Renaissance - class-IX

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The telescope was invented by.

  1. Galileo

  2. Newton

  3. Francis Bacon

  4. Copernicus

Correct Option: A

Galileo invented the telescope. When he supported the theory of Copernicus, he was declared as a heretic. His books were burnt and he was imprisoned. 

The period where all the changes took place at the close of middle ages in Europe is termed as ____________.

  1. Renaissance

  2. Religious reformations

  3. Humansim

  4. Philosophy

Correct Option: A

The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 17th century, regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. It started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later spread to the rest of Europe, marking the beginning of the Early Modern Age.

In 1492 A.D. ______ reached Bahama island of the West Indies by crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

  1. Columbus

  2. Vasco-da-Gama

  3. Magellan

  4. Cabral

Correct Option: A

Christopher Columbus of Genoa city crossed the Atlantic ocean with the help of the king of Spain. He reached the Bahamas in West Indies (Caribbean Islands).

Which one of the following is an important feature of the Renaissance movement?

  1. Geographical explorations

  2. Development of trade

  3. Humanism

  4. Nationalism

Correct Option: C

Renaissance humanism  is the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. It was an important feature of the Renaissance movement.

Vasco-da-gama reached Calicut in _____ A.D., sailing around the Cape of Good Hope.

  1. 1492

  2. 1498

  3. 1512

  4. 1598

Correct Option: B

Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese sailor who successfully discovered the sea route to India in the year 1498 AD. He sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and crossed the Indian Ocean. He landed on the Calicut (Kozhikode) port and sought trade concessions from King Zamorin. 

The Renaissance movement started in.

  1. Italy

  2. France

  3. England

  4. Greece

Correct Option: A

The Renaissance  was a cultural movement that initially began in Florence, Italy, but later spread throughout Europe. It started around 1350 and ended around 1600. During the Renaissance (a word that means "rebirth"), people experienced changes in art, learning, and many other things.

Who, among the following was not a painter of the Renaissance period?

  1. Dante

  2. Raphael

  3. Michael Angelo

  4. Leonardo-da-Vinci

Correct Option: A

Dante was an Italian poet who had written an epic poem called 'Divine Comedy' on the state of the soul. It reveals the religious and social life of the day. 

Who was the painter of 'Last Supper' and 'Monalisa'?

  1. Raphael

  2. Michael Angelo

  3. Leonardo-da-Vinci

  4. Titian

Correct Option: C

A great painter and sculptor, Leonardo was also a great musician and a scientist. His paintings of 'The Last Supper' and 'Monalisa' are the great masterpieces of art. New techniques were adopted in his paintings to give a fine feeling of reality. 

The law of gravitation was formulated by __________.

  1. Francis Bacon

  2. Newton

  3. Galileo

  4. Copernicus

Correct Option: B

Newton discovered the laws of gravitation and said that all heavenly bodies are controlled by this gravitational force. 

______ discovered that the earth revolves around the sun.

  1. Galileo

  2. Kepler

  3. Ptolemy

  4. Copernicus

Correct Option: D

In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published a new theory stating the earth revolves around the sun. This is known as the Copernican theory. This theory was considered a serious challenge to the Ptolemaic theory and the Roman Catholic Church. This was strongly supported by Galileo afterwards.

The percentage of Protestants in the United Kingdom is _______.

  1. 40

  2. 44

  3. 47

  4. 42

Correct Option: B

According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion in the United Kingdom with 59% and among Christians, the Protestants form the largest community with 44% of the whole population. 

The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It was initiated by a German monk called Martin Luther, which gradually spread all over Europe and became the largest religious sect in Christianity in United Kingdom.

Vasco Da Gama discovered sea route to ________ in 1498.

  1. America

  2. China

  3. India

  4. Indonesia

Correct Option: C

On May 20, 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut what is now Kozhikode, India. Da Gama was the first European to reach the lucrative trade centers of India by sea. Da Gama's sea route to India allowed Portugal to establish a rich trade with India and southeast Asia. Thus, Portugal was able to expand its empire to include many provinces in India.

The followers of Martin Luther were called ________.

  1. Cathodies

  2. Religious

  3. Protestants

  4. Counter reformers

Correct Option: C

The followers of Martin Luther were called Protestants. They ware called protestants because of their "Protest". They were in protest of the major beliefs of the Catholic Church at the time. They held differing beliefs than the Catholic Church and sought to create a new Christian sect based on these new beliefs.

On the ______ side, renaissance marked the revival of literature and art.

  1. Political

  2. Social

  3. Intellectual

  4. Economic

Correct Option: C

Renaissance signifies emancipation and expression. On the intellectual side, it marked the revival of literature and art, on the political side it marked the death of universal authority of Pope, the emergence and consolidation of well-organised nation states. Socially, it marked the spirit of individualism and the recognition of man as an individualism. 

