworms'.

The name Galapagos islands has been given on the basis of occurrence of 

  1. Black cooled lava

  2. Giant Tortoises

  3. Giant iguanas

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B
  • The Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 973 km off the west coast of South America.
  • Galapagos islands discovered in 1535 by a Spanish bishop named Fray Tomas de Berlanga, he named the island Galapagos after the impressive giant tortoises found there.
  • Hence the name Galapagos islands have been given on the basis of occurrence of Giant Tortoises.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Giant Tortoises'.

The term Darwin's finches was given to Galapagos finches by 

  1. Huxley

  2. Spencer

  3. Wallace

  4. Lank

Correct Option: D
  • The term Darwin's finches was given to Galapagos finches because, On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection.
  • Darwin's finches comprise a group of 15 species endemic to the Galápagos (14 species) and Cocos (1 species) Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
  • The term Darwin's finches was given to Galapagos finches by David Lank in the book Darwin's finches.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Lank'.

Darwin's finches occur in 

  1. Australia

  2. Galapagos islands

  3. Siberia

  4. India

Correct Option: B
  • The term Darwin's finches was given to Galapagos finches because, On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection.
  • Darwin's finches comprise a group of 15 species endemic to the Galápagos (14 species) and Cocos (1 species) Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Hence Darwin's finches occur in Galapagos islands.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Galapagos islands'.

Galapagos Islands were visited by :

  1. Wallace

  2. Darwin

  3. Lamarck

  4. De Vries

Correct Option: B

The Galapagos Islands were prominently featured in Charles Darwin's landmark book on evolution, The Origin of  Species. On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection.

So, the correct answer is 'Darwin'

Darwin was most influenced by :

  1. Lamarck's theory of acquired characters

  2. Weisman's theory of origin of species

  3. Wallace's theory of origin of species

  4. Essay on Population by Malthus

Correct Option: D

Thomas Malthus' work helped inspire Darwin to refine the natural selection by stating a reason for meaningful competition between members of the same species. Not surprisingly, Malthus, an ordained minister, believed that hunger and disease were aspects of life implemented by God to stop populations from exploding. Malthus was an influence through his book 'Essay on Population'

So, the correct answer is 'Essay on Population by Malthus'.

Which book was written by Charles Darwin?

  1. Origin of species

  2. Species Plantarum

  3. Genera Plantarum

  4. De Naturien Familien

Correct Option: A
 Origin of Species Charles Darwin 
 Species Plantarum  Carl Linnaeus
 Genera Plantarum  Carl Linnaeus Armand's Neo
 De Naturien Familien   Armand's Neo

So, the correct answer is 'Origin of Species'

'Origin of Species' was written by :

  1. Oparin

  2. Weismann

  3. Lamarck

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: D

On the Origin of Species (or, more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.

So, the correct answer is 'Darwin'

Most important theory of general biology was proposed by :

  1. Mendel and Morgan

  2. Beadle and Tatum

  3. Watson and Crick

  4. Darwin and Wallace

Correct Option: D

The most important theory of general biology is the theory of evolution by natural selection. In the early 19th century Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744 – 1829) proposed his theory of the transmutation of species, the first fully formed theory of evolution. In 1858 Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace published a new evolutionary theory, explained in detail in Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859).

So, the correct answer is 'Darwin and Wallace'

Which was not proposed by Darwin?

  1. Struggle for existence

  2. Natural selection

  3. Genetic drift

  4. Survival of the fittest

Correct Option: C

The main concept of Darwin's theory was natural selection. Other main points were High rate of reproduction, Total number almost constant, Struggle for existence, Variations, Survival of the fittest. It didn't had genetic drift. Hence, option C is correct.

Darwin's theory of pangenesis proposes __________.

  1. Some physical basis of inheritance.

  2. Development of useful organs and degeneration of useful organs.

  3. Increase in organ size with age

  4. Development of organs due to will power.

Correct Option: A

In 1868, Darwin put forward the Theory of Pangenesis. According to this theory, every organ of the body produces minute hereditary particles, called gemmules or Pangenes, and they can be carried through the blood into the gametes. It laid emphasis on some basis of inheritance. Hence, Option A is correct. 

Darwin in his 'Natural Selection Theory' did not belive in any role of which one of the following ?

  1. Parasites and predators as natural enemies.

  2. Survival of the fittest

  3. Struggle for existence

  4. Discontinuous variations

Correct Option: D

The main features of Darwin's theory of Natural Selection are as follows - 

  1. Over production
  2. Struggle for existence
  3. Survival of the fittest
  4. Origin of new species
  5. Variations and hereditary
According to Darwin, the variations were continuous. Therefore, Option D is correct option.   

According to Darwin, which one is not of much importance in formation of species?

  1. Over-production

  2. Survival of the fittest

  3. Struggle for existence and variations

  4. Inheritance of acquired characters

Correct Option: D

Darwinism explains all except :

  1. Within each species there are variations.

  2. Variations are inherited from parents to offspring through genes.

  3. Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive.

