Definition and functions of production department - class-IX

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In which of the following case conducting a market assessment is essential to know whether there exists any demand to the idea?

  1. Starting a new business

  2. Launching a new product

  3. Both (A) & (B)

  4. None of above

Correct Option: C

Recruitment and selection of personnel is an important function of __________.

  1. Human Resource

  2. Brand policy

  3. Finance

  4. Marketing policy

Correct Option: D

Production management is important because _______.

  1. it helps the business firm to achieve all its objectives

  2. it helps the firm to satisfy its customers

  3. it helps to introduce new products in the market

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

In modern world, production management has to perform a variety of functions. Identify them.

  1. Design and development of production process.

  2. Production planning and control.

  3. Implementation of the plan and related activities to produce the desired output.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The main traditional function of production management was to control labour costs which at that time constituted the major proportion of costs associated with production.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Statement containing details of items to be considered in a meeting is called ______________.

  1. Agenda

  2. Minutes

  3. Resolution

  4. Notice

Correct Option: A

Marketing function includes.

  1. Transportation, storage, and communication

  2. Agents, brokers and dealers

  3. Distributors, jobbers, rack jobber

  4. Transportation, storage and the institutions facilitating the easy movement of goods

Correct Option: D

Benefits of marketing planning.
I. Makes the company basically consumer oriented
II. More attention to market enlargement 
III. Injects innovation into organisation a systematic basis
IV. Recognition of new consumer needs through communication.
Of these.

  1. I and II are correct

  2. I, II and III are correct

  3. I, III and IV are correct

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D

Match the following.

$1$. Agents a) Do not take any title to goods
$2$. Merchant middleman b) Take a title to goods
$3$. Resident buyer c) A merchant or occasionally an agent, whose business is selling directly to the ultimate consumer
$4$. Retailer d) An agent or a person who specialises in buying on a fee or commission basis, chiefly for retailers
  1. $1$-a, $2$-b, $3$-c, $4$-d

  2. $1$-b, $2$-c, $3$-a, $4$-d

  3. $1$-a, $2$-b, $3$-d, $4$-c

  4. $1$-a, $2$-c, $3$-d, $4$-b

Correct Option: C

Criteria for successful market segmentation.
I. Substantiality
II. Measurability
III. Accessibility
IV. Representability.
Of these.

  1. I and II are correct

  2. II, III and IV are correct

  3. I, II and III are correct

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D

Under __________ buyers may be divided on the basis of the quantity purchased.

  1. Volume segmentation

  2. Life style segmentation

  3. Product segmentation

  4. Benefit segmentation

Correct Option: A

If the sample size increases, the sampling error __________.

  1. decreases

  2. increases

  3. remains constant

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

The relationship between margin of error and sample size is inverse i.e when sample size increases, the sampling error decreases. This is because the more information you have, the more accurate the results would be. 

What is probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true called?

  1. Type II error

  2. Type I error

  3. Standard error

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

_________ offers the opportunity to produce goods as per customer and specific need.

  1. Job method

  2. Batch method

  3. Flow method

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Main factor for spending on R and D are ________.

  1. for survival in the market

  2. for change in environment

  3. for change in government policies

  4. change in company's image

Correct Option: A

Early identification of opportunities helps an enterprise to be the first to exploit them instead of losing it to competitors. The mentioned advantage can be categorized under ______.

  1. first mover advantage

  2. initial identifier advantage

  3. earlier advantage

  4. second mover advantage

Correct Option: A

Assignment of competitive rivalry does not include an understanding of  __________.

  1. the extent to which competitors are in balance

  2. market growth rates

  3. fixed costs, exit barriers and operational efficiency

  4. the management structure of an organisation

Correct Option: D

A top manager of a Candy bar manufacturer asks for a report on how a new competing Candy company is being advertised. This is an example of ______.

  1. production research

  2. marketing research

  3. employee research

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

Expansion is external and horizontal.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Growth strategies are of two types
Expansion refers to external or horizontal growth, such as that exhibited by a firm that successfully engages in mergers and acquisitions.
Business expansion refers to raising the market share, sales revenue and profit of the present product or services. The business can be expanded through product development, market development, expanding the line of product, etc.

Why do companies spend on research and development?

  1. To do business in a streamlined way

  2. It is a part of business

  3. Change is a crucial part of business

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Research and development helps the company to know what exactly a customer needs and requires and which is the most profitable market to serve. It also informs the company about how the consumers perceive their product and collect feedback and reviews from the consumer, these feedback help the company to impove and redesign the product to design it best suitable for the target market.

An opportunity assessment plan includes which of the following?

  1. A description of the product or service

  2. An assessment of the opportunity

  3. As assessment of the entrepreneur and the team

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

After defining the problem, the next step in relation to a market assessment is to _________.

  1. obtaining data specific to the problem

  2. analyzing the situation

  3. data analysis and Interpretation

  4. fostering ideas and problem solving

Correct Option: B

Due to the demand of _______ goods, the demand exceeded the supply during the early days of industrial revolution.

  1. homemade

  2. conventional

  3. daily

  4. industrial

Correct Option: D

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process in the period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools, industrial goods and factory system.

Producing on a large scale reduces the _________ of the product.

  1. Average cost

  2. Average price

  3. Average profit

  4. Average time

Correct Option: A

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process in the period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools and factory system. Due to the use of machine, large number of goods could be produced in a very short period of time. Vast number of goods were produced in a smaller period of time due to which the average cost of production reduced. This increased the profitability of the products and company earned good revenue.

Greater emphasis was placed on _______ the product.

