Cell division - class-IX

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Generally, decline in hearing power begins after the age of 

  1. 50 years

  2. 30 years

  3. 40 years

  4. 10 years

Correct Option: C

Ageing is the process where there is a continuous decline in the metabolism of the body. The hearing power also declines after the age of 40 years. Presbycusis is the term which is generally used for hearing impairment due to old age. It is mainly caused due to degeneration of the cochlea or associated structures of the inner ear or auditory nerves.

So, the correct answer is option C.

Cell which keeps changing it's shape is called

  1. Spirilla

  2. Pleomorphic

  3. Symbiont

  4. Gram negative

Correct Option: A

Power is regeneration is poor in.

  1. Brain cell

  2. Bone cell

  3. Chondroblasts

  4. Striated muscles

Correct Option: A

Storage sprouting of potato can be prevented by 

  1. IAA

  2. Maleic hydrazide

  3. Cytokinins

  4. Gibberellins

Correct Option: B

Maleic hydrazide : It is a growth retardant which checks cell division. So during seed storage this is applied for checking sprouting of potato tubers so that the importance of potato may not be lowered down.

The process of cell death involving DNA cleavage in cells is known as

  1. Necrosis

  2. Apoptosis

  3. Cytokinesis

  4. Endocytosis

Correct Option: B
Apoptosis is the process in living cells which results in the death of cells that are damaged, attacked by pathogens, cancerous cell, abnormal cell, etc. Such cells are identified by the cells of the immune system followed by the production of proteins that kills the cell by DNA cleavage. It is also called programmed cell death. Thus the correct answer is option A. 

Glucose and amino acids are absorbed through the following part of villus.

  1. Epithelial cells

  2. Blood capillary

  3. Lymphatic vessel

  4. All

Correct Option: A

Number of cells daily replaced in human body is

  1. $1 \times 10^9$

  2. $5 \times 10^9$

  3. $1 \times 10^{10}$

  4. $5 \times 10^{10}$

Correct Option: A

Heparin is formed by.

  1. Liver cells

  2. Plasma cells

  3. Blood cells

  4. Spleen cells

Correct Option: A
Heparin is a naturally occuring anticoagulant which is synthesised in Liver as well as blood cells such as basophils and mast cells. Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and extension of existing blood clots within the blood.
So, the correct answer is 'Both A and C'.

Fat absorbed from gut is transported in blood as

  1. Micelles

  2. Liposomes

  3. Chemomicrons

  4. Chylomicrons

  5. Phagocytes

Correct Option: D
The products of lipid digestion enter the body by a different process and a different route. These products namely, long chain fatty acids, monoglycerides and diglycerides are insoluble in water and cannot be directly absorbed from intestinal contents. They combine with the bile salts and phospholipids to form small spherical water-soluble molecular aggregates called micelles. From the micelles, fatty acids, glycerides and fat-soluble vitamins are actively absorbed into the intestinal cells. In these cells, the bile salts are freed and fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides and diglycerides are resynthesized into fats. The fats are then mixed with cholesterol and coated with special proteins forming small globules called chylomicrons The latter are transported by exocytosis out of the epithelial cells into a lacteal.
Thus, the correct answer is option D. 

Basement membrane is formed of.

  1. Epidermal cells

  2. Endodermal cells

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above but present below epithelial cells

Correct Option: D

All epithelia are separated from their underlying tissues by an extracellular basement membrane which is fibrous in nature. The basement membrane is the fusion of two lamina namely, the basal lamina and the reticular lamina. The lamina reticularis is attached to the basal lamina with collagen anchoring fibrils and fibrillin microfibrils. The two layers together are collectively referred to as the basement membrane.

So D is the correct option. 

