American dominance, neo-imperialism and new economic policy - class-XI

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At present how many industries are under the purview of compulsory industrial licensing?

  1. $8$

  2. $6$

  3. $7$

  4. $10$

Correct Option: B
At present there are only 6 industries under compulsory licensing namely:
1) Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks
2) Cigars and cigarettes
3) Electronic aerospace and defence equipment
4) Industrial explosives
5) Hazardous chemicals
6) Drugs and pharmaceuticals

State whether the following statements are True or False.
Industrial licensing has been abolished from most of the industries.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

How many industries are kept for compulsory licensing at present?

  1. 3

  2. 6

  3. 5

  4. 7

Correct Option: C

At present there are five industries that require compulsory licensing. They are:
(i)   Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks
(ii)  Cigar, cigarettes and other substitutes of prepared tobacco
(iii) Electronic, Aerospace and all types of defence equipment
(iv) Industrial Explosive including match boxes
(v) Hazardous Chemicals

The world Bank is also referred to as _______.

  1. IBRD

  2. IDBI

  3. IDA

  4. IGCA

Correct Option: A

The world Bank is also referred to as IBRD.

IBRD stands for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

What is a feature of 'Reaganomics'?

  1. Increase in federal spending

  2. Expanding money supply

  3. Reduction in tax rates

  4. Cutting back on foreign trade

Correct Option: C

Reaganomics is a popular term referring to the economic policies of Ronald Reagan, the 40th U.S. president (1981–1989). His policies called for widespread tax cuts, decreased social spending, increased military spending, and the deregulation of domestic markets. 

Hence, the correct option is C.

How many industries have been reserved for government sector at present?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 6

Correct Option: A

At present the number of industries kept reserved for government sector are three. They are:
(i)  Atomic energy,
(ii) Railway transport, and
(iii) The substances specified in the schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy dated 15th March, 1995.

The New Industrial Policy announced on July 24, 1991 contained provisions relating to _________.

  1. industrial licensing

  2. foreign investment

  3. foreign technology policy

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

On July 241991, Government of India announced its new industrial policy with an aim to correct the distortion and weakness of the Industrial Structure of the country that had developed in 4 decades; raise industrial efficiency to the international level; and accelerate industrial growth. The NIP does away with licensing for all major industries, irrespective of the investment level, proposes liberal foreign investment, dispenses with the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP clearances but curbs unfair trade practices and emphasis technological up-gradation.

Hence, D is the correct option.

The purpose of World Bank is to _______________.

  1. reduce trade gaps

  2. give international loans for development purposes

  3. assist in projects in developing countries

  4. meet balance of payments position

Correct Option: B

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The bank predominantly acts as an organization that attempts to fight poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle and low-income countries.

Hence, B is the correct option.

The Headquarters of IMF is in ________________.

  1. New York

  2. Washington DC

  3. London

  4. Manila

Correct Option: B

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization.  It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., USA.  IMF consisting of 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. 

"Continuity with change" is the philosophy of _______________.

  1. Industrial Policy Resolution $1948$

  2. New Industrial Policy $1991$

  3. Industrial Policy Resolution $1956$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The Government announced a new industrial policy on July 24, 1991. The basic philosophy of the new policy has been summed up as 'continuity with change'. The main objective was to plunge the Indian economy into the field of 'Globalization and to give it a new drive on market orientation. The new economic policy intended to reduce the rate of inflation and to remove imbalances in payment.

The International Finance Corporation's main function is to assist.

  1. Public sector undertakings

  2. Private enterprise

  3. The Government in the Planning processes

  4. Small Scale Industries only

Correct Option: B

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is part of the World Bank Group. It is the largest global development institution focused on private sector development in low income and other emerging markets helping to generate productive jobs and deliver essential services to the undeserved.

'Maastricht Treaty' is related to ______________.

  1. Environment Unification

  2. Europe Unification

  3. Limitation of Atomic Power

  4. Unification of East and West Germany

Correct Option: B

The Maastricht Treaty is officially the Treaty on European Union, it was signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Communities in Maastricht, Netherlands, to further European integration. It established the European Union.
European citizenship was created, allowing citizens to reside in and move freely between the Member States. a common foreign and security policy was established. closer cooperation between police and the judiciary in criminal matters was agreed.

The International Monetary Fund was established in _________.

