Role of agriculture sector - class-XI

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Apex bank for agricultural credit is _______.


  2. RBI

  3. SBI

  4. RRB

Correct Option: A

Short-term funds are provided for a period of __________.

  1. 12 months

  2. 8 months

  3. 15 months

  4. 18 months

Correct Option: C

What is unproductive credit?

  1. Finance used to purchase seeds, fertilisers, pesticides and related agricultural tools.

  2. Credit taken for the purpose of permanently enhancing the productivity of land.

  3. Credit that can be repaid using increased income generated from productive use of finance.

  4. Credit required to meet consumption expenditures for social and religious purposes.

Correct Option: D
Credit required to meet consumption expenditures for social and religious purposes is known as unproductive credit. Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.
In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.

What are the traditional sources of agricultural credit termed as?

  1. Institutional sources

  2. Non-institutional sources

  3. Formal sources

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The traditional sources of agricultural credit termed as non-institutional sources.In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.

Agricultural credit can be categorised on the basis of __________.

  1. purpose of credit

  2. objective of credit provider

  3. time period of credit

  4. both 'a and c'

Correct Option: D
Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.
In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.

Credit available for a period of 15 months to 5 years is termed as __________.

  1. long-term credit

  2. short-term credit

  3. medium-term creit

  4. both 'b and c'

Correct Option: C

Credit available for a period of 15 months to 5 years is termed as medium term credit.In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.

What is productive credit?

  1. Finance used to purchase seeds, fertilisers, pesticides and related agricultural tools.

  2. Credit taken for the purpose of permanently enhancing the productivity of land.

  3. Credit which does not contribute to production.

  4. Both 'a and b'

Correct Option: D

Finance used to purchase seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and related agricultural tools and credit taken for the purpose of permanently enhancing the productivity of land are known as productive credit.

In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.

In March, 2014 there were over _______ 'primary agricultural credit societies' (PACS) covering 98% of villages in India.

  1. 93,000

  2. 82,000

  3. 56,000

  4. 98,000

Correct Option: A

In March, 2014 there were over 93000 'primary agricultural credit societies' (PACS) covering 98% of villages in India.
PACS provides institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities.Credit helps to increase the productive capacity of the economy.

Which co-operative institutions provide credit in the agricultural sector?

  1. Cooperative banks

  2. Land Development Banks

  3. Both 'a and b'

  4. Neither a nor b

Correct Option: C
Co-operative institutions which provide credit in the agricultural sector are :-
a) cooperative banks
b) Land Development Banks Institutional credit assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

Non-institutional sources of rural credit still performs a vital role in providing credit for ___________ purposes.

  1. productive

  2. unproductive

  3. industrial

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Non-institutional sources of rural credit still performs a vital role in providing credit for unproductive purposes.The traditional sources of agricultural credit termed as non-institutional sources.Non-institutional credit providers charge exorbitant interest rates ranging between 24% to 50%.In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.

Non-institutional credit providers charge exorbitant interest rates ranging between 24% to _______.

  1. 50%

  2. 30%

  3. 26%

  4. 40%

Correct Option: A

The traditional sources of agricultural credit termed as non-institutional sources.Non-institutional credit providers charge exorbitant interest rates ranging between 24% to 50%.In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the agricultural sector in rural India, appropriate and specialized credit agencies are needed. Credit helped to increase the productive capacity.Agricultural credit can be categorized on the basis of both purpose of credit and objective of credit provider.

Co-operative banks have a  __________ structure.

  1. 2-tier

  2. 3-tier

  3. 4-tier

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Co-operative banks have a  3-tier structure.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

___________ were the major source of agricultural credit which accounted for about 70% of agricultural credit in 1950-51.

  1. Moneylenders

  2. Zamindars

  3. Banks

  4. Commission Agents

Correct Option: A

Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide ________ loans.

  1. medium-term

  2. short-term

  3. long-term

  4. both 'a and b'

Correct Option: D

Which co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans?

