Procedures and formalities of exports and imports - class-XII

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Forwarding agents acting on behalf of exporters and Clearing agents act on behalf of the importer in completing the formalities of international trade.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Middlemen assisting in international trade include(s) which of the following?

  1. Export agents

  2. Forwarding agent

  3. Import agent

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Under ____ price quotation, the importer has to pay the insurance charges.

  1. Cost and freight

  2. Franco

  3. Free alongside ship

  4. Loco

Correct Option: A

In ________, a firm itself approaches the overseas buyers/ suppliers and looks after all the formalities related to exporting/importing activities.

  1. direct exporting/importing

  2. indirect exporting/importing

  3. contract manufacturing

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

A situation in which a company sells its products directly to customers in another country without using another person or organisation to make arrangements for them, or a product that is sold in this way: The direct export of goods involves certain procedures.

______ is used to establish the origin of the product and is issued by the Chamber of Commerce of the Exporters country.

  1. Certificate of Origin

  2. Bill of exchange

  3. Bill of Lading

  4. Airway bill

Correct Option: A


A certificate of origin is a document used in international trade. In a printed form or as an electronic document, it is completed by the exporter and certified by a recognized issuing body, attesting that the goods in a particular export shipment have been produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country.

Identify the limitation(s) of importing/ exporting form of international business.

  1. Exporting/importing involves additional packaging, transportation and insurance costs.

  2. Exporting is not a feasible option when import restrictions exist in a foreign country.

  3. Export firms basically operate from their home country.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  • Economic dependence: Too much dependence on imports may undermine the economy of a country.
  • Restricted growth of home industries: Foreign trade may discourage the growth of domestic industries.
  • Misuse of natural resources.
  • Political exploitation.
  • Import of harmful goods.
  • Rivalry among nations.
  • Invasion of culture.

Exposure to foreign investment risks is nil or much lower in foreign trade. This is because of which of the following advantages of exporting/importing?

  1. It is less complex an activity.

  2. Exporting/importing does not require much of investment in foreign countries.

  3. Firms do not directly deal with overseas customers.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Foreign investments add diversity but there are risks. Investing in foreign countries is a relatively new option for individual investors. Luckily, the advent of internationally focused mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has made it easier.

Exporting refers to sending goods from domestic country to foreign country.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Exporting means to send the goods in the international markets from the domestic country, where the goods have been produced to the foreign country where it is demanded.

Under the chairmanship of V.L.D'Souza, the Export Promotion Committee was setup in the year ________________.

  1. 1957

  2. 1962

  3. 1964

  4. 1966

Correct Option: A

The goverment of India appointed another committee in 1957 under the chairmanship of V.L. D'souza to make a comprenshive study of all aspects of trade promotion.

The EXIM Bank provides:

  1. Funded assistance to promote Indian exports

  2. Non-funded assistance to promote Indian exports

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. Soft loan facilities

Correct Option: C

EXIM bank (Exports Imports  bank of  India) provides as well as non financial assistance .Financial assistance is by provising them funds and advances for exports promotion, no financial assistance is by providing them information regarding the trends of the international market.

Importing refers to bringing goods from domestic country to foreign country.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Importing is the activity to bring the goods from a foreign country or the international market to the domestic country according to the demands in the domestic country.

Export Marketing Fund is set up by ____________.

  1. The IMF

  2. The IBRD

  3. The ADB

  4. The EXIM Bank

Correct Option: D

Export marketing fund was setup by the EXIM(Export Import Bank of India) in the year 1986.

Goods meant for export are subjected to payment of various excise and custom duties.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The goods that are meant for export are not subjected to payment of various excise and custom duties as per the export excise duty exemption.

___________ have been established by the government of India for development of production of traditional commodities and their export.

  1. Department of commerce

  2. Export inspection council

  3. Export promotion council

  4. Commodity boards

Correct Option: D

Commodity boards have been established by the government of India for the development of production of traditional commodities and their export.

Franchising is the practice of using another firms _________.

  1. workers

  2. property

  3. successful business model

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: C

Franchising is the practice of using another firms successful business model. a franchise is a business opportunity that allows the franchisee to start business by legally using someone else's  expertise, ideas, and processes.

Which of the following is/are the Method(s) of payment in international trade ________?

  1. Cash-in-Advance

  2. Letters of Credit

  3. Documentary Collections

  4. Any of the above

Correct Option: D

___________ is a commitment by a bank on behalf of the buyer that payment will be made to the exporter if the terms and conditions are met.

  1. Letter of credit

  2. Consignment

  3. Open Account

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

letter of credit is bank guarantee which is provided by the bank to the party concern .stating that if partty defaults the bank will pay on the behalf of party

_______  are one of the most secure instruments available to international traders.

  1. Documentary Collections

  2. Letters of Credit

  3. Cash-in-Advance

  4. Open Account

Correct Option: B

________ is a sale where the goods are shipped and delivered before payment is due, which is usually in 30 to 90 days.

  1. Letters of credit

  2. Cash-in-Advance

  3. An open account transaction

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The payment collection mechanism that allows exporters to retain ownership of the goods or reasonably ensures their receiving payments is known as _______.

