Water absorption organ - class-VII

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What is manure?

  1. It is a natural material obtained by decaying plant and animal waste.

  2. It is a synthetic material prepared in laboratory.

  3. It is a semi synthetic  material.

  4. It can be both natural and synthetic.

Correct Option: A

Manure is a natural material, obtained by decaying plant and animal waste, that can be applied to the soil to enhance its fertility. Manure usually consist of faeces and urine of domestic livestock, with or without accompanying litter such as straw, hay, or bedding. The most common sources of manure are cows, horses, sheep.

So, the correct answer is 'It is a natural material obtained by decaying plant and animal waste '.

The organic manure is considered better than fertilisers because

  1. It can be prepared in the factories.

  2. It is less rich in plant nutrient.

  3. It improves the texture of the soil.

  4. It decreases the water holding capacity of the soil.

Correct Option: C

The organic manure contains a high amount of organic matter which increases the capability of the soil to hold the water. They are prepared by the decomposition of the organic matter by the microbes. They are highly rich in the plant nutrients. They also help to improve the quality and texture of the soil. The gaseous exchange takes place easily in this soil which allows the germination and growth of the plants properly. 

Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

The nodules present in the leguminous plants appear pink in colour due to the presence of 

  1. RBC.s

  2. leghaemoglobin

  3. nitrogenase enzyme

  4. bacterial secretion

Correct Option: B

Which of the following statements is incorrect about leghaemoglobin?

  1. It acts as $O _2$ scavenger

  2. It imparts pink or red colour to the nodules

  3. It combines with $O _2$ and protects nitrogenase

  4. It is a Mo-Fe protein.

Correct Option: D

Read the following statements and select the correct answer: - 

(i) Rhizobium leguminosarum is also known as Bacillus radicicola.
(ii) Nitrifying bacteria (Nitrosomonas, etc) are chemoautotrophs.
(iii) Enzyme nitrogenase fixes $N _2$ under aerobic conditions.
(iv) Leghaemoglobin creates aerobic conditions for the enzyme nitrogenase. 

  1. Statements (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

  2. Statements (i) and (ii) are correct

  3. Statements (iii) and (iv) are correct

  4. All statements are correct

Correct Option: B

Statements I and ii are correct. Rhizobium leguminosarum is also known as Bacillus radicicola. Nitrifying bacteria (Nitrosomonas, etc) are chemoautotrophs. They use inorganic energy sources. However, the enzyme nitrogenase is highly sensitive to oxygen and gets readily oxidised in it's presence and Leghaemoglobin creates anerobic conditions for the enzyme nitrogenase by scavenging the oxygen molecules.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Statements (i) and (ii) are correct.' 

_______ conditions are created by leghaemoglobin in the root nodule of a legume.

  1. Aerobic

  2. Anaerobic

  3. Acidic

  4. Alkaline

Correct Option: B

Biofertilizers are organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of the soil. Which of the following can be used as biofertilisers ?

  1. Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria

  2. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

  3. Mycorrhizae

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D
Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, Nitrogen fixing bacteria and mycorrhizae all can be used as biofertilisers as they all enrich the nutrient quality of the soil.
So, the correct option is 'All of these'

If by radiation all nitrogenase enzyme is inactivated, then there will be no.

  1. fixation of nitrogen in legumes

  2. conversion of nitrate into nitrogen

  3. conversion from nitrate to nitrate in legumes

  4. conversion from ammonium to nitrate in soil

Correct Option: A

Leghaemoglobin is produced in response to 

  1. Respiration

  2. Fatty acid oxidation

  3. Photosynthesis

  4. $N _2$ -fixation

Correct Option: D
Leghaemoglobin is produced by legumes in response to the roots being colonized by nitrogen-fixing bacteria, termed rhizobia, as part of the symbiotic interaction between plant and bacterium. 
Thus, the correct answer is 'N$ _2$ - fixation.'

Match column I with column II and select the correct answer from the given codes. 

