Places of Indian cultural heritage - class-IX

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Which is the world-famous treatise of the amorous arts?

  1. Kamasutra

  2. Vemana Satakam

  3. Both A & B

  4. Neither A & B

Correct Option: A

Answer - (A) Kamasutra

Kamasutra is an ancient Indian text written by Vatsyayana. It is widely considered to be standard work on human sexual behavior. It is a practical advice on sexual intercourse. 

The university which became famous in the post - Gupta era was _______________.

  1. Kanchi

  2. Nalanda

  3. Taxila

  4. Vallabhi

Correct Option: B

The Archaeological Survey of India looks after our material heritage.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Recently which site in India got inscribed in World Heritage List?

  1. Shantiniketan of tagore

  2. The Excavated Remains at Nalanda

  3. Dholavira - A Harappan City

  4. River Island of Majuli in midstream of Brahmaputra

Correct Option: B

Kautilya and Panani were the products of which one of the following ancient Indian universities? 

  1. Nalanda

  2. Vikramashila

  3. Vallabhi

  4. Taxila

Correct Option: D

Kautilya who wrote arthashastra, an important work on statecraft and Panani, who wrote great work on grammar, were both a product of Takshashila university.

Which of the following was described as the "Oxford University of Mahayana Buddhism"?

  1. Nalanda

  2. Taxila

  3. Vikramashila

  4. Vallabhi

Correct Option: A

In which of the following cities is the famous Vishwanath Temple situated?

  1. Kanchi

  2. Varnasi

  3. Tirupati

  4. Mathura

Correct Option: B

The holy place of Varanasi is situated on the bank of river ________.

  1. Brahmaputra

  2. Ganga

  3. Kosi

  4. Gandak

Correct Option: B

Fill in the blanks:
Malik Mohammed Jayasi wrote _____.

  1. Bhajans

  2. Devotion

  3. allahabad

  4. Padmavat

Correct Option: D

A long buttoned coat is called _____.

  1. Coat

  2. Suit

  3. Maxi

  4. Achkan

Correct Option: D

A long buttoned coat is called Achkan. It is mostly worn by men from South Asia. It originated in India as early as 2nd century B.C as court dress for nobles and royals and is known by regional names such as Daura in Nepal and Northeast India, Angi in Southern India and Chola or Cholu in Indian Himalayas.

Which is the oldest monuments?

  1. Qutub Minar

  2. Ajanta Caves

  3. Khajuraho

  4. Taj Mahal

Correct Option: B

Pushkar is a famous place in Rajasthan where _____ is held every year.

  1. Elephant fair

  2. Cattle fair

  3. Buffalo fair

  4. Camel fair

Correct Option: D

Pushkar is one of the most ancient cities of India. It is a town in the Ajmer district in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The Pushkar camel fair is a colorful and vibrant display of unique exhibitions, exciting competitions and fascinating events. It is held for seven days between the months of October and November.

In which of the following cities the famous Vishwanath temple is situated?

  1. Kanchi

  2. Varanasi

  3. Tirupati

  4. Madhura

Correct Option: B

Vishwanth temple which is one of the most famous temples of India is located in Varnasi which was previously called Kasi.

This temple was built in the year 1780 by Ahilyabhai Holkar. This temple is located to lord Shiva. This temple stands on the western banks of river Ganga.

_______ is famous for its annual Rath Yatra festival.

  1. Vishnupur

  2. Puri

  3. Awadh

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Puri is famous for its annual Rathayatra festival. Ratha Yatra is a Hindu festival associated with Lord Jagannath held at Puri in the state of Odisha, India. It is the oldest Ratha Yatra taking place in India and the World, whose description can be found in Brahma Purana.

The learned Buddhist Acharya Nagarjun advocated the use of allopathy along with herbal medicines for which university?

  1. Takshashila

  2. Vallabhi

  3. Vikramshila

  4. Nalanda

Correct Option: D

Acharya Nagarjuna, a learned Buddhist of Nalanda University, is known as Acharya in the field of chemistry. Acharya Nagarjuna advocated the use of allopathy along with herbal medicines.

