Process of evolution - class-XI

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The theory that environment can bring about changes in individuals was proposed by :

  1. Mendel

  2. Darwin

  3. Lamarck

  4. Lyell

Correct Option: C

The first theory of evolution was proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck. Lamarckism proposed:

  • Some internal forces are present in all organisms. By the presence of these forces, the organism has the tendency to increase the size of their organs or the entire body.
  • Environment influences all type of organisms. Changing environment give rise to new needs. New needs or desires produce new structure and change habits of the organism.
  • If an organ is constantly used, it would be better developed whereas disuse of organ results in its degeneration.

So, the correct option is 'Lamarck'.

Which of the following is not a concept of Lamarckism or theory of inheritance of acquired characters?

  1. Effect of environment and new needs

  2. Survival of the fittest

  3. Internal vital force

  4. Inheritance of acquired character

Correct Option: B

Survival of the fittest was the phrase given to describe natural selection and it was explained and developed by Charles Darwin. The phrase was given by Herbert Spencer.

What was the basic principle of Lamarckism?

  1. Inheritance of acquired characters

  2. Natural selection

  3. Survival of the fittest

  4. Variations

Correct Option: A
The 'theory of use and disuse' of Lamarck, advocated the idea that animals acquired characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly. For example, he believed that the reason why necks of giraffes were long, was because they stretched to reach leaves on high trees
So, the correct answer is 'Inheritance of acquired characters'

Penguin is a bird who lost the use of its wings by not flying. Whose  statement is this?

  1. Darwin

  2. Wallace

  3. Lamarck

  4. Huxley

Correct Option: C

The theory of use and disuse of Lamarck, advocated the idea that animals acquire characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly. This was later disproved.

Which of the following evidences do not famous the Lamarckian concept of inheritance of acquired characters?

  1. Lack of pigment in cave dwelling animals

  2. Melanisation in peppered moth

  3. Absence of limbs in snakes

  4. Elongation of giraffes neck

Correct Option: B
  • Lamarckism was the theory given by the monk who was one of the brilliant scientists use the first natural ways to put forward a general theory of evolution according to his theory there is some internal force of life that tend to increase the size of organism and according to his loss, the necessity in animals causes them to produce structures.
  •  Lamarck's most famous law was the effect of use and disuse of organs that according to long neck of Giraffe was the result of continuous stretching of the neck to obtain food and as snakes did not use their Limbs so they became rudimentary and moth to develop melanin to get protected so the correct option is lake of pigment in cave-dwelling animals.

Where does inheritance of acquired characters come from?

  1. Lamarckism

  2. Darwinism

  3. Neo-Darwinism

  4. Neo-Lamarckism

Correct Option: A

According to Lamarckism, according to use and disuse theory, animals will acquire characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly.

Which of the following is not a concept of Lamarck?

  1. Environmental pressure cause variation.

  2. Rate and survival of organism is different due to variation.

  3. Inheritance of acquired character.

  4. If an organ is used constantly, it will continuously increase its size.

Correct Option: B

Lamarckism never explains about variation in due course of time and survival of organism. It explains about the characteristics acquired by animals as a result of continuous use of the physical trait.

Which of the following evidences does not favour the Lamarckian concept?

  1. Absence of limbs in snakes.

  2. Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds.

  3. Melanization in peppered moth in industrial area.

  4. Lack of pigment in cave dwelling animals.

Correct Option: C

Industrial melanism in the peppered moth (Biston betularia) is an iconic case study of ecological genetics, but the molecular identity of the gene determining the difference between the typical and melanic (carbonaria) moths is entirely unknown. It is never in accordance with Lamarckism (use and disuse theory).

A scientist kept 69 generations of Drosophila in darkness even after that the flies had normal eyes, which law is  disproved in this case? 

  1. Synthetic theory

  2. Natural selection

  3. Germplasm theory

  4. Acquired characters are inherited

Correct Option: D

Lamarckism or theory of use and disuse has been disproved in this case. It states that animals acquired characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly.

Name the scientist who cut off the tails of mice of successive generations to prove Lamarck's theory wrong, was

  1. Weismann

  2. Haeckel

  3. Darwin

  4. Wallace

Correct Option: A

Out of following, who was the predecessor of Darwin's and developed the theory of acquired characteristics?

  1. Weismann

  2. Mendel

  3. Malthus

  4. Lamarck

Correct Option: D

Lamarck is the scientist, who gave theory of acquired characteristics. He explained that animals acquire characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly.

State whether the following statement is true or false. If false rewrite the correct form of the statement by changing the last word.
The theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics was proposed by Darwin.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Select the correct match.
I.   Lamarck                     A.  Russian
II.  Oparin                        B.  German
III. Mendel                       C.  Spanish
IV. Suarez                       D.  French

  1. I - D, II - A, III - B, IV - C

  2. I - A, II - B, III - C, IV - D

  3. I - D, II - C, III - B, IV - A

  4. I - A, II - D, III - C, IV - B

Correct Option: A

Lamarckism is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring. It is named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
Alexander Oparin was a Soviet biochemist notable for his untested theories about the origin of life and for his book 'The Origin of Life'.
Gregor Johann Mendel was a German-speaking Moravian scientist and Augustinian friar, who gained posthumous fame as the founder of the modern science of genetics.
Suarez is a Spanish scientist. Thus, option A is correct.