  1. 1919

  2. 1930

  3. 1945

  4. 1947

Correct Option: C

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in 1945 as an international fund for economic cooperation which was a result of the Bretton Woods Conference held in the year 1944.

The Headquarters of 'Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific' is at _____________.

  1. Singapore

  2. Bangkok

  3. Manila $7$

  4. Hong Kong

Correct Option: B

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has its Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand .The Commission maintains five subregional offices in order to better target and deliver programs.

Which statement is true for IMF?

  1. It is not an agency of UNO

  2. It can grant loan to any country of the world

  3. It can grant loan to State Government of a country

  4. It grants loan only to member nations

Correct Option: D

IMF loans are meant to help member countries tackle balance of payments problems, stabilize their economies, and restore sustainable economic growth. The IMF is not development bank and, unlike the World Bank and other development agencies, it does not finance projects.

India has witnessed a number of acute problems immediately prior to implementation of economic reforms in early $1990$'s. Among the following, which one was severe and unmanageable?

  1. Industrial backwardness

  2. Balance of payments crisis

  3. Backwardness of agriculture

  4. Shortage of food grains

Correct Option: B

India was facing major BOP deficit issues since $1985$ and had borrowed from international bodies heavily to solve to BOP problem. However, it kept on rising and by the end of 1990 it turned in to serious crisis like situation. The foreign exchange reserves were at an all time low and the IMF refused to provide further assistance.

Consider the following statements regarding the features of the World Bank:
$1$. The Board of Governors is the supreme body
$2$. The voting power of the Governor of a member country is related to the financial contribution of the country concerned.
$3$. It gives short-term loan to its members to correct their temporary balance of payments disequilibrium.
Which one of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. $1$ only

  2. $1$ and $2$

  3. $2$ and $3$

  4. $1, 2$ and $3$

Correct Option: B

World Bank is the world's foremost inter-governmental organisation. It was set up in July $1944$ at the Bretton-Woods Conference. The Board of Governors is the supreme body of the World Bank, wherein each Governor is a representative of one of the member countries. The voting power of the Governor is based on the financial contribution of the country they represent.
It provides long-term loan to its member countries for economic development programmes and structural changes.

In the post-liberalisation period, the share of direct taxes in gross tax revenue in India has __________.

  1. increased

  2. decreased

  3. first increased and then decreased

  4. remained the same

Correct Option: A

In the post-liberalisation period, the share of direct taxes in gross tax revenue in India has increased.

Which of the following factors are largely responsible for industrial sickness in India?
$1$. Faulty planning
$2$. Mismanagement
$3$. Inadequate equity capital
$4$. Outdated technology
Select the correct answer using the codes given.

  1. $1, 2$ and $3$

  2. $2, 3$ and $4$

  3. $1, 2$ and $4$

  4. $1, 3$ and $4$

Correct Option: B

The factors, which are responsible for industrial sickness in India, are mismanagement, inadequate equity capital and outdated technology.

Which one of the following states accounts for the bulk of production of coal in India?

  1. Madhya Pradesh

  2. Maharashtra

  3. Jharkhand

  4. Odisha

Correct Option: C

Earlier Bihar was the largest coal producer in India, but now after the division of Bihar the first position in production of coal is achieved by Jharkhand.

Which one is called Bretton-Woods Twin?

  1. IBRD and IDA

  2. IMF and IFC

  3. IMF and IBRD

  4. IDA and IFC

Correct Option: C

If an industry is characterized by economies of scale then _________.

  1. barriers to entry are not very large

  2. long-run unit costs of production decreases as the quantity the firm produces increases

  3. capital requirement are small due to the efficiency of the large scale operation

  4. the costs of entry into the market are likely to be substantial

Correct Option: B

In microeconomics, economics of scale are the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion. There are factors that cause a producer's average cost per unit to fall as the scale of output is increased. "Economics of scale" is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.

It is prudent to determine the size of the output when the industry is operating in the stage of______.

  1. increasing returns

  2. constant returns

  3. diminishing returns

  4. negative returns

Correct Option: C

Freeing the economy from all unnecessary controls and regulations is referred to as ________.

  1. freedom

  2. privatisation

  3. liberalisation

  4. globalisation

Correct Option: C

Whom did India approach for managing the crisis?

  1. IBRD

  2. United Nations

  3. IMF

  4. A and C

Correct Option: D
In 1991, India met with an economic crisis relating to its external debt. India approached the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), popularly known as World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and received $7 billion as loan to manage the crisis.