Angiotensinogen is a protein secreted by

  1. Juxtaglomerular cells

  2. Macula densa cells

  3. Endothelial cells

  4. Liver cells

Correct Option: D
Angiotensinogen is a plasma protein produced and secreted by liver cells. It is a sole precursor of all angiotensin peptide. Juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin which acts on angiotensinogen to release angiotensin I and then it is converted to angiotensin II by the action of enzyme angiotensin-converting enzymes.
So, the correct answer is 'Liver cells'.

Calcium occurs in

  1. All body cells

  2. Bones and teeth

  3. Cells of respiratory system

  4. 3% of mineral content

Correct Option: A

Division of the nucleus is called ..........

  1. Cytokinesis

  2. Karyokinesis

  3. Replication

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Division of the nucleus is called karyokinesis. The process of partition of a cell's nucleus into the daughter cells during cell division is called karyokinesis. All the changes in a nucleus that occur during cell division are collectively termed as karyokinesis. It has four stages prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

So the correct answer is "Karyokinesis".

All nuclear changes that occur during mitotic cell division are collectively called as

  1. Karyokinesis

  2. Cytokinesis

  3. Recombination

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: A

All nuclear changes (Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) that occurs during mitotic cell division are collectively called as karyokinesis. Mitotic cell division consists of two steps. The first step is karyokinesis where nuclear division takes place which is followed by cytokinesis i.e the division of cytoplasm takes place and individual daughter cells are formed. So, the correct answer is 'Karyokinesis'.

The epithelial cells lining the stomach of vertebrates are protected from damage by HCl because.

  1. HCl is too dilute

  2. The epithelial cells are resistant to the action of HCl

  3. HCl is neutralized in the stomach

  4. The epithelial cells are covered by mucus

Correct Option: D
The epithelial cells lining the stomach of vertebrates are protected from damage by HCl because 'the epithelial cells are covered by a mucous secretion'.
So the correct option is D.

Epithelial cells serves the function of protection, secretion and absorption and is separated from the other tissues below by a _____.

  1. Basal lamina

  2. Lamina propria

  3. Connective tissue

  4. Stratum granulosum

Correct Option: B

Cell cycle was divided into  four stages i.e. G$ _1$, S, G$ _2$, M by

  1. W. Flemming

  2. Strass burger

  3. Howard and Pelc

  4. Farmer

Correct Option: C

Howard and Pelc divided cell cycle in four stage. The cell cycle is an ordered set of events, culminating in cell growth and division into two daughter cells. Non-dividing cells not considered to be in the cell cycle. The stages  are G$ _1$-S-G$ _2$-M. The G$ _1$ stage stands for "GAP 1". The S stage stands for "Synthesis". This is the stage when DNA replication occurs. The G$ _2$ stage stands for "GAP 2". The M stage stands for "mitosis", and is when and cytoplasmic division occur.

Which of the following stage of M-phase is considered as tetraploid stage?

  1. Anaphase of mitosis

  2. Anaphase-I of meiosis

  3. Metaphase-II of meiosis

  4. More than one option is correct

Correct Option: A

In mitosis DNA content is doubled during S phase resulting in 2n chromosomes having two chromatids. These 2 chromatids of 2n get arranged at metaphase plate in metaphase. And in anaphase, the 2 chromatids of 2n chromosomes are separated from each other . so the cell during this phase becomes 4n.

So, the correct answer is 'Anaphase of mitosis'.

A cell divides in order to?

  1. Maintain size of nucleus

  2. Maintain bulk of cytoplasm

  3. Maintain balance between bulk of cytoplasm and nucleus

  4. Maintain size of chromosomes

Correct Option: A

Early in the history of biology, scientists believed cells arose spontaneously. With the development of cell theory, people finally realized that only cells can beget other cells. In fact, two categories that define something as living or not are growth and reproduction, both of which cell division accomplishes. Cell division, also called mitosis, occurs in all living things. As living things grow, some cells die or become damaged and need replacements. Some single-celled organisms use a type of mitosis as their only form of reproduction. In multicellular organisms, cell division allows individuals to grow and change by expanding the number of total cells. The division of the nucleus is equal during cell division. This ensures the characteristic of both parent cell in daughter cells and restores the size of the nucleus.