Lamarck noted that the leaves of beech tree present on the sunny side had two layers of palisade cells, whereas leaves that were present in the shade had only one layer. He attributed this to

  1. Environment reactions

  2. Change of habits

  3. Use and disuse

  4. Inheritance of acquired character

Correct Option: C

The scientist who proposed the first theory of evolution was

  1. Wallace

  2. Darwin

  3. Lamarck

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: C

Lamarckism (or Lamarckian inheritance) is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring (also known as heritability of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance). It is named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who incorporated the action of soft inheritance into his evolutionary theories as a supplement to his concept of an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. Lamarck theory of evolution is the first theory of evolution which was followed by other theories proposed by Wallace, Darwin and Hugo de Vries. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Concept of inheritance of acquired characters was disapproved by experiments of 

  1. Oparin

  2. Weismann

  3. Fox

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: B

The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a hypothesis that physiological changes acquired over the life of an organism (such as the enlargement of a muscle through repeated use) may be transmitted to offspring. The basic concept of inheritance of acquired characters was finally widely rejected in the early 20th century. It was disapproved by experiment conducted by Weismann. Weismann conducted the experiment of removing the tails of 68 white mice, repeatedly over 5 generations and reporting that no mice were born in consequence without a tail or even with a shorter tail. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

'Lamarck's theory is an evergreen superstition' was reported by__________.

  1. C. Darwin

  2. C. D. Darlington

  3. Hugo de Vries

  4. Carson

Correct Option: B

Theory of Lamarck was based on

  1. Adaptive modifications

  2. Adaptive radiatons

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Lamarckism is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring also known as heritability of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance. It is named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who incorporated the action of soft inheritance into his evolutionary theories as a supplement to his concept of an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. Lamarck did not originate the idea of soft inheritance, which proposes that individual efforts during the lifetime of the organisms were the main mechanism driving species to adaptation, as they supposedly would acquire adaptive changes and pass them on to offspring. According to Lamarck change in the environment brings modifications in plants and animals so as to adapt to their surroundings. So, theory of Lamarck was based on adaptive modifications and not based on adaptive collisions and radiations. Thus, option A is correct and other options are wrong.

According to Lamarck, intense use of an organ results in

  1. Its decreases size

  2. Its development

  3. Its extinction

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Lamarck illustrated his theory using the example of the evolution of giraffes. They had short-necked ancestors that had tried all their lives to reach for the juicy leaves of trees. By constantly stretching their necks, they grew longer and longer, a property which they passed on to their offspring. The long neck of the giraffe is said to have come into existence in this manner over generations. So, according to Lamarck intense use of an organ results in its development.

In a famous experiment, A. Weismann cut off tails of new-born mice generation after generation. At the end of experiment, tails of mice neither disappeared nor shortened. This experiment 

  1. Supports Darwin's theory of natural selection.

  2. Proves that tail is an essential organ of vertebrates.

  3. Disproves de Vries mutation theory.

  4. Shows that Lamarck was wrong in his theory of inheritance of acquired characters.

Correct Option: D

What Lamarck claimed was the inheritance of characteristics acquired through effort, or will. 

Weismann conducted the experiment of removing the tails of 68 white mice, repeatedly over 5 generations, and reporting that no mice were born in consequence without a tail or even with a shorter tail.

 According to Lamarckism theroy acquired characters are

  1. Inherited

  2. Artificial

  3. Superficial

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a hypothesis that physiological changes acquired over the life of an organism such as the enlargement of a muscle through repeated use may be transmitted to offspring. It is also commonly referred to as the theory of adaptation equated with the evolutionary theory of French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck known as Lamarckism. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Match the column and select the correct one.

Column I Column II
I. Inheritance of Acquired characters A. Lamarckism
II. Beagle sailed to B. Galapagos island
III. The principles of population    C. R. Malthus
IV. Theory of natural selection   D. Darwinism
  1. I- B, II- A, III- D, IV- C

  2. I- A, II- B, III- C, IV- D

  3. I- B, II- C, III- D, IV- A

  4. I- A, II- D, III- C, IV- B

Correct Option: B

Lamarckism (or Lamarckian inheritance) is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring (also known as heritability of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance).
Darwin and the HMS Beagle were in Galapagos during the months of September and October of 1835, and during this time Darwin had the opportunity to explore a handful of islands, collecting Galapagos species for use in his research back home.
An Essay on the Principle of Population  was given by Thomas Robert Malthus.
In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. He defined natural selection as the "principle by which each slight variation [of a trait], if useful, is preserved". Thus, option B is correct and other options are wrong.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Lamarck's theory of evolution is also called as

  1. Theory of special creation

  2. Inheritance of acquired characters

  3. Survival of the fittest

  4. Theory of origin of life

Correct Option: B

Lamarckism (or Lamarckian inheritance) is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring (also known as heritability of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance). It is named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who incorporated the action of soft inheritance into his evolutionary theories as a supplement to his concept of an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. Lamarck did not originate the idea of soft inheritance, which proposes that individual efforts during the lifetime of the organisms were the main mechanism driving species to adaptation, as they supposedly would acquire adaptive changes and pass them on to offspring. Lamarck theory of evolution is also called as inheritance of acquired characters. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following match is correct?

  1. Lamarck's theory- Struggle for existence

  2. Darwin's theory- Use and disuse of organ

  3. Biogenetic law- Recapitulation theory

  4. Lamarck's theory- Theory of continuity of germplasm

Correct Option: C

Lamarck gave the theory of inheritance of acquired characters. Darwin included struggle for existence in his theory of origin of species by natural selection. 

Weismann gave the theory of continuity of germplasms. 
Biogenetic law or recapitulation theory was given by Haeckel. The theory of recapitulation, also called as the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism often expressed in Ernst Haeckel's phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"is a largely discredited biological hypothesis that in developing from embryo to adult, animals go through stages resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of their remote ancestors. While examples of embryonic stages show that molecular features of ancestral organisms exist, the theory of recapitulation itself has been viewed within the field of developmental biology as a historical side-note rather than as dogma. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Match the correct set.

Column I   Column II
I.   Modified form of Lamarckism  A.  G.L. Stebbins (1950)
II.  Variation and evolution in plants  B.  Neo-Lamarckism
III.  Germinal selection theory   C.  Etienne Geoffroy
IV.  Supporter of Lamarck's theory   D.  August Weismann
  1. I- A, II- B, III- C, IV- D

  2. I- D, II- B, III- C, IV- A

  3. I- B, II- A, III- D, IV- C

  4. I- D, II- A, III- C, IV- B

Correct Option: C

To account for polymorphism Weismann developed hypothesis of germinal selection. He said that the germplasm has got not a single set of determiners but a number of different sets of determiners. It is the environment that decides which set of determiners will express themselves. 

Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire was a French naturalist who established the principle of "unity of composition". He was a colleague of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and expanded and defended Lamarck's evolutionary theories. Variation and Evolution in Plants is a book written by G. Ledyard Stebbins, published in 1950. Modified form of Lamarckism is neo lamarckism. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Which bird can not fly?

  1. Stork

  2. Emu

  3. Duck

  4. Peacock

Correct Option: B

Birds like the emu and ostrich gave up on flight because they became fat and lazy when the dinosaurs died, according to new research. An abundance of food and a lack of predators following the extinction of dinosaurs saw a number of birds fatten up and simply stop bothering to take to the air. Many scientists had believed that the ancestors of modern flightless birds such as emus and ostriches were also flightless. But a new study suggests they could fly and gradually stopped making the effort. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following facts developed suspicious in Lamarckism?

  1. Human females are not born with bored ear pinna although they have been bored for thousands of years.

  2. Giraffe has long neck to eat leaves of tall trees.

  3. A stag can run fast to protect against the enemies.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A
Boring of pinna (external ear) and nose of Indian women is never inherited to the next generations although they have been bored for thousand of years, it is not explained by Lamarckism.
The ancestors of giraffe were bearing a small neck and fore­limbs and were like horses. But as they were living in places with no surface vegetation, they had to stretch their neck and forelimbs to take the leaves for food, which resulted in the slight elongation of these parts, it is explained by Lamarckism.
The ancestors of stag were not having so much speed in running, but as they needed protection from other animals of that time they started running, due to which present speed were achieved by the stag, it is explained by Lamarckism. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

When an organ is used it will develop and if it is not used, it weakens to become vestigial. Who could have said this theory?

  1. Darwin

  2. de Vries

  3. Lamarck

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: C

Theory of "inheritance of acquired characters" was written by

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Weismann

  4. Aristotle

Correct Option: B
The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a hypothesis that physiological changes acquired over the life of an organism (such as the enlargement of a muscle through repeated use) may be transmitted to offspring. It is also commonly referred to as the theory of adaptation equated with the evolutionary theory of French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck known as Lamarckism.

When an organ is used, it will develop and if it is not used, it weakens to become vestigial. Who said this?

  1. Darwin

  2. Hugo de Vries

  3. Lamarck

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: C
Lamarck is best known for his 'Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics', first presented in 1801.
If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring.
The classic example used to explain the concept of use and disuse is the elongated neck of the giraffe. According to Lamarck's theory, a given giraffe could, over a lifetime of straining to reach high branches, develop an elongated neck. A major downfall of his theory was that he could not explain how this might happen, though he discussed a "natural tendency toward perfection." Another example Lamarck used was the toes of water birds. He proposed that from years of straining their toes to swim through water, these birds gained elongated, webbed toes to better their swimming.

Inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Wallace

  4. Oparin

Correct Option: B
The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a hypothesis that physiological changes acquired over the life of an organism may be transmitted to offspring. It is also commonly referred to as the theory of adaptation equated with the evolutionary theory of French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck known as Lamarckism.

The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Weismann

  4. De Vries

Correct Option: B
Theory of Inheritance of acquired characteristics was proposed by Lamarck in the year 1801. The inheritance of acquired characteristics states that modification acquired by the organism during the course of evolution is transferred from one generation to the other.
So, the correct answer is option B.

Lamarck belongs to

  1. England

  2. France

  3. Sweden

  4. Austria

Correct Option: B

Lamarck was French naturalist who proposed the theory of individual acquire characters to explain the process of natural selection. According to the inheritance of acquired characters, individual acquire characters under influence of needs as posed as changing environmental conditions; these characters are inherited. He explained evolution the long-necked giraffes from short-necked giraffes on the basis of his theory. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was put forth by

  1. De Vries

  2. Lamarck

  3. Weismann

  4. Galton

Correct Option: B

Lamarck is best known for his, 'Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics', first presented in 1801 (Darwin's first book dealing with natural selection was published in 1859): If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring. He said that change is made by what the organisms want or need. For example- Lamarck believed that elephants all used to have short trunks. When there was no food or water that they could reach with their short trunks, they stretched their trunks to reach the water and branches, and their offspring inherited long trunks. Lamarck also said that body parts that are not being used, such as the human appendix and little toes are gradually disappearing. Eventually, people will be born without these parts. Lamarck also believed that evolution happens according to a predetermined plan and that the results have already been decided.

The book named "Philosophic Zoologique" was published in 1809 and was written by

  1. Mendel

  2. Darwin

  3. DeVries

  4. Lamarck

Correct Option: D

Philosophie zoologique is an 1809 book by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in which he outlines his theory of evolution now known as Lamarckism. In the book, Lamarck named two supposed laws that would enable animal species to acquire characteristics under the influence of their environment. The two laws are as followed :

a) Law of use and disuse theory that defines the change in the body structure over the course of evolution.
b) The second law states that the change in the body structure must be inherited.
So, the correct answer is option D.

Penguin is a bird that lost the use of its wings by not flying. Such a statement would express the views of

  1. Darwin

  2. Wallace

  3. Lamarck

  4. Huxley

Correct Option: C

Lamarck has suggested the theory of use and disuse of organs. According to this theory, if any organ is used to its maximum optimum levels it's size increases gradually because of it's repeated use. On the contrary, the size of organs that are used goes on reducing considerably. This is because of their constant disuse. 

So, if penguin has lost its ability to fly due to disuse of wings, it comes under Lamarck's theory.

Which of the following cannot be explained by Lamarckism?

  1. Absence of limbs in snakes

  2. Long neck of giraffe

  3. Degeneration of visual apparatus in cave dwellers

  4. Dull progeny of Nobel laureate

Correct Option: D

The snakes have been evolved from lizard like ancestors, which were having two pairs of limbs and there is absence of limbs in snakes, it is explained by Lamarckism.

