Inflorescence and its type - class-XI

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On the basis of flowers and inflorescence the most advanced family in angiosperms is

  1. Ranunculaceae

  2. Asteraceae

  3. Graminae

  4. Magnoliaceae

Correct Option: B

On the basis of fowers and inflorescence the most advanced family in angiosperms is Asteraceae. Asteraceae are mostly herbaceous plants, but some shrubs, trees and climbers do exist. Asteraceae are generally easy to distinguish from other plants, mainly because of their characteristic inflorescence and other shared characteristics. The Asteraceae commonly referred to as or sunflower family are an exceedingly large and widespread family of Angiospermae. The name Asteraceae comes from Aster, the most prominent genus in the family, that means star, and is connected with its inflorescence star form. As for the term Compositae, more ancient but still valid, it obviously makes reference to the fact that the family is one of the few angiosperm ones to have composite flowers. This family has a remarkable ecological and economical importance. The Asteraceae may represent as much as 10% of autochthonous flora in many regions of the world. Most members of Asteraceae are herbaceous,but a significant number are also shrubs, vines, or trees. The family has a  worldwide distribution and is most common in the arid and semiarid regions of subtropical and lower temperate latitudes. The Asteraceae are an economically important family.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

A family which was named after its inflorescence is

  1. Poaceae (graminae)

  2. Malvaceae

  3. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

  4. Moraceae

Correct Option: C

A family which was named after its inflorescence is Apiaceae (umbelliferae). The defining characteristic of this family is the inflorescence: a simple or compound umbel. Flowers across the Apiaceae are fairly uniform and are usually perfect hermaphroditic and actinomorphic, but some are andromonoecious, polygamomonoecious, or even dioecious, with a distinct calyx and corolla, but the calyx if often highly reduced, to the point of being undetectable in many species, while the corolla can be white, yellow, pink or purple. The flowers are nearly perfectly entamerous, with 5 petals, sepals, and stamens. The androecium contains of 5 stamens, but there is often variation in the functionality of the stamens even within a single inflorescence. Some flowers are functionally staminate while others are functionally pistillate.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Anthodium inflorescence is characteristic of

  1. Sun flower

  2. Sage flower

  3. Horse-shoe flower

  4. Ficus

Correct Option: A

Anthodium inflorescence is characteristic of sunflower. Sunflower belongs to Asteraceae.The genus is one of many in the Asteraceae that are known as sunflowers. It is distinguished technically by the fact that the ray flowers, when present, are sterile, and by the presence on the disk flowers of a pappus that is of two awn-like scales that are cauducous. They bear one or
several to many wide, terminal capitula (flower heads), with bright yellow ray florets at the outside and yellow or maroon disc florets inside. Several
ornamental cultivars have red-colored ray florets. Indeterminate simple inflorescences are generally called as racemose anthodium inflorescence. The main kind of racemose inflorescence is the raceme  and the other kind of racemose inflorescences can all be derived from this one by dilation, compression, swelling or reduction of the different axes.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

The peduncle is compressed to a flattened or convex disc, the receptacle and the flowers (florets) are sessile this represents ....... inflorescence

  1. Spadix

  2. Umbel

  3. Capitulum

  4. Hypanthodium

Correct Option: C

The peduncle is compressed to a flattened or convex disc, the receptacle and the flowers (florets) are sessile this represents capitulum inflorescence. A flower head or capitulum is a very contracted raceme in which the single sessile flowers share are borne on an enlarged stem. Capitulum can be used as an exact synonym for pseudanthium and flower head, however its use is generally but not always restricted to the Asteraceae family. At least one source defines it as a small flower head. Flower head is a special type of inflorescence  in which anything from a small cluster to hundreds or sometimes thousands of flowers are grouped together to form a single flower-like structure. Pseudanthia take various forms. The individual flowers of a pseudanthium commonly are called as florets.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Dichasial cyme is characteristically found in

  1. Gossypium

  2. Calotropis

  3. Alocasia

  4. Dianthus

Correct Option: D

An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Determinate simple inflorescences are generally called as cymose. The main kind of cymose inflorescence is the cyme. The cyme is refered as dichasial when there are two secondary axis. If in an inflorescence two lateral branches develop on either side of the terminal lower which again branch is known as dichasial cyme. Dianthus  species are mostly herbaceous perennials  and some are low subshrubs with oody basal stems. The leaves are opposite, simple, mostly linear and often strongly glaucous grey-green to blue-green. The flowers have five petals, with dichasial cyme.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Perianth of Gramineae is termed