  4. Organisms with better traits that overcome competition are best suited under the environment.

Correct Option: B

One of the major drawbacks of Darwin's theory is the absence of knowledge on inheritance. The genetic basis of evolution, cause of variations was not included in Darwin's 'Origin of Species'. It was only after the discovery of genes and traits by Mendel, genetics could be associated with evolution.

So, the correct answer is 'Variations are inherited from parents to offspring through genes'

Original features of Darwin's finches in Galapagos islands were adapted for :

  1. Flesh eating

  2. Insect eating

  3. Fish eating

  4. Honey collecting

  5. Seed eating

Correct Option: E

The small black birds found on Galapagos islands, which later came to be known as Darwin's finches were originally adapted with seed-eating features. From these many other forms evolved with altered beaks depending on the food habit. This enabled them to become insectivorous and vegetarian finches.

So, the correct answer is 'Seed eating'

The naturalist Charles Darwin was inspired to write "Origin of Species" when the ship in which he was travelling reached :

  1. Hawaii islands

  2. Galapagos islands

  3. Antartica

  4. Great Barrier Reef

Correct Option: B

  • Darwin reached the Galapagos islands on HMS Beage while travelling which is of historic importance.
  • During his visit to the islands, Darwin noted that the unique creatures were similar from island to island, but perfectly adapted to their environments which led him to ponder the origin of the islands' inhabitants.
  • So, Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands had a resounding impact on the formation of his Theory of Natural Selection.
Hence, the correct option is 'Galapagos islands'.

Darwin's finches provide an excellent evidence in favour of evolution. This evidence comes from the field of ____________.

  1. Anatomy

  2. Biogeography

  3. Embryology

  4. Palaeontology

Correct Option: A

The 'Origin of Species' is written by

  1. Linnaeus

  2. Darwin

  3. Hackel

  4. Whittaker

Correct Option: B
  • 'On the Origin of Species', published on 24th November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
  •  Its full title was 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life'.
  • Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that natural selection and presented a body of evidence gathered from the Beagle expedition, stating that the diversity of life descended from a common ancestor through evolution. 

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Which of the following is not an important element of Darwin's theory of evolution?

  1. Inheritance of acquired traits

  2. All organisms arose from a common ancestor

  3. Presence of variation within a population of individuals

  4. Natural selection

Correct Option: A

Darwin's Theory of Evolution states that groups of organisms will undergo genetic changes over time due to the process of natural selection. If enough changes occur, this can create new species from the pre-existing ones. Variations in a species' genetics that lead to evolution often come from mutations.

So correct answer is A, Inheritance of acquired traits.

Darwin's explanation of the way in which evolution occurs is that

  1. God determines which species should evolve

  2. progressive adaptations enable one species to leave more offspring

  3. certain species have built-in plans of evolution

  4. those traits used most often persist longer

Correct Option: B

According to Darwin the evolution occurs due to adaptation of the species to the environmental conditions , these adaptations are then carried out to the next generation by reproduction thus the species survive and evolve 

So, the correct answer is 'progressive adaptations enable one species to leave more offspring'

Which one of the following is not associated with the theory of Charles Darwin

  1. Mutation

  2. Natural selection

  3. Survival of the fittest

  4. Struggle for existence

Correct Option: A

The Charles Darwin's theory is based on the survival of the fittest , the species who readily adapt to the changes in the environment for its existence tend to live. The species fitting to the natural selection only survive

So, the correct answer is 'Mutation'

Successful adaptation simply means

  1. an increase in fitness

  2. moving to a new place

  3. producing offspring

  4. evolving new characteristics

Correct Option: A
Adaptation means that the species have built up some changes in them so as to fit into the environmental changes for the living it does not mean moving to some other place rather it means being in the same place and fighting against the changes and surviving , producing offspring is the  next step after adaptation to transfer the genes to the next generation 
So, the correct answer is 'an increase in fitness'

In formulating the theory of evolution by natural selection, Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by

  1. environmental factors

  2. mutations

  3. Maithus idea on population control

  4. all of these

Correct Option: C
Charles Darwin was influenced by many writers, scholars, philosophers, and friends. One of his influences was Thomas Robert Malthus, a late-eighteenth century economist. Malthus wrote "Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798), which Darwin read and was inspired by. The central theme of Malthus' work was that population growth would always overpower food supply growth, creating perpetual states of hunger, disease, and struggle. The natural, ever-present struggle for survival caught the attention of Darwin, and he extended Malthus' principle to the evolutionary scheme.

So, the correct answer is 'Maithus idea on population control'.