The ancestors of giraffe were bearing a small neck and fore­limb and were like horses. But as they were living in places with no surface vegetation, they had to stretch their neck and forelimbs to take the leaves for food, which resulted in the slight elongation of these parts. It can be explained by Lamarckism.
The ancestors of cave dwellers had normal eye sight. On account of living under continuous dark conditions, the animal lost their power to see. It can be explained by Lamarckism.
However, dull progeny of Nobel prize winners cannot be explained by Lamarckism. It could not explain, why the kids of Nobel laureates have dull children. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Theory of acquired characters was put forward by 

  1. Lamarck

  2. Hugo de Vries

  3. Drawin

  4. Wallace

Correct Option: A

the famous theory of acquired characters was put forward by Lamarck. Lamarck suggested that if any changes take place in the life of organisms, that changes lead to change in their genetic character. This happens so that the organism can adapt better to their environment. These changes or adaptations are then passed on to subsequent generations. Thus they acquire these characters too.

So, option A "Lamarck" is the correct answer.

Find out the incorrect match from the following.

  1. Natural selection- Charles Darwin

  2. Mutation theory- Carl Correns

  3. Use and disuse theory- Lamarck

  4. Chemical evolution- Oparin and Haldane

Correct Option: B
Natural selection was given by Charles Darwin. It states that the organism which are able to evolve according to changing environment are able to survive for longer duration and are naturally selected to evolve.
Mutation theory states that evolution is a sudden process where new varieties and species are formed by mutation which is considered as sudden change in the genome due to induced and natural factors. It was given by Hugo de Vries.
Use and disuse theory was given by Lamarck, which states that animals acquired characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly.
Chemical evolution states that life originated through certain simple organic molecules. It was proved by Oparin and Haldane.

Lamarckian evolution is correctly characterized by

  1. Evolutionary change happens instantaneously.

  2. An animal that draws on a particular trait very often passes that trait on in reduced form to offspring because of overuse.

  3. The function of a body part plays no part in evolution.

  4. Acquired traits can be passed down from parent to offspring.

  5. Selection pressures push evolutionary change.

Correct Option: D

Lamarck contributed to organic evolution through his theory. According to Lamarck, changes in the environment create new needs in the organism for adaptation. Use and disuse of organs and inheritance of acquired characters was also explained by Lamarck. He explained that certain characters which are acquired by the parents can be passed to the offspring. 

Thus, the correct answer is option 'Acquired traits can be passed down from parent to offspring'.

A scientist who worked on rats,
cut their tails up to 21 successive generations
but at last he found that tail remained normal. By giving this experimental theory, which of the following scientist got disapproved?

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Hugo de Vries

  4. Mendel

Correct Option: B

This experiment disproves the theory of inheritance of acquired characters, because the tailless condition is an acquired characteristic but it is not inherited by succeeding generations. Lamarck gave theory of inheritance of acquired characters.

The scientists regarded as Neo-Lamarckist are

  1. August Weismann and T.H. Morgan

  2. Hardy-Weinberg

  3. Correns, Tschermak and Hugo de Vries

  4. Kammerer and McDougall

Correct Option: D

Kammerer and McDougall respectively worked on toads and rats and tried to gather experimental evidences to prove Lamarckism, but their experiments were not conclusive evidence for Lamarckism and were criticised on several counts.

Key point to Lamarck's view about organic evolution is that every offspring

  1. Is similar to its parents.

  2. Inherits characters acquired by the parental generation.

  3. Shows struggle for existence.

  4. Repeats phylogeny in its ontogeny.

Correct Option: B

Lamarck gave the theory of Inheritance of acquired character. According to which characters acquired by an organism during it's life are inherited by the next generation.

The statement, 'Lamarck's acquired
 characters are not inherited and have
no evolutionary value' was given  by

  1. Hugo de Vries

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Weismann

  4. T.H. Morgan

Correct Option: C

Weismann cut the tails of experimental animals for many generations, yet they were always born with tail. Thus proving that acquired characters (tailless state in this case) are not inherited.

Most popular example of Lamarck is

  1. African Giraffe

  2. Snake

  3. Primose

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Lamarck theory is also called as Lamarckism. The most popular example used to explain the concept of Lamarckism is the elongated neck of the giraffe. According to this theory, an elongated neck of an African giraffe evolved to reach leaves high in trees. In another example, he proposed that water birds gained long webbed toes for better swimming. Another example of Lamarckism is snakes whose ancestors are lizard like reptiles. They acquired elongated limbless body for their protection.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Germplasm theory against Lamarck's principle, was given by

  1. Weismann

  2. Darwin

  3. Lamarck

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: A

According to Lamark's principle all the characters that are acquired during the lifetime of an organism are passed on to the next generation. This theory is called as inheritance of acquired characters. However, Wiesmann did not agree with this theory, and proved through the tail cutting experiments on mice that only the changes that take place in the germ cells or the gametes are only passed on to the next generation.

So, the correct answer is 'Weismann'

Who proved that somatic cells have little influence in inheritance?

  1. Lamarck

  2. Darwin

  3. Weismann

  4. Cuvier

Correct Option: C

The answer is option C i.e. "Weismann".

  • Weismann gave the germ plasm theory which proved that somatic cells have little or no influence in inheritance.
  • Darwin only supported Weismann that one’s acquired character is not inherited in the next generation.
  • Lamarck gave a hypothesis on the inheritance of acquired characteristics, he proposed the idea of heritability of acquired characteristics.
  • While Cuvier did not work in the discovery of inheritance. He discovered the process of the formation of fossils.

Living beings are made up of cells. This was first stated by

  1. Lamarck

  2. Von Helmont

  3. Schleiden and Schwann

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: A

Lamarck is best known for his 'Theory of Inheritance' of Acquired Characteristics. If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring.

