Diversity in social life - class-IX

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State whether each of these sentences is true (T) or false (F).
All Indians speak the same language.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Different languages are spoken in a different part of India. In Tamilnadu Tamil is spoken, in Kerala, Malayalam is spoken, in Karnataka Kannada is spoken, in Andhra Telugu is spoken, in Punjab Punjabi is spoken and so on. So all Indians have the freedom to speak any one language as per their likes.

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
Which of these is not a reason for diversity?

  1. History of a region

  2. Habitat of a person

  3. Religion of person

  4. Wealth of a person

Correct Option: D

People cannot be diversified based on there wealth.

Between two person, if one is poor and other is rich then it does not mean that they are diverse, it means that there is inequality of money between those two person.

State whether each of these sentences is true (T) or false (F).
The geography of Ladakh allows cultivation of spices.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Ladakh is a cold desert of Jammu and Kashmir. As this region does not receive any rain and is covered in snow for a large part of a year so spices can not be grown over here. Very little agriculture is possible is here.

Both Kerala and Ladakh were influenced by ______ and ________.

  1. Russian, Chinese

  2. Chinese, Arab

  3. British, Roman

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
Both regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders. It was the geography of Kerala which allowed for the cultivation of spices which were in high demand in the middle-east and Europe.
The special geographical location of Ladakh and its wool drew traders to these regions.
Thus history and geography are often tied to the cultural life of a region.

State whether the given sentence is true (T) or false (F).
Caste system is an example of diversity.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The caste system is not an example of diversity. In fact it creates a situation of discrimination on the basis of caste. It divides people into an upper and lower caste. 

______ community was treated as untouchables in the Bombay Presidency.

  1. Koli

  2. Mahar

  3. Nayar

  4. Munda

Correct Option: B

In the early 20th century, the Mahar community was treated as untouchables in the Bombay Presidency. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar belonged to this community. These people were also called Dalit.

State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). 
We have more than 1600 languages that are people's mothertongue. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

In India, we have more than 1600 language that is people's mother tongue. In different regions of our country different language is spoken by the people of that region. For example -In Karnataka, people speak Kannada, in Tamil people speak Tamil, in Andhra people speak Telugu, in Kerala people speak Malayalam, etc

India is a secular state and is clearly proclaimed in the ________________.

  1. Fundamental rights

  2. Fundamental duties.

  3. Preamble.

  4. Directive Principles of State policy

Correct Option: C

India is a secular state and it is clearly proclaimed in the Preamble of the Constitution. The term 'Secular' was added to the Constitution after the 42nd Amendment Act. Preamble explains that India has no particular religion of its own. It favours all the religion equally. 

The democratic government is better than the other forms of government because it is ___________.

  1. Legitimate

  2. Illegitimate.

  3. Unaccountable.

  4. Non transparent.

Correct Option: A

The democratic government is better than the other forms of government because it is a legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But as a democratic government is people's government.

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the National Integration ?

  1. It implies that there should be a common religion for all

  2. It makes all the people to have similar customs and traditions

  3. It means that all the people should have common lanuage

  4. A feeling and conviction that they are Indian first Indian last

Correct Option: D

Nation integration is a socio- psychological and education process through which a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohersion develops in the hearts of the people. This develops a sense of common citizenship and feeling of lotalty to the nation. 

The main hindrance to national integration in India is ___________________.

  1. The language policy of the government

  2. The non-functioning of the National Integration Council

  3. The formation of linguistic states

  4. The absence of strong national consciousness

Correct Option: D
National integration is a socio - psychological process through which a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohersion develops in the hearts of the people.
Though Indian constitution give stress on integrity of country and do not favour any particular language, caste, religion or any group but still people feel theselves attatched with their particular religion,caste and  language. Due to this passion in many areas they raise their voice to have a separate state on basis of language, caste, and religion. This leads to weaken the unity of nation. 
 For example before 1956 people demanded for formation of andhra on basis of their language. Later many state were further divided. Punjab was divided in Punjab and Haryana. "Sons of soil theory " advocates for preference to local people in government and private job. In some states they give slogan for their own state citizen llike Assam for Assamese, Maharashtra for Maharashtrians etc.