'The Mona Lisa' - one of the most famous paintings from the Renaissance period was painted by which of the following painters?

  1. Michelangelo

  2. Leonardo Da Vinci

  3. Raphael

  4. Don Quixote

Correct Option: B

The Mona Lisa is a famous painting of the Renaissance period. The mysterious smile of Mona Lisa has led to much discussions and debates. Leonardo da Vinci, one of the famous artists of the Renaissance period, completed the painting in between AD 1503 and AD 1505. It is preserved in the Paris museum.

Choose the correctly matched pair from the following:

  1. Otto Von Bismarck - Germany

  2. Nepoleon - Spain

  3. Giuseppe Garibaldi - France

  4. Bourbon Kings - Italy

Correct Option: A

German statesman Otto von Bismarck was largely responsible for the creation of the German Empire in 1871. So option A is correct pair. 

What made it easier to propagate renaissance ideas widely among the masses?

  1. The invention of the printing press

  2. The invention of the compass and the spirit of adventure

  3. The new spirit of humanism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

It became easier to propagate the Renaissance ideas widely among the masses with the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg.

Portugal led the way in exploration in the 1400s because of __________.

  1. its inland location requiring it to find an overland route to the Indies

  2. government stability and the invention of the caravel

  3. the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas with Spain

  4. the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

  5. the success of Columbus's voyage to the New World

Correct Option: B

Portugal led the way in exploration in the 1400s because of government stability and the invention of the caravel.

Identify the nation that led European exploration through government efforts to provide their sailors with the most advanced navigation instruments and techniques available.

  1. Spain

  2. France

  3. Portugal

  4. Great Britain

Correct Option: C

Under the sponsorship of Prince Henry (famously known as Prince Henry the Navigator), Portugal started exploring the Atlantic coast of Africa at the beginning of 15th century. Prince Henry provided the most advanced navigation instruments and techniques to the sailors of his country. Under his directions, the Portuguese developed a modern, lighter ship, the caravel, which could sail further and faster. Portuguese monarchy offered financial help for ship owners for securing the investments of overseas expeditions.

What statement best compares the results of the Columbian Exchange in Europe and China?

  1. Both area saw population increases and economic growth fueled by New World silver.

  2. While Europe saw great economic growth, the Chinese economy failed to benefit from new wealth and suffered due to population growth caused by the New World crops.

  3. Europe benefited economically from New World silver while there was almost no impact in China.

  4. Europe's economy failed to grow because most New World silver went to China to purchase luxury trade goods like porcelain and silk.

Correct Option: A

Both area saw population increases and economic growth fueled by New World silver.

In many Southeast Asian trade cities, diasporic communities from this culture played a very important role in the local economy and politics.

  1. Indian

  2. Greek/Hellenic

  3. Japanese

  4. Chinese

Correct Option: D

The emergence of The Chinese communities coincided with the rise in maritime trade. These trading ports were the key links between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, thereby linking Southeast Asia and South Asia. In the case of China, Quanzhou, having for centuries been the most important trading port, was joined by a string of such ports as Nagasaki in Japan, Manila in the Spanish, Philippines, Portuguese Macau and Melaka, the Dutch Batavia, and Siamese Bangkok. 

What statement best compares agriculture changes in the New and the Old Worlds due to the Columbian Exchange?

  1. In the New World, the importation of new grain crops provided a boost to world food production while exotic crops like tomatoes had little impact on Old World agriculture.

  2. In the New World, cash crops like sugar became the key agricultural product while potatoes and corn contributed to increased food production in the Old World.

  3. In the New World, little agriculture change occurred because the native population was devastated by disease; however, potatoes and corn contributed to population growth in Europe and China.

  4. In the New World, both food production and cash crop production grew rapidly while the Old World experienced little agricultural changes.

Correct Option: B

In the New World, cash crops like sugar became the key agricultural product while potatoes and corn contributed to increased food production in the Old World.

In the ninth century, the vikings invaded other european communities primarily to _______.

  1. Decide territorial disputes

  2. Incite religious fervor

  3. Resolve food shortages

  4. establish trade embargoes

  5. Cause economic distress

Correct Option: C
The Vikings invaded Europe in the ninth century primarily because of serious food shortages in their homeland of Scandinavia. The Vikings took to other communities to meet their own needs for survival.

The Northern Renaissance most differed from the Italian Renaissance in that it

  1. failed to significantly emphasize the visual arts

  2. Replaced greater importance on religious devotion

  3. largely rejected the concept of humanism

  4. did not increase the prevalence of secularism

  5. increased dissonance among Christians

Correct Option: B

The Northern Renaissance most differed from the Italian Renaissance in that it replaced greater importance on religious devotion. In other words we can say, the Italian Renaissance was an artistic movement unaffected by reformation. In Northern Europe Renaissance was philosphical and strongly affected by reformation.