Van Helmont discovered that water was involved in increasing the mass of a plant. 
In 1838 Matthias Schleiden had stated that plant tissues were composed of cells. Schwann demonstrated the same fact for animal tissues.
Huge de Vries believed species evolve from other species through sudden, large changes in character traits.
So, the correct answer is "Lamarck".

Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by,

  1. Wallace

  2. Lamarck

  3. Darwin

  4. De Vries

Correct Option: B

The first theory of evolution was proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck Lamarckism proposed,

  • Some internal forces are present in all organisms. Due to  the presence of these forces, the organism has the tendency to increase the size of their organs or the entire body.
  • Environment influences all type of organisms. Changing environment give rise to new needs. New needs or desires produce new structure and change habits of the organism.
  • If an organ is constantly used, it would be better developed whereas disuse of organ results in its degeneration.

So, the correct option is 'Lamarck'

'Philosphie Zooligique' was written by -

  1. De Vries

  2. Lamarck

  3. Mendel

  4. Spencer

Correct Option: B
  • Philosphie Zooloigique was written by Lamarck.
So, the correct answer is 'Lamarck'

The use and disuse principle of evolution or theory of 'Inheritance of Acquired Characters' was proposed by

  1. Hugo de Vires

  2. Lamarck

  3. Weismann

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: B

The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, French biologist in 1801. He states that organism gets adapted to the changes of environment, which it meets in lifetime and passes it on to progenies and thus becomes heredity. Thus, the correct answer is 'Lamarck.'

According to Lamarck, evolution is towards

  1. Increase in size

  2. Decrease in size

  3. Both A and B

  4. Decrease in complexity

Correct Option: A

Lamarckism is the theory of acquired characters, it includes :

  • Internal vital forces.
  • Effects of environment and new needs.
  • Use and disuse of organs.
  • Inheritance of acquired characters.

So, the correct option is 'Increase in size'.

Lamarck's theory of evolution is known as 

  1. Natural selection

  2. Inheritance of acquired characters

  3. Survival of fittest

  4. Mutation theory

Correct Option: B

Lamarck is best known for his Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics, first exhibited in 1801 (Darwin's first book - distributed in 1859): If a life form changes amid life so as to adjust to its condition, those progressions are passed on to its posterity.

So, the correct option is 'Inheritance of acquired characters'.

The first attempt to solve the problem of organic evolution was done by 

  1. Mendel

  2. Haeckel

  3. Lamarck

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: C

In early 19$^{th}$ century, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, French zoologist suggested the first theory of organic evolution based on the development of new or modified character in response to environmental changes. For instance, giraffe acquired long neck due to stretching of the neck for food. Thus, the correct answer is ‘Lamarck.’

According Lamarckism long necked Giraffes evolved because :

  1. Nature selected only long necked animals.

  2. Of stretching of necks by short one never many generations.

  3. Humans preferred long necked animals

  4. Mutation

Correct Option: B

The ancestors of giraffe had short neck and shorter fore limbs. Due to change in the environmental condition they were forced to feed on taller trees. In order to reach to the food they had to stretch their neck and lift their fore limbs from the ground. This effort they made through out the life ,due to which their forelimbs and neck became slightly longer.

So, the correct answer is 'Of stretching of necks by short one never many generations'

Which one does not favour Lamarckian concept of inheritance of acquired characters?

  1. Lack of pigment in cave dwellers

  2. Absence of limbs in snakes

  3. Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds

  4. Melanisation of peppered moth in industrial areas

Correct Option: D
Melanisation of peppered moth in industrial areas is an effect of natural selection, where due to change in environmental conditions, of the two moth forms that existed - the grey and black, the black was favored by natural selection over the grey, as the grey were easily spotted by its predator.
So, the correct answer is 'Melanisation of peppered moth in industrial areas'

Which cannot be explained by Lamarckism?

  1. Loss of tail by humans

  2. Elongation of neck in Giraffe

  3. Weak progeny of a Nobel laureate

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Theory of use and disuse was propounded by :

  1. Wallace

  2. Lamarck

  3. Darwin

  4. De Vries

Correct Option: B

Jean Baptiste Lamark proposed the theory of use and disuse of organs.

The organs which are in constant use become better developed while the organs which are not used for long get reduced in size and become vestigial.
So, the correct answer is 'Lamarck'

Inheritance of acquired characters comes under _______.

  1. Darwinism

  2. Neo Darwinism

  3. Lamarckism

  4. Neo Lamarckism

Correct Option: C

Which is not a concept of Lamarckism ?

  1. Rate and survival of organisms are different due to variations

  2. Environmental pressure produces variations

  3. An organ in constant use will grow in size

  4. Inheritance of acquired characters

Correct Option: A

Which is not Lamarckian concept?

  1. Environmental pressure causes variations.

  2. Rate of survival of organisms is different due to variations.

  3. Inheritance of acquired characters.

  4. If an organ is used constantly, it will continuously increase its size.

Correct Option: B

According to the Lamarckian concept :

  • According to the theory of inheritance, the characters acquired in a lifetime are transferred to the next generation.
  • According to this theory of use and disuse, the organs used most develops most and organs which are left idle reduces in size and function.
  • Lamarckism did not put variations under consideration being responsible for the rate of survival of organisms.
So, the correct option is 'Rate of survival of organisms is different due to variations'.

Who was the first to discard the idea of fixity of species?