So, the correct option is 'maintain size of nucleus'

Chromosome decondensation, crossing over synapsis formation, nucleolus disappear, chromosome separation, astral ray formation, centriole duplication. How many of these are observed in prophase of meiosis-1 and mitosis both? 

  1. Three

  2. Four

  3. Two

  4. Five

Correct Option: A

Mitosis is equational division and meiosis is reductional division. Both consists of 4 phases, namely prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Prophase is the first phase of both mitosis and meiosis I. During this phase, the chromatin condenses and forms visible chromosomes. The mitotic spindle begins to form, nucleolus disappears, the nuclear envelope disappears. 

Crossing over synapsis formation occurs during prophase I of meiosis I only. Astral ray formation takes place during metaphase. 
Centriole duplication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle.
Thus, the correct answer is 'Three.'

The life of all multicellular organisms through sexual reproduction starts as a ............

  1. Zygote

  2. Sperm cell

  3. Haploid cell

  4. Egg

Correct Option: A

In sexual reproduction, an egg cell from female and a sperm from a male fuse to form a zygote, precursor to an embryo offspring. The offspring is generally distinct from parents. Both the gametes contain half the number of required chromosomes, that is they are haploid in nature. The zygote contains the exact number of chromosomes required. This is how chromosome number is conserved from generation to generation. The zygote undergoes further cell division to form an embryo. 

So the correct answer is the zygote.

What would be the DNA content of the cell at G1, G2, anaphase stage, when the content after the mitotic phase is 40pg

  1. G1=40 pg, G2=80 pg, anaphase= 40 pg

  2. G1=40 pg, G2=80 pg, anaphase= 80 pg

  3. G1=80 pg, G2=40 pg, anaphase= 40 pg

  4. G1=80 pg, G2=40 pg, anaphase= 80 pg

Correct Option: B

  1. In G$ _1$  phase the amount of DNA is the same as 40 because the cell is metabolically active but no division of DNA is observed.
  2. In G$ _2$ phase the DNA gets doubled as it has gone through the synthesis phase which is characterized by the replication of DNA.
  3. In mitosis since equational division occurs the DNA content remain 4C through the process before the transfer of DNA into daughter cells.
So the correct option is "G$ _1$=40 pg,G$ _2$=80 pg,anaphase=80pg"

The most dramatic period of the cell cycle is

  1. M-phase

  2. $G _1$ phase

  3. $S$ phase

  4. Interphase

Correct Option: A
The time or duration exists from formation of cell to division of cell is called cell cycle. It includes two major phases, interphase and M-phase.
Mitotic or M- phase is the most dramatic period of the cell cycle is involves in major reorganisation of virtually all components of the cell.
So, the correct option is 'M-phase'.

identify correct order of Eukaryotic cell...

  1. G1, G2, S, M ,cytokinesis

  2. G1, G2, M , S ,cytokinesis

  3. G1, M , G2 ,cyokinesis , S

  4. G1 , S , G2 ,M , cytokinesis

Correct Option: D

G$ _1$ , S , G$ _2$, M , cytokinesis. The correct sequence has G$ _1$ as a preparation for S and G$ _2$ as the time between the completion of S and entry into M. Cytokinesis occurs after the other stages to create two daughter cells.

So, the correct answer is 'G$ _1$ , S , G$ _2$, M, cytokinesis'

Cell wall thickning and protoplasmic modification during growth of plants occur in ________________.