Column I    Column II
A. Azolla (i) Symbiotic $N _2$ - fixer
B. Rotenone (ii) Symbiotic association with $N _2$ - fixing cyanobacteria
C. Crotolaria juncea  (iii) Natural insecticide
D. Frankia (iv) Green manure
  1. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)

  2. A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)

  3. A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii)

  4. A-(i), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(ii)

Correct Option: A
 Azolla  Symbiotic association with N2N2 - fixing cyanobacteria
 Rotenone  Natural insecticide
 Crotolaria juncea  Green manure
 Frankia Symbiotic N2N2 - fixerN2

So, the correct option is 'A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)'.

Function of leghaemoglobin (a red pigment) in root nodules of leguminous plants is

  1. to regulate $O _2$ supply in cells

  2. to regulate $CO _2$ supply in cells

  3. to regulate production of phenolic compounds

  4. to regulate the Mo supply in cells.

Correct Option: A

Leghemoglobin supports the centralization of free oxygen in the cytoplasm of contaminated plant cells to guarantee the best possible capacity of root knobs. Its capacity is to help give oxygen to the breathing harmonious bacterial cells in root nodules of leguminous plants in a way practically equivalent to hemoglobin transporting oxygen to breathing tissues in creatures.

Thus, the correct answer is 'to regulate O$ _2$ supply in cells.'

Which of these crops do not require nitrogen fertilizer?

  1. Corn

  2. Soyabean

  3. Grass

  4. Oats

Correct Option: B

Soya bean is a legume. Leguminous plants contain root nodules. Nitrogen fixing bacteria rhizobium is present in the root nodules of leguminous plants which fix the nitrogen naturally. So, it does not require an outer supplement for nitrogen or nitrogen fertilizer.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Soyabean'.

Leghaemoglobin is formed for

  1. Respiration

  2. Photosynthesis

  3. Nitrogen fixation

  4. Fatty acid synthesis

Correct Option: C
The root nodules of the leguminous plants contain an oxygen-binding heme protein called leghemoglobin. Leghemoglobin is present in the cytoplasm of infected nodule cells at high concentrations 
This leghemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen, (approximately, ten times higher than the ß chain of human hemoglobin). The function of leghemoglobin is to help transport oxygen to the respiring symbiotic bacterial cells in a manner analogous to hemoglobin transporting oxygen to respiring tissues in animals which helps in the fixation of nitrogen.
Thus, the correct answer is option (C). 

Leghaemoglobin (A red colored haemoprotein) having an affinity for oxygen is present in the roots of

  1. Mustard

  2. Soyabean

  3. Carrot

  4. Radish

Correct Option: B

Leghaemoglobin is a hemoprotein found in the root nodules of leguminous plants.  In plants colonized by Rhizobium, such as alfalfa or soybeans, the presence of oxygen in the root nodules would reduce the activity of the oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase, an enzyme responsible for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.   

So, the correct answer is 'soya bean'

Which of the following can replenish nutrients in the soil?

  1. Fertilizer

  2. Manure

  3. Compost

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

There are different methods by which nutrients in the soil can be replenished. Fertilizers and manures contain plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Fertilizer can be added to the soil. It helps in replenishing exhausted soils with rich sources of organic nutrients. Manure is environment friendly and replenishes the soil with organic nutrients. Compost is decomposed organic material. It reintroduces living organisms and nutrients in the soil. It improves soil structure and provides a healthy environment for plant roots. 

Thus, the correct answer is 'All of the above.'

Which of the following is/are used as blofertillsers?
1. Azolla
2. Blue-green algae
3. Alfalfa

  1. 1 and 3

  2. 1 and 2

  3. 2 alone

  4. 1, 2 and 3

Correct Option: B

Azolla and BGA are used as biofertilizers in the rice field because they increase the yield of the paddy or rice by supplying the plant with all the nutritional elements

So, the correct option is '1 and 2'

Organisms which can bring about soil nutrient enrichment are known

  1. sympathetic bacteria

  2. Biofertilizers

  3. Soil bacteria

  4. Proxy fertilizers

Correct Option: B

Through the use of biofertilizers, healthy plants can be grown, while enhancing the sustainability and the health of the soil. ... Biofertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirilium and blue green algae (BGA) have been in use a long time. Rhizobium inoculant is used for leguminous crops. So, the correct option is "B" (Biofertilizers).

