
Description: test for knowledge
Number of Questions: 6
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Tags: jenkins masters
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Which of the following correctly describe Dreamweaver's form building capability?

  1. It designs XML forms.

  2. It supports forms generated by Access Database.

  3. It has no server side form processing features.

  4. It has no client side form processing features.

Correct Option: C

Which nation is the only one in the world to incorporate a building in its flag design?

  1. Congo

  2. Lebanon

  3. Cambodia

  4. Saudi Arabia

Correct Option: C

What type of system did Paul Nipkow, John Baird, and Charles Jenkins all invent?

  1. Telephone

  2. Early Warning

  3. Electricity

  4. Television

Correct Option: D

Which among the following is not a VST instrument plugin?

  1. Multiband compressor

  2. Sytrus

  3. Wavestation

  4. Toxic Biohazard

Correct Option: A
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