  1. Maturation phase

  2. Meristematic phase

  3. Elongation phase

  4. Secretory phase

Correct Option: A

In the maturation phase, the enlarged cells eventually acquire a specific size and form according to their location and role following biochemical, physiological and morphological changes, i.e., the cells undergo specialization or transformation. As a result, various kinds of cells get differentiated. These differentiated cells form different kinds of simple and complex tissues that perform different functions. This includes cell wall growth and protoplasm modification.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Maturation phase'

The stage of cell cycle when cell does not undergo differentiation is

  1. G$ _0$

  2. G$ _1$

  3. G$ _2$

  4. S$ _4$

Correct Option: A

The cell cycle mainly consists of 4 stages G$ _1$, S, G$ _2$, and M. The G$ _{0}$ phase also known as the extended G1 phase is a period in which the cell exits from the cell cycle. In this stage, the cell exists in a quiescent state and does not divide. Thus the correct answer is option A.

During cell cycle, RNA and protein synthesis takes place during which of the following phase?

  1. G$ _1$ and G$ _2$ phase

  2. S phase

  3. M phase

  4. Cytokinesis

Correct Option: A

During the cell cycle, RNA and protein synthesis takes place during G$ _1$ and G$ _2$ phase. The cell cycle is an ordered set of events, culminating in cell growth and division into two daughter cells. Non-dividing cells not considered to be in the cell cycle. The stages are G$ _1$-S-G$ _2$-M.

So, the correct answer is option A.

The sequence of cell cycle is

  1. S,M,G$ _{1}$, and G$ _{2}$

  2. G$ _{1}$,G$ _{2}$,S and M

  3. G$ _{1}$,S,$G _{2}$, and M

  4. M,G$ _{1},$,G$ _{2}$ and S

Correct Option: C
  • Cell enters cell cycle at G$ _1$ (First Gap) phase, where the cell grows larger, doubles organelles and synthesizes proteins, enzymes and all other biochemical molecules required for efficient completion of cell division.
  • Then cell enters S (synthesis) phase, where cell synthesizes a complete copy of the genomic DNA inside the nucleus. It also duplicates centrosome which is required for separation of DNA to opposite poles during mitosis.
  • Then cell enters the G$ _2$ (Second Gap) phase, where cell grows more and produces more proteins and organelles required for mitosis. Cell also reorganize its contents for mitosis to occur. G$ _2$ phase also acts as a checkpoint to ensure that the cell is ready for mitosis.
  • The end of G$ _2$ phase is the beginning of M (Mitosis) phase, where the real cell division occurs. The cell divides its doubled DNA and cytoplasmic contents to form two daughter cells.
So, the correct option is 'G$ _1$, S, G$ _2$and M'.

The various phases of the cell cycle will be affected by limiting growth factors like

  1. Sufficient nucleotides

  2. Temperature

  3. Nutrients

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

G1 phase and the other subphases of the cell cycle may be affected by limiting growth factors such as nutrient supply, temperature, and room for growth. Sufficient nucleotides  and amino acids must be present in order to synthesize mRNA and proteins. Physiological temperatures are optimal for cell growth. In humans, the normal physiological temperature is around 37 C. Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

The correct order of the various phases of eukaryotic cell cycle is ____________.

  1. G${ _1}$ to S to G${ _2}$ to M to cytokinesis

  2. G${ _1}$ to G${ _2}$ to M to S to mitosis

  3. G${ _1}$ to G${ _2}$ to S to M to karyokinesis

  4. S to G${ _1}$ to G${ _2}$ to M to cytokinesis

  5. G${ _2}$ to M to S to G${ _1}$ to cytokinesis

Correct Option: A

Identify, the correct sequence of the cell cycle events.
I. Nuclear membrane dissolves
II. Cell size increases
III. Two daughter cells form
IV. DNA replicates

  1. I, IV, II and III

  2. I, IV, III and II

  3. II, I, IV and III

  4. II, IV, I and III

  5. IV, II, III and I

Correct Option: D

The cell cycle includes a series of events, that take place  in a cell which leads to the duplication of DNA and division of cells to form two daughter cells. This takes place in three different  periods and can be referred to as Interphase , Mitotic phase(M) and cytokinesis. While during the interphase or the initial phase, the cells grow in size and is ready for division, during the mitosis, the DNA starts duplicating, the nuclear membrane dissolves and the cells starts its division process to give rise to  two distinct daughter cells. Cytokinesis is the stage during which the two daughter cells are formed and separated.
So, the correct answer is option D.

