Nucleic acids and polynucleotides - class-XII

Description: nucleic acids and polynucleotides
Number of Questions: 68
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Tags: nucleic acids and protein synthesis biology molecular biology
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Genome is the complete complement of  __________ including all ___________ and the inter genetic regions.

  1. DNA and RNA

  2. DNA and genes

  3. RNA and genes

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B
A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes in the genetic regions.
So, the correct option is 'DNA and genes'

DNA is a polymer of a

  1. Glucose

  2. Amino acid

  3. Nucleotide

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Most DNA molecules consist of two biopolymer strands coiled around each other to form a double helix. The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides since, they are composed of simpler units called as nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of a nitrogen-containing nucleobase either guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), or cytosine (C) as well as a monosaccharide sugar called as deoxyribose and a phosphate group. The nucleotides are joined to one another in a chain by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next, resulting in an alternating sugar-phosphate backbone. According to base pairing rules (A with T and C with G), hydrogen bonds bind the nitrogenous bases of the two separate polynucleotide strands to make double-stranded DNA. So, nuclotides are building blocks of DNA and not glucose or aminoacid. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

The diameter of DNA molecule is

  1. $10 \mathring{A}$

  2. $100 \mathring{A}$

  3. $200 \mathring{A}$

  4. $20 \mathring{A}$

Correct Option: D
DNA is made of two ("duplex DNA") dextrogyre (like a screw, right- handed) helical chains or strands ("the double helix"), coiled around an axis to form a double helix of $20 \mathring{A}$ of diameter. The two strands are antiparallel. The general appearance of the polymer shows a periodicity of $3.4 \mathring{A}$, corresponding to the distance between 2 bases, and another one of $34 \mathring{A}$, corresponding to one helix turn.
So, the correct answer is "$20 \mathring{A}$".

As the base sequence present on one strand of DNA decides the base sequence of other strand, this is considered as _____.

  1. Descending strand

  2. Leading strand

  3. Lagging strand

  4. Complimentary strand

Correct Option: D

A single stranded DNA molecule is the genetic material of bacteriophage

  1. T2

  2. T4

  3. 0 x 174

  4. X

Correct Option: C

0 x 174 Bacteriophage : In this bacteriophage, DNA is rounded, closed and bangle shaped, the duplication pattern is different type in this bacteriophage.

The basis of life (secret of life) is

  1. Lipid

  2. Protein

  3. Nucleic acid

  4. Nucleoprotein

Correct Option: C

All the bio-molecules are important for life but as per the question the nucleic acids stand out, because they only have genetic information coded in them and can pass on this information to next generation of cells. So, nucleic acid plays a significant role  in the basis of life. 

UAG is triplet nitrogen base on m RNA. What will be the corresponding triplet on the coding strand?       

  1. TAG

  2. UAG

  3. ATC

  4. TUA

Correct Option: A
  • In DNA transcription, the coding strand is the DNA strand whose base sequence corresponds to the base sequence of the RNA transcript produced (although with thymine replaced by uracil).
  •  It is this strand which contains codons, while the non-coding strand contains anticodons.
  •  Hence, UAG is triplet nitrogen base on m RNA, TAG will be the corresponding triplet on the coding strand. 
  •  So, the correct answer is 'TAG'.

In eukaryotes basic structural unit made of histone and DNA 

  1. Nucleosome

  2. Nucleolus

  3. Chromosome

  4. Lysosome

Correct Option: A

In eukaryotes DNA is tightly bound to histones which form a DNA protein particles called nucleosome. Each nucleosome contains 2 copies of each $H _{2A},H _{2B}.H _{3}$ and $H _{4}$ histone protein bounded on 146 BP of DNA.Each nucleosome bead is linked to next nucleosome bead by linker DNA.

The transforming substance in Griffith's experiment is 

  1. protein

  2. DNA

  3. mRNA

  4. polysaccharide

Correct Option: B

The transforming principle in Griffith's experiment is DNA. Griffith conducted an experiment in 1928. In this experiment he chose two strains of Stephylococcus pneumoniae bacteria. One of them was a smooth strain which was virulent and the other one was a rough strain which was non-virulent. The smooth strains caused pneumonia when they were injected to the mice, and the rough strains did not cause pneumonia in mice. Griffith heat killed the smooth strain bacteria and injected them into mice and he observed that pneumonia was not caused in them. He mixed the heat killed smooth strain and rough strain and injected the mixture into mice and this mixture caused pneumonia in mice. When he tested the blood of the mice, he saw both rough and smooth strains of bacteria. This implied that some factor from the dead smooth bacterial strain had taken entry into the rough strains and converted them into smooth strains. He called this factor as Transforming principle.