The Pilgrims were called Separatists because they had broken with _________.

  1. the king of England

  2. the Catholics

  3. the Anglican Church

  4. the New England Way

  5. the Jamestown Colony

Correct Option: C

The Pilgrims wanted to worship God in their own way. They had left England because King James did not want them to practice own religion. They broke all tie with the church of England.

The Renaissance took place in the _____ century.

  1. 15th

  2. 16th

  3. 13th 

  4. 14th

Correct Option: D

The term Renaissance means rebirth or revival. It stands for a complex transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy and lasting into the 17th century.

What European nation established the largest land-based empire by the mid-eighteenth century?

  1. Great Britain

  2. France

  3. Austria-Hungary

  4. Russia

Correct Option: D


Which of these best describes the political ideology of absolutism?

  1. When legislatures grant monarchies full control over the creation of a country's constitution

  2. When politicians try to sway public opinion in their favor using propaganda

  3. When governments provide all individual rights and freedoms to their citizens

  4. When monarchies hold all power and aspects of media through press censorship

  5. When government control all aspects of media through press censorship

Correct Option: A

I can readily imagine, Holy Father, that as soon as some people hear that in this volume, which I have written about the revolutions of the spheres of the universe. I ascribe certain motions to the terrestrial globe, they will shout that I must be immediately repudiated together with this belief.... Yet I hold that completely erroneous views should be shunned. Those who know that the consensus on many centuries has sanctioned the conception that the earth remains at rest in the middle of the heaven as its center would I reflected, regard it as an insane pronouncement if I made the opposite assertion that the earth moves. Therefore I debated with myself for a long time whether to publish the volume which I wrote
The passage was likely written by _______.

  1. Andreas Vesalius

  2. Robert Boyle

  3. Galileo Galilei

  4. Nicholas Copernicus

  5. Issac Newton

Correct Option: D

Polish scientist Nicholas Copernicus is known for his heliocentric theory which places the sun as the center of the universe with planets revolving around it. His theory provided an alternative model of the universe to Ptolemy's geocentric theory which had the earth as the center and had been widely accepted since ancient times. Although he faced criticisms for his findings during his lifetime, later scientists built on the foundation laid by him.

The most similar to the Prague Spring of 1968 in Czechoslovakia was :

  1. The Tiananmen Square democracy protests in China

  2. The Qing dynasty Hundred Days of Reform

  3. The Solidarity movement in Poland

  4. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine

  5. The rule of the commonwealth of England

Correct Option: B

The most similar to the Prague Spring of 1968 in Czechoslovakia was the Qing dynasty Hundred Days of Reform. The Hundred Days of Reform was an attempt to modernise China by reforming its government, economy and society. These reforms were launched by the young Guangxu emperor and his followers in June 1898.

What was the purose of the European monarchs in claiming rule thorugh the divine right of kings?

  1. To reinforce the power of the church over secular rulers.

  2. To establish a stronger connection between church and state.

  3. To strengthen a king's claim to absolute power over his subjects.

  4. To allow the nobility to use the king as a symbol of central political authority without actually giving the king this great power.

Correct Option: C

To strengthen a king's claim to absolute power over his subjects.

Which of these is not a reason for the rise in absolutism in Europe in the 16th century?

  1. Religious turmoil throughout Europe

  2. Ruler's courts and palaces grew in size and power

  3. Continuing territorial conflicts among European monarchs

  4. The ever-increasing need for taxes, which led to unrest and peasant revolts

  5. The growing use of standing profession armies

Correct Option: A

The Renaissance resulted from the economic growth in Europe, but it was most recognized for:

  1. the creation of political systems dominated by the middle class.

  2. innovations in visual and performing arts.

  3. the establishment of global empires by the European powers.

  4. the elimination of the aristocracy as the elite class of the European social system.

Correct Option: B

The Renaissance was a period of  cultural, artistic, political and economic rebirth in Europe from the 14th century to the 17th century.  This period is mostly recognized for the development of highly realistic art technique by famous artists like  Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Which of these best describes the Scientific Revolution?

  1. A time in which scientists began to publish works on the origins of humanity and human ancestors.

  2. A time in which scientists began to study the natural world through observation and displayed a a willingness to question widely-held beliefs

  3. A time in which the Ptolemaic version of the universe, geocentric theory, was proven to be true and all other descriptions of the universe were disregarded

  4. A time in which scientists offered new theories on the creations of the universe

  5. A time in which math and science were used purposely to undermine the authority of the Church and Challenge the main tents of Christianity

Correct Option: B

Scientific revolution refers to the developments that happened in various branches of science which revolutionized the existing way of doing things. Rather than believing in existing knowledge to  conclude things, scientists started using scientific experimentation and observations.  It occurred as a global phenomenon and spread knowledge in various countries. 

