Plant Biotechnology

Description: Plant Biotechnology
Number of Questions: 30
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Tags: biotechnology
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Primary and secondary data is

  1. Fasta

  2. Blast

  3. Interiz

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Which is data base

  1. Fasta

  2. Blast

  3. Ncibi

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Blast is

  1. Searching tool

  2. Searching data

  3. Searching structure

  4. Searching n.b

Correct Option: A

Bioinformtics is

  1. Study of material sci

  2. Study of life sci

  3. Study of chemical sci

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Proteomics is

  1. Study of enzyme

  2. Study of amino acid

  3. Study of protein

  4. Study of cell

Correct Option: C

Genomics means

  1. Study gene

  2. Study of heridatiory material

  3. Study of chromosome

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Site of nitrogen fixation in BGA is

  1. Veg cell

  2. Akintes

  3. Heterosis

  4. All

Correct Option: C

Nitrogenase enzyme has

  1. 4 and 2 subunit

  2. 3 and 5 subunit

  3. Only 4 subuniit

  4. 2 and 5 subunit

Correct Option: A

Root nodule formation by

  1. Nod gene

  2. Nif gene

  3. Nitogenase

  4. Hydrogenase

Correct Option: A

Bacteriod is

  1. Bactria with Golgi vesicle

  2. Bacteria with ER

  3. Bacteria with root

  4. Bacteria with Golgi

Correct Option: A

Rhizobium is

  1. Gram positive

  2. Gram negative

  3. Both

  4. Gram positive and negative

Correct Option: B

Example of non symbiotic is

  1. Azolla

  2. Rhizobium

  3. BGA

  4. Bradyrahzobium

Correct Option: C

Which is nitrogen fixing bacteria

  1. Azolla

  2. Anabena

  3. Rhizobium

  4. All

Correct Option: D

In biological nitrogen fixation

  1. N-ammonia

  2. N-Nitrite

  3. N-Nitrify

  4. All

Correct Option: A

Which of the cryoprtectant

  1. Dmso

  2. Liquid nitrogen

  3. PEG

  4. All

Correct Option: C

Crypreservation means

  1. Stored at 190 temp

  2. Stored at 195 cold

  3. Stored at1 94

  4. Stored at 195.5

Correct Option: B

Embry rescue means

  1. Embry fail for fertilisation

  2. Cell fail for ferti

  3. Fertilisation absent

  4. All

Correct Option: A

Which media used in tissue culture tech

  1. B5

  2. M.s

  3. White

  4. Gambrus

Correct Option: B

Callus means

  1. Organised mass of cell

  2. Unorganised mass of cell

  3. Variation mass of cell

  4. Defferential mass of cell

Correct Option: B

Example of micropropagation

  1. Bud

  2. Leaf

  3. Root

  4. All

Correct Option: D

When equal amount of harmone ratio used then what form

  1. Embryo

  2. Callus

  3. Leaf

  4. Zygote

Correct Option: B

Who discovered tissue culture tech

  1. Darwin

  2. Mendel

  3. Herblandnt

  4. Smith

Correct Option: C

First transgenic plant was

  1. Tobbaco

  2. Bt

  3. Tomato

  4. Maize

Correct Option: A

Somatic hybridiation achived through

  1. Grafting

  2. Budding

  3. Layering

  4. Protoplast fusion

Correct Option: D

Plant tissue culture tech is redifenied

  1. Sexual

  2. Asexual

  3. Vegetative

  4. Selection

Correct Option: D

Polyvinyl glycol is

  1. Fusosgen chemical

  2. Cell stimulates

  3. Callus stimulate

  4. All

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not PGR

  1. Auxin

  2. GA

  3. Polyphenols

  4. Cytokinine

Correct Option: C

Plant biotechnology are

  1. To produced GMO plant

  2. To produced antibiotics

  3. It is interdisiplinary

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Cybrid are

  1. Nucler hybridiastion

  2. Cytoplasmic hybirid

  3. Plasma hybrid

  4. Cell hybrid

Correct Option: B

Haploid plants are produced from

  1. Anther

  2. Ovary

  3. Flower

  4. Shoot

Correct Option: A
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