The cluster of species formed on Galapagos islands are clear example of all, except

  1. Species formation arising by micro-evolutionary divergence from an ancestral form occupying different habitats, of microevolution leading to macro-evolution

  2. Founder's effect

  3. Adaptive radiation

  4. Sympatric speciation

Correct Option: A

Founder's effect is the loss of genetic variation when a new colony is formed by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. The finches of Galapagos Island are a perfect example of the founder effect.
The process, whereby species evolve rapidly to exploit empty ecospace, is known as adaptive radiation. There are now at least 13 species of finches on the Galapagos Islands, each filling a different niche on different islands and this is a good example of adaptive radiation.
Sympatric speciation occurs when there are no physical barriers preventing any members of a species from mating with another, and all members are in close proximity to one another which is an example of Galapagos island.
Thus, the correct answer is 'Species formation arising by micro-evolutionary divergence from an ancestral form occupying different habitats, of microevolution leading to macro-evolution'.

Darwin said that all the organisms reproduce ...........

  1. With mutations 

  2. Uprightly

  3. Prolifically

  4. Independently

Correct Option: C

Darwin concluded that organisms reproduce prolifically and in each generation the number of individual increases that can survive. The individuals show some phenotypic variations, and these variations are heritable. Darwin also suggested that the process of evolution is based on natural selection.

Darwinian theory of evolution-

  1. Branching descent and natural selection are two axillary concepts of this theory.

  2. Natural selection is based on some factual observations.

  3. Was influenced by work of Alfred Wallace on populations.

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: B

Who discovered biological evolution?

  1. John Darwin

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Cicero

  4. Al Khwarizmi

Correct Option: B

According to Darwin, diversity is found in Australian marsupials is due to:

  1. Convergent evolution.

  2. Divergent evolution.

  3. Adaptive radiation.

  4. Co - evolution.

Correct Option: C

Which types of birds were absent on Galapagos islands when they were surveyed by Darwin?

  1. Warblers and wood peckers

  2. Carnivores

  3. Cactus feeding

  4. Seed eating

Correct Option: A

On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin found a few types of finches that fluctuated from island to island, which helped him to build up his hypothesis of characteristic selection. Darwin's finches are a traditional case of a versatile radiation. Their regular precursor touched base on the Galapagos around two million years prior. Amid the time that has passed Darwin's finches have advanced into 15 perceived species contrasting in body measure, snout shape, melody and sustaining conduct.

So, the correct option is 'Warblers and woodpeckers'.

Plants and animals  of Galapogoe islands resemble plants and animals of main land in

  1. North Africa

  2. North America

  3. South Africa

  4. South America

Correct Option: D
A Galápagos tortoise most nearly looks like South American tortoises. Disengaged on these remote islands, the Galápagos tortoise has developed unmistakable structures. 
A comparative likeness to territory feathered creatures can be found in an island finch Darwin never observed alone finch animal types living on Cocos Island, a modest, remote volcanic island found 630 kilometres toward the upper east of the Galápagos. This finch does not take after the finches of Europe, Australia, Africa, or North America. Rather, it looks like the finches of Costa Rica, 500 kilometres toward the east.
So, the correct option is 'South America'.

Which one cannot be explained by Darwinism?

  1. Over-specialisation

  2. Persistance of vestigal organs

  3. Occurrence of unchanged forms

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

The key aspects of the theory of natural selection are rapid increase in population, struggle for existence resulting from limited food and space, Natural selection or survival of the fittest and elimination of the unfit and origin of new species. Darwinism fails to attribute the reasons for the existence of vestigial organs like vermiform appendix in human beings. These organs should have been eliminated during the progression of evolution because of its no use for long time. Another big limitation is the difference between heritable and non-heritable variations. Theory of natural selection fails to explain the origin of variation. Further, Darwin believed evolution is due to gradual variations. But in many instances, the occurrence of such variations are not of use for the struggle of existence. For example, the eye in the case of animals is functional only in a fully formed condition and all the features of the eye according to Darwin could not have come into existence at one step. It should have been by the collection of several mutations. But then each change by itself is of no advantage. Thus, the correct answer is 'All of the above.'

In postulating the theory of evolution by natural selection, Darwin was greatly influenced by 

  1. Mutation theory of Hugo de Vires

  2. Lamarck's theory of acquired characters

  3. Malthus idea of population control

  4. Environmental factors

Correct Option: C

One of his persuasions was Thomas Robert Malthus, a late-eighteenth-century financial analyst. Malthus stated is "Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798), which Darwin read and was roused.

So, the correct option is 'Malthus idea of population control'.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Darwin believed that a giraffe has a long neck because

  1. God designed it that way

  2. catastrophes eliminated short-necked forms

  3. its ancestors stretched their necks to get food

  4. ancestral giraffes with slightly longer necks got more food than others and left more surviving offspring

Correct Option: D

According to Darwin theory, there is both long and short neck giraffe due variation in the population. when there is a shortage of short tree leaves, short neck giraffe died and long neck giraffe survive.

Hence, the correct answer is 'ancestral giraffes with slightly longer necks got more food than others and left more surviving offspring'

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