Favourable condition for nitrogenase activity in heterocyst of BGA is due to

  1. Loss of PS-II

  2. Loss of PS-I

  3. Presence of thick wall

  4. More than one option is correct

Correct Option: A

Heterocysts are specialized nitrogen-fixing cells formed during nitrogen starvation by some blue-green algae. They fix nitrogen from di-nitrogen in the air using the enzyme nitrogenase and nitrogenase is inactivated by oxygen, so the heterocyst must create a micro-anaerobic environment and that's why heterocysts degrade photo-system II, which produces oxygen.

So, the correct option is 'Loss of PS-II'.

Leghaemoglobin is required in the process of

  1. Nitrification

  2. Reductive amination

  3. Ammonification

  4. Diazotrophy

Correct Option: D

In root nodules of legumes, leghaemoglobin is important because it:-

  1. Acts as a catalyst in transamination

  2. Transports oxygen to the root nodule

  3. Provide energy to the nitrogen fixing bacteria

  4. Acts as an oxygen scavenger

Correct Option: B

  • Leghaemoglobin (also leghemoglobin or legoglobin) is an oxygen carrier and hemoprotein found in the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of leguminous plants. 
  • Leghaemoglobin buffers the concentration of free oxygen in the cytoplasm of infected plant cells to ensure the proper function of root nodules.

So, the correct answer is "transports oxygen to the root nodule".

Which one of the following can be used as a biofertilizer?

  1. Plasmodium

  2. Rhizobium

  3. Chenopodium

  4. Agrobacterium

Correct Option: B

Microorganisms which, when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Rhizobium can be used as biofertilizer. Rhizobium are found in the soil and after infection, produce nodules in the legume where they fix nitrogen gas (N2) from the atmosphere turning it into a more readily usable form of nitrogen.

So, the correct option is 'Rhizobium'.

Bio-fertiliser which makes available phosphorus is?

  1. Azolla

  2. Aulosira

  3. Mycorrhiza

  4. Chromatium

Correct Option: C

Mycorrhizal fungi, which form a symbiosis with the roots of nearly all vascular plants, play a key role in solving the phosphate shortage problem for plants. Mycorrhizal fungi can effectively increase phosphate uptake by converting insoluble phosphates to soluble, available forms.

So, the correct option is 'Mycorrhiza'.

Which of the following is incorrect about leg-haemoglobin?

  1. It acts as $O _2$ scavenger

  2. It imports pink or red colour to the nodules

  3. It combines unit $O _2$ and protects nitrogenase

  4. It is a Mo-Fe protein

Correct Option: D

Leg-haemoglobin is an oxygen carrier. It is found in root nodules of leguminous plants. It is red in colour and is a hemoprotein. It provides or helps in providing oxygen to symbiotic bacterial cells. 

It is Mo-Fe protein.

Leghaemoglobin in symbiotic nodules helps :

  1. To provide energy to the growing symbionts

  2. In nitrogen reallocation between symbionts and plants

  3. By scavenging Oxygen

  4. To stabilize redox potential of host cells

Correct Option: C

Leghaemoglobin helps to mantain internal oxygen in symbiotic nodules, because this protein has ten times more affinity for oxygen as compared to blood pigment haemoglobin.Therefore they acts as oxygen scavenger.

So, the correct answer as 'by scavenging oxygen'

The $N _{2}$ fixing bacterium associated with root nodules of legumes is known as

  1. Azotobacter

  2. Nitrobacter

  3. Lactobacillus

  4. Rhizobium

Correct Option: D

Rhizobium is microaerophilic rod shaped gram negative bacteria found in association with legume plants in root nodules. These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium ions, which can be readily assimilated by plants.