Out of the following choices, which civilization was part of the growing global trading network of the 16th century?

  1. Ottoman Empire

  2. China

  3. Russia

  4. Japan

  5. Mughal Empire

Correct Option: B

China played a dominant role in the creation of the global market for silver. There was an abundance of tea, jade, silk, and porcelain in China for many years. These were exchanged by the Europeans with silver, such that silver then became the currency in China. This demand for silver made China a growing trade partner. Japan initially supplied silver to China but by the mid 16th century, the demand was satisfied by Peruvian mines.

Which of the following statements about the intellectual pursuits of Western Europeans prior to the 8th century is MOST accurate?

  1. Greek learning had been retained and there was widespread literacy among the noble classes.

  2. All literacy and contact with ancient cultures was lost in the centuries following the fall of Rome.

  3. Greco-Roman rational traditions were blended with Christian mysticism to create a new form of Christianity.

  4. Literacy was found mostly in monasteries, which usually resulted in little more than copying older manuscripts.

  5. Universities appeared throughout the Germanic kingdoms which rapidly renewed learning after the fall of Rome.

Correct Option: C

The English population began to expand rapidly from ___________.

  1. The nineteenth century

  2. The mid-eighteenth century

  3. The early-eighteenth century

  4. The eighteenth century

Correct Option: B

Which was a major result of the Reformation?

  1. New Christian denominations emerged

  2. Religious teachings were no longer allowed in the universities

  3. The Crusades were organized

  4. The power of the Pope was strengthened

Correct Option: A

Reformation led to the division within the Church. It broke the unity of Christendom. The church was broken up into two major groups: Protestantism and Catholicism. The two main groups further divided into many sects. National Churches were established in many countries. The supremacy of the Pope was replaced by the supremacy of the Bible.

"Monalisa" painted by which of the following personality?

  1. Raphael

  2. Michael-Angelo

  3. Leonardo-da-Vinci

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Leonardo-da-Vinci was a multi-talented personality having proficiency in painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering etc. His world famous oil painting, Monalisa, sparked a new trend in portrait painting influencing European paintings of the coming centuries and gave new colors to the ideals of Renaissance. His paintings were a combination of science and art which is well reflected in this masterpiece. 

Who is the 'Father of Renaissance'?

  1. Boccaccio

  2. Shakespeare

  3. Dante

  4. Petrarch

Correct Option: D

Petrarch is known as the 'Father of Renaissance.' He collected about 200 Latin and Greek manuscripts.He was well-known for his poem and sonnets. A deep contemplation of man's happiness and sorrow can be seen in his poems. 

The medieval man's thinking had been controlled by the _____.

  1. Church

  2. King

  3. Noble

  4. Aristocrat

Correct Option: A

The Church was the most influential body in medieval history. It held great importance in the lives of people who perceived the Church as a source of divinity and legitimacy.

_______ means rebirth or revival.

  1. Reformation

  2. Revolution

  3. Renunciation

  4. Renaissance

Correct Option: D

"Renaissance" is a French word meaning rebirth or revival. Europe witnessed extensive prosperity during the later Middle Ages. There were many thinkers and researchers in various walks of life. The Europeans advanced in religious power, political power, economy, social structure, art, literature, science, etc. Renaissance means all round progress in various walks of life. 

From whom did the humanist scholars acquire books during the Renaissance?

  1. Turks

  2. Arabs

  3. Jews

  4. Chinese

Correct Option: B

During the Renaissance, the humanist scholars acquired the books from the Arabs and retranslated them into Greek and Latin and studied them.

Which one of the following was not an objective of the geographical explorations?

  1. Finding a sea route to India

  2. Reformation of the church

  3. Propagation of Christianity in new lands

  4. Earning more profits.

Correct Option: B
Reasons for geographical explorations: 
i) The Turks had captured Constantinople in the year 1453. They blocked the short route to go to Asia. So, the Europeans were keen on discovering a sea route to India. 
ii) Discovery of new countries and the possibility of spreading Christianity as they believed their religion to be superior.
iii) Europeans believed that China was a fertile place to make profit. 

Which century is called the 'Age of geographical explorations'?

  1. 20th century

  2. 18th century

  3. 16th century

  4. 17th century

Correct Option: C

The 16th century has been called the century of geographical explorations. Until the end of the Middle Ages, Europeans were ignorant of geography. In the later developments, Europeans found new sea routes to various parts of the world. The new continent of North America, South America and Australia came to light. 

Ptolemy's 'geocentric' theory was proved to be wrong by.

  1. Galileo

  2. Newton

  3. Francis Bacon

  4. Copernicus

Correct Option: D
The Greek astronomer Ptolemy (c90-168AD) used measurements of the sky to create his geocentric model. This had the earth at the centre and all the planets and the sun orbiting around it.
The geocentric model lasted a long time. It wasn’t until the mid 18th century that Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) came up with a different model. His heliocentric theory put the sun at the centre of the universe. It was based on observations with the telescope – work pioneered by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).