Which of the following is the national flower of India ?

  1. Rose

  2. Canna

  3. Lotus

  4. Marigold

Correct Option: C

Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn) is the national flower of India. It is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India and has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial.

When a financial emergency is proclaimed _____________________.

  1. A repayment of government debts will stop

  2. Payment of salaries to public servants will be postponed.

  3. Salaries and allowances of any class of employees may be reduced

  4. Union budget will not be presented.

Correct Option: C

Article 360 of the Constitution of India provides for the provision as to financial emergency. It provides for a provision that the President during the period of Proclamation of emergency issue directions for the reduction of salaries and allowances of all or any class of persons serving in connection with the affairs of the Union including the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court.

How many official and national languages have been recognized in the Constitution of India?

  1. 1 and 23

  2. 2 and 23

  3. 1 and 22

  4. 2 and 22

Correct Option: D

India has 2 official languages at the national level - English and Hindi (spoken by 40% of India). Given that Indian states are free to choose their own languages there are 22 other official languages at the state level. Some of them are Assamese, Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi, etc.

Ethnicity can be defined as a collectivity of people of a distinct nature in terms of race, descent, and culture.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
  • A collectivity of people of a distinct nature in terms of race, descent and culture is called ethnicity.
  • Arabs, Bihari, Danes are some of the ethnic group of the world.

Which among the following was created in 1961 to ensure 'unity in diversity' in the country?

  1. Unity States Council

  2. National Integration Council

  3. National Unity Council

  4. National Democratic Council

Correct Option: B

The National Integration Council originated in a conference convened by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in September-October 1961. The purpose was to find ways to counter problems that were dividing the country including attachment to specific communities, castes, regions and languages. The conference set up NIC to review national integration issues and make recommendations.

Which of the following is the demerit of a federation? 

  1. It encourages regionalism

  2. It creates unity in diversity

  3. It gives considerable measure of autonomy to the states

  4. It prevents the central government from being despotic in behavior

Correct Option: A

Federation is a type of government, which has its powers divided among state and centre. Though it helps to carry out the functions of state and centre effectively it has its own demerits like creating regionalism among the people of different states.

NFCH stands for ___________.

  1. National Foundation for Countrys Harmony

  2. National Foundation for Communal Heritage

  3. National Foundation for Communal Harmony

  4. National Foundation for Countrys Heritage

Correct Option: C

NFHC stands for National Foundation for Communal Harmony. It was established with the main objective of providing assistance for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of the child victims of communal, caste, ethnic or terrorist violence.

Which of the following is a fundamental duty mentioned in the Indian constitution?

  1. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India and respect religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities

  2. Promote international peace and security

  3. Maintain just and honourable relations between nations

  4. Encourage settlements of international disputes by mutual agreement

Correct Option: A

To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India and respect religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities is the fundamental duty that is mentioned in Indian constitution. It is very important for Indian population which has a mix of different cultures living together.

To proclaim the unity of freedom struggle, the song 'the blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together' was sung. This song was sung after which of the following incidents?

  1. Round table conference

  2. Mahatma Gandhis assassination

  3. Jalianwala Bagh massacre

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

 It was written during Jalianwala Bagh massacre that took place on 13 April 1919 in which many non-violent Indian protestors were shot dead by British soldiers.

Which of the following problems is not considered or confronted by the National Integration Council?

  1. Linguism

  2. Casteism

  3. Cyber-security threat

  4. Threat of regional violence

Correct Option: C

National integration council is a group of senior politicians and public figures who gather and look ways to solve communalism, casteism and regionalism. It doesn’t have any role to play in Cyber-security threat.

Who among the following heads the National Integration Council in India?

  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Prime Minister

  4. A retired Chief Justice of Supreme Court

Correct Option: C

National Integration Council is a group of senior politicians and public figures who gather and look ways to solve communalism, casteism and regionalism. It was started in 1962. The head of National Integration Council is Prime Minister. 