The pigment useful in nitrogen fixation is

  1. Nitrogenase

  2. Haemoglobin

  3. Myoglobin

  4. Leghaemoglobin

Correct Option: D

Plants cannot consume atmospheric nitrogen directly, because in atmosphere nitrogen occurs in stable diatomic form. The atmospheric nitrogen needs to be converted into plant usable forms like nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ion. This process is called as nitrogen fixation. 

Rhizobium is a microaerobic bacteria, which occurs in root nodules of legume plants in symbiotic association. Rhizobium bacteria nodule is pink coloured due to presence of a bacterial pigment called as leghaemoglobin. This pigment binds excess oxygen present in nodules. Free oxygen is harmful for the nitrogenase enzyme of RhizobiumRhizobium bacteria reduces atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium ions using reducing power obtained from host plant.

Leguminous plants have their roots modified into

  1. Fibrous roots.

  2. Stilt roots.

  3. Nodulated roots.

  4. Prop roots.

Correct Option: C

Nodules develop in the roots of leguminuos plants like pulses and grams. These nodules have a very specific function. They inhabit rhizobium bacteria. it is a type of nitrogen fixing bacteria, It absorbs free nitrogen from the atmosphere and converts it into nitrites and nitrates and fixes it in the soil. From soil, plants absorb nitrogen fixed by the bacteria. So, nitrogen requirement of leuminuous plants is fulfilled.

So, option C "Nodulated roots" is the correct answer.

Function of leghaemoglobin during biological nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legumes is to _________________.

  1. Convert atmospheric ntirogen to ammonia

  2. Convert ammonia to nitrogen

  3. Transport oxygen for activity of nitrogenase

  4. Protect nitrogenase from oxygen

Correct Option: D

In what family of plants is nitrogen usually fixed ?

  1. Coniferous trees

  2. Sea Grass

  3. Legumes

  4. Deciduous Trees

Correct Option: C

In the roots of legumes, there live many bacteria, who through their own metabolic processes are able to convert the nitrogen gas into ammonia or ammonium, depending on the acidity of the soil. Converting nitrogen gas into a more usable form is extremely difficult and is the reason that this process is so specialized. While ammonium may be usable by a few plants, the majority cannot use it and another process is required. Nitrifying bacteria oxidize the ammonia creating nitrite then nitrate allowing for the nitrogen to be assimilated into the plants.

So, the correct answer is 'Legumes'

Leghaemoglobin helps in

  1. Nitrogen fixation

  2. Protecting nitrogenase from O${ _2}$

  3. Killing bacteria

  4. Transport of food in plants

Correct Option: B

Many rhizobia, nitrogen fixing bacteria, live in a symbiotic relationship with plants known as legumes. In such plants, the presence of oxygen in the root nodules would reduce the activity of the oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase. In these situations, the roots of such plants produce a protein known as leghemoglobin. Leghemoglobin buffers the concentration of free oxygen in the cytoplasm of infected plant cells to ensure the proper function of root nodules. Leghemoglobin is a nitrogen or oxygen carrier; naturally occurring oxygen and nitrogen interact similarly with this protein. Hence option B is correct.

______ is manufactured artificially in the industrial units by the use of chemicals and are used for commercial purpose.

  1. Fertilizer

  2. Compost

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

A chemical fertilizer/artificial fertilizer is defined as any inorganic material of wholly or partially synthetic origin that is added to soil to sustain plant growth. Organic fertilizers are substances that are derived from the remains or byproducts of natural organisms which contain the essential nutrients for plant growth.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

The function of leghaemoglobin during biological nitrogen fixation, in root nodules of legumes is to

  1. Convert atmospheric N$ _2$ to NH$ _3$

  2. Convert ammonia to nitrite

  3. Transport oxygen for activity of nitrogenase

  4. Protect nitrogenase from oxygen

Correct Option: D

Leghaemoglobin is an oxygen scavanger. It combines with oxygen and protects nitrogenase, which catalyses the fixation of nitrogen under anaerobic conditions.