IBRD is also known as __________.

  1. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  2. United Nations

  3. World bank

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

In 1991, India met with an economic crisis relating to its external debt. India approached the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), popularly known as World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and received $7 billion as loan to manage the crisis.

Which of the following were short-term measures in the NEP?

  1. Structural reform measures

  2. Stabilisation measures

  3. Both A and B

  4. None

Correct Option: B
India agreed to the conditionalities of World Bank and IMF and announced the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP consisted of wide ranging economic reforms. This set of policies can broadly be classified into two groups: the  stabilisation measures and the structural reform measures. Stabilisation measures are short term measures, on the other hand, structural reform policies are long-term measures.

Which policy was announced when India agreed to the conditionalities imposed by IMF and IBRD?

  1. Fiscal policy

  2. New Economic Policy

  3. Exim Policy

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The NEP was classified into two groups. Which are the two groups?

  1. Stabilization measures and Structural reform measures

  2. Corrective measures and recovery measures

  3. Industrial development measures and remedial measures

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
The NEP consisted of wide ranging economic reforms. NEP stands for New Economic Policy. This set of policies can broadly be classified into two groups: the stabilization measures and the structural reform measures.

What did NEP focus on?

  1. Create a more competitive environment

  2. Remove barriers to entry

  3. Create employment

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D
India agreed to the conditionalities of World Bank and IMF and announced the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP consisted of wide ranging economic reforms. The thrust of the policies was towards creating a more competitive
environment in the economy and removing the barriers to entry and growth of firms. Creation of employment was not the objective of NEP.

What were the primary reasons for the economic crisis in the 1980s?

  1. Spending on development programmes which didn't generate additional revenue

  2. Internal sources like taxation weren't generating enough revenue

  3. Income from public sector was not very high

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
The origin of the financial crisis can be traced from the inefficient management of the Indian economy in the 1980s. Development policies required that even though the revenues were very low, the government had to overshoot its revenue to meet problems like  unemployment, poverty and population explosion. The continued spending on development programmes of the government did not generate additional revenue.
Moreover, the government was not able to generate sufficiently from internal sources such as taxation. The income from public sector undertakings was also not very high to meet the growing expenditure.

Which of the following were long-term measures in the NEP?

  1. Structural reform measures

  2. Stabilisation measures

  3. Both A and B

  4. None

Correct Option: A

India agreed to the conditionalities of World Bank and IMF and announced the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP consisted of wide ranging economic reforms. This set of policies can broadly be classified into two groups: the  stabilisation measures and the structural reform measures. Stabilisation measures are short term measures, on the other hand, structural reform policies are long-term measures.

Stabilisation measures were intended to __________.

  1. correct balance of payments

  2. improving efficiency of the economy

  3. control inflation

  4. A and C

Correct Option: D

India agreed to the conditionalities of World Bank and IMF and announced the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP consisted of wide ranging economic reforms. This set of policies can broadly be classified into two groups: the  stabilisation measures and the structural reform measures. Stabilisation measures are short term measures, intended to correct some of the weaknesses that have developed in the balance of payments and to bring inflation under control. In simple words, this means that there was a need to maintain sufficient foreign exchange reserves and keep the rising prices under control.

Which industries are reserved for the public sector today, many years after LPG policy was introduced?

  1. Defence equipments

  2. Atomic energy generation

  3. Railway transport

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The reform policies abolished almost all industrial licensing. The industries which are now reserved for the public sector are defence equipments, atomic energy generation and railway transport.

How much did the IMF and IBRD lend the Indian Government during the crisis?

  1. Rs. 7 billion

  2. $ 7 billion

  3. Rs. 6 billion

  4. $ 6 billion

Correct Option: B
India approached the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), popularly known as World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and received $7 billion as loan to manage the crisis during 1991.

When was the NEP introduced?

  1. 1980

  2. 1991

  3. 1990

  4. 1986

Correct Option: B
In 1991, India met with an economic crisis relating to its external debt. India agreed to the conditionalities of World Bank and IMF and announced the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP, introduced in 1991, consisted of wide ranging economic reforms.

Who among the following cannot open 'No Frill Account' in a bank?

  1. Agricultural labourer

  2. Student

  3. A small firm selling white goods

  4. Farmer

Correct Option: C

No Frill Account is a basic banking account that requires either nil minimum balance or very low minimum balance. Charge applicable to such accounts are low. Services available to such accounts are limited. 