  1. Cooperative Banks

  2. Land Development Banks


  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities. Land Development Banks (LDBs) have a 2-tier structure.Land Development Banks (LDBs) have been effectively established in India since 1929.

The 3-tier structure of co-operative banks includes which of the following?
(i)   NABARD
(ii)  State Cooperative Banks
(iii) Central Cooperative Banks
(iv) District Central Cooperative Banks
(v)  Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)

  1. (i), (ii) and (iv)

  2. (i), (iii) and (v)

  3. (ii), (iv) and (v)

  4. (ii), (iii) and (v)

Correct Option: C
The 3-tier structure of co-operative banks includes :-a) State Cooperative Banksb) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)
c) District Central Cooperative Banks
Co-operative banks have a  3-tier structure.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

___________ operate in each state at the apex level.

  1. State Cooperative Banks

  2. Central Cooperative Banks

  3. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)

  4. State Central Cooperative Banks

Correct Option: A

State Cooperative Banks operate in each state at the apex level.State Cooperative Banks provides institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities.Credit helps to increase the productive capacity of the economy.

Cooperatives have not made much progress in tribal and hilly areas.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Cooperatives have not made much progress in tribal and hilly areas- this is a true statement.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

___________ Land Development Banks operate at the district level.

  1. Central

  2. State

  3. Primary

  4. District

Correct Option: C

Primary Land Development Banks operate at the district level.Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

What is the major source of funds for Land Development Banks (LDBs)?

  1. Issue of bonds and debentures.

  2. Assistance from commercial banks.

  3. Loans from RBI.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: A

Issue of bonds and debentures is the major source of funds for Land Development Banks (LDBs).Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

Central Land Development Banks operate at the ___________ level.

  1. district

  2. village

  3. national

  4. state

Correct Option: D

Central Land Development Banks operate at the state level.Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

Land Development Banks (LDBs) have a ________ structure.

  1. 3-tier

  2. 2-tier

  3. 4-tier

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Land Development Banks (LDBs) have a 2-tier structure.Land Development Banks (LDBs) have been effectively established in India since 1929.Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

Land Development Banks (LDBs) have been effectively established in India since __________.

  1. 1920

  2. 1956

  3. 1951

  4. 1929

Correct Option: D

Land Development Banks (LDBs) have been effectively established in India since 1929.Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

70% of loans advanced by cooperative societies have been dispersed in ______ states.

  1. 18

  2. 12

  3. 8

  4. 24

Correct Option: C

70% of loans advanced by cooperative societies have been dispersed in 8 states.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

The number of primary land development banks stood at _______ as of Mar., 2013.

  1. 650

  2. 714

  3. 765

  4. 950

Correct Option: B

The number of primary land development banks stood at 714  as of Mar., 2013.Primary Land Development Banks operate at the district level.Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities.

Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as ____________ in some states.

  1. Land Mortgage Banks

  2. Agricultural and Rural Development Banks

  3. both 'a and b'

  4. neither a nor b

Correct Option: C

Land Development Banks (LDBs) are also called as Land Mortgage Banks and Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in some states.Land Development Banks- co-operative credit institution provides long-term loans. It provide loans generally more than one year. It provides institutional credit which assist in agricultural developmental activities. Land Development Banks (LDBs) have a 2-tier structure.Land Development Banks (LDBs) have been effectively established in India since 1929.

A large part of cooperative credit is dispersed to __________.

  1. small farmers

  2. landless agricultural labourers

  3. rural artisans

  4. large and rich farmers

Correct Option: D

A large part of cooperative credit is dispersed to  large and rich farmers.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

Cooperative societies have not been facing problems with regards to recovery of loans and advances.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Cooperative societies have not been facing problems with regards to recovery of loans and advances- this is a false statement since cooperative societies have been facing problems with regards to recovery of loans and advances.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

Rural credit provided by cooperative societies suffers from the problem of undue delays.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Rural credit provided by cooperative societies suffers from the problem of undue delays- this is a true statement.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

There is 'feminisation' of the agriculture sector in the country due to ______________.