Mitotic cell cycle is divided typically into four phases, $G _1$, S, $G _2$ and M. Considering a mitotic cycle time of $18$ hours, the distribution of period of time(in hours) for each of these phase will be. $G _1$S$ _2$M.

  1. $1, 3, 5, 9$

  2. $9, 1, 3, 5$

  3. $9, 5, 3, 1$

  4. $3, 5, 9, 1$

Correct Option: A

Yeast complete cell cycle in _____________.

  1. 30 minutes

  2. 60 minutes

  3. 90 minutes

  4. 120 minutes

Correct Option: C

One cell cycle of yeast is almost 90 minutes and a human cell takes almost 24 hours to divide by mitosis therefore by calculations it seems that a yeast can perform mitosis almost 16 times in the time of 1 division of a human cell.

Thus 90 is correct option. 

In a culture of E.coli the cell population increased from $1.5 \times 10^6$ cells /ml to $ 12 \times 10^6$ cells/ml in 36 minute.The generation time is 

  1. 6 mt

  2. 9 mt

  3. 12 mt

  4. 18 mt

Correct Option: C

At the start, the culture of E. coli has cell population of 1.5 X 10$^6$ cells/ml. After first generation, it will be doubled, that is 3 X 10$^6$ cells/ml. After second generation, it will be 6 X 10$^6$ cells/ml. After third generation, it will be 12 X 10$^6$ cells/ ml. It is given that for a cell population to increase from 1. 5 X 10$^6$ cells/ml to 12 X 10$^6$ cells/ml, it takes 36 minutes. It means, for 3 generation, it takes 36 minutes. So, its generation time is 36/3 = 12.

Thus, the correct answer option C.

Cdk which control progression through cell cycle check points are fully activated by.

  1. Binding to cyclin

  2. Phosphorylation by Cdk activating protein kinase

  3. Binding to cyclin, plus phosphorylation by Cdk activating protein kinase

  4. Phosphorylation by tyrosine kinase

Correct Option: C

Through phosphorylation, Cdks signal the cell that it is ready to pass into the next stage of the cell cycle. As their name suggests, Cyclin-Dependent ProteinKinases are dependent on cyclins, another class of regulatory proteins. Cyclins bind to Cdks, activating the Cdks to phosphorylate other molecules.

So, the correct option is ‘binding to cyclin, plus, phosphorylation by Cdk activating protein kinases’.

Which cellular organelles are involved in initration of intrinsic pathway of apoptosis?

  1. ER

  2. lysosme

  3. mitochondria

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development is called apoptosis. In this endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, mitochondria, Golgi complex are involved.

So, the correct option is ‘ER, lysosome, mitochondria’. 

Which represents the correct sequence of stages in the cell cycle?

  1. $G _1$ ,$G _2$, S,M

  2. $G _1$, $G _2$,M,S

  3. $G _1$ ,M, $G _2$,S

  4. $G _1$ , S, $G _2$,M

Correct Option: D

The cell progresses through defined phases of the cell cycle during its division.

first, the G1 in which some organelles starts their duplication then comes S phase where DNA has doubled then G2 phase and finally the M phase. 
So the correct sequence is 'G1,S,G2,M'.

The cell is not allowed to past the cell cycle restriction point, DNA damage is detected. Which of the following proteins are involved in detection of DNA damage and inhibition of cycle at the restriction point?

  1. Replication protein A (RPA)

  2. ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated ) protein

  3. Cyclin D

  4. PSS

Correct Option: A

A. Replication protein (RPA) - is the major protein that binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in eukaryotic cells. ... During DNA replication, RPA prevents single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) from winding back on itself or from forming secondary structures.

B. ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated ) protein

 It activates checkpoint signalling upon genotoxic stresses such as ionizing radiation (IR), ultraviolet light (UV), or DNA replication stalling, thereby acting as a DNA damage sensor.

C.Cyclin D - a member of the cyclin protein family that is involved in regulating cell cycle progression. 

D.PSS - an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue. It is characterized by thickening of the skin caused by the accumulation of collagen, and by injuries to small arteries.

So, the correct option is ‘Replication protein A (RPA)’.

In order to enter cell cycle a cell must be stimulated from outside. What type of molecule provides this stimulation?

  1. cyclin

  2. colk

  3. cytokines and growth factor

  4. tyrosine kinases

Correct Option: A

  • Cyclin-dependent kinases, through phosphorylation,  signal the cell that it is ready to pass into the next stage of the cell cycle. As their name suggests, Cyclin-Dependent Protein Kinases are dependent on cyclins, another class of regulatory proteins. Cyclins bind to Cdks, activating the Cdks to phosphorylate other molecules.

So, the correct option is 'cyclin'.

Select the correct option:

A cell cycle includes

  1. Interphase and M phase

  2. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase

  3. $G _1$, S and $G _2$ phases

  4. Karyokinesis and cytokinesis

Correct Option: A

The cell cycle starts from interphase . Interphase is the phase in the cell cycle that prepare a cell and its nucleus for division. It has three stages- $G _1,S $ and $G _2$.M- phase is the final phase of cell cycle..It represent the phase of actual division. It consists of karyokinesis (division of nucleus ) and cytokinesis (division of cell protoplast).

Select the correct option:

Which one is the correct sequence of a cell cycle?

  1. $G _2 \rightarrow M \rightarrow G _1 \rightarrow S$

  2. $S \rightarrow G _2 \rightarrow M \rightarrow G _1$

  3. $G _1 \rightarrow S \rightarrow G _2 \rightarrow M$

  4. $M \rightarrow G _1 \rightarrow S \rightarrow G _2$

Correct Option: C

The cell cycle starts from interphase . Interphase is the phase in the cell cycle that prepare a cell and its nucleus for division. It has three stages- $G _1,S $ and $G _2$.M- phase is the final phase of cell cycle..It represent the phase of actual division. It consists of karyokinesis (division of nucleus ) and cytokinesis (division of cell protoplast).

So, the correct answer is 'G1→S→G2→M'.

Select the correct option:

Synthesis of histone proteins occurs in 

  1. $G _1$ phase

  2. Interphase

  3. Anaphase

  4. $G _0$ phase

Correct Option: B

The cell cycle is a sequence of event which occurs during cell growth and cell division. It has two phases; interphase and the M phase. Interphase is the period between the end of 1 division and the beginning of next cell division. It is also known as resting phase or the non-dividing stage.

It has three phases G₁ phase which is the post-mitotic phase, the synthetic phase which is the S phase and the G₂ phase. During the S phase, DNA replication takes place and the amount becomes double. Here the synthesis of histone protein and non-histone chromosomal proteins also takes place.
So, the correct option is 'Interphase'

Human cells in culture show a cell cycle to be completed in approximately 
  1. 42 hours

  2. 24 hours

  3. 24 minutes

  4. 24 seconds

Correct Option: B

Cell division is the process by which a cell divides to form to nearly equal daughter cell which resembles the parent. The cell cycle is the sequence of events which occur during the cell growth and cell division. It is completed into two steps interphase and M-phase.

In the cell cycle interphase is the period between the end of one division to the beginning of next cell division. It is known as the resting phase. In the case of human beings it is around 24 hours then the M phase takes place.

So, the correct option is '24 hours'

________ is characterised by all the chromosomes coming to lie at the equator, with one chromatid connected by its kinetochore to spindle fibres from one pole and its sister chromatid connected by its kinetochore to spindle fibres from the opposite pole.
  1. Prophase

  2. Metaphase

  3. Anaphase

  4. Telophase

Correct Option: B

During the cellular division phase, metaphase is a stage where all the chromosome arranges themselves on the metaphase plate.