Later in 1944 scientists, Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty conducted an experiment to find out what the transforming principle was, They selected DNA, Proteins and RNA. They eliminated proteins by adding proteases and the strains were able to perform the transformation, they eliminated RNA with RNase the strains were still able to perform the transformation, they eliminated DNA with DNase and now the smooth strains lost the ability to transform Rough strains and hence it was proved that the DNA was the transforming principle. 
Therefore the right option is option B, DNA. 

If $H-bonds$ in double stronded $DNA$ is $350$. The ratio of $A$ and $G$ is $4:3$. The total no. of nucleotides and length of $DNA$.

  1. $600$ and $1020 A^o$

  2. $700$ and $1190A^o$

  3. $800$ and $ 1700 A^o$

  4. $750$ and $680 A^o$

Correct Option: A

In which stage the DNA is doubled?

  1. Metaphase

  2. Anaphase

  3. Interphase

  4. Prophase

Correct Option: A

In double helix of DNA, the two DNA strands are?

  1. Coiled around a common axis

  2. Coiled around each other

  3. Coiled differently

  4. Coiled over protein sheath

Correct Option: A

The two strands of DNA are?

  1. Similar in nature and complementary

  2. Anti parallel and complementary

  3. Parallel and complementary

  4. Basically different in nature

Correct Option: A

Suppose two species A and B share 94% of their DNA with each other and species C shares 75% of DNA sequence with and B. What inference can be drawn from it ?

  1. Species A and B share more recent common ancestor with each other than either shares with C.

  2. Species C evolved more recently than species A and B.

  3. Species C is more closely related to species B than to species A.

  4. Species A and B have common ancestor but neither have common ancestor with species C.

Correct Option: A

In a given $100$ bp DNA segment the number of nucleotide of guanine is $20$. The total number of hydrogen bonds stabilizing this double helix are?

  1. $130$

  2. $120$

  3. $220$

  4. $300$

Correct Option: A

On which strand of DNA, m-RNA is constructed?

  1. Trand oriented as $5' \rightarrow 3'$

  2. Strand oriented as $3' \rightarrow 5'$

  3. Both the strands

  4. Any one strand

Correct Option: A

ADP ATP ADP system was found by Lipmann in

  1. 1940

  2. 1950

  3. 1960

  4. 1970

Correct Option: A

In polypeptide synthesis, amino acids are brought over ribosome-mRNA complex by

  1. rRNA

  2. tRNA

  3. DNA

  4. Nucleotides

Correct Option: B

Anticodon is made of

  1. Three adjacent nitrogen bases

  2. Unpaired triplet bases on mRNA

  3. Paired triplet of nitrogen bases on tRNA

  4. Unpaired triplet of nitrogen bases at one end of tRNA

Correct Option: D

Which is correct for ADP?

  1. Two high energy bonds

  2. One high energy bond

  3. Three high energy bonds

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Molecule of ATP is structurally similar to the molecule of

  1. DNA

  2. RNA

  3. protein

  4. AMP

Correct Option: B

Enzyme required during DNA replication is

  1. DNA polymerase

  2. DNA ligase

  3. Both A and B

  4. Sigma factor

Correct Option: C

Length of one coil of B-DNA helix is 

  1. 0.34 nm

  2. 3.4 nm

  3. 10nm

  4. 20nm

Correct Option: B

Double stranded DNA virus with 20,000 base pairs has nucleotides

  1. 20,000

  2. 10,000

  3. 666

  4. 40,000

Correct Option: D

Hargobind Khorana is known for

  1. Discovery of DNA

  2. Discovery of DNA ligase

  3. Discovery of tRNA

  4. Synthesis of proteins

Correct Option: B

Coded information in nucleic acid depends upon

  1. Arrangement of nucleotides

  2. Position of nucleotides

  3. Number of nucleotides

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

Special unwinding enzyme that breaks hydrogen bonds between the two strands of DNA is

  1. Primase

  2. Topoisomerase

  3. DNA polymerase

  4. Helicase

  5. DNA ligase

Correct Option: D

Select correct/incorrect functions
1.Ligase - joins short DNA segments
2.DNA Polymerase - Cuts DNA at specific sites
3.Helicase-Breaks H-bonds between complementary DNA strands