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Robert Hooke

  4. Willian Harvey

  5. Stanley Cohen

Correct Option: B
Fixity of species is a term which means all species remained unchanged throughout the history of the earth. It was discarded by Lamarck. According to his theory of inheritance of characters, the characters acquired in life time are transferred to the next generation and do not remain fixed.
So, the correct answer is 'Lamarck'

Match the columns and choose the right option:

 A  Thomas Malthus  1  Branching descent
 B  Hugo Vries  2  Studies on populations
 C  Charles Darwin  3  Use and disuse theory
 D  Lamarck  4  Saltation
  1. A - 4, B - 1, C - 2, D - 3

  2. A - 3, B - 2, C - 1, D - 4

  3. A - 4, B - 3, C - 1, D - 2

  4. A - 2, B - 4, C - 1, D - 3

Correct Option: D
  1. Thomas Malthus stated through his studies on population that human populations grow exponentially while food production grows at an arithmetic rate. This scenario predicted a future when humans would have no resources to survive on. 
    2. Hugo de Vries regarded single, large step mutations called saltation as the reason for evolution.
    3. Darwin regarded natural selection and branching descent as the key concepts of the theory of evolution. Branching descent may be defined as the process by which new species originate from a single common descendant.
    4. Lamarck proposed the theory of use and disuse of Organs which state that if an organ is constantly used, it would be better developed whereas disuse of organ results in its degeneration.
    So, the correct answer is 'A - 2, B - 4, C - 1, D - 3'

The use and disuse principle of evolution was proposed by

  1. Charles Darwin

  2. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

  3. August Weismann

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: B

Charles Darwin proposed the principle of natural selection , August Weismann proposed the theory of  continuity of germ plasm , Hugo de Vries proposed mutation theory of evolution , and Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed the use and disuse theory of evolution .

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Which of the following was most likely a proponent of the hypothesis of acquired traits

  1. Charles Darwin

  2. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

  3. August Weismann

  4. H. W. Bates

Correct Option: B

Lamarck is best known for his "Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics", first presented in 1801. If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring.

So correct answer is B, Jean Baptiste Lamarck.

According to Lamarckism, long necked giraffes evolved because

  1. Nature selected only long necked ones

  2. Humans preferred only long necked ones

  3. Short necks suddenly changed into long necks

  4. Of stretching of necks over many generations by short necked ones

Correct Option: D

According to Lamarckism, the ancestors of giraffe had small neck and forelimbs and were like horses. They were residing in places with no surface vegetation, therefore, they had to stretch their neck and forelimbs to take the leaves for food. This led to slight elongation of these parts. Whatever they acquired in one generation was transmitted to the next generation with the result that a race of long necked and long forelimbed giraffes were developed. So, the correct answer is 'Of stretching of necks over many generations by short necked ones'.

Write in one sentence the main idea in Lamarck's theory about evolution.

  1.  Inheritance of acquired characteristics

  2.  Inheritance of phenotypic characteristics

  3. Survival of fittest

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Lamarck is best known for his theory of Inheritance of acquired characteristics, which states that if an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring. It said that change is made by what the organisms wants or needs. He used it to explain the long necks of giraffes, long trunks of elephants and vestigeality of the appendix. 

So, the correct option is 'Inheritance of acquired characteristics'.

The term for Lamarck's theory is

  1. Soft inheritance

  2. Speciation

  3. Natural selection

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Lamarck's second law, the theory of inheritance of acquired characters, also called as soft inheritance states that modifications which the organism acquires in adaptation to the environments which it meets during its lifetime are automatically handed down to its descendants, and so become part of heredity. 

So, the correct option is 'Soft inheritance'.

Who out of the following, had the strong opinion that acquired characteristics are inherited?

  1. Lamarck

  2. Lysenko

  3. Mendel

  4. Huxley

Correct Option: A

Lamarck suggested "Inheritance of Acquired Characters" and was of the opinion that the characters that an organisms acquires during his lifetime are passed on to the next generation. However, he failed to understand the distinction between inherited and non-inherited characters.

Which of the following differences between Lamarckism and Darwinism is incorrect?

  1. It does not consider struggle for existence, Struggle for existence is very important in this theory

  2. Only useful variations are transferred to the next generation, All the acquired characters are inherited to the next generation

  3. Neglect survival of fittest, Based on survival of the fittest

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

According to Lamarckism, all the acquired characters are inherited to the next generations. According to Darwinism only useful variation are transferred to the next generation.

So, the correct answer is 'only useful variations are transferred to the next generation, All the acquired characters are inherited to the next generation'

Which of the following explained evolution in most acceptable form?

  1. Lamarck, Darwin, Hugo de Vries

  2. Anaximander, Darwin, Malthus

  3. F. Redi, Richter, Cuvier

  4. Lamarck, Hardy Weinberg, Darwin

Correct Option: A

Which of the following facts develop suspicions in Lamarckism?

  1. Human females are not born with bored ear pinna although they have been bored for thousand of years.

  2. Giraffe has long neck to eat leaves of tall trees.

  3. A stag can run fast to protect against the enemies.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Lamarckism was disproved later after putting up the human ear piercing example. Lamarckism which is otherwise called as use and disuse theory advocated the idea that animals acquired characteristics after using certain physical traits constantly.

During a conversation at the dinner table, a high school student tells his mother that, "At first all giraffes had short necks because they all ate leaves close to the ground, but when all those leaves were gone some giraffes started being born with long necks".
Which statement would be most helpful for the student to understand the concept?

  1. Phenotypic variations occur through random mutations which are then selected for or against.

  2. The phenotype for neck length changed in giraffes so that the species did not go extinct.

  3. Short-necked giraffes developed long necks in response to increased competition for food.

  4. When the environment changed, the struggle to exist created new mutations in the gene pool and natural selection acted on them.

Correct Option: D

For the giraffes, the change in the position of the food  (leaves) from near to ground level to higher on the trees, triggered for adaptation to prevent extinction. So, those giraffes that underwent genetic changes/variations and developed long necks were able to obtain food and survive in the changed environmental conditions, while others perished, as this change in the genetic pool was beneficial for the giraffes propagation. It was passed on to next generation and so the modern day giraffe has long necks.

The phenotypic determination by genetic variation in a population refers to the degree of

  1. Fitness

  2. Heritability

  3. Limited environmental resources

  4. Overproduction of offspring

  5. Phenotypic variation

Correct Option: B

The observed phenotypic variations of a trait in a population which is caused by genetic variation are called as heritability. It shows the extent to which a trait is determined genetically. Fitness refers to the ability of survival and production of fertile offspring. Limited environmental resources lead to the struggle for existence, not phenotypic variations. Overproduction of offspring represents the biotic potential of species.  