  1. sex ratio being biased against women.

  2. growing migration of men to the urban areas.

  3. development of women-friendly farm tools in recent times.

  4. unskilled labour needed in the farm sector.

Correct Option: B

Men have been migrating to urban locations in search of better employment avenues leaving the farm responsibilities on women the Survey has suggested the Government for 'gender-specific farm interventions' to support the farm sector.

Consider the following statements and select the correct one/ones by using the code given below:
1. As per the Government, India is able to realise only 30 per cent of its agri-exports potential.
2. The proposed scheme Operation Greens is not related to promotion of food processing facilities. 

  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Option: A

At present (2017-18, Provisional) India's agri-exports are at US$ 30 billion while its potential is of US$ 100 billion. The scheme Operation Greens is aimed at promoting food processing facilities also together with agri-logistics and professional management of the agri-goods. 

Select the incorrect function of the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) __________________.

  1. Provides a range of credit risk insurance covers to exporters against loss in export of gods and services.

  2. Offers guarantees to banks and financial institutions to enable exporters to obtain better facilities from them.

  3. One of its divisions provides export insurance to companies based abroad.

  4. Provides Overseas Investment Insurance (OII) to Indian companies investing in joint ventures abroad in the form of equity or loan.

Correct Option: C

Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited, was established in the year 1957 by the Government of India to strengthen the export promotion drive by covering the risk of exporting on credit. Being essentially an export promotion organization, it functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce, and Government, Reserve Bank of India, banking, insurance and exporting community. ECGC is the fifth largest credit insurer of the world in terms of coverage of national exports. The present paid-up capital of the company is Rs. 800 crores and authorised capital Rs. 1,000 crores.

Nearly, half of the agricultural credit is concentrated in ______.

  1. eastern states

  2. western states

  3. northern states

  4. southern states

Correct Option: D

Agricultural loan default is pegged at ________.

  1. 30%

  2. 40%

  3. 50%

  4. 60%

Correct Option: B

In India generally the farmers get a  _________ price for their products.

  1. low

  2. high

  3. fair

  4. medium

Correct Option: A

The major beneficiaries of agricultural credit have been ___________.

  1. large & medium farmers

  2. small & medium farmers

  3. only large farmers

  4. only small farmers

Correct Option: A

The share of cooperative credit institutions in the total institutional credit shifted from 44% in 1990-91 to ______ in 2014-15.

  1. 25%

  2. 55%

  3. 32%

  4. 16%

Correct Option: D

The share of cooperative credit institutions in the total institutional credit shifted from 44% in 1990-91 to 16% in 2014-15Cooperative credit institutions have covered only 65% of the rural population.Cooperative banks as a cooperative credit institution provide both medium-term as well as short-term.loans.Cooperatives provide Institutional credit which assists rural households involved in agricultural activities. The government exclusively depended on development of cooperatives as an institutional source of rural credit till 1970.

Which type of subsidies are provided to industrial research and pro competitive development activity in disadvantaged regions?

  1. Prohibited subsidies

  2. Actionable subsidies

  3. Non-actionable subsidies

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The subsidy contains three basic elements are a financial contribution, by a government or any public body within the region of an element, which confers an advantage. All three of these elements must be satisfied in order for a subsidy to exist. Non-actionable subsidies, however, are not subject to these tariffs. 

For example, environmental and scientific subsidies are non-actionable. non-actionable subsidies are those which are functional to explore and pre-competitive development performance, and others which help the disadvantaged region.

The correct answer is C.

What is correct about the Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) policy for fertilizers recently implemented by the Government of India?

  1. It increases the focus of fertilizer subsidy being given to the farmers.

  2. It rationalises the fertilizer subsidies among the three componentsN, P and K.

  3. It intends to check the fertilizer subsidy burden of the government.

  4. It delivers subsidy to end-users in place of the fertilizers manufacturers.

Correct Option: C

By this, the government intends to check the expanding value of fertilizers subsidiessubsidies still go to the manufacturers and importers.