On this equatorial plate, these are aligned and appear as two threaded chromosomes. These are attached to the pole by spindle fibre.
So, the correct option is 'Metaphase'

Select the correct option:

Read the following statements about cell division and select the correct ones.
(i) M phase represents the phase when actual cell division occurs and I phase represents the phase between two successive M phases.
(ii) In the 24 hours average duration of cell cycle of a human cell, cell division proper lasts for only about an hour.
(iii) M phase constitutes more than 95% of the duration of cell cycle.

  1. (i) and (ii)

  2. (ii) and (iii)

  3. (i) and (iii)

  4. (i), (ii) and (iii)

Correct Option: A

Cell cycle consists of two basic phases, long nondividing I phase and a short dividing M phase . In the average duration of 24 hours in the cell cycle of dividing human cell , M phase lasts for one hour (less than $5\%$ of total) while I phase or interphase occupies $75-95\%$ of total generation time.

So, the correct answer is '(i) and (ii)'.

Before cell division, copying of DNA is not essential.
  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
  • DNA replication must occur before cell division. So, that all newly produced cells have all the DNA of the original cell (except gametes of course). If DNA did not replicate (make exact copies), then new cells would not receive all the chromosomes and genes necessary for life processes.
  •  Each new cell would only have half the needed chromosome. If it could survive each successive generation of cells would have fewer chromosomes and of course after a few divisions cells would receive none at all.

How many following statements are correct?
(A) Nucleus as a cell organelle was first described by Robert Brown as early as 1651.
(B) The interphase nucleus has highly condensed nucleoprotein fibres called chromatin.
(C) During different stages of cell division, cells show structured chromatin in place of the nucleus.
(D) Every chromosome essentially has a primary constriction which is also known as NOR.
(E) Many membrane-bound minute vesicles called microbodies that contain various enzymes are present in both plant and animal cells.

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: B

Answer is option B i.e. "Two"

  • Correct statements are statements C and E because-
During cell division stages of eukaryotes instead of nucleus, DNA associated with histone proteins in a highly condensed nucleoprotein complex is called chromatin.
Microbodies are membrane-bound minute vesicular organelles. They are found in both plant and animal cells. They contain various enzymes and proteins.
  • While, Nucleus was discovered by  Robert Brown in 1831 and published in 1833.
  • During interphase chromatin is distributed throughout the nucleus.
  • Every chromosome essentially has a primary constriction which is also known as kinetochores. Nucleolus organiser regions (NORs) are chromosomal regions crucial for the formation of the nucleolus.

Which of the following is the most direct cuse of polyteny in somatic cells of certain organisms?

  1. RNA transcription

  2. supercoiling of chromatin

  3. chromosome replication without cell division

  4. chromosome recombination

  5. amphification of sex chromosomes

Correct Option: C

The most direct cause of polyteny in somatic cells of certain organisms is chromosomes replication without cell division
In polyteny homologns chromosomes perform somatic pairing and product remain attached to another ,they produce  several copies of same chromosomes

Which one of the following events is incorrect for cell cycle?

  1. All events are under genetic control

  2. Maximum cell growth occurs in M-phase

  3. DNA synthesis occurs only during one specific

  4. Centriole duplication occurs in S-phase

Correct Option: A

All the different cells of our body usually live, grow and divide in harmony. Our body has many different signals that control how much, and how often our cells divide. If any of these signals are faulty or missing, the result can be cancer, where too many cells are produced.

So, the correct option is 'All events are under genetic control'.

The most dramatic period of the cell cycle is?