  1. Increasing

  2. Decreasing

  3. Sustaining

  4. Improving

Correct Option: D

With the help of industrial revolution, the production became much easier and cheaper. To attract the consumer's to buy the company's product in competition to the rivals, the company had to improve the quality and features of the product.

______ could be maximized by producing at large scale. 

  1. Sales

  2. Value

  3. Profits

  4. Equity

Correct Option: C

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process in the period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools and factory system. Due to the use of machine, large number of goods could be produced in a very short period of time. This increased the profitability of the products and company earned good revenue.

Industrial revolution brought in the changes in ______ system.

  1. Distribution

  2. Selling

  3. Packaging

  4. Production

Correct Option: D

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools and factory system. More and more companies started undertaking new production method after looking at the benefits offered by industrial revolution.

During the early days of the ___________, the demand for industrial goods started picking up.

  1. Industrial revolution

  2. Modern revolution

  3. Technological revolution

  4. Revolution

Correct Option: A

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process in the period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools and factory system.

The focus of business activities during industrial revolution was the ________.

  1. Expanding business.

  2. Profit maximization

  3. Production of goods

  4. Selling of goods

Correct Option: C

The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing process in the period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition includes going from hand production methods to  machine, new chemical manufacturing and iron production process. This gave rise to the development of machine tools and factory system. Due to the use of machine, large number of goods could be produced in a very short period of time. This increased the profitability of the products and company earned good revenue.

Full satisfaction of demand is a part of _________.

  1. general functions selling

  2. general functions marketing

  3. general functions selling of financial planning

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is not an administrative function?

  1. Administration of the department's human resource functions.

  2. Methods to create more effective plans.

  3. Conducting Board Meetings as required under Companies Act.

  4. None

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not a general function of Marketing?

  1. Market and Consumer Research

  2. Permanent Adaptation

  3. Full Satisfaction of Demand

  4. Minimising of Economic Efficiency

Correct Option: D

In SCM, ________ production methods is similar except that the problem of rest/idle production/batch queuing is eliminated in _________.

  1. flow, batch

  2. batch, flow

  3. batch, job

  4. job, batch

Correct Option: A

Research which is proactively carried out for a specific purpose is called __________.

  1. primary research

  2. secondary research

  3. active scanning

  4. creative destruction's

Correct Option: A

Systematic activity combining both basic and applied research, and aimed at discovering solutions to problems or creating new goods and knowledge is ________.

  1. R & D

  2. financial decision

  3. strategy

  4. marketing mix

Correct Option: A

What to call the systematic activity combining both basic and applied research, and aimed at discovering solutions to problems or creating new goods and knowledge?

  1. Supply Chain Management

  2. Transformation Process

  3. Research and Development

  4. Business Function

Correct Option: C

An appropriate strategy to develop market for company is ?

  1. Business unit strategy

  2. Corporate strategy

  3. Efficient replacement strategy

  4. Operational strategy

Correct Option: A

Which of the following are the influential drivers affecting the growth of outsourcing market?

  1. Rapid growth

  2. Core competencies

  3. Industry changes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Choose the correct answers from the following alternatives given
An offer automatically lapes by the death or insanity of the:

  1. offerer even if the offer is accepted in ignorance of the death or insanity of the offerer

  2. offeree if the offeree dies or becomes insane before accepting the offer

  3. offeree if the offeree dies or becomes insane after accepting the offer

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

If a company expands the market for its product by advertising the new uses of the product aggressively, then it follows _____________.

  1. Market Penetration

  2. Product Development

  3. Diversification

  4. Market Development

Correct Option: D

Build, Hold, Harvest and Divest all are the alternative objectives of SBU has been propounded by?

  1. Kotler

  2. James Champy

  3. Peter F. Drucker

  4. Clyton

Correct Option: A

The advantages of competition rivalry are __________.

  1. Identifying the actual competitors

  2. Assessing competitors objectives, strategies, strengths & weaknesses, and reaction patterns

  3. To root out the competitors

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

The factors of competitive rivalry have significant impact on the competitive environment a company operates in because the degree of competitiveness has a direct impact on the potential for profit that a company can express. The advantages of competition rivalry include identifying the actual competitors, assessing competitors objectives, strategies, strengths & weaknesses and reaction patterns and to root out the competition.

Whether the opportunity is identified by using input from consumers, business associates, channel members, or technical people, each opportunity must be carefully____________.

  1. Drafted

  2. Screened

  3. Evaluated

  4. Screened and evaluated

Correct Option: D

_______ is research that has already been conducted for other purposes.

  1. Company research

  2. Secondary research

  3. Industry research

  4. Primary research

Correct Option: B

Consider the following statements and find out the correct alternatives from the codes given below.
(i) A firm's financial information system is a component of its marketing research system.
(ii) The most common forms of marketing researches conducted in most of the firms are the measurement of market potential and the analysis of market share.
(iii) Survey research is seldom used for studying consumer perception and attitudes.
(iv) The concept of cognitive dissonance is relevant to study consumer's post-purchase behaviour.

  1. All the statement are true

  2. All the statement are false

  3. (i) is false and the rest are true

  4. (ii) and (iv) are true and the rest are false

Correct Option: D

In modern marketing, which of the following functions of a distribution middleman is gaining maximum importance?

  1. Making persuasive communication

  2. Price negotiation

  3. Keeping adequate inventory

  4. Gathering market information

Correct Option: D

Distribution is a process of bringing the product from the one who makes it to the one who uses it. It helps in flow of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. It has become very important for the company to know what the consumers perceive about the product and what the consumers need and want. To have a competitive advantage, gathering market information is important.

F-test is a ________.

  1. statistical test

  2. qualitative test

  3. factor analysis

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

F-test is a statistical test. It is used to determine whether two populations having normal distribution have the same variance or standard deviation.

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