Firms selling white goods are not likely to have low amounts in the account due to their monetary transactions that happen on a regular basis.

Which of the following organisations is created specially for providing credit to small and medium enterprises in India?


  2. SIDBI

  3. ECGC

  4. AMFI

Correct Option: B

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI): Established as wholly owned subsidiary of IDBI and SIDBI Act 1989. Its headquarters is in Lucknow. It has 5 regional and 21 branch offices across the country. It is the principal financial institution for, promotion, financing and development of industries in the small scale sectors. It also co-ordinates the agencies which provides finance to small enterprises.

In context of business and banking, what is CRAR?

  1. Capital to Risk (Weighted) Asset Ratio

  2. Credit to Risk Asset Ratio

  3. Credit to Risk Assessment Ratio

  4. Capital to Risk Assessment Rate

Correct Option: A

Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), also called Capital to Risk (Weighted) Asset Ratio (CRAR) is a ratio of Bank's capital to its risk. Capital Adequacy Ratios are a measure of the amount of Bank's core capital expressed as a percentage of its risk-weighted asset.

Which of the following sector(s) make(s) maximum contribution to the national income of India?

  1. Services

  2. Agriculture

  3. Industry

  4. Both Agriculture and Industry

Correct Option: A

Which of the following would result in a fall in asset prices?

  1. Low liquidity in the economy

  2. High liquidity in the economy

  3. RBI increasing the Reverse Repo Rates

  4. RBI allowing more banks to play

Correct Option: A

The full form for BIFR, in the context of the Indian Industry is _________.

  1. Board for Investment and Financial Redevelopment

  2. Bureau for Industrial and Financial Revolution

  3. Board for Investment and Formal Reconstruction

  4. Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

Correct Option: D

Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR): BIFR was established under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Pro-visions) Act 1985 (SICA). It is an agency of Government of India, part of the Department of Financial services of the Ministry of Finance. Its objective is to determine sickness of industrial companies and to assist in reviewing those that may be viable and shutting down the others.

Union Budget, which is presented every year in the parliament, is also known as the ________.

  1. general budget

  2. common budget

  3. annual budget

  4. finance report of the year

Correct Option: A

The financial results of banks and other organisations normally are expressed in quarters. What does Q-1 mean?

  1. Results of January-March

  2. Performance during April-June

  3. Profits during July-September

  4. The period when the profits are highest

Correct Option: B

First Quarter $(Q _1)$ : April-June
Second Quarter $(Q _2)$ : July-September
Third Quarter $(Q _3)$ : October-December
Fourth Quarter $(Q _4)$ : January-March

Which of the following does POSCO manufacture?

  1. Cement

  2. Pharma products

  3. Steel

  4. Textiles

Correct Option: C

POSCO (formerly Pohang Iron and Steel Company) is a multinational steel-making company headquartered in Pohang, South Korea. 

The Finance Minister of India in one of his press conferences said that inflationary pressure is likely to continue following recent increase in rates of some commodities in international markets. Which of the following commodities was he referring to as it gets frequent increase at international levels and disturbs our Home Economy substantially?

  1. Gold and Silver

  2. Petroleum products

  3. Tea and Coffee

  4. Sugar

Correct Option: B

Distribution of insurance products and insurance policies by banks as corporate agents is known as _________.

  1. general Insurance

  2. non-life insurance

  3. bancassurance

  4. insurance banking

Correct Option: C

POSCO is in the process of establishing its plants in India. What does the letter 'P' denote in the name POSCO?

  1. Popular

  2. Pallin

  3. Pohang

  4. Paradeep

Correct Option: C

Expand the term CCEA as used in administrative circle.

  1. Cabinet Committee on External Affairs

  2. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

  3. Cabinet Council on External Affairs

  4. Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is NOT a function of a commercial in India?

  1. Accepting deposits from publics

  2. Selling National Savings Certificates

  3. Keeping valuables in safe custody

  4. Transferring money from one place to the other

Correct Option: B

Which is the first Indian company to be listed on NASDAQ?

  1. Reliance

  2. TCS

  3. HCL

  4. Infosys

Correct Option: D

Many a time we read about Special Drawing Right (SDR) in newspapers. As per its definition, SDR is a monetary unit of the reserve assets of which of the following organisations/agencies?