  1. Metaphase

  2. $G _1$ phase

  3. S phase

  4. Interphase

Correct Option: A

The major events that take place in mitosis are the alignment of chromosomes at the center of the cell and the subsequent separation of sister chromatids to opposite mitotic spindle poles. Those occur in metaphase and anaphase respectively.

So, the correct option is 'Metaphase'.

How many chromosomes will the cell have at GI, after S and after M-phase respectively if it has 14 chromosomes at interphase

  1. 7, 14, 14

  2. 14, 14, 14

  3. 14, 14, 7

  4. 7, 7, 7

Correct Option: B

At G1 phase, there will be 14 chromosomes as no DNA replication has taken place. After S Phase, the DNA content doubles but chromosome number still remains same here 14. After completion of M phase, the number of chromosomes will be 28 with each daughter cell having same number of chromosomes as that of parent i.e 14

Therefore B is the correct option. 

Match the lists and choose the correct option:

a. $G _1$ phase i. Replication of DNA
b. S-phase ii. Quiescent stage
c. $G _2$-phase iii. Condensation chromatin
d. $G _0$-phase iv. Protein synthesis
v. Interval between mitosis and initiate of DNA replication
  1. a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-ii

  2. a-v, b-iv, c-i, d-iii

  3. a - v, b -i, c - iv, d-ii

  4. a v, b -ii, c-iii, d - iv

Correct Option: C
Interphase generally lasts at least 12 to 24 hours in mammalian tissue. During this period, the cell is constantly synthesizing RNA, producing protein and growing in size. Interphase can be divided into 4 steps: Gap 0 (G0), Gap 1 (G1), S (synthesis) phase, Gap 2 (G2).
Gap 0 (G0): There are times when a cell will leave the cycle and quit dividing
Gap 1 (G1): Cells increase in size in Gap 1, produce RNA and synthesize protein.
S Phase: To produce two similar daughter cells, DNA replication occurs during this S (synthesis) phase.
Gap 2 (G2): During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow and produce new proteins.
Hence answer is 'a - v, b -i, c - iv, d-ii'

Which stage of cell cycle occurs immediately prior to mitosis 

  1. $M$

  2. $G _1$

  3. $S$

  4. $G _2$

Correct Option: D

$G _2$ phase is the phase of cell cycle occurs immediately prior to mitosis.
sequence of cell cycle is -- $G _1$ to $S$ to $G _2$ to $M$ to cytokinesis.

So, the correct answer is '$G _2$

The method of reproduction in unicellular organisms like amoeba and bacteria in which they split into two equal halves and produce new ones is called ............

  1. Fragmentation

  2. Binary fission

  3. Budding

  4. Spore formation

Correct Option: B

In binary fission, parent cell divides into two equal halves called daughter cells. Daughter cells are identical to each other and to their parent cell. Organisms like the amoeba, bacteria, euglena, etc. exhibit binary fission. During multiple fission, the organism divides itself into numerous daughter cells.

So, B is the correct option.

In animal cells, cytokinesis involves 

  1. Separation of sister chromatids

  2. Contraction of ring of microfilaments

  3. Depolymerisation of kinetochore microtubules

  4. Protein kinase that phosphorylates other enzymes

Correct Option: A

In animal cytokinesis, cleavage occurs with the help of

  1. Microtubules

  2. Spindle fibres

  3. Microfibrils

  4. Microfilaments

Correct Option: D

Cytochalasin B is a drug isolated from moulds. It blocks the formation of contractile microfilaments. Which of the following aspects of the cell cycle would be most disrupted due to this ?

  1. Cleavage furrow formation

  2. Attachment of kinetochore to spindle fibres

  3. Spindle fibre formation

  4. Cell elongation during anaphase

Correct Option: C

Spindle formation is mainly done by centrioles. It helps in separation of chromosomes during cell division. Cytochalasin B is a cell-permeable mycotoxin. It inhibits cytoplasmic division by blocking the formation of contractile microfilaments due to which cell is unable to maintain the desired number of chromosomes and leads to numerical abberations.

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