To which department one should inform if any citizen suddenly finds any ancient or antique goods while digging?

  1. The department of Archaeology.

  2. The dept. of museums.

  3. The Mines and Minerals dept.

  4. Consumer forums.

Correct Option: A

According to the Indian Treasure Trove Act, 1879, if any citizen suddenly finds any ancient or antique goods while digging then he has to immediately notify the department of Archaeology.  With this small effort, they can preserve valuable things which could have been lost due to the carelessness.  

Which characteristic is irrelevant in the below given distinguishing characteristics of Indian culture?

  1. Longevity and continuity.

  2. Unity in diversity.

  3. Intolerance.

  4. Spirituality and materialism.

Correct Option: C

Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one's own. It is not a feature of Indian culture. India is a multi-lingual, multi-religious nation which believes in unity in diversity. If Indian culture has flowed over so many centuries, vibrant and alive, it is because it has shown a noteworthy ability to absorb and assimilate new ideas and influences.

To whom has the Indian government entrusted the responsibility of the conservation of National Monuments?

  1. Tourism Department

  2. Environment Department

  3. Archaeological Department

  4. Education Department

Correct Option: C

The Archaeological Survey of India is a Government of India organization responsible for archaeological research and the conservation and preservation of cultural monuments in the country. It was founded in 1861 by the British Raj.

Indian culture has a distinct feature among all the cultures of the World. The example of this can be found in one of the stories.

  1. Arabian Nights

  2. Sindbad the sailor

  3. Amar Chitrakatha

  4. Panchatantra

Correct Option: A

The word Culture is used in special sense in History. One of the following cannot be considered as value in terms of culture.

  1. Thoughts

  2. Intelligence

  3. Art-skills

  4. Immorality

Correct Option: A

Kanchi was a centre for the teaching and learning of _______ and ________ texts.

  1. Arabic and Persian

  2. Vedic and Buddhist

  3. Vedic and Persian

  4. Arabic and Buddhist

Correct Option: B

The Pallavas were great patrons of learning. Their capital Kanchi was an ancient centre of learning. Kanchipuram was a centre of education and was known as the ghatikasthanam, or "place of learning" was also a religious centre of advanced education for Jainism and Vedas,

During the reign of the ____________, Kanchi in Tamil Nadu emerged as an important centre of education.

  1. Pallava dynasty

  2. Chalukyas dynasty

  3. Chera dynasty

  4. Pandya dynasty

Correct Option: A

Pallava dynasty were a early 4th-century to late 9th-century CE line of rulers in southern India. The Pallavas were great patrons of learning. Their capital Kanchi was an ancient centre of learning. Kanchipuram was a centre of education and was known as the ghatikasthanam, or "place of learning"

Where Nalanda University was located?

  1. Patna

  2. Bhagalpur

  3. Gorakhpur

  4. Varanasi

Correct Option: A

Nalanda University is located in Rajgir, near Nalanda, Bihar, India.  It stands for a university which attracted students and scholars from across Asia and even farther away. It was developed under the patronage of the Gupta dynasty and was the first international residential university in the world.

Where Vikramshila University was located?

  1. Bhagalpur in Bihar

  2. Patna in Bihar

  3. Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh

  4. Varanasi in Bihar

Correct Option: A

Vikramashila was one of the two most important centres of learning in India, other being Nalanda. Its remains are located near Antichak in Bhagalpur district of Bihar. The University was set up by the Pala dynasty king Dharmapala in the late 8th or early 9th century in response to a supposed decline in the quality of scholarship at Nalanda.

Valabhi was an important centre of ____ and ____ philosophy from fifth to eighth century CE.

  1. Hindu and Muslim

  2. Hindu and Sikh

  3. Jain and Buddhist

  4. Jain and Parsi

Correct Option: C

Vallabhi is an ancient city located in the Saurashtra peninsula of Gujarat. It was founded by a Kshtriya Vijayasena in the third cent. It was an important centre of Jain and Buddhist. Gunamati and Sthiramati are stated to be two famous Buddhist scholars of Vallabhi at the middle of seventh century. It was here that the Jains produced the Jain Agams.