Biofertilizers are preferred over chemical fertilisers because

  1. They are cheap

  2. They do not cause pollution

  3. They are harmful

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
Biofertiliser are preferred over chemical fertilisers because they contain organic materials while fertilisers contain chemical substances that when used in excess become harmful to the consumers. Continuous application of fertilisers to the soil decreases its fertility and also leads to increase in the acidity of the soil. Also the fertiliser runoff from the fields also causes water pollution. Cyanobacteria such as Anabaena and Nostoc also fix atmospheric nitrogen and act as bio-fertilisers especially in paddy fields.
So the correct option is 'They do not cause pollution' .

Biofertilizers are made up by

  1. Microorganism

  2. Decomposed materials

  3. Plants

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Biofertilizers increase the _________ content of the soil.

  1. Nutrient

  2. Humus

  3. Water

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Biofertilizer is a substance that contains living organisms which is used to increase the fertility of the soil. It improves the growth of plant by increasing the content of the soil and thereby increasing the availability of nutrients to the host plant. Also, it does not allow pathogens to flourish. Various biofertilizers are Rhizobium, Azotobacter, blue green algae (BGA). They live in symbiotic association with the plants and provides nitrogen to the plant. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Cow dung that is used as a fertilizer can be replaced by 

  1. Insecticides.

  2. Pesticides.

  3. Biofertilizers.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: C

Traditionally, cowdung is used as a fertilizer. It provides growing medium for plants. It is nutrient-rich fertilizer. It is either mixed into the soil or used as top dressing. However, methane (greenhouse gas) is emitted from cowdung when it is processed. Hence, it is replaced by biofertilizers. Biofertilizers are substances which contains live organisms and are used to increase fertilizer of the soil. Examples of biofertilizers include rhizobium, azotobacter, azospirillum and blue green algae(BGA).

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Which of the following microorganism is used to prepare biofertilizers? 

  1. Algae

  2. Protozoa

  3. Virus

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Biofertilizer is a substance that contains living organisms which is used to increase the fertility of the soil. It improves the growth of plant by increasing the availability of nutrients to the host plant. Various biofertilizers are Rhizobium, Azotobacter, blue green algae (BGA). Algae have ability of nitrogen fixation, therefore adding organic matter and extra nitrogen to the soil. This increases the soil fertility. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following is essential for nitrogen fixation in legumes?

  1. Anthocyanin

  2. Phycocyanin

  3. Phycoerythrin

  4. Leghaemoglobin

Correct Option: D

Leguminous plants are in symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium. These bacteria invade root hairs of leguminous plants and forms root nodules in which they fix nitrogen. A red pigment present in the root nodules of leguminous plants is known as leghaemoglobin. Leghaemoglobin is an oxygen-carrier molecule.  It protects nitrogen-fixing enzyme nitrogenase from the side effect of oxygen as the enzyme is highly sensitive to oxygen.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Leghaemoglobin.'

Which of the following is correct about legumes?

  1. They are incapable of fixing nitrogen

  2. They fix nitrogen with the help of bacteria that live in their leaves

  3. They fix nitrogen with the help of bacteria that live in their roots

  4. They fix nitrogen independent of bacteria

Correct Option: C

Legumes are in symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium. They fix nitrogen with the help of bacteria that live in their roots. These bacteria invade root hairs of leguminous plants and forms root nodules in which they fix nitrogen. Rood nodules are found in some other plants also apart from leguminous plants. A red pigment present in the root nodules of leguminous plants is known as leghaemoglobin. 

Thus, the correct answer is 'They fix nitrogen with the help of bacteria that live in their roots.'

In root nodules of legumes, the role of leghemoglobin is

  1. To transports oxygen to root nodules

  2. To act as an oxygen scavanger

  3. To act as a catalyst in transamination

  4. To provide energy to nitrogen fixing bacteria

Correct Option: B

Atmospheric nitrogen is not available to the plants. Nitrogen fixing bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium compounds and make it available to the plants. There are two types of bacteria, free-living and symbiotic. Example of free living nitrogen fixing bacteria include Azotobacter. The example of symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria includes RhizobiumRhizobium lives in symbiotic association with the legume plants in the root nodules and fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Root nodules of legume plants contains leghaemoglobin. This acts as an oxygen scavanger. 