  1. World Bank

  2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  3. Asian Development Bank

  4. Reserve Bank of India

Correct Option: B

Many a time we read about Special Drawing Right (SDR) in newspapers. As per its definition, SDR is a monetary unit of the reserve assets of International Monetary Fund(IMF). Special Drawing Right is a type of foreign-exchange reserve. It is introduced in 1969.

Special Drawing Rights are the rights of countries provided by

  1. World Bank

  2. IMF

  3. ADB

  4. Federal Reserve

Correct Option: B

Many a time we read about Special Drawing Right (SDR) in newspapers. As per its definition, SDR is a monetary unit of the reserve assets of International Monetary Fund(IMF). Special Drawing Right is a type of foreign-exchange reserve. It is introduced in 1969.

Which of the following statements is true about International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

  1. It provides Ways and Means Funds to member countries.

  2. It is an agency of the World Bank and is situated in Prague.

  3. It makes all the rules and regulations in relation to the World Trade between the nations.

  4. On becoming its member, countries get finance as temporary balance-of-payment needs.

Correct Option: D

IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It is true that on becoming its member, countries get finance as temporary balance-of-payment needs. IMF works to ensure global market cooperation and financial stability of the global economyy.

State whether the following statements are True or False.
New Economic Policy of 1991 aimed at liberalisation of Indian Economy.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

It is true that New Economic Policy of 1991 aimed at liberalization of Indian Economy.Liberalization refers to the process of eliminating unnecessary controls and restrictions on the smooth functioning of business enterprise. It includes:
a) Abolishing industrial licensing requirement in most of the industries.
b) Freedom in deciding the scale of business activities.
c) Freedom in fixing prices of goods and services.
d) Reduction in tax rates.

Liberalization means ______.

  1. removal of trade barriers

  2. opening border with neighbouring countries

  3. relaxation of Government policies and regulations in order to encourage free and fair growth of trade and industry.

  4. abolition of various business laws and acts

Correct Option: C

Liberalization refers to the relaxation of Government policies and regulations in order to encourage free and fair growth of trade and industry. It is one of the policies under new economic policy which was adopted by Indian economy in 1991. It promoted free and fair trade.

India started liberalization with effect from ______.

  1. 1956

  2. 1991

  3. 2001

  4. 1998

Correct Option: B

Liberalization refers to the relaxation of Government policies and regulations in order to encourage free and fair growth of trade and industry. It is one of the policies under new economic policy which was adopted by Indian economy in 1991. It promoted free and fair trade.

Privatization means ________.

  1. transfer of assets or services from public ownership to private ownership in part or full.

  2. sale of all government assets and properties to public.

  3. sale of profit making companies to multi-national companies.

  4. sale of loss making PSUs to foreign countries.

Correct Option: A

Privatization includes ownership, organizational and operational measures. It refers to the process of transferring or sale of the public ownership to private ownership in part or full. It is a process of reducing government's role in the economy.

 _______ is/are the ways towards liberalization.

  1. Privatisation

  2. Liberalize economic policies.

  3. Financial sector reforms.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Ways towards liberalization are:
1) Privatization: It refers to the sale or transfer of public assets to the private ownership.
2) Liberalize economic policies: Restriction from economic policies were abolished and liberalized in the global arena with the global market orientation.
3) Financial sector reforms: Financial sector was reformed in favor of liberalization.

As per Patents Amendment Act, 2002, term of a patent right is limited to ______.

  1. 20 years from the date of filing

  2. 16 years from the date of filing

  3. 10 years from the date of filing

  4. 5 years from the date of filing

Correct Option: A

As per Patents Amendment Act, 2002, term of a patent right is limited to 20 years from the date of filing. Patent is also known as copyright or license. The Patent Amendment Act provided for filing applications for product patent.

IMF has a ______ membership of countries.

  1. 199

  2. 189

  3. 220

  4. 76

Correct Option: B

IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It was established in 1945. Headquarter of IMF  is in Washington DC. It has 189 countries as members as of 2018. It is established to promote financial stability of the member countries.

IBRD stands for ________.

  1. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

  2. Industrial Bank for Revival and Development

  3. Investment Bank for Reconstruction and Development

  4. Indian Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Correct Option: A

IBRD stands for International Bank For Reconstruction and Development. It is set up in 1944. It is one of the members of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington DC. It  offers loans to middle-income developing countries.

IMF was established in _______.

  1. 1946

  2. 1964

  3. 1976

  4. 1945

Correct Option: D

IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It was established in 1945.  Headquater of IMF  is in Washington DC. It's established to promote financial stability of the member countries.