The Turks conquered Constantinople in _____ A.D.

  1. 1353

  2. 1453

  3. 1553

  4. 1653

Correct Option: B

Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and was a centre of Greek and Roman cultures. It had the valuable manuscripts of the Greek and the Roman writers. But Constantinople fell into the hands of the Turks in 1453. Many Greek and Roman scholars were thus forced to shift to Rome and other parts of Europe with their manuscripts. 

Which one of the following was not used for sailing in high and deep seas during the 16th century?

  1. Mariner's compass

  2. Astrolabe

  3. Steam ships

  4. Charts and maps

Correct Option: C

The Mariner's compass and astrolabe were helpful to sailors in the 16th century. Charts and maps were made available to sailors. The first successful steam-powered vessel was a river steamer built in the USA by Robert Fulton in 1808. 

A new _____ culture had flowered in Italian towns from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century.

  1. Humanist

  2. Religious

  3. Socialist

  4. Political

Correct Option: A

A new humanist culture had flowered in Italian towns from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. This culture was characterized by a new belief – that man, as an individual, was capable of making his own decisions and developing his skills.

______ was noted for his mastery of colour.

  1. Titian

  2. Leonardo da Vinci

  3. Raphael

  4. Michaelangelo

Correct Option: A

Titian was noted for his mastery of colour. His use of paint and brushwork made him the foremost painter in Venice and his execution of both landscapes and portraits brought him great fame in his own lifetime.

The person who tried to strengthen the Catholic Chruch by organizing the Counter Reformation was.

  1. John  Calvin

  2. Wycliffe

  3. Martin Luther

  4. Ignatius Loyola

Correct Option: D

The leader of this counter-reformation was the Spanish aristocrat called Ignatius Loyola. He founded the 'Society of Jesuits.' Their main aim was to restore the glory and authority of the Roman Catholic Church. The main objective was to impart good education to the followers of this organisation and make them dedicate their lives to the service of the society. 

______ was the remarkable painting of Michaelangelo.

  1. The Last Supper

  2. Last Judgement

  3. Monalisa

  4. Sistine Madonna

Correct Option: B

Last Judgement was the remarkable painting of Michaelangelo. Last Judgement was one of the influential fresco works in the history of Western art. The Last Judgement is painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican city. The painting depicts the Second Coming of Christ, a future return of Jesus to Earth, and the final judgement by God of all humanity.

Who was a versatile genius during the Renaissance?

  1. John Cavin

  2. Geoffrey Chaucer

  3. Martin Luther

  4. Leonardo-da-Vinci

Correct Option: D

Leonardo-da-Vinci was a versatile genius, a writer, scientist, painter, inventor, engineer and architect. Leonardo da Vinci's famous paintings are the 'Monalisa' and the 'Last Supper.' 

______ was the birthplace of the renaissance.

  1. France

  2. England

  3. Italy

  4. Germany

Correct Option: C

The Renaissance eventually spread from northern Italy to the rest of Europe. Italy had three advantages that made it the birthplace of the Renaissance: thriving cities, a wealthy merchant class, and the classical heritage of Greece and Rome.

_______ is the world famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci.

  1. Sistine Madonna

  2. Last Judgement

  3. Last Supper

  4. The Starry Night

Correct Option: C

The Last Supper is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a picture of the last supper of Jesus and his disciples. It shows how they reacted when Jesus said that one of them would betray him. Each disciple has their own expression showing their own reaction to what Jesus has just told them.

Which sailor reached Brazil in 1500?

  1. Columbus

  2. Balboa

  3. Magellan

  4. Cabral 

Correct Option: D

He sailed westward under favourable conditions, and on April 22 Cabral sighted the land he named Island of the True Cross. Later renamed Holy Cross by King Manuel, the country ultimately took its modern name, Brazil, from a kind of dyewood, pau-brasil, that is found there. After a stay of only 10 days in Brazil, Cabral sailed for India, on a voyage that was plagued by a series of misfortunes. 

The movement that caused a split in Christianity was.

  1. Religious reformation

  2. Confession letters

  3. Counter Reformation

  4. Inquisition

Correct Option: A

The religious reformation heralded the beginning of a new age. The movement started by Martin Luther was known as religious reformation. This movement led to the split of Christianity and a new sect called 'Protestant Sect' appeared. 

Pardon certificates were called _______.

  1. Indulgences

  2. Inquisition

  3. Simony

  4. Religious inquiry

Correct Option: A

The clergy collected a sum called the 'Peter's Pence' from the people. Pope Leo X wanted to build St. Peter's Church. So, he issued pardon certificates called 'Indulgences' to those who gave money to build the church. Indulgences were letters which were remitted punishments of the sinners who bought them, both in this life and after their death. 