Thus, the correct answer is 'Acts as an oxygen scavanger.'

A red pigment present in the root nodules of leguminous plants is known as

  1. Phycoerythrin

  2. Bacteriochlorophyll

  3. Leghaemoglobin

  4. Bacterioviridin

Correct Option: C

Leguminous plants are in symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium. These bacteria invade root hairs of leguminous plants and forms root nodules in which they fix nitrogen. A red pigment present in the root nodules of leguminous plants is known as leghaemoglobin. Leghaemoglobin is an oxygen-carrier molecule.  It protects nitrogen-fixing enzyme nitrogenase from the side effect of oxygen as the enzyme is highly sensitive to oxygen.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Leghaemoglobin.'

Which of the following plants are used as green manure in crop field and in sandy soils?

  1. Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum

  2. Calotropis procera and Phyllanthus niruri

  3. Saccharum munja and Lantana camara

  4. Dichanthium annulatum and Azolla nilotica

Correct Option: A

Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum are used as green manure in crop fields and sandy soils because these plants, when grown, replenish the soil with sufficient nutrients and nitrogen content after its usage by the crop plant.

So, the correct option is 'Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum'.

Leghaemoglobin functions as

  1. Oxygen scavenger

  2. Nitrogen scavenger

  3. $CO _2$ scavenger

  4. Hydrogen carrier

Correct Option: A

The root nodules of the leguminous plants contain an oxygen-binding heme protein called leghemoglobin. It is present in the cytoplasm of infected nodule cells at high concentrations. The function of  leghemoglobin is to help transport oxygen to the respiring symbiotic bacterial cells in a manner analogous to hemoglobin transporting oxygen to respiring tissues in animals. It has a high affinity for oxygen (approximately, ten times higher than the ß chain of human hemoglobin). Thus, it acts as a oxygen scavenger.
Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Identify the role of lectins in formation of root nodules in legumes.

  1. Formation of shepherd's crook

  2. Recognition of compatible Rhizobium by host

  3. Formation of peribacterial membrane

  4. Formation of infection thread

Correct Option: B

Function of red pigment leghaemoglobin present in root nodules of leguminous plants is to regulate

  1. $CO _2$ supply in cells

  2. Mo supply to cells

  3. $O _2$ supply to cells

  4. Production of phenolic compounds

Correct Option: C
The root nodules of the leguminous plants contain an oxygen-binding heme protein called leghemoglobin. It is present in the cytoplasm of infected nodule cells at high concentrations. This leghemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen, (approximately, ten times higher than the ß chain of human hemoglobin). Its function is to help transport oxygen to the respiring symbiotic bacterial cells in a manner analogous to hemoglobin transporting oxygen to respiring tissues in animals. Thus, it regulates oxygen supply to the cells.
Thus, the correct answer is option (C). 

Leghaemoglobin takes part in

  1. Energy release

  2. Stimulating growth of rhizobium

  3. $N _2$ absorption

  4. Protecting nitrogenase from $O _2$

  5. Supply of oxygen

Correct Option: D

The root nodules contain pink colored pigment contains a protein called leg-hemoglobin.

Leg-haemoglobin acts as an oxygen scavenger and provides anaerobic conditions to the bacteria.
So the correct answer is 'protecting nitrogenase from oxygen'

Leghaemoglobin occurs in

  1. Coralloid root

  2. BGA

  3. Around bacterial infections of root nodules

  4. Mycorrhiza

Correct Option: C

Leghaemoglobin is an oxygen carrier found in the nitrogen fixing root nodules of leguminous plants. Rhizobium is a free living bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen.

Steps involved in nodule formation are
1.Rhizobium bacteria contact a susceptible root hair.
2.After this they will divide near it.
3.Then Rhizobium infects the root hair causing it to curl.
4.Infected thread carries the bacteria to the inner cortex.
5.The bacteria get modified into rod shaped bacteroids and cause inner cortical and pericycle cells to divide.
6.Division lead to nodule formation.
So the correct answer is 'Around bacterial infections of root nodules'

Rhizobium induced root nodules are internally pinkish due to

  1. Carotene

  2. Leghaemoglobin

  3. Haemoglobin

  4. Xanthophyll

Correct Option: B

Leghaemoglobin present in plant nodules ,impart a characteristic pink colour to the roots.