  1. Tepal

  2. Ligule

  3. Lodicule

  4. Spur

Correct Option: C

Flowers of Poaceae are characteristically arranged in spikelets, each spikelet having one or more florets. The spikelets are further grouped into panicles or spikes. A spikelet consists of two or sometimes fewer bracts at the base, called as glumes, followed by one or more florets. A floret consists of the flower surrounded by two bracts, one external the lemma and one internal the palea. The flowers are usually hermaphroditic maize being an important exception and anemophilous or wind-pollinated. The perianth is reduced to two scales, called as lodicules, that expand and contract to spread the lemma and palea. These are generally interpreted to be modified sepals. The lodicules are the two diminutive bodies lying between the lemma and the ovary base in the grass floret which, by expanding rapidly at the time of anthesis, lever away the rigid lemma allowing anthers and stigmas to emerge. Expansion results from the swelling of a cushion of tissue at the base of each lodicule. Perianth of Gramineae are not termed as tepal, ligule and spur. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Depending upon the mode of branching of peduncle, the inflorescences are of ...... main types.

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: B

Depending upon the mode of branching of peduncle, the inflorescences are of two main types - Recaulescent and Concaulescent.
When the bract is attached to the stem holding the flower (the pedicel or
peduncle), it is said to be recaulescent; sometimes these bracts or bracteolesare highly modified and appear to be appendages of the flower calyx. 
Recaulescences is the fusion of the subtending leaf with the stem holding the bud or the bud itself, thus the leaf or bract is adnate to the stem of flower. When the formation of the bud is shifted up the stem distinctly above the subtending leaf, it is described as concaulescent.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Unisexual flowers are found in inflorescence of

  1. Ficus

  2. Poinsettia

  3. Morus

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Unisexual flowers are present in Morus, Ficus and PoinsettiaA unisexual flower is one that has stamens but no pistils or having pistils but no stamens. A flower having only stamens is said to be staminate, or male. A flower having only pistils is said to be pistillate, or female. In many unisexual flowers, the nonfunctioning organs of the other sex are present in reduced form, thus attesting to the plants original bisexual nature. Such flowers are said to be functionally male or functionally female.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

In Brassica oleracea var. capitata, the edible part is

  1. Inflorescene

  2. Flower bud

  3. Vegetative bud

  4. Stem

Correct Option: C

Brassica oleracea var. capitata, the common name is cabbageCabbage is a typical cool season crop grown for the thickened vegetative bud called as head. It is one of the most  popular and widely grown vegetables and has occupied second position in production after potato. It is a rich source of vitamin A, C and mineral including potassium, calcium, sodium and iron.

The axis of inflorescence is known as __________.

  1. Petiole

  2. Pedicle

  3. Peduncle

  4. Pinna

Correct Option: C

  • The stalk holding the complete inflorescence and bearing the flowers or fruit, in a flowering plant is known as the peduncle. 
  • The pedicle is the stem that attaches a single flower. 
  • The petiole is the stalk that attaches a leaf to the stem and the leaflet of a pinnately compound leaf is called pinna. 
So, the correct option is 'Peduncle'.

An inflorescence __________ the chances of pollination.

  1. Improves

  2. Reduces

  3. Alternates

  4. Condenses

Correct Option: A

The arrangement of flowers is known as the inflorescence. It is useful for the plant as it increases the chances of attracting insect pollinators such as bees that help in pollination. The flower morphology, size, colour, nectar and odour act as signals for attracting these pollinators. 

So, the correct option is 'improves'.

Immature gular fruit is

  1. Berry

  2. Samara fruit

  3. Hypanthodium inflorescence

  4. Swollen twig tip

Correct Option: C

Immature gular fruit is a hypanthodium inflorescence. Hypanthodium inflorescence is formed by an enlarged, fleshy, hollow receptacle with multiple ovaries on the inside surface. In essence, it is really a fleshy stem with a number of flowers, so, it is considered both a multiple and accessory fruit. Here, the receptacle is fleshy and forms hollow ball like structure with an apical opening. Three types of flowers develop on the inner surface of the receptacle.The female flowers are towards the base, male flowers are towards the orifice and short styled sterile female flowers are in between.