Which of the following is/are correct about 'second green revolution' in India - select your answer using the code given below:
1. Replacing the chemical inputs of farming by organic inputs
2. Sustainable and judicious use of the water, soil and other resources of farming
3.Using bio-technological knowledge for the purposes of enhancing productivity

  1. 1 and 2

  2. 2 and 3

  3. 1 and 3

  4. 1,2 and 3

Correct Option: A

Use of bio-tech is optional and not obligatory to make farming 'green'. But in the case of India it looks better to use it as part of the second green revolution as it can be handy in the development of so many suitable inputs which may increase production and cut prices of the agriculture products.

Select the correct code for Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) policy on the fertilizers:
1. Unlike earlier policy, the subsidy now goes directly to the end-users. i.e.. farmers.
2. MRPs of fertilizers are now fixed by the manufacturer and importers— international prices of fertilizers and their raw meterials now show up in their MRPs in in India unlike the erlier times.

  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Option: B

Fertilizers subsidy still goes to the manufacturers/importers but since it has been put on the value of 'nutrients' available in them the government has been able to cut down the cost of fertilizers subsidies. Statement-2 is correct. 

Which of the following grains were produced the most during the Indian Green Revolution?

  1. Wheat and Potato

  2. Jowar and Oil Seeds

  3. Wheat and Rice

  4. Tea and Coffee

Correct Option: C

Indian green revolution gave major focus on increasing the production of wheat rice, maize, jowar. In the first phase major increase the productivity of wheat were sown and during the second phase rice saw an increase. 

'Green Revolution' has not been that "Green" as it had been made out to be because of which of the following?

  1. It is confined mainly to wheat

  2. It is confined to selected regions

  3. It and reforms remain unimplemented

  4. Consumption of fertilisers has not picked up

Correct Option: A

When it started the focus of the Green Revolution was to be kept on crops like Wheat, Rice, Maize, Jowar. But during the actual implementation and result the main growth has been in the crop of Wheat. 

The Green Revolution has led to a marked increase in ________.

  1. productivity of wheat

  2. regional inequalities

  3. inter-personal inequalities

  4. all the above

Correct Option: D

In the first phase of green revolution the production of wheat increased majorly. The impact of the green revolution was evidently seen in the northern states like Hariyana, Punjab, which created the regional inequalities. The richer farmers got the advantage creating inter personal inequalities.

Which one of the following statements most appropriately describes the nature of the Green Revolution?

  1. Intensive cultivation of Green vegetables

  2. Intensive agricultural district programme

  3. High-yielding varieties programme

  4. Seed - fertiliser - water technology

Correct Option: D

Green Revolution refers to the revolution brought about in Indian agriculture in 1966 with the help of improved varieties of seeds (HYV), better manure and irrigation and more up to date methods of farming in form of technological upgradation.

Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of subsidies ?

  1. Subsidies are similar to indirect taxes is that they open a gap between the buyer and the subsidised buyer

  2. Subsidies disturb the pattern of consumption

  3. The indirect cost of pattern is much greater than the direct cost of budgetary subsidies

  4. Subsidies are anti-inflationary

Correct Option: B

Subsidies do not disturb the pattern of consumption there is no relation between subsidies and consumption.

How did government help small farmers when the country was adopting HYV seeds? 

  1. Provide equipent

  2. Provide bank loans.

  3. Provide irrigation facilities

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is the full form of KCC as used in the agriculture sector?

  1. Kisan Credit Card

  2. Kisan Credit Company

  3. Knowledge Credit Corporation

  4. Konkan Credit Corporation

Correct Option: A

The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme, introduced in 1998-99, has made rapid progress with the banking system. The scheme has helped in augmenting the flow of short-term crop loans for seasonal agricultural operations to farmers. Besides the existing facilities of providing crop loan, the scope of KCC Scheme has been enlarged to include term loans for agriculture and allied activities along with a component to meet the consumption needs.