  1. 1, 2 and 3 correct

  2. 1 correct, 2 and 3 false

  3. 1 and 3 correct, 2 false

  4. 1 and 2 correct, 3 false

Correct Option: C

The codon for anticodon 3' UUUA-5' is

  1. 5' AAAU-3'

  2. 5' UAAA-3

  3. 3 UAAD-5

  4. 3' AAAU-5

Correct Option: A

DNA duplex shows

  1. Right handed coiling and parallel

  2. Right handed coiling and antiparallel

  3. Left handed coiling and antiparallel

  4. Left handed coiling and parallel

Correct Option: B

DNA strands have

  1. Quaternary structure

  2. Same polarity

  3. Antiparallel polarity

  4. Disulphide bond

Correct Option: C

Chargaffs rules are applicable to

  1. Single stranded RNA

  2. Single stranded DNA and RNA

  3. Single stranded DNA

  4. Double stranded DNA

Correct Option: D

DNA contains nucleobases, sugar and phosphate. Removal of which among these will not affect length of DNA

  1. Nucleobases

  2. Phosphate

  3. Sugar

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

DNA double helix is

  1. Complementary and parallel

  2. Complementary and antiparallel

  3. Without super coils

  4. Always circular

Correct Option: B

Which is an example of highly repetitive DNA?

  1. Alu elements

  2. Histone gene cluster

  3. Dispersed repetitive DNA

  4. DNA minisatellite

Correct Option: D

What is not relevant to DNA double helix ?

  1. One turn every 34

  2. Diameter 20

  3. Distance between adjacent nucleotides 3.4

  4. Back bone has alternate ribose sugar and phosphate

  5. Sugar molecules are joined by phosphodiester bonds

Correct Option: D

Single base DNA differences are called

  1. VNTR

  2. SSCP

  3. SNP

  4. Expressed sequence tags

  5. Repetitive

Correct Option: C

1.7 m double helical DNA will have base pairs

  1. 3.4 x $10^9$

  2. 5 x $10^9$

  3. 1.7 x $10^9$

  4. 1.7 x $10^5$

Correct Option: B

Crick, one of the discoverer of DNA double helix was man of

  1. Botany

  2. Physics

  3. Chemistry

  4. Zoology

Correct Option: B

In double helix model of DNA, how far is each base pair from the next base pair

  1. 3.4 nm

  2. 0.34 nm

  3. 2.0 nm

  4. 34 nm

  5. 0.034 nm

Correct Option: B

The pitch angle of deflection between two successive base pairs in DNA double helix is

  1. $20^0$

  2. $34^0$

  3. $36^0$

  4. $360^0$

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is correctly matched

  1. UAC-Tyrosine

  2. UCG-Start

  3. UUU-Stop

  4. UGULeucine

Correct Option: A

Initiation of DNA strand synthesis is performed by

  1. DNA polymerase I

  2. DNA helicase

  3. DNA primase

  4. DNA topoisomerase

Correct Option: C

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched

  1. Adenine-Thymine

  2. Thymine-Uracil

  3. Uracil-Cytosine

  4. Guanine-Adenine

Correct Option: A

A DNA double helix is 340 nm long. Number of nucleotides found in it is

  1. 20

  2. 200

  3. 1000

  4. 2000

Correct Option: D

In double helix of DNA, there are sugar phosphate backbones with bases projected

  1. Outwardly

  2. Outwardly and inwardly

  3. Inwardly

  4. Interpolated

Correct Option: C

The enzyme which helps to cut one strand of DNA duplex to release tension of coiling of two strands is

  1. DNA ligase

  2. DNA polymerase I

  3. Topoisomerase

  4. Helicase

Correct Option: C

TACAAAGGGTTTCAACCC is the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA strand. Predict the sequence of amino acids found in a protein formed from it

  1. Proline, phenylalanine, lysine, methionine, glycine, valine

  2. Methionine, phenylalanine, glycine, valine, lysine, proline

  3. Valine, glycine, proline, lysine, phenylalanine, methionine

  4. Methionine, phenylalanine, proline, lysine, valine, glycine

Correct Option: D

Select the correct option

  1. Direction of RNA Synthesis ----- Direction of reading of template DNA Strand

    3 5------5 3

  2. Direction of RNA Synthesis ----- Direction of reading of template DNA Strand

    5 3------5 3

  3. Direction of RNA Synthesis---- Direction of reading of template DNA Strand

    3 5------3 5

  4. Direction of RNA Synthesis - ---- Direction of reading of template DNA Strand

    5 3 ----- 3 5

Correct Option: D

Identify the DNA segment which is not pallindromic

  1. 5'-GAATTC -3'


  2. 5'-CCCGGG-3'


  3. 5-GGATCC-3'

    3' GGTACC-5'

  4. 5'-GCGGCCGC-3'


Correct Option: C

The terminator/stop codons UGA, UAG and UAA

  1. Initiate translation

  2. Do not code for any amino acid

  3. Code for only one amino acid

  4. Code for more than one amino acid

  5. Initiate transcription

Correct Option: B

Which one of the following alternations in DNA is likely to be lethal?