The _____ wanted to find a route around Africa to reach India.

  1. Dutch

  2. Britishers

  3. Portuguese

  4. French

Correct Option: C

The Portuguese wanted to find a route Africa to reach India. They were looking for a trade route to India that would completely bypass the Muslims so that the Christians could stop paying their "enemies" to get Asian items.

______ was working for the Portuguese king.

  1. Columbus

  2. Vasco Da Gama

  3. Amerigo Vespucci

  4. John Cabot

Correct Option: B

Explorer Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal, around 1460. In 1497, he was commissioned by the Portuguese king to find a maritime route to the East. His success in doing so proved to be one of the more instrumental moments in the history of navigation. He subsequently made two other voyages to India, and was appointed as the Portuguese viceroy in India in 1524.

Where is the St. Peter's cathedral situated ?

  1. Venice

  2. Florence

  3. Rome

  4. Milan

Correct Option: C

St. Peter's Basilica, which is called in Italian "Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano", is a large church in the Vatican City, in Rome, Italy. It is often called "the greatest church in Christendom". The foundation stone of St Peter’s Cathedral was laid on St Peter’s Day (29th June) 1869.

The _____ wanted to know if it was possible to reach India by crossing the Atlantic ocean.

  1. Spanish

  2. Portuguese

  3. French

  4. Dutch

Correct Option: A

Every European country wanted to find a sea route in order to continue their trade with the Asian country for which various expeditions were carried out. The Portuguese and the Spanish were in the forefront 

Cotton textiles, steel and spices were purchased from _____.

  1. China

  2. India

  3. Arabia

  4. Europe

Correct Option: B

Cotton and silk textiles had a huge market in Europe. Indian textiles were by far the most popular, both for their fine quality and exquisite craftsmanship. Spices too were in high demand because of the many benefits it had ans also the value it had. People in the Renaissance found many uses for spices and the spice trade was basic to the Renaissance economy. Pepper was used to preserve and to flavor spoiled meat. Cloves and cinnamon were used as substitutes for cleanliness and ventilation. They were strewn across the floor to prevent foot odor from permeating the room. 

Silk and porcelain ware were purchased from _____.

  1. China

  2. India

  3. Arabia

  4. Europe

Correct Option: A

After the discovery of silk road, China became one of the biggest exporters of silk. Besides silk, the Chinese also exported tea, salt, sugar, porcelain and spices.

Scents were famous in ______.

  1. India

  2. China

  3. Europe

  4. Arabia

Correct Option: D

Scents were famous in Arabia. The craft of perfumery is an essential part of Muslim culture. Arabian perfumes have long been alluring the world with their distinct fragrances and are now synonymous with ancient heritage as well as fine luxury.

_____ was working on behalf of the Spanish queen.

  1. Vasco-da-Gama

  2. Ferdinand Magellan

  3. Amerigo Vespucci

  4. Columbus

Correct Option: D

Expeditions were financed by European kings and queens. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor the expedition, and on 3 August 1492, Columbus and his fleet of three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña, set sail across the Atlantic.

Ten weeks later, land was sighted. On 12 October, Columbus and a group of his men set foot on an island in what later became known as the Bahamas. Believing that they had reached the Indies, the newcomers dubbed the natives 'Indians'.

Which thinker originally preached about humanism?

  1. Dante

  2. Erasmus

  3. Petrarch

  4. Machiavelli

Correct Option: C

Petrarch was a poet and scholar whose humanist philosophy set the stage for the Renaissance. He is also considered one of the fathers of the modern Italian language. Dante and other supporters were his followers. 

The people of China revolted in $1912$ and put an end to Manchu administration because _______.

  1. They gave more importance for their own development

  2. They developed trade contacts with England

  3. The Manchu ruler's internal administration was oppressive and inefficient

  4. They tried to suppress the long march of Mao

Correct Option: C

The failure of the Manchu Dynasty to protect China from foreign aggression and to carry out extensive economic and political reforms had convinced a large number of intellectuals and members of the upper classes that the Chinese people must get rid of the “foreign yoke” of the Manchus and of the thousand-year-old absolute monarchy if they wanted to create a new, strong, modern China. The bravest supporters of a republican form of government were the revolutionaries led by the founding father of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen.

Who were being deprived of their lands by the landlords in England?

  1. Workers

  2. Soldiers

  3. Peasants

  4. Labourers

Correct Option: C

In England, the small peasants were being deprived of their land by landlords. Since the Native Americans mostly acted in friendship and extended help and cooperation to the Europeans, many of these peasants migrated to North America and wished to settle down there. Eventually, they forced the Native Americans to give up their land by killing and driving them into the interior.

Which place did Christopher Columbus discover in 1492?