The government assisted which type of farmers more during the green revolution?

  1. Farmers with small land

  2. Farmers with large land

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: B

Which of the following was an influence of the government in adopting HYV seeds?

  1. Deciding the states of adoption of HYV seeds

  2. Providing equipment to compliment HYV seeds

  3. Providing irrigation facilities to compliment HYV seeds

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

State a reason for reduction of India's GDP during the 1950's. 

  1. Increased dependence on agriculture

  2. Reduced dependence on agriculture

  3. Reduced dependence on service sector.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

What led to the reduction of India's GDP during the 1950's? 

  1. Lack of growth of industrial and service sector

  2. Lack of growth of agricultural sector

  3. Lack of growth of fishing industry

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not an example of a subsidy in India?

  1. Fertilizer subsidy

  2. Petroleum subsidy

  3. Drinking water and sanitation subsidy.

  4. Subsidy for coal factories.

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is a reason for giving farmers subsidies? 

  1. Low income for farmers

  2. Low yield produced

  3. Lack of equipment

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The main impact of the Green Revolution has been on

  1. cereals

  2. pulses

  3. fruits

  4. vegetables

Correct Option: A

Green revolution is also called revolution ________.

  1. wheat

  2. rice

  3. bajra

  4. jawar

Correct Option: A

Over the years, the per capita availability of food grains has _____.

  1. declined

  2. improved

  3. remained constant

  4. no specific trend

Correct Option: B

Green revolution started in the year?

  1. $1967-69$ with the production of rice and wheat

  2. $1967-69$ with the production of wheat and barley

  3. $1967-68$ with the production of rice and wheat

  4. $1967-68$ with the production of wheat and barley

Correct Option: C

Green revolution is a phenomenon of _______.

  1. 1956

  2. 1966

  3. 1976

  4. 1969

Correct Option: B

Main element of new Agriculture strategy in India is ____________________.

  1. Agricultural machinery and Tools

  2. Finance and marketing

  3. Seeds and fertilizer

  4. Tenancy and hand reforms

Correct Option: C

Green revolution was commenced in year ______.

  1. 1930

  2. 1966

  3. 1955

  4. 1972

Correct Option: B

Green revolution was started in the year of 1966 with a significant break in the production of two main food grains, Rice and wheat. 

The main aim of Green Revolution was to maintain a high level of agricultural production over a long period of time with efficient use of resources.

Green Revolution means _________.

  1. significant break through in the production of food grains

  2. maintaining a high level agricultural production over a long period of time

  3. eating green vegetables

  4. (A) and (B)

Correct Option: D

Green revolution was started in the year of 1967 with a significant break in the production of two main food grains, Rice and wheat. 

The main aim of Green Revolution was to maintain a high level of agricultural production over a long period of time with efficient use of resources.

In _____, Agricultural Price Commission (now rechristened as Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) was set up to advice the Government from time to time on appropriate price policies for agricultural commodities.

  1. 1965

  2. 1975

  3. 1985

  4. 1995

Correct Option: A

On 1st January 1965, Agricultural Price Commission was set up which later rechristened as Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) to advice the Government from time to time on appropriate price policies for agricultural commodities so all different consumers groups can be protected from price distrimination in the market.

Substantial improvement in agricultural productivity was achieved through ___________,

  1. white revolution

  2. green revolution

  3. blue revolution

  4. red revolution

Correct Option: B

Green revolution was started in the year of 1966 with a significant break in the production of two main food grains, Rice and wheat. 

The main aim of Green Revolution was to maintain a high level of agricultural production over a long period of time with efficient use of resources which refers to sustainable improvement in agriculture. 

Substantial Improvement in Agricultural Productivity was achieved through _________________.

  1. White Revolution

  2. Green Revolution

  3. Red Revolution

  4. Blue Revolution

Correct Option: B

Substantial Improvement in Agricultural Productivity was achieved through Green Revolution. It was commenced from 1966. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. The introduction of HYV seeds and increased use of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation- collectively known as Green Revolution.