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

In order to increase its population through natural selection, an allele should have one of the following features.

  1. Individuals with the allele are better able to find food.

  2. Individuals with the allele are better able to resist disease.

  3. Individuals with the allele have an increased ability to find and retain mates.

  4. Individuals with the allele produce more offspring that reach adulthood.

  5. Individuals with the allele have a longer lifespan than those without it.

Correct Option: D

A trait is favored by natural selection when it imparts reproductive fitness to the population. Reproductive fitness refers to ability of organisms to pass traits to offspring. This makes option D correct as individual with allele that enable it to produce fertile and viable offspring is favored by natural selection. 

The present giraffe has a long neck as compared to its ancestors. Lamarck believed it could be due to

  1. Natural selection

  2. Isolation

  3. Inheritance of acquired characters

  4. Speciation

Correct Option: C

Who first placed fossils in chronological series in evolutionary context?

  1. Leonardo da Vinci

  2. Lamarck

  3. Cuvier

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: B

The first theory of evolution was proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck. Lamarckism proposed:

  • Some internal forces are present in all organisms. By the presence of these forces, the organism has the tendency to increase the size of their organs or the entire body.
  • Environment influences all type of organisms. Changing environment give rise to new needs. New needs or desires produce new structure and change habits of the organism.
  • If an organ is constantly used, it would be better developed whereas disuse of organ results in its degeneration.

So, the correct option is 'Lamarck'.

Key point of Lamarck's view about organic evolution is that every offspring 

  1. Is similar to its parent.

  2. Inherits characters acquired by the parental generation.

  3. Shows struggle for existence.

  4. Repeats phylogeny in its ontogeny.

Correct Option: B
According to Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characters, the skills or morphological changes acquired by an organism during its lifetime will be passed on to the next generation.
So, the correct answer is'Inherits characters acquired by the parental generation'

Lamrck's theory of evolution fails to explain 

  1. Indian women have been getting their ears pierced for thousands of years, but not a single baby with pierced ears is born.

  2. Giraffes have long necks because they have to eat leaves from the tall trees on their habitat.

  3. Deer have the capacity to escape from agile enemies because these can run very fast.

  4. High attitude pines have branches which slope down so that snow fails to collect them in winter.

Correct Option: A

Indian women have getting their ears pierced for thousands of years, but this character does not passed to any offspring, this casts doubt on lamarck's theory of evolution. Later on, in Neo-lamarckism it was explained that only those characters will be inherited which can affect germ cells, while characters that affect somatic cells do not pass to descendants. Thus, the correct answer is 'Indian women have been getting their ears pierced for thousands of years, but not a single baby with pierced ears is born.'

As per Lamarck, well developed auricle muscles of rabbit have evolved due to

  1. Continuous use

  2. Internal vital force

  3. New need

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

Lamarckism is the theory of acquired characters, it includes :

  • Internal vital forces. 
  • Effects of environment and new needs. 
  • Use and disuse of organs. 
  • Inheritance of acquired characters.

So, the correct option is 'Continuous use'

The scientist who first stressed on adaptation as a means of evolutionary modification was 

  1. Huxley

  2. Weismann

  3. Charles Lyell

  4. Lamarck

Correct Option: D

The first theory of evolution was proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck. Lamarckism proposed

  • Some internal forces are present in all organisms. By the presence of these forces, the organism has the tendency to increase the size of their organs or the entire body.
  • Environment influences all type of organisms. Changing environment give rise to new needs. New needs or desires produce new structure and change habits of the organism.
  • If an organ is constantly used, it would be better developed whereas disuse of organ results in its degeneration.

So, the correct option is 'Lamarck'

Lamarckism cannot explain

  1. Webbed toes in aquatic birds

  2. Weak muscles in the son of a wrestler

  3. Long narrow and limbless body of snakes

  4. Heterophylly

Correct Option: B

Lamarck in his use and disuse theory proposed that any body part used vigorously caused it to become stronger and inherited in descendants. Lamarckism was failed to explain the reason behind weak muscles of wrestler’s son. Which was later on explained by August Weismann in his germ plasm theory. The germplasm theory claimed that only those changes would be inherited that affects germplasm (now called DNA) and any change in the body would not affect germplasm, so could not be inherited. Thus, the correct answer is ‘Weak muscles in the son of a wrestler.’

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Lamarck believed that certain parts of the body became more complex through the generations because they

  1. are most similar to Gods perfection

  2. contribute to greater reproductive success

  3. are predetermined to do so

  4. are used more extensively than other parts

Correct Option: D

Lamarck believed that evolution occurs when an organism uses a body part in such a way that it is altered during its lifetime and this change is then inherited by its offspring. For example, Lamarck thought that giraffes evolved their long neck s by each generation stretching further to get leaves. This theory was called the Use and Disuse of Organs.

Hence, the correct answer is 'are used more extensively that other parts'

According to the neo-Darwinian theory, which of the following is responsible for the origin of new species?

  1. Mutations

  2. Useful variations

  3. Mutations together with natural selection

  4. Hybridization

Correct Option: C

According to the Neo-Darwinian theory, mutations together with natural selection results in origin of new species.

Neo-Darwinism is the "modern synthesis" of Darwinian evolution through natural selection with Mendelian genetics, the latter being a set of primary tenets specifying that evolution involves the transmission of characteristics from parent to child through the mechanism of genetic transfer, rather than the "blending process" of pre-Mendelian evolutionary science. Neo-Darwinism can also designate Charles Darwin's ideas of natural selection separated from his hypothesis of Pangenesis as a Lamarckian source of variation involving blending inheritance.

Which of the following is the evidence for Darwin's theory of common descent?

  1. There are patterns in the fossil record that suggest other species have diverged from a single ancestor species.

  2. There are biogeographic patterns in the distribution of species, for instance distinct bird species on an island tend to resemble one another, suggesting a common ancestor.