Who founded the Nalanda University?

  1. Mauryan

  2. Guptas

  3. Harshavardhan

  4. Chalukyas

Correct Option: B

Nalanda University is located in Rajgir, near Nalanda, Bihar, India.  It stands for a university which attracted students and scholars from across Asia and even farther away. It was developed under the patronage of the Gupta dynasty and was the first international residential university in the world.

Which of the following are correct statements about Nalanda university?

  1. Nalanda University could accommodate thousands of students.

  2. The Library of Nalanda University stocked thousands of books.

  3. The students seeking admission to the university had to appear for an examination at the entrance gate.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Nalanda University is located in Rajgir, near Nalanda, Bihar, India. It stands for a university which attracted students and scholars from across Asia and even farther away. It was developed under the patronage of the Gupta dynasty and was the first international residential university in the world which could accommodate thousands of scholars. They had to appear for an examination at the entrance gate to seek admission. Also, it had a huge library stocked with thousands of books on various topics.

What was the primary language in Nalanda University?

  1. Sanskrit

  2. Arabic

  3. Pali

  4. Prakrit

Correct Option: A

Valabhi was an ancient city in __________.

  1. Punjab

  2. Gujarat

  3. Rajasthan

  4. Maharashtra

Correct Option: B

Vallabhi is an ancient city located in the Saurashtra peninsula of Gujarat. It was founded by a Kshtriya Vijayasena in the third cent. It was an important centre of Jain and Buddhist. Gunamati and Sthiramati are stated to be two famous Buddhist scholars of Vallabhi at the middle of seventh century. It was here that the Jains produced the Jain Agams.

What are the features of Indian culture?

  1. Longevity and continuity

  2. Tolerance and Unity in diversity

  3. Amalgamation of Spirituality and Materialism

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Indian culture is the only culture in the world which spreads ______________.

  1. Sat (truth)

  2. Chit (concentration)

  3. Anand (pleasure)

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

What is cultural heritage?

  1. Only dances and music constitute cultural heritage

  2. Whatever man obtains or creates with his intellect, skills is called cultural heritage

  3. Only paintings and music constitute cultural heritage

  4. Only paintings and architectures constitute cultural heritage

Correct Option: B

The basic aim of Indian culture _________________.

  1. Was only materialistic

  2. Was only idealistic

  3. Was only to surpass in arts and crafts

  4. Was 'Dharma', 'Arth', 'Kama' and 'Moksha'

Correct Option: D

Which of the following are natural Heritage?

  1. Landscape

  2. Rivers

  3. Wildlife

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Natural Heritage is natural, not man-made, places or formations like rivers, wildlife, landscape, plants, etc. They are natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas of outstanding universal value. An important site of natural heritage can be listed as a World Heritage Site by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO.

The Indian culture has greatly influenced _______________ aspects of life.

  1. Social

  2. Economical

  3. Religious

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In Taxila University, religious instruction was provided on an individualistic basis.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Taxila University was a Buddhist center of learning in ancient India. It consisted of several monasteries and lacked large dormitories or lecture halls such that religious instruction was provided on an individualistic basis.

The buildings in the royal complex in Hampi had ________________.

  1. Splendid Arches

  2. Domes

  3. Pillared Halls

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Hampi is located in the Krishna-Tungabhadra basin, which formed the nucleus of the Vijayanagara Empire, founded in 1336. The magnificent ruins at Hampi reveal a well-fortified city. No mortar or cementing agent was used in the construction of these walls and the technique followed was to wedge them together by interlocking. The architecture of Hampi was distinctive. The buildings in the royal complex had splendid arches, domes and pillared halls with niches for holding sculptures. They also had well-planned orchards and pleasure gardens with sculptural motifs such as the lotus and corbels.

Who looks after our material heritage?

  1. Indian Institutes of Technology

  2. Archaeological Survey of India

  3. Indian Institutes of Management

  4. Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research

Correct Option: B

The  Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture, is the premier organization for the archaeological researches and protection of the cultural heritage of the nation. The organization has a large work force of trained archaeologists, conservators, epigraphist and scientists for conducting archaeological research projects.