The fruit formed from the fusion of inflorescence is called as 

  1. Simple fruit

  2. Aggregate fruit

  3. Pseudo fruit

  4. Composite fruit

Correct Option: D

Multiple fruits also called as collective fruits, are fruits that are formed from a cluster of flowers called inflorescence. Each flower in the inflorescence produces a fruit, but these mature into a single mass. An multiple fruit is a fruit that develops from the merger of several ovaries that were separate in a single flower. Not all flowers with multiple ovaries form aggregate fruit; the ovaries of some flowers do not become tightly joined together to make a larger fruit. 

Which of the following is the edible part of a jackfruit?

  1. Inflorescence

  2. Perianth with unfertilized flower

  3. Perianth with fertitized flower

  4. Mesocarp

Correct Option: A

The sheath or the perianth, of the inflorescense around the seed in the inflorescence is the edible part of the jackfruit. It is yellow shiny part. The perianth is the non-reproductive part of the flower and structure that forms an envelope surrounding the sexual organs, consisting of the calyx and the corolla.
Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Assertion: A part of inflorescence forms multiple fruits.
Reason: They are called as inflorescence fruits.

  1. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

  2. If both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.

  3. If A is true and R is wrong.

  4. If A and R both are false.

  5. If A is false and R is true.

Correct Option: E

Multiple fruits, also called as collective fruits, are fruits that are formed from a cluster of flowers called as an inflorescence. Each flower in the inflorescence produces a fruit, but these mature into a single mass. An multiple fruit is a fruit that develops from the merger of several ovaries that were separate in a single flower. In contrast, a simple fruit develops from one ovary. Not all flowers with multiple ovaries form aggregate fruit; the ovaries of some flowers do not become tightly joined together to make a larger fruit. 
Thus, the  statement of reason is correct but the assertion statement is in correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is option E.

Inflorescence and fruit of sunflower is

  1. Capitulum and achene

  2. Corymb and cypsella

  3. Capitulum and cypsella

  4. Corymb and achene

Correct Option: C

Inflorescence and fruit of sunflower is capitulum and cypsella. The main feature of the family is the composite flower type in the form of capitula surrounded by involucral bracts.The individual flowers in a head have 5 fused petals, but instead of sepals, have threadlike hairy or bristly structures called as pappus, which surround the fruit and can stick to animal fur or be lifted by wind, aiding in seed dispersal. The whitish fluffy head of a dandelion commonly blown on by children, is made of the pappus, with tiny seeds attached at the ends, whereby the pappus provides a parachute like structure to help the seed be carried away in the wind.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Inflorescence is collection of

  1. Petals

  2. Stamens

  3. Flowers

  4. Carpels

Correct Option: C

Inflorescence is collection of flowers. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Inflorescence can also be defined as the reproductive portion of a plant that bears a cluster of flowers in a specific pattern.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Fruit formed from an inflorescence is

  1. Simple fruit

  2. Pseudo carp

  3. Composite fruit

  4. Aggregate fruit

Correct Option: C

Composite fruits or multiple fruits that are developed from entire inflorescence and are of two types:-

Fruits that develop from a spike of spidex inflorescence as seen in pineapple are called sorosis. 
Fruits that develop from hypanthodium inflorescence is called syncous as seen in Banyan.
So the correct option is 'Composite fruit'

Which of the following part of cauliflower is used as vegetable?

  1. Terminal bud with immature leaves

  2. Unripe inflorescence

  3. Fruit

  4. Swollen stem

Correct Option: B

Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea, in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head (the white curd) is eaten. The cauliflower head is composed of a white inflorescence meristem. It is an unriped inflorescence. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

The most important function of inflorescence is to help in

  1. Dispersal of seeds

  2. Help in fertilization

  3. Attracting insects for pollination

  4. Forming large number of fruits

Correct Option: C

Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the stem of a plant. It provides the chance of cross-pollination. It makes flowers more conspicuous to attract insects towards it. Large inflorescence enhances the chance of wind pollution. Insects are the pollinators. Due to the aroma emitted from the petals and the nectar glands and colour of the flower insects get attracted towards the flower. When an insect grazes through a flower to collect nectar, pollen grains stick on its body from the anther. As the insect move to each flower, it leaves a residue of pollen on the stigma and triggers the process of pollination. Some of these pollinators are honeybees, bumblebees butterflies etc.