IBRD was set up in ______.

  1. 1965

  2. 1949

  3. 1944

  4. 1990

Correct Option: C

IBRD stands for International Bank For Reconstruction and Development. It is set up in

  1. It is one of the members of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington DC. It  offers loans to middle-income developing countries.

Which of these is not the function of World Bank?

  1. To arbitrate on international trade disputes.

  2. To help the member countries in the reconstruction and development of their countries.

  3. To encourage private foreign investment and credit by guaranteeing repayment.

  4. To promote long term balanced growth of international trade.

Correct Option: A

Arbitration on international disputes is not a function of World Bank. It is performed by WTO. World bank serves for the economic development of its member countries.

Which is not the function of IMF?

  1. To provide mechanism for orderly adjustment of exchange rate.

  2. To provide mechanism for international consultation.

  3. To provide forum for settlement of international trade disputes.

  4. To act as a reservoir of the currencies of all the member countries

Correct Option: C

IFC stands for ______, with regards to World Bank group.

  1. Indian Financial Corporation

  2. International Finance Corporation

  3. International Finance Commission

  4. Investment Finance Corporation

Correct Option: B

IFC stands for International Finance Corporation. It is a member of World Bank Group. It provides advisory and investment services to its member countries to uplift the private sector involvement in the global economy.

GATT was set up in _______.

  1. 1949

  2. 1947

  3. 1995

  4. 1987

Correct Option: B

GATT stands for General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade. It was drafted in 1947 as a provisional agreement to regulate international trade.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is also known as ________.

  1. IMF

  2. World Bank

  3. Federal Bank

  4. Central Bank

Correct Option: B

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is one of the member of World Bank Group. It was set up in 1944. It offers loans to middle-income developing countries. The headquarter of IBRD is situated in Washington DC, USA.

India is a recipient of loan from which of these agencies?

  1. World Bank

  2. IMF

  3. IDA

  4. All the the above

Correct Option: D

SDR is the currency of IMF, which is also called as __________.

  1. white gold

  2. book keeping entry only

  3. paper gold

  4. yellow metal

Correct Option: C

SDR is the currency of IMF. SDR stands for Special Drawing Rights. This refers to supplementary foreign-exchange reserve. It is also known as paper gold. It is maintained by International Monetary Fund.

Which of the following organisation is not joined by India? 

  1. APEC

  2. ASEAN

  3. NAFTA

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Some of the economic policies of Government are?

  1. Industrial policy

  2. Fiscal policy

  3. Tariff policy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
Economic policies of Government are formed for maintaining the stability of the economy. They are also formed to ensure economic development. Some of the economic policies of Government are:

1) Industrial policy which is required to control the function of industries in a country.

2) Fiscal policy is formed to maintain the money flow in the economy.

3) Tariff Policy is formed to check the tax and tariff obtained from the trade in the economy.

Imports growth in pre crisis (1991) period was _________ than that in post crisis period.

  1. more

  2. less

  3. equal

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Import growth in pre crisis( 1991 ) period was less than that in post crisis period since New Economic Policy was introduced in India in 1991, which resulted downfall of import growth. Import refers to the goods and services brought in from the abroad.

As a result of the New Industrial Policy $1991$:

  1. Prior approval of central government is required for establishing new unit undertakings, and expanding the present undertaking.

  2. An industry intending to have more than $100$ crore of assets is required to obtain the permission of the central government.

  3. Prior approval of central government for establishing new undertakings and expanding existing undertaking is not required.

  4. Two or more companies deciding to amalgamate are required to take the prior approval of the central government.

Correct Option: C

New Economic Policy 1991 removed all the restrictions of central government from the private sectors. Thus as a consequence, prior approval of central government for establishing new undertakings and expanding existing undertaking is not required. Three main agendas of new economic policy 1991 are- liberalization, privatization and globalization.

Which industry from the following is not reserved for public sector?

  1. Atomic energy

  2. Defense

  3. Rail transport

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: D

Before financial reforms, the banking system was characterised with all of the following except:

  1. Administered interest rates structure

  2. Quantitative restrictions on credit flow

  3. High revenue requirements

  4. Keeping very less lend-able resources for the priority sector

Correct Option: D

Prior to New Economic Policy !991, a very high lend-able resources were kept for the priority sector. Administered interest rates structure, quantitative restriction on credit flow and high revenue requirements- are other features prevalent in the Indian economy prior to financial reforms of new economic policy.