Green Revolution commenced in the year __________.

  1. 1946

  2. 1966

  3. 1986

  4. 2006

Correct Option: B

Green Revolution commenced in the year 1966.Substantial Improvement in Agricultural Productivity was achieved through Green Revolution. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. The introduction of HYV seeds and increased use of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation- collectively known as Green Revolution.

Match in following 

1. Green Revolution (A) oil seeds
2. Yellow Revolution (B) Fish
3. Blue Revolution (C) milk
4. White Revolution (D) Agriculture
  1. 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - A, 4 - D

  2. 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - D, 4 - A

  3. 1 - D, 2 - A, 3 - B, 4 - C

  4. 1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, 4 - D

Correct Option: C
 1.   Green Revolution   Agriculture
 2.  Yellow Revolution  oil seeds
 3.  Blue Revolution   Fish
 4.  White Revolution  milk

Significant breakthrough by way of productivity increase under Green Revolution was achieved in ____________.

  1. wheat

  2. rice

  3. jute

  4. tobacco

Correct Option: A

Significant breakthrough by way of productivity increase under Green Revolution was achieved in wheat.Green Revolution commenced in the year 1966.Substantial Improvement in Agricultural Productivity was achieved through Green Revolution. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. The introduction of HYV seeds and increased use of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation- collectively known as Green Revolution.

Consequent to Green Revolution, India became ________of food-grains.

  1. net importer

  2. net exporter

  3. both (a) and (b)

  4. neither (a) nor (b)

Correct Option: B

Green Revolution began in ________.

  1. 1956

  2. 1966

  3. 1976

  4. 1986

Correct Option: B

Green Revolution commenced in the year 1966.Substantial Improvement in Agricultural Productivity was achieved through Green Revolution. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. The introduction of HYV seeds and increased use of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation- collectively known as Green Revolution.

Green revolution has not been that successful as it has been made out to be because ____________.

  1. it is confined mainly to wheat and rice

  2. it is confined to selected regions

  3. land reforms remain unimplemented

  4. all of above

Correct Option: D
Green revolution has not been that successful as it has been made out to be because of the following reasons :-a) it is confined mainly to wheat and rice
b) it is confined to selected regions
c) land reforms remain unimplemented
Green revolution was commenced on 1966. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. It focused to increase the agricultural productivity of the economy.

Green revolution has resulted in:
(i)  Increase in agricultural production
(ii) Increase in yield per hectare of land
(iii) Reduction in disparities between rich and poor farmers
(iv) Decrease in regional imbalances

  1. (i) and (iii)

  2. (ii) and (iii)

  3. (i) and (ii)

  4. (iii) and (iv)

Correct Option: C
Green revolution has resulted in :-
(i)  Increase in agricultural production
(ii) Increase in yield per hectare of land
Green revolution was commenced on 1966. The father of Green Revolution was M.S Swaminathan. It focused to increase the agricultural productivity of the economy.

During third plan, i.e., before implementation of HYVP food grain production was 81 million tones which has increased to ________ million tonnes 2010-11.

  1. 200.3

  2. 210.5

  3. 241

  4. 215.5

Correct Option: C

During third plan, i.e., before implementation of HYVP food grain production was 81 million tones which has increased to 241 million tonnes 2010-11.HYVP basically aimed at increasing agricultural productivity at a large extent. It helped to ensure the food security of the country.

The green Revolution has led to marked increase in which of the following ?
1. Regional inequalities
2.Inter-personal inequalities
3.The productivity of wheat
4.The productivity of pulses
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

  1. 4 only

  2. 1 , 2 , 3 and 4

  3. 2 , 3 and 4

  4. 1 , 2 and 3

Correct Option: D

The Green Revolution has led to marked increase in the regional inequalities , the productivity of wheat and the interpersonal inequalities.

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