Which of the following is a famous place of pilgrimage for Jains?

  1. Sanchi

  2. Sarnath

  3. Parasnath

  4. Nalanda

Correct Option: C

Onam is the main festival of which state?

  1. Karnataka

  2. Kerala

  3. Tamil Nadu

  4. Andhra Pradesh

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is the main festival of Assam?

  1. Onam

  2. Bihu

  3. Ganesh Chaturthi

  4. Durga Puja

Correct Option: B

The famous book "Geet Govind" is written by

  1. Jayadev

  2. Mahadevi Verma

  3. Jaishankar Prasad

  4. kalidas

Correct Option: A

Geet Govind was written by Jayadeva.

Which state is famous for Tarnetar Fair?

  1. Kerala

  2. Haryana

  3. Gujarat

  4. Rajasthan

Correct Option: C

Why do we need to preserve heritage?

  1. Preservation of heritage will help India to get elected in the UN security council.

  2. Preservation of heritage helps in reduction in global warming.

  3. Heritage is the reflection of the identity of people and the nation.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Pongal is the main festival of which state?

  1. Karnataka

  2. Kerala

  3. Tamil Nadu

  4. Andhra Pradesh

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

Lyngdoh Grove is situated in which state?

  1. Jharkhand

  2. Rajasthan

  3. Maharashtra

  4. Meghalaya

Correct Option: D

According to Indian Treasure Trove Act, 1876, if any citizen finds any ancient or antique thing from a house, field, well, lake, etc. while digging, then he has to immediately inform the __________.

  1. Collector

  2. Superintendent of Police

  3. Archaeological Officer

  4. Sarpanch

Correct Option: C

The Bombay Natural History Society was established in ________.

  1. 1880

  2. 1883

  3. 1885

  4. 1887

Correct Option: B

Preservation of heritage is included in the _______ of every citizen of India.

  1. Fundamental Rights

  2. Natural Rights

  3. Fundamental Duties

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Under the wildlife protection act which area is not included?

  1. National parks

  2. Museums

  3. Reserves

  4. Sanctuaries

Correct Option: B

Which sacred groves are located in Maharashtra?

  1. Dev Rahati

  2. Eringol Kavoo

  3. Sarnas

  4. Oran

Correct Option: A

When was Indian Board of Wildlife constituted?

  1. 1950

  2. 1952

  3. 1955

  4. 1956

Correct Option: B

The ancient monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 was passed by Indian parliament to ____________.

  1. For preservation Natural heritage

  2. For preservation of ancient and historical monuments

  3. For preservation of wildlife of India

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Vani, Kinkari, Oran, and Shamlat Deh are sacred groves of ________.

  1. Maharashtra

  2. West Bengal

  3. Rajasthan

  4. Kerala

Correct Option: C

Sacred Groves are found all over Rajasthan and are called by various names such as Vani in Mewar, Kenkri in Ajmer, Oran in Jodhpur, Bikaner and Jaisalmer, Shamlat deh and Devbani in Alwar.

Which sacred groves are located in Kerala?

  1. Dev Rahati

  2. Sarnas

  3. Lyngdoh

  4. Eringol Kavoo

Correct Option: D

In which of the following caves, 28 new caves have been discovered?

  1. Ajanta Caves

  2. Ellora Caves

  3. Elephanta Caves

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Sarnas and Jeheras are sacred groves of which state?

  1. Jharkhand

  2. Goa

  3. Tamil Nadu

  4. Haryana

Correct Option: A

Who was the first Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India?

  1. Sir John Marshall

  2. Sir Alexander Cunningham

  3. Sir Votair

  4. Sir Hasting

Correct Option: B

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is a Government of India organization responsible for archaeological research, conservation and preservation of cultural monuments in the country. It was founded during British Raj in 1861 by Sir Alexander Cunningham who also became its first Director-General. Cunningham retired in 1885 and was succeeded by James Burgess as next Director General.