Which of the following statements are correct?

(i) When a fruit develops from the inflorescence, it is composite.
(ii) Mesocarp is the edible part in apple.
(iii) Gynobasic style is seen in Ocimum.
(iv) Hypanthodium is a special type of inflorescence found in Euphorbia species.

  1. (i) and (iv) are correct

  2. (i) and (iii) are correct

  3. (i) and (ii) are correct

  4. (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

  5. (ii) and (iv) are correct

Correct Option: B

When  a fruit is formed from  the entire inflorescence like in pineapple, jackfruit etc it is a composite fruit

Thalamus is the edible part of apple
Style arising from anterior tip of an apocarpous ovary
Cyathium is a special type of inflorescence found in Euphorbia species 
So, the correct answer is '(i) and (iii)'

In cyathium inflorescence

  1. Single male flower is surrounded by female flowers.

  2. Male and female flowers are present in different plants.

  3. There is one male and one female flower.

  4. Single female flower is surrounded by many peripheral male flowers.

Correct Option: D

Cyathium inflorescence is seen in Euphorbia splendens and Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia). In cyathium inflorescence, the bracts become fused to form a cup-shaped structure. This cup completely encloses a single female flower surrounded by a large number of male flowers. The cyathium is surrounded by brightly coloured bracts.

Inflorescence is

  1. Composite (multiple) fruit developed from condensed


  2. Aggregate fruit developed from free carpels

  3. Fruit develop from inferior ovary

  4. Fruit develops from thalamus

Correct Option: A

Composite fruits : These fruits are developed from the complete inflorescence and are known as incandescence.
These are of 2 types ..
(1) Sorosis                      

(2) Syconus or Syconium 

In which of the following, the growing point ends in a flower?

  1. Raceme

  2. Verticillaster

  3. Catkin

  4. Spike

Correct Option: B
A. Raceme in which peduncle have bisexual and pedicellate flowers arranged acropetally. It is a type of racemose inflorescence. Example: radish.
B. Verticillaster is a cluster of sessile or subsessile flowers borne on a dichasial cyme ending in monochasial cyme in the form of condensed whorl on either side of the node. It is a type of cymose inflorescence which has limited growth. Example: tulsi.
C. Catkin is a pendulous spike in leaf axis which bears unisexual flowers. It is a type of racemose inflorescence. Example: oak.
D. Spike in which peduncle have bisexual and sessile flowers with an acropetal arrangement. It is a type of racemose inflorescence. Example: Achyranthes.

So, the correct answer is 'Verticillaster'. 

A branching system of the plant-bearing flowers is?

  1. Deliquescence

  2. Inflorescence

  3. Placentation

  4. Cauliflory

Correct Option: B
A. Deliquescence is the process by which a substance absorbs moisture from the atmosphere until it dissolves in the absorbed water and forms a solution. It occurs when the vapor pressure of the solution that is formed is less than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air.
B. An inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis of the plant. Two major types are - 1. Racemose - the shoot axis continue to grow indefinitely and the flowers are borne in an acropetal succession that is, younger flowers are present towards the apex and the older flowers are present at the base. The example is a radish. 2. Cymose - the main axis terminated into a flower and has limited growth. The flowers are borne in a basipetal order. The example is teak.
C. Placentation is the arrangement of ovules on placenta within the ovary. Ovary bears ovules on a cushion-like structure called placenta. It is of five types - marginal, axile, parietal, free central and basal.
D. Cauliflory is a botanical term referring to plants that flower and fruit from their main stems or woody trunks rather than from new growth and shoots. This can allow trees to be pollinated or have their seeds dispersed by animals which cannot climb or fly.

So, the correct answer is 'Inflorescence'.

The arrangement of flowers in Sunflower(Helianthus annuus) is?

  1. Acropetal

  2. Basipetal

  3. Centripetal

  4. Centrifugal

Correct Option: C
A. Acropetal is that younger flowers are present towards the apex and the older flowers are present at the base. It is seen in racemose inflorescence. Example: Radish and Mustard.
B. Basipetal is opposite of acropetal. The younger flowers are present at the base and old flowers are present towards the apex. It is seen in cymose inflorescence. Example: teak.
C. Centripetal is the peripheral flowers mature first and then maturation proceeds towards the center. It is seen in racemose inflorescence. Example: sunflower.

So, the correct answer is 'Centripetal'.