  1. Substitution of adenine for cytosine

  2. Substitution of methyl cytosine for cytosine

  3. Deletion of thee nucleotides

  4. Insertion of one nucleotide

Correct Option: A

An increased melting temperature for duplex DNA results from a high content of _________________.

  1. Adenine$+$ guanine

  2. Cytosine$+$thymine

  3. Cytosine$+$guanine

  4. Adenine$+$ cytosine

Correct Option: A

The successive nucleotides of RNA are covalently linked through ______________.

  1. Glycoside bonds

  2. Hydrogen bonds

  3. Phosphodiester bonds

  4. Peptide bonds

Correct Option: A

In nematode resistance by RNA interference , some specific genes were introduced which form ds RNA these were introduced in ?

  1. Nematode

  2. Host plant

  3. Agrobacteroum

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

The discovery of DNA helix was made by

  1. Wilkins

  2. Franklin

  3. Astbury

  4. Chargaff

Correct Option: A

Okazaki segments develop in

  1. Newly synthesised leading strand

  2. Newly synthesised lagging strand

  3. Master strand

  4. Template strands of DNA

Correct Option: A

The double helix of DNA consists of

  1. Phosphodiester bonds

  2. Stacking of bases

  3. Base pairing

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

In the case of double-stranded DNA, which of the following base ratios are always equal to one?
a. $(A+T)/(G+C)$
b. $(A+G)/(C+T)$
c. $C/G$
d. $(G+T)/(A+C)$.
Select the correct answer.

  1. $1$ and $2$

  2. $1$ and $3$

  3. $2, 3$ and $4$

  4. $1, 3$ and $4$

Correct Option: A

In relation to double helical bacterial DNA, match list-I(Parameter) with List-II(Value) and select the correct answer using the codes given the lists.

List-I List-II
a. Diameter of the helix $1$. $34A'$
b. Distance between two adjacent bases $2$. $20A'$
c. Distance between two complete turns $3$. $3A'$
d. Length of the hydrogen bond $4$. $3.4A'$
  1. A-$1$, B-$3$, C-$2$, D-$4$

  2. A-$2$, B-$3$, C-$1$, D-$4$

  3. A-$1$, B-$4$, C-$2$, D-$3$

  4. A-$2$, B-$4$, C-$1$, D-$3$

Correct Option: A

The number of hydrogen bonds needed to bind cytosine with guanine in a DNA stand is?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: A

In aqueous solution, the alcidine molecules bind to DNA by inserting themselves between adjacent base pairs. The process is called ______________.

  1. Depreciation

  2. Substitution

  3. Mutation

  4. Intercalation

Correct Option: A

Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched?
a. E.coli - Circular DNA
b. Tobacco Single - Stranded RNA mosaic virus
c. Reo virus - Double-stranded RNA
Select the correct answer using the codes given.

  1. $1$ alone

  2. $1, 2$ and $3$

  3. $1$ and $3$

  4. $2$ and $3$

Correct Option: A

The genetic material in the virus $fX _{174}$ is?

  1. Single-stranded RNA

  2. Double-stranded RNA

  3. Single-stranded DNA

  4. Double-stranded DNA

Correct Option: A

If the sequence of bases in coding strand of DNA is ATTCGATG, then the sequence of bases in mRNA will be





Correct Option: D

mRNA strand is complementary to template strand of DNA, while coding strand has same sequence as RNA (except thymine at the place of uracil). Hence, the sequence of bases in mRNA will be AUUCGAUG.

If one strand of DNA has the base sequence AAGCAA, the complementary strand has which of the following sequences?



  3. AAGCM


Correct Option: B

The DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules have four nucleotide bases along with sugar and phosphate backbone, these four bases are adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. Adenine and thymine are bonded together by two hydrogen bonds while guanine and cytosine are bonded by three hydrogen bonds.

So, the correct option is 'TTCGTT'.

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