Correct answer-B

Apart from bacteria, which of the following microbes help in nutrient replenishment in the soil?

  1. Protozoa

  2. Fungi

  3. Virus

  4. Lichens

Correct Option: A

Protozoa play a major role in replenishing nutrients in the soil. Protozoa have a lower concentration of nitrogen in their cells than the bacteria they eat. Therefore, they obtain and utilize the amount of nitrogen needed and release the excess in the form of ammonium, thereby making it available for use by plants and other soil organisms.   

So the correct option is 'Protozoa'

Which of the following helps the plant to absorb nitrogen from the environment?

  1. Algae

  2. Lichens

  3. Rhizobium

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Plants are not capable of fixing nitrogen on their own, but need it in one or the other form to make proteins and amino acids. Legumes form root nodules, when they exist in a symbiotic relationship with 'Rhizobia' and therefore, have high levels of nitrogen available to them. These soil bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Sinorhizobium) fix the atmospheric nitrogen or dinitrogen, into inorganic compounds, like ammonium, which is then converted into amino acids, which the plants can utilize.

So the correct option is 'Rhizobium'  

Leguminous plants are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen through the process ofsymbiotic nitrogen fixation. Which one of the following statements is not correct for this process of nitrogen fixation?

  1. Leghaemoglobin scavenges oxygen and is pinkish in colour.

  2. Nodules act as sites for nitrogen fixation.

  3. The enzyme nitrogenase catalyses the conversion of atmospheric $N _2$ to $NH _3$.

  4. Nitrogenase is insensitive to oxygen.

Correct Option: D

Which of the following can differentiate chemical fertlizers from natural fertilizers?

  1. Chemical fertilizer is soluble but not natural fertilizer.

  2. Natural fertilizer is nutrient specific but not chemical fertilizer.

  3. Chemical fertilisers can affect the pH of the soil while natural fertilisers do not affect the pH of the soil.

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: D

  • Those fertilizers which get decomposed naturally are known as natural fertilizers whereas those which are human-made are known as chemical fertilizers. 
  • Natural fertilizers include compost, animal waste, dead organisms, etc. Chemical fertilizers include inorganic materials. 
  • Chemical fertilizers are directly available whereas natural fertilizers need to be prepared. Chemical fertilizers contain different chemical so they affect the pH value of soil whereas natural fertilizers don't.

So, the correct option is 'Both A and C'.

Leguminous plants are important in agriculture because

  1. They are disease resistant

  2. They have high amounts of proteins

  3. They require less nitrogen for growth

  4. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are symbiotically associated in them

Correct Option: D
Leguminous plants are important in agriculture because they contribute to nitrogen fixation. They contain symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria within the nodules that produce nitrogen compounds that help the plant to grow. When the plant dies, the fixed nitrogen is released, making it available to other plants and this helps to fertilize the soil.
So the correct answer is 'Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are symbiotically associated in them'.

Leghaemoglobin is

  1. Respiratory pigment supplying oxygen to animal legs

  2. Haemoglobin of annelids

  3. Nitrogen fixing pigment

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D
Leghaemoglobin is a protein pigment present in the nodule roots that are inhabited by Rhizobium. It acts as an oxygen scavenger and prevent the enzyme nitrogenase(which is highly sensitive to oxygen) from oxygen molecules and help it in its protection.
So the correct answer is 'None of the above'.

The pigment protein present in nodulated roots inhabited by Rhizobium is

  1. Nitrate reductase

  2. Hydrogenase

  3. Leghaemoglobin

  4. Plastocyanin

Correct Option: C
Rhizobium is symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in the roots of leguminous plants. This bacteria is responsible for the formation of root nodules in legumes roots. The nodule contains a biochemical pigment protein called leg-haemoglobin that function as an oxygen scavenger.
so the correct answer is 'Leghaemoglobin'.