Which South East Asian dynasty sought permission to build a monastery at Nalanda?

  1. Kambuj

  2. Sri Vijaya

  3. Sailendra

  4. Funan

Correct Option: C

According to whose descriptions, Nalanda University could accomodate thousands of books?

  1. Yuan Chwang and Itsing

  2. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan

  3. Al Beruni and Ibn Battuta

  4. Abdul Razzak and Megasthenes

Correct Option: A

Who established Vikramshila University?

  1. Anangpal

  2. Dharmapal

  3. Mahipala

  4. Gopala

Correct Option: B

Vikramashila was one of the two most important centres of learning in India, other being Nalanda. Its remains are located near Antichak in Bhagalpur district of Bihar. The University was set up by the Pala dynasty king Dharmapala in the late 8th or early 9th century in response to a supposed decline in the quality of scholarship at Nalanda.

Who built the first monestary at Nalanda?

  1. Chandragupta

  2. Samundragupta

  3. Kumaragupta

  4. Skandagupta

Correct Option: C

The chief centre of Indo-Roman trade was.

  1. Madurai

  2. Arikamedu

  3. Muziris

  4. Alexandria

Correct Option: D

Which of the following king made generous donations to the Nalanda University?

  1. Ashoka

  2. Chandragupta Maurya

  3. Vikramaditya

  4. Harshavardhan

Correct Option: D

Nalanda University is located in Rajgir, near Nalanda, Bihar, India. It attracted students and scholars from across Asia and even farther away. It was developed under the patronage of the Gupta dynasty but reached the pinnacle of its glory during the time of King Harsha. He patronized the University by remitting a huge amount of money, gifts, etc to it.

Ratna Sagara, Ratna Nidhi and Ratna Ranjana were the three ________of Nalanda University.

  1. libraries

  2. playgrounds

  3. viharas

  4. chaityas

Correct Option: A

According to Chinese scholar, Itsing, How many villages were set apart for the maintenance of the Nalanda University?

  1. 100

  2. 200

  3. 300

  4. 400

Correct Option: B

In ancient India, Nalanda University represented a great centre for the study of ________.

  1. Mahayana Buddhism

  2. Hinduism

  3. Hinayana Buddhism

  4. Jainism

Correct Option: A

Vikramshila University was famous for__________.

  1. Mahayana Buddhism

  2. Hinayana Buddhism

  3. Tantric form of Buddhism

  4. Sufi Philosophy

Correct Option: C

Who attacked and destroyed the famous Buddhist monasteries of Nalanda and Vikramshila?

  1. Mahmud Ghazini

  2. Qutubuddin Aibalk

  3. Alauddin Khilji

  4. Bakhtiyar Khilji

Correct Option: D

Who founded the Vikramashila University?

  1. Devapala

  2. Dharmapala

  3. Dhruva

  4. Gopala

Correct Option: B

Answer - (B) - Dharmapala

Vikramashila is located in present-day Bihar. Vikramashila University was one of the two most important centers of learning in India during the Pala Empire, along with Nalanda University. Vikramashila University was founded by king Dharmapala in response to a supposed decline in the quality of scholarship at Nalanda.

Hampi is located in the ________ basin.

  1. Krishna-Tungabhadra

  2. Mahanadi-Godavari

  3. Tungabhadra-Kaveri

  4. Narmada-Tapti

Correct Option: A

Hampi is located in the Krishna-Tungabhadra basin, which formed the nucleus of the Vijayanagara Empire, founded in 1336. The magnificent ruins at Hampi reveal a well-fortified city. No mortar or cementing agent was used in the construction of these walls and the technique followed was to wedge them together by interlocking.

Two great Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila were patronised by the ____________.

  1. Palas

  2. Paramaras

  3. Chandelas

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

Vikramashila University had _______ viharas.

  1. Five

  2. Six

  3. Ten

  4. Fourteen

Correct Option: B

Medieval School of Discussion and Logic is the title associated with which University of India? 

  1. Pushpagiri

  2. Takshashila

  3. Nalanda

  4. Vikramshila

Correct Option: C
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