  1. China

  2. India

  3. Central America

  4. Indonesia

Correct Option: C

The western European countries invested large amounts of money by hiring experienced sea mariners and giving them ships and other resources to explore new routes. This led to the discovery of Central America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. He thought he reached India and called the local people Indians. That is why the original inhabitants of America are called Native Indians today.

______ protested against the evils prevalent in the Roman Catholic church.

  1. Erasmus

  2. Martin Luther

  3. Wycliffe

  4. Zwingly

Correct Option: B

Martin Luther was a German professor, composer, priest, and monk.  He rejected several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church and led the Protestant Reformation in 1517.

Which is the holy book of the Christians?

  1. Bhagavad Gita

  2. Bible

  3. Quran

  4. Guru Granth Sahib

Correct Option: B
The Christian holy book is the Bible. It is divided into two main sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament explains how God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to restore the broken relationship between people and God.

The trade routes that connected Europe and Asia around 1400 were controlled by which empire?

  1. Mughal

  2. British

  3. Chinese

  4. Ottoman

Correct Option: D

Most of the trade routes that connected Europe and Asia around 1400 were controlled by Muslim kingdoms, especially the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman army was the largest in Europe. The Ottoman Empire was constantly at war with the European Christian powers.

______ criticised the malpractices in the Institute of religion and the hypocritical behaviour of the clergy.

  1. John Wycliffe

  2. Desiderius Erasmus

  3. John Calvin

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

The reformation movement spread to many countries of ______.

  1. Asia

  2. Africa

  3. Europe

  4. Australia

Correct Option: C
The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Its religious aspects were supplemented by ambitious political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense of the Church. The Reformation ended the unity imposed by medieval Christianity and, in the eyes of many historians, signaled the beginning of the modern era.

 A weakening of the old order was already under way in Northern Europe, as evidenced by the emergence of thriving new cities and a determined middle class.Over the centuries there had been many reform efforts within the Catholic Church, most notably a series of largely unsuccessful church councils. Popular support existed in some quarters for simplifying worship services and requiring a more dedicated clergy.

In 1517, in one of the signal events of western history, Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk, posted 95 theses on the church door in the university town of Wittenberg. That act was common academic practice of the day and served as an invitation to debate. Luther’s propositions challenged some portions of Roman Catholic doctrine and a number of specific practices.

The Bible was in ______, a language the common people could not understand.

  1. Latin

  2. Greek

  3. English

  4. Spanish

Correct Option: A

The Bible was not available in the hands of common people in Medieval times (5th - 15th century)m as the language was Latin, not understood by many people.

Who is the author of the magnum opus 'Secretum' from the Renaissance period?

  1. Dante

  2. Don Quixote

  3. Petrarch

  4. Michelangelo

Correct Option: C

Petrarch (AD 1304 - 1374) was one of the eminent writers of the Renaissance period. He is known as the Father of Renaissance. The magnum opus of Petrarch is 'Secretum'. Petrarch is often considered the founder of Humanism.

Which pair of scientists MOST contributed to the development of the Scientific Method?

  1. Newton and Einstein

  2. Cavendish and Winkelmann

  3. Bacon and Descartes

  4. Fahrenheit and Celsius

  5. Copernicus and Galileo

Correct Option: C

Roger Bacon and Rene Descartes developed the Scientific Methods which we know today. Roger Bacon emphasized on the experimentation while Descartes who was a French philosopher emphasized on Philosophy.

Which of these would NOT be a target for criticism by an Enlightenment philosopher prior to the French Revolution?

  1. The Old Regime

  2. Constitutionalism

  3. The Catholic Church

  4. Absolute Monarchy

  5. Versailles

Correct Option: B

Constitutionalism, which puts limits on monarchs powers, was an idea widely supported among the philosophers during the enlightenment.

Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation?

  1. The Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion

  2. Islam was attracting many converts in Western Europe

  3. Kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church

  4. The exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas

Correct Option: C

The humanists of the Renaissance differed from the traditional medieval philosophers in the 'humanists _________.

  1. Interest in the spiritual life of people

  2. Lack of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture

  3. Rejection of Christian principles

  4. Emphasis on the importance of the individual

Correct Option: D

The fine arts, literature and history in the Medieval period were centred on religious ideology. The texts were invariably written in Greek andLatin as these languages were considered elite and scholarly. By the dawn of the 13th century, Latin and Greek gave way to regional languages like English, Spanish, and French. The writers of this period adopted the life of the common man as the central theme of their works. The literature of this period was no longer confined to religion and philosophy but gave way to themes that depicted diverse aspects of human life. Similar changes occurred in other art forms like painting and sculpture. This vision, primarily concerned with the various aspects of human life, is known as humanism.

The new spirit of humanism inspired unique thoughts on the universe and human life. It promoted reasoning and the spirit of enquiry. Consequently, a new awakening in all spheres of human life became visible in Europe and it is known as the Renaissance.