Which of the following is an example of unity in diversity in India?

  1. The people of India, living in different parts, speak different languages

  2. All Indians share the same national pride of having India as their motherland

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The phrase ‘unity in diversity’ is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru. This term is very appropriate to describe India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. The phrase was used by Jawaharlal Nehru in his book ‘Discovery of India’ because all Indians share the same national pride of having India as their motherland in spite of many differences.

National integration is necessary for building ___________.

  1. Strong nation

  2. Prosperous nation

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

National integration is the feeling of togetherness towards our own country irrespective of religion, caste, race, culture etc. National integration is important for building a strong and prosperous nation. National integration helps in stabilizing the democracy and increases the economic growth.

Feelings and sentiments of nationhood emerged in India mainly during ____________.

  1. Satavahana period

  2. Mughal rule

  3. Guptas era

  4. Freedom struggle

Correct Option: D

Feelings and sentiments of nationhood emerged mainly during freedom struggle. British exploited India in all the ways possible. Due to emerging social awakening ideas by few intellectuals led to the growth of brotherhood among Indian population.

Who coined the phrase 'Unity in Diversity'?

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Jawaharlal Nehru

  3. Rabindranath Tagore

  4. Bankim Chandhra Chatterji

Correct Option: B

The phrase ‘unity in diversity’ is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru. This term is very appropriate to describe India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. The phrase was used by Jawaharlal Nehru in his book ‘Discovery of India’.

Which of the following promote national integration? 

  1. Constitutional provisions

  2. Governmental initiatives

  3. National Festivals and symbols

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one’s own country is called National integration. India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. Following promote national integration: Constitutional provisions, governmental Initiatives, national festivals and symbols.

Which of the following is an initiative of the government to promote national integration?

  1. Election Commission

  2. Lok Adalats

  3. National Integration Council

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Initiative of government to promote national integration is National Integration Council. National integration council is a group of senior politicians and public figures who gather and look ways to solve communalism, casteism and regionalism. It was started in 1962. The head of National integration council is prime minister. 

Which of the following are considered as challenges to national integration?

  1. Communalism

  2. Regionalism

  3. Linguism

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

National Integration Council is a group of senior politicians and public figures who gather and look ways to solve communalism, casteism, and regionalism which are considered as challenges. It was started in 1962. The head of National integration council is Prime Minister. 

Which of the following is included in the Preamble of Indian Constitution?

  1. Unity and integrity of the nation as a major objective

  2. Planning as objective

  3. To achieve best place in worlds economy

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

‘Unity and integrity of the nation as a major objective’ is included in the preamble of Indian constitution. This is very important because India has a wide variety of cultures mixed up and living together without hurting or harming each other.

In the course of analyzing the issues related to unity and integrity of the country which of the following characteristic is fundamental?

  1. Socialism

  2. Federalism

  3. Secularism

  4. Adult franchise

Correct Option: C

In the course of analysing the issues related to unity and integrity of the country, the fundamental characteristic is secularism. It is the system in which people are free to choose the religion that they follow. Religious tolerance is the fundamental characteristic of secularism.

Which of the following is an example of a national festival that brings about the unity among diversified Indians?

  1. Holi

  2. Gandhi Jayanti

  3. Diwali

  4. Ganesh Chaturthi

Correct Option: B

Holi, Diwali and Ganesh Chaturthi among given options are the examples of the religious festivals. On the other hand, Gandhi Jayanthi is an example of the national festival that brings about the unity among diversified Indians. It is the birth anniversary of the father of nation Mahatma Gandhi and is celebrated on 2nd of October.

India has a wide range of cultures because of which of the following reason?

  1. As it was ruled by different people

  2. As it is an old country

  3. As it is a large country

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The culture of India refers collectively to the thousands of distinct and unique cultures of all religion and communities present in India. The Indian culture has vivid nature. India is a country where we find different languages, religion. caste. culture, food, and customs that changes at every mile. Indian culture is ruled by different people living here who celebrate their custom, religion, and culture with great enthusiasm.