Function of leghaemoglobin during biological nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legumes is to

  1. Convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia

  2. Convert ammonia to nitrite

  3. Transport oxygen for activity of nitrogenase

  4. Protect nitrogenase from oxygen

Correct Option: D
Root nodules of a leguminous plant contain all the biochemical components required for nitrogen fixation including enzymes nitrogenase and a pink-coloured pigment called leghaemoglobin. Nitrogenase is highly sensitive enzyme to molecular oxygen as it functions under anaerobic conditions. To protect this enzyme from oxygen leghaemoglobin act as an oxygen scavenger.
So the correct answer is 'Protect nitrogenase from oxygen'.

Which one is correct about the free living Rhizobium sp. and its enzyme?

  1. Bacteria are aerobic and nitrogenase are active

  2. Bacterial are anaerobic and nitrogenase is active (operational)

  3. Bacteria aerobic and nitrogenase is inactive

  4. Bacteria are anaerobic and nitrogenase is inactive

Correct Option: A

Rhizobium, is a rod shaped, aerobic, nitrogen fixing bacterium present in the root nodules of leguminous plants. It performs symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of leguminous plants, in presence of an enzyme dinitrogenase.

So, the correct option is ‘bacteria are aerobic and nitrogenase are active’.

A root hair cell under ordinary conditions have a water potential in the range of?

  1. $-1$ to $-4$ atm.

  2. $-1$ to $+4$ atm.

  3. $1$ to $2$ atm.

  4. $-1$ to $2$ atm.

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is an important feature of roots which help them to absorb water and minerals from the soil?

  1. Roots provide very less surface area

  2. Cells of root contain cell sap

  3. Root hairs have thick walls

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Larger surface area and thinner walls of root hair are required to absorb water efficiently. 

Cells of the root contain sap which has an accumulation of ions which significantly reduces the water potential. Hence water enters the cells from the soil passively. 
So the correct answer is ' Cells of root contain cell sap'. 

The cells of the roots contain cell sap at a .................. concentration than that of surrounding soil water.

  1. Higher

  2. Lower

  3. Equal

  4. All of the following

Correct Option: A

The cells of the roots contain cell sap (solution) at a higher concentration than that of surrounding soil water. As a result, the water is absorbed by the root hairs. This is because the water always travels from a region of high water potential to the region of lower water potential. Here, the soil possesses a higher water potential as compared to the root hair.

Mineral absorption occurs.

  1. If soil solution is hypotonic

  2. If soil solution is hypertonic

  3. Independent of water potential

  4. Independent of water absorption

Correct Option: D

Rupture and fractionation of water column present in tracheary elements does not occur during ascent of sap due to

  1. Transpiration pull

  2. Weak gravitational pull

  3. Cohesion and adhesion

  4. Lignified thick walls

Correct Option: C

Transpiratioal or gravitational pull exert strain so they are factors that can cause rupture of the column. 

Lignified walls are only present for structural support.
Cohesion ( attraction of water molecules towards each other) and adhesion (attraction of water molecules and the walls of the tube ) is the reason why  the column doesn't break as these attractive forces overcome the strain developed by Transpiration pull. 
So the correct answer is 'Cohesion and adhesion'.

In root hair, water enters due to.

  1. Diffusion

  2. WP

  3. T.P.

  4. O.P.

Correct Option: A

If a cell A with OP $10$ bars and TP $4$ bars is connected to cells B, A and D having OP and TP respectively $4$ and $4$, $10$ and $5$ and $7$ and $3$ bars, the flow of water will be.

  1. C to A, B and D

  2. B to A, C and D

  3. D to A, B and C

  4. A to B, C and D

Correct Option: A

Which of the following elements are most readily mobilised?

  1. Phosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen and potassium

  2. Calcium, sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorus

  3. Phosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen and calcium

  4. Potassium, sulphur, nitrogen and calcium

Correct Option: A

Phosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen and potassium most readily mobilise while calcium is structural component which is not remobilised.

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