Who is known as the Father of Renaissance?

  1. Don Quixote

  2. Dante

  3. Petrarch

  4. Erasmus

Correct Option: C

Petrarch (AD 1304 - 1374) was one of the eminent writers of the Renaissance period. He is known as the Father of Renaissance. The magnum opus of Petrarch is 'Secretum'. Petrarch is often considered the founder of Humanism.

Which was a major characteristic of the Renaissance?

  1. Conformity

  2. Mysticism

  3. Humanism

  4. Obedience

Correct Option: C

The new spirit of humanism inspired unique thoughts on the universe and human life. It promoted reasoning and the spirit of enquiry. Consequently, a new awakening in all spheres of human life became visible in Europe and it is known as the Renaissance.

Name the Spanish conqueror who put an end to the independent rule in Mexico.

  1. Pizarro

  2. Vasco Da Gama

  3. Christopher Columbus

  4. Cortez

Correct Option: D

Hernan Cortes was born in 1485 in Medellin, western Spain. He led an expedition to kill the people and plunder Mexico. Eventually, he killed the local king and put an end to the independent rule of Mexico.

The age of great change marked by renewed interest in classical learning and the arts is called the

  1. Renaissance

  2. Revolution

  3. Reformation

  4. Reconstruction

Correct Option: A

The age of great change marked by renewed interest in classical learning and the arts is called Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period in European history which began in the 1300s, during the late middle Ages and ended during the 1500s, when the modern era began. Renaissance means "rebirth" in French. During theRenaissance there was a rebirth of interest in ancient Greece and Rome.

_______ created the lifelike statue of ’St. Mark’ in Venice.

  1. Michaelangelo

  2. Donatello

  3. Leonardo Da Vinci

  4. Raphael

Correct Option: B

The sculptors of middle ages carved faces, hands, and draperies but the form of the human body could not be detected under the draperies.

The Renaissance sculptors studied the human body and knew how the muscles and joints worked so that they could make their figure more lifelike. 
The statue of St. George in Florence, the statues of St. Mark in Venice and the Group of Young Angles reveals the artistic skills of the sculptor of Donatello.

Who wrote the ''Divine Comedy''?

  1. Dante Alighieri

  2. Francesco Petrarch

  3. Giovanni Boccaccio

  4. Niccolo Machiavelli

Correct Option: A

The Divine Comedy is an Italian long narrative poem by Dante Alighieri.  He began the work in 1308 and completed in 1320, a year before his death in 1321. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest works of world literature.

______ was the Father of modern sciences and medieval exponent of observation and experiment.

  1. Copernicus

  2. Galileo

  3. Friar Roger Bacon

  4. William Harvey

Correct Option: B

Galileo Galilei was the Father of modern sciences and medieval exponent of observation and experiment. He was the first scientist to record accurate data through his telescope. Galileo supported the theory by Copernicus, that sun is the centre not earth of our Universe. 

Whose paintings depicted scenes from robust peasant lives?

  1. Michaelangelo

  2. Peter Brueghel, the Elder

  3. Peter Brueghel, the Younger

  4. Titian

Correct Option: B
Peter Brueghel, the Elder, also known by the name Peasant Bruegel was a Dutch Painter known for carving witty scenes from the peasant lives. He would often visit their social gathering, dressed as one of them and through his paintings he gave an idea about their lives.

Who wrote the book 'The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy'?

  1. Thomas Paine

  2. Rousseau

  3. Jacob Burckhardt

  4. Voltaire

Correct Option: C

"The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy" tells about the  Italian Renaissance, it was written by Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt is 1860. The book is divided into six parts.

_______ wrote ''Seven Books on the Structure of the Human Body''.

  1. Andreas Vesalius

  2. Gilbert

  3. Francis Willis

  4. Peter Lowe

Correct Option: A

Seven books of the Structure of the Human Body was written by Andreas Vesalius. The book was published in 1543. It was a collection of speeches by Vesalius in Padua. This book is an advance description of human anatomy.  

Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India in the year _____.

  1. 1498

  2. 1492

  3. 1490

  4. 1453

Correct Option: A

Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who reached India by sea on May 17, 1498. His fleet reached Kappakadavu near Calicut in the current Indian state of Kerala.

Who laid the foundation of Mathematical astronomy?

  1. Kepler

  2. Galileo

  3. Copernicus

  4. Ptolemy

Correct Option: A
Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer who discovered three laws of planetary motions as:
  1. the planets move in an elliptical orbit with the sun in the centre,
  2.  the time necessary to traverse an arc of a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the sector between the central body and that arc,
  3. there is an exact relationship between the squares of the planets’ periodic times and the cubes of the radii of their orbits.
Due to this, he is regarded as the founder of Mathematical astronomy. These discoveries enlightened the works of Newton and Copernicus.

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