During the British rule India became ____________.

  1. Geographically united

  2. Emotionally not integrated or diversified

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

During the British rule India became geographically united under one ruler. But people were not emotionally integrated because policy of British was to divide and rule. They aggravated the differences between different rulers of India and people.

National Integration Day to promote national integration among Indians is celebrated every year on ___________.

  1. 29 November

  2. 15 November

  3. 18 November

  4. 19 November

Correct Option: D

Feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one’s own country is called national integration. India, which is in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed, etc., there is a feeling of oneness among people. To promote national integration, every year national integration day is celebrated on 19th November. 

Which of the following is an example of extremism that affects national integration?

  1. Naxalite movement

  2. Maoist movement

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one’s own country is called national integration. Example of extremism that affects national integration is Naxalite movement and Maoist movement are the two extremist groups which tend to choose violent acts to meet their goals and purposes.

_____ is an important example of the claim that unity and diversity can co-exist.

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Bangladesh

  3. Pakistan

  4. India

Correct Option: D

India is a diversified country with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. in spite of being diverse there is a feeling of oneness among people. Thus India is said to have unity in Diversity and is called a sub continent due to presence of varied features. India is the country which has proved unity can exist in spite of diversity.

Communalism which is a threat to national integrity is ____________.

  1. Excessive affinity to one's own religion

  2. Hatred towards other religions

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Communalism is defined as the excessive love or affinity towards one’s religion. It results in hatred towards other religions. It is one of the many threats to national integration. National integration council deals with problems that arise due to communalism in India.

Which one of the following promotes national unity?

  1. Many festivals

  2. Many religions

  3. National festivals

  4. Inter-state disputes

Correct Option: C

Feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one’s own country is called National integration. India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. National integration is necessary for building strong and prosperous nation. Festivals promote national integration. For example festivals like Holi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali etc are celebrated by people of India irrespective of the religions.

The Himalayan mountains of the north and the seas and oceans of the south have given __________ unity to India.

  1. Political

  2. Social

  3. Cultural

  4. Geographical

Correct Option: D

India is a vast and diverse nation. It harbours various cultures, traditions, religions, caste, ethnic groups, languages and races. Unity in diversity is keeping India unified. There are several factors that contribute to Unity in Diversity. India has its own natural boundaries because of which people of different communities live together.

Our Constitution recognizes ___________ languages as official languages.

  1. 14

  2. 15

  3. 16

  4. 22

Correct Option: D

Language is a medium of communication. There are a huge number of languages spoken over the world. In India there are 22 official or recognised languages. The list of official languages include Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.National language of India is Hindi.

India's unity is often described as unity in ___________.

  1. Religion

  2. Nation

  3. Diversity

  4. Caste

Correct Option: C

The phrase ‘unity in diversity’ is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru. This term is very appropriate to describe India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. The phrase was used by Jawaharlal Nehru in his book ‘Discovery of India’ because all Indians share the same national pride of having India as their motherland in spite of many differences.

In olden times, it was believed the unity can be maintained, if the society is _____.

  1. Homogenous

  2. Heterogenous

  3. Tolerant

  4. Diverse

Correct Option: A

In olden days it was believed that unity can be maintained if the country is homogenous with population of great resemblance. But India has disproved it showing that unity in diversity can exist. 

India is a secular country, it does not oppose any _________.

  1. Religion

  2. Nationality

  3. Diversity

  4. Caste

Correct Option: A

India is a secular country. It is the system in which people are free to choose the religion that they follow. Religious tolerance is the fundamental characteristic of secularism. It does not oppose any religion.

__________ languages have been given official language status in our Constitution.

  1. 43

  2. 42

  3. 22

  4. 23

Correct Option: C
22 languages have been given official language status in our Constitution:
1. Assamese
2. Bengali
3. Bodo
4. Dogri
5. Gujarati
6. Hindi
7. Kannada
8. Kashmiri
9. Konkani
10. Maithili
11. Malayalam
12. Meitei (Manipuri)
13. Marathi
14. Nepal 
15. Odia
16. Punjabi
17. Sanskrit
18. Santali
19. Sindhi
21. Telugu
22. Urdu
Of these languages, 14 were initially included in the Constitution. Subsequently, Sindhi was added in 1967; Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali were added in 1992; and Bodo, Dogri, Maithili, and Santali were added in 2003.