  1. Letter of Credit

  2. Documentary Collection

  3. Bill of exchange

  4. Consignment

Correct Option: B

Under _______ price quotation, goods are delivered to the buyers at their door-step.

  1. Free Alongside Ship (FAS) Price Quotation

  2. Franco Price Quotation

  3. Cash On Delivery (COD) Price Quotation

  4. Cost and Freight (C & F) Price Quotation

Correct Option: B

Under ________ price quotation, seller's responsibility is to send the goods to the nearest railway station from his warehouse.

  1. Station

  2. Free On Rail

  3. Cost and Freight

  4. Loco

Correct Option: A

These are officials appointed by the Government to represent the country's interests abroad.

  1. Trade Commissioners

  2. Merchant Exporter

  3. Export Houses

  4. Indent Houses

Correct Option: A

Loco price quotations are rarely used in international markets.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

When an exporter is given a licence to import goods, it is called replenishment licence.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

_______ carries goods on behalf of exporters on payment of freight charges, and undertakes to deliver the same to the importer.

  1. Merchant Exporter

  2. Trade Representatives

  3. Shipping Company

  4. Export Houses

Correct Option: C

Exporting/importing is the most preferred way for business firms when they are getting initially involved with international business.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

An import in the receiving country is an export from the sending country.Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade. In international trade, the importation and exportation of goods are limited byimport quotas and mandates from the customs authority.

For importing or exporting, the business or individual must obtain _________.

  1. Commercial invoice

  2. Import Export Code

  3. Airway bill

  4. Bill of Lading

Correct Option: B

IMPORTER EXPORTER CODE ( in short IEC ) is a ten digit number granted by Directorate General of Foreign Trade under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, to any bonafide person/ company for carrying out import/export.

In 1995-96, India's imports have increased to ________________.

  1. Rs. 1,06,465 crores

  2. Rs. 1,22,678  crores

  3. Rs. 1,645 crores

  4. Rs. 5,795 crores

Correct Option: B

The composition of trade denotes ___________________.

  1. the relationship between value of exports and

    value of imports

  2. the countries to which commodities are exported and the countries from which commodities are imported

  3. the nature of goods that are exported and imported

  4. none of above

Correct Option: C

The authorised capial of EXIM Bank is ______________.

  1. Rs.50 crores

  2. Rs.100 crores

  3. Rs.150 crores

  4. Rs.200 crores

Correct Option: D

Which of the following schemes is not introduced by the EXIM Bank?

  1. Africa Project Development facility

  2. Export Marketing Finance Programme

  3. American Project Development Facility

  4. Export Vendor Development Finance Programme

Correct Option: C

The Export Marketing Fund is set up in ______________.

  1. 1970

  2. 1976

  3. 1980

  4. 1986

Correct Option: D

Main objectives of the EXIM Bank is/are ________________.

  1. to encourage project exports

  2. to finance Indian joint ventures abroad

  3. to deal in foreign exchange

  4. all the above

Correct Option: D

For promoting the export, the government has set up
1. The Central Advisory Board on Trade
2. The Trade Development Authority
3. The Federation of Indian Export Organisation
4. Commodity Boards
Which is correct?

  1. 1 and 3

  2. 2 and 4

  3. 1, 3 and 4

  4. all the above

Correct Option: D

High cost of packaging are needed by _______ .

  1. heavy Items

  2. small Items

  3. intangible Items

  4. transport services

Correct Option: A

The heavy items need to be packaged properly for their safe and damage free export to the destination, this kind of packaging also needs high amount of resources and are costlier.

In direct import/export, firms used middlemen to contact overseas buyers/sellers.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

In the process of direct import and export, the company itself imports or exports goods with any interference of any middleman or an agent.

Import & Export require huge amounts of foreign investments.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Import and export do not require huge amount of foreign investment as the importer needs an exporter in foreign country. similarly, an exporter will need to follow export laws and need an importer in the foreign country. 

Produces do not have much contact with the foreign markets as goods are produced in the home country.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The producers of the goods or products usually distribute their goods to the the traders of the domestic country to export their products. The traders are much involved in the international markets than the producers themselves.

Under the ___________ scheme, an exporter is allowed duty free supply of inputs required to manufacture export goods.

  1. export manufacturing under bod scheme

  2. advanced license scheme

  3. exemption of payment of sales tax

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: B

Under the advanced license scheme, an exporter is allowed duty free supply of inputs required to manufacture export goods.

Various trade promotion measures and schemes available to business firms are mentioned in the ___________ policy.