At present, there are ___________ industries which are reserved for public sector.

  1. 3

  2. 5

  3. 6

  4. 8

Correct Option: A

International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in ______________.

  1. 1945

  2. 1956

  3. 1966

  4. 1976.

Correct Option: A

IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It was established in 1995. Headquarter of IMF is in Washington DC. It has 189 countries as members as of 2018. It is established to promote financial stability of the member countries.

IMF commenced its operation in ________.

  1. Jan, 1945

  2. March, 1947

  3. Dec, 1945

  4. April, 1957

Correct Option: C

World Bank works with the primary focus of helping the _____________.

  1. poorest people

  2. poorest countries

  3. poorest industrially developed country

  4. poorest people and the poorest countries

Correct Option: D

World Bank is a financial institution that provide loans to its member countries. It mainly works with primary focus of helping the poorest people and the poorest countries. Encouragement of capital and environmental protection are other two objectives of the World Bank. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Development Association.

World Bank provides ___________ on reasonable terms to its member countries.

  1. long term investment loan

  2. short term investment loan

  3. infrastructure loan

  4. mid-term investment loan

Correct Option: A

World Bank is an financial institution which was founded in 1945 at Bretton Woods. The headquarter of World Bank is in Washington DC. The main function of World Bank is to provide long term investment loans to its member countries. It comprises of two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association.

International Monetary Fund has recently rated India as the ___________ largest economy in the world.

  1. fifth

  2. sixth

  3. second

  4. tenth

Correct Option: B

World Bank was founded in _____________ at ___________.

  1. 1940, New York

  2. 1945, Geneva

  3. 1945, Paris

  4. 1945, Bretton Woods

Correct Option: D

World Bank provides long-term investment loan to its _________ member countries at reasonable terms.

  1. 170

  2. 174

  3. 189

  4. 180

Correct Option: C

World Bank is an financial institution which was founded in 1945 at Bretton Woods. The headquarter of World Bank is in Washington DC. The main function of World Bank is to provide long term investment loans to its 189 member countries at reasonable terms. It comprises of two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is popularly known as _____________.

  1. International bank

  2. World bank

  3. Reconstruction Bank

  4. Bank of Development

Correct Option: B

IBRD stands for International Bank For Reconstruction and Development. It is set up in

  1. It is one of the organisations under the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington DC. It offers loans to middle-income developing countries for development and structural changes.

Indian economy began economic reforms in the year ________.

  1. 2001

  2. 1992

  3. 1991

  4. 1980

Correct Option: C

New Economic Policy was adopted by Indian Government in 1991. Three main agenda of the new economic policy are- liberalization, privatization and globalization. Disinvestment and de-regulation are other sub agendas of NEP.

Which of the following groups represent key industries?
A. Crude oil and electricity
B. Petroleum refining and finished steel
C. Cement and coal

  1. Only (A)

  2. Only (B)

  3. Only (A) and (B)

  4. Only (C)

Correct Option: D

Which of the following most closely approximates our definition of oligopoly?

  1. The cigarette industry

  2. The barber shops

  3. The gasoline stations

  4. Wheat farmers

Correct Option: A

An oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). Because there are few sellers, each oligopolist is likely to be aware of the actions of the others. The decisions of one firm influence, and are influenced by, the decisions of other firms. Business that are part of an oligopoly, share some common characteristics: they are less concentrated than in a monopoly, but more concentrated than in a competitive system. This creates a high amount of interdependence which encourages competition in non-price-related areas, like advertising and packaging. The tobacco companies, soft drink companies, and airlines are examples of an imperfect oligopoly.

Which one of the following is not a element of Industrial policy of India since 1991 ?

  1. Removal of entry barriers

  2. Reservation of areas reserved exclusively for the public sector

  3. Public sector monopoly for power development

  4. Liberalisation for foreign investment policy

Correct Option: C

Removal of entry barriers , public sector monopoly for power development and liberation of foreign investment policy were the main elements of industrial policy of India since 1991.

Match list I with list II

List I List II
(A) IBRD (1) Balance of payment Deficit 
(B) International DevelopmentAssociation (2) Lending to private enterprise
(C) International Finance Corporation (3) Building infrastructure
(D) IMF (4) Soft loan window


  1. A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1

  2. A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2

  3. A-3; B-4; C-1; D-2

  4. A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1

Correct Option: B
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