_____ does not necessarily obstruct unity.

  1. Corruption

  2. Diversity

  3. Linguism

  4. Regionalism

Correct Option: B

India is a diversified country with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. in spite of being diverse there is a feeling of oneness among people. Diversity does not obstruct unity. Thus, India is said to have unity in diversity and is called a sub continent due to the presence of varied features. 

The unity in diversity of India is because of _____.

  1. Our long history

  2. Rich heritage

  3. Social division

  4. A & B

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

The phrase‘unity in diversity’ is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru. This term is very appropriate to describe India, which is, in spite of being diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed etc. there is a feeling of oneness among people. The phrase was used by Jawaharlal Nehru in his book ‘Discovery of India’ because all Indians share the same national pride of having India as their motherland in spite of many differences.

Among the given options Social Division cannot bring unity among people.

Which country is called the 'Museum of human race'?

  1. Egypt

  2. China

  3. Greece

  4. India

Correct Option: D

India is called the 'Museum of human race'. This term is very appropriate to describe India, which is diverse with many languages, religions, castes, creed with rich heritage and history. In spite of all these differences, there is a feeling of oneness among people.

India is a country with extreme diversity in geographical, __________ bonding.

  1. Religious

  2. Racial

  3. Linguistic

  4. Cultural

  5. All of these

Correct Option: E

India is a country with extreme diversity in geographical, religious, racial, linguistic and cultural bonding. In India, one can find a number of people living together sharing their culture and religion with love and enthusiasm. India is the most diverse land found anywhere else in the world. The diversity of India is unique. From language to different culture and religion, the country has been hailed as one of the most beautiful mixtures of various cultural identities.

The National Integration Day is observed  on_________.

  1. 14th November

  2. 19th November

  3. 1st November

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

National Integration Day is observed every year on 19th of November all over the India. It is celebrated as the birthday anniversary of the first woman prime minister of the India Indira Gandhi.

A film star whose parents were both factory workers illustrates __________.

  1. upward intergenerational mobility

  2. no change in mobility

  3. downward intergenerational mobility

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Upward intergenerational mobility refers to the advancement or upliftment of the status of the family person in a generation. In a society where acting or working in the film industry is associated with the reputation and fame illustrated the accomplishment of growth in society. Thus, the up-gradation of the status of a person who becomes a film star while belonging to the family of factory workers denotes upward intergenerational growth.

Who of the following ruled in Zimbabwe since its independence from white-rule? 

  1. Kenneth Kaunda

  2. Nelson Mandela

  3. P. Johnson

  4. Robert Mugabe

Correct Option: D

Robert Mugabe who served Zimbabwe as it's Prime Minster after its independence from white-rule. He was a revolutionary and a politician. He served Zimbabwe both as its Prime Minister as well as its President. 

India's vastness and diversities of religion, language and way of life give her a unique place. We have to see that we do not do well on differences and work towards unity.
We can achieve this by
(a) developing tolerance towards all
(b) evoking the Constitution to meet rights
(c) making national interest over regional interest
(d) promoting regional culture
Which of the above are most appropriate?

  1. a, c

  2. a, d

  3. a, b, d

  4. a, c, d

Correct Option: D

India's vastness and diversities of religion, language and way of life give her a unique place. We have to see that we do not dwell on differences and work towards unity.
We can achieve this by:-

  • Promoting regional culture.
  • Developing tolerance towards all.
  • Making national interest over regional interest.

What do you mean by "Unity in Diversity"?

  1. People of different religions are united

  2. People of different regions are united

  3. People speaking different languages are united

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is the best country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religions, race, cultures and traditions live together. They celebrate festivals together, have trade relations with each other, etc. 

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