  3. There are common stages in the early embryological development of organisms representing several distinct vertebrate groups.

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is responsible for evolution according to Neo-darwinism?

  1. Mutation

  2. Natural selection

  3. Adaptive radiation

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Natural selection is the core creative agent in evolution, mutations, variations, are also factors leading to the development of new species. Organisms more suited to the environmental conditions will survive empowering the forces of competition. The organism with beneficial mutations, stronger genotype will be the fittest and will survive. After successive generations, all the stronger gene pool leads to an evolution of new species.

Neo-Darwinism believes that new species develop through

  1. Continuous variations and natural selection

  2. Mutation with natural selection

  3. Hybridization

  4. Mutation

Correct Option: B

Neo-Darwinism is a modification of the original theory of Darwin to remove its shortcomings. Instead of continous variations, mutations are believed to help form new species. Variations accumulate in the gene pool and not in the individuals. 

Darwin judged the fitness of an individual by

  1. Ability to defend itself

  2. Strategy to obtain food

  3. Number of offsprings

  4. Dominance over other individuals

Correct Option: C

Which of the following can be said as the "Theory of Darwin"

  1. Survival of the fittest and struggle for existence

  2. Weak and strong always maintain a fixed proportion

  3. Different species do not arise by genetic mutation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A
Darwin believed that life thrives and multiplies by the principle of natural selection.
The theory of natural selection had the following postulates: 

1) Increased reproduction- He said that each and every organism or species tend to reproduce to the maximum to let its species live and multiply. 
2) The arithmetic growth of food and availability of space.
3) Survival of the fittest- Darwin’s theory of natural selection thus believes that those who can survive till the end are the ones that nature selects.
4) Variations- Due to this struggle for food and space, each organism or species tend to get an advantage over the other.
5) Struggle for existence - with a rapidly multiplying population, there is an increased demand for both space and food. The organism or species that is able to fight its own species or the other species or the environment itself lives. 

So option A is the correct answer and B and  C are not related to the Theory of darwin.

Why, according to our reading, did Darwin take so long to publish the Origin of Species?

  1. Darwin wanted to share his theory as quickly as possible once he returned from his voyage on the Beagle.

  2. It took twenty years for Darwin to develop a theory.

  3. Darwin suffered from a number of illnesses.

  4. Darwin was concerned about the reaction of others to the implications of his theory.

Correct Option: D

According to Neo Darwinism, evolution is due to :

  1. Gene flow

  2. Change in gene structure

  3. Change in size of gene pool

  4. Change in gene frequency

Correct Option: D

"Ontogeny repeats phylogeny" was coined by _____________.

  1. Darwin

  2. Lamarck

  3. Morgan

  4. Haeckel

Correct Option: A

In Galapogos island, Darwin found different varieties of Finches, originated from a common ancestor. The original variety of the Finches ws ____________.

  1. Insectivorous

  2. Vegetarian

  3. Seed eating

  4. Cactus eating

Correct Option: A

Read the following statements:

(i) Coelacanths can be considered as ancestors of modern day frogs and salamanders.

(ii) Darwin's finches are examples of adaptive radiation.

(iii) Adaptive radiation refers to evolution of different species from a common ancestor.

(iv) Flippers of penguins and dolphins are examples of divergent evolution.

How many of the above statements are wrong?

  1. Two

  2. One

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: B

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Many bacteria are now resistant to penicillin, because

  1. previously resistant forms survived and reproduced better than non-resistant forms

  2. penicillin triggers the synthesis of resistant proteins

  3. penicillin causes gene mutations, some of which are beneficial

  4. environment inhibits competition among bacteria

Correct Option: A

Due to variation in bacteria some of them have resistance from penicillin. Penicillin largely use as killing bacteria but now bacteria develop immunity to penicillin. So bacteria with resistant gene from penicillin transferred character to offspring. 

Hence, the correct answer is 'previously resistant forms survived and reproduced better than non-resistant forms'

Darwin's theory of natural selection is objected, because it (A) (B) (C) (D) Ans:112 B

  1. stresses upon slow and small variations

  2. explains the adaption of certain inherited characters

  3. stresses on interspecific competition

  4. explains that natural calamities take a heavy annual toll of lives

Correct Option: B

DDT is 

  1. a non-degradable pollutant

  2. a biodegradable pollutant

  3. an antibiotic

  4. not a pollutant.

Correct Option: A

DDT (Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane) is one of the most well-known synthetic pesticide. It is non-biodegradable i.e., it cannot be degraded by microorganisms. 

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Charles Darwins book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, was first published in

  1. 1779

  2. 1831

  3. 1859

  4. 1901

Correct Option: C

On the Origin of Species, published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.

So the correct option is C, 1859.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
The evolutionary importance of ...............  was apparent to Darwin, but not to Linnaeus.

  1. cladistics

  2. radiometric dating

  3. variation

  4. typology

Correct Option: C

Lamarck is best known for his "Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics", that is If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring. But according to Darwin, variation helps the species to survive in unfavourable condition environment.

So the correct option is C, variation.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Which of the following labels best fits Darwin ?

  1. Mendelian

  2. Gradualist

  3. Population geneticist

  4. Catastrophist

Correct Option: B

The definition of gradualism is the slow and gradual changes that happen within an organism or society to make a better environmental fit for animals and humans. Gradualist label fit for Darwin theory.

So the correct option is B, Gradualist.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given .
A biogeographical evidence in favour of organic evolution is provided by

  1. Archaeopteryx

  2. modern horse

  3. Darwins finches

  4. pythons

Correct Option: C

Organic evolution is the events involved in the evolutionary development of a species. It means that all life descended from other life, although features may have changed dramatically along the way. Organic evolution involves modifications to existing species, not the development of new ones. Darwin's finch is an example, which all evolved from a common species. Gradually these 13 species got modified and adapted to their particular niche and feeding habit within Galapagos island.

So, the correct option is 'Darwin's finches'.

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