  1. organisational

  2. export-import

  3. government

  4. legislative

Correct Option: B

Various trade promotion measures and schemes available to business firms are mentioned in the export-import policy. this export-import policy is also known as the EXIM policy.

The refund of excise duties paid on the export goods is known as ________.

  1. EPCG

  2. EXIM

  3. duty drawbacks

  4. neither of the above

Correct Option: C

Duty drawback compensates or refunds exporters for the duties paid on inputs used to manufacture, the excise duties paid for the export of the products.

______________ is to encourage the import of capital goods for export production.

  1. EPCG

  2. Exemption of payment of sales tax

  3. Advance licence scheme

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme is to encourage the import of capital goods for export production, it allows import of capital goods including spares for pre production, production, post production of export goods at zero duty.

______________ facility entitles firms to produce goods without payment of excise and other duties.

  1. EPCG

  2. Duty drawbacks

  3. Export manufacturing under bond scheme

  4. Neither of the above

Correct Option: C

Export manufacturing under bond scheme facility entitles firms to produce goods without payment of excise duties and other duties. the duties that are paid for the export goods are also refunded under duty drawback scheme.

Finance is required by the exporters even after the shipment of product.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Finance is required by the exporter even after the shipment of the product as the exporter has to pay for the various licensing and custom duties when the godds reach its destination in the foreign market.

Government of India is the apex body responsible for the country's external trade.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Government of India is the apex body responsible for the country's external trade as the government develops the rules and regulations levied on the import and export trade made in India.

At present there are ______ EPCs dealing with different commodities.

  1. 34

  2. 21

  3. 15

  4. 20

Correct Option: B

Export promotion councils are NGOs registered under the companies act.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Post-shipment finances are the finances provided for purchasing, manufacturing, processing, packaging of goods.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Finances provided for purchasing, manufacturing, processing, packaging of goods are the pre-shipment finances. The post shipment finances are suppliers credits, custom duties to be paid , export bills etc.

Export inspection council aims at quality control and pre-shipment inspection of commodities meant for export.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Export inspection council aims at inspection of the quality control of the products and preshipment inspection of the commodities that are meant for export.

Reliance on other countries and international organizations for financial support is called ___________.

  1. foreign loan

  2. international borrowing

  3. external debt trap

  4. external assistance

Correct Option: D

The system of Eximscrips was introduced in ___________.

  1. 1980

  2. 1985

  3. 1991

  4. 1996

Correct Option: C

The import licensing system was simplified with the introduction of ______.

  1. LERMS

  2. EXIM scrips

  3. EPZ

  4. EOU

Correct Option: B

The EXIM Bank is owned by ________________.

  1. The Government of India

  2. World Bank

  3. International Monetary Fund

  4. Reserve Bank of India

Correct Option: A

The Export and Import Bank of India was established in ___________.

  1. 1969

  2. 1972

  3. 1982

  4. 1992

Correct Option: C

Which of the following documents is not required in connection with an import transaction?

  1. Bill of Lading

  2. Shipping Bill

  3. Certificate of Origin

  4. Shipment Advice

Correct Option: B

Shipping bill is a form used by Customs and Excise before goods can be exported from the country. It is the main document on the basis of which the customs office gives the permission to export. Hence shipping bill is used during export transaction and not during import transaction.

Which of the following do not form part of duty drawback scheme?

  1. Refund of excise duties

  2. Refund of customs duties

  3. Refund of export duties

  4. Refund of income dock charges at the port of shipment

Correct Option: D

Major duty drawbacks include refund of excess duties paid on goods meant for export, refund of custom duties paid on raw materials and machines imported for export production.

Which one of the following is not a document needed to fulfill the customs formalities?

  1. Shipping bill

  2. Export licence

  3. Letter of insurance

  4. Performa invoice

Correct Option: B

Export license is a document that grants the licensee the right to export a specific quantity of commodity to a specified country. Export license is not a document that is required to fulfill the custom duties.  

The document containing the guarantee of a bank to honour drafts drawn on it by an exporter is ________.

  1. Letter of Hypothetication

  2. Letter of Credit

  3. Bill of Lading

  4. Bill of Exchange

Correct Option: B

Letter of hypothetication written agreement, which authorizes a bank or lender to repossess and sell the pledged item in case of a default.

A letter of credit is a guarantee issued by the importer's bank that it will honour up to a certain amount the payment of export bills to the bank of the exporter.
bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment.It is a conclusive receipt, i.e. an acknowledgement that the goods have been loaded; and it contains or evidences the terms of the contract.
bill of exchange is a binding agreement by one party to pay a fixed amount of cash to another party as of a predetermined date or on demand. Bills of exchange are primarily used in international trade.

In the later stages of development, __________ imports will be high.

  1. capital technological

  2. maintenance

  3. both (a) and (b)

  4. neither (a) nor (b)

Correct Option: B
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