Axis of the inflorescence is called?

  1. Peduncle

  2. Thalamus

  3. Petiole

  4. Pedicel

Correct Option: A
A. The peduncle is the main axis of an inflorescence or the axis bearing a flower or fruit.
B. Thalamus is the thickened part of a stem from which the flower organs grow in angiosperms.
C. The petiole is the cylindrical stalk that joins the leaf base with the leaf blade or lamina.
D. The pedicel is a stem that attaches a single flower to the inflorescence. 

So, the correct answer is 'Peduncle'.

Cauliflory is?

  1. Production of new plants from cauline buds

  2. Formation of flowers from old stem

  3. Development of flowers on young branches

  4. Clustering of flowers

Correct Option: B
Cauliflory is a botanical term referring to plants that flower and fruit from their main stems or woody trunks rather than from new growth and shoots. This can allow trees to be pollinated or have their seeds dispersed by animals which cannot climb or fly.

So, the correct answer is 'formation of flowers from old stem'.

An edible inflorescence is?

  1. Raphanus sativus

  2. Brassica oleracea

  3. Brassica rapa

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

B) Brassica oleracea 

    Brassica Oleracea is a plant specis that includes many common foods as cultivars, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels, sprouts, collard green, savoy, kohlrabi and gailan.

Hypanthodium is?

  1. Thalamus

  2. Fruit

  3. Inflorescence

  4. Ovary

Correct Option: C
A. Thalamus is the swollen, basal part of the pedicel or the stalk.
B. Fruit is the presence of flowering plants or the angiosperms. After fertilization, the ripened ovary or mature ovary is called fruit.
C. The inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis of the plant. Hypanthodium is fleshy receptacle forming a hollow cavity with an apical opening called ostiole. The example is ficus.
D. The ovary is the basal swollen part of the carpel and female reproductive organ.

So, the correct answer is 'Inflorescence'.

All the florets are disc florets in _________.

  1. Launea

  2. Vernonia

  3. Sunflower

  4. Tridax

Correct Option: B

All the florets are disc florets in vernonia. The name of an exceedingly large and wide spread family of flowering plants.

Find the correct match.

Column-I Column-II
(a) Gall flowers (i) Theobroma
(b) Sympoidal axis (ii) Bougainvillea
(c) Achlamydeous (iii) Ficus
(d) Cauliflory (iv) Euphorbia
(v) Hamelia
  1. $a-3, b-5, c-1, d-2$

  2. $a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1$

  3. $a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2$

  4. $a-3, b-5, c-4, d-1$

Correct Option: D

Longest inflorescence is that of.

  1. Lily

  2. Cassia

  3. Callistemon

  4. Agave

Correct Option: B

The flowers of Cassia fistula are grouped in the axillary and many-flowered racemes. These inflorescences are large in size and up to 15-40 cm long, pendulous and bright yellow. Long inflorescence of Cassia fistula from Sri Lanka and reaching up to 238 cm. It can be considered as the longest recorded legume inflorescence.

So the correct option is B.

Diplostemonous androecium occurs in _______.

  1. Silene

  2. Murraya 

  3. Asparagus

  4. Brassica

Correct Option: B

Diplostemonous androecium occurs in murraya. It is a bearing small, white, scented flowers. The species is widely grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. In displostemonous condition, two whorls of stamens are found, stamens of outer, whorl are alternate with petals, while the stamens of inner whorl are opposite to petals. e.g. Murraya exotica.

Therefore, It occurs in Murraya. 

Inflorescence is thyrse$/$thyrsus in ________.

  1. Lantana

  2. Grape

  3. Jasminum

  4. Echinops

Correct Option: B

A thyrse/thyrsus is a type of inflorescence in which the main axis grows indeterminately and the subares (branches) have determinate growth. Inflorescence is thyrse/ thyrsus in Grape.

In Dorstenia, the inflorescence is?

  1. Coenanthium

  2. Anthodium

  3. Spike of spikes

  4. Spikelet

Correct Option: A
A. Coenanthium in which the receptacle, instead of forming a closed structure, becomes saucer-shaped with the margins slightly curved up. The example is dorstentia belonging to the family Moraceae. 
B. Anthodium or capitulum or head bears many sessile and small florets. The main axis becomes flat and called receptacle. It is a type of racemose inflorescence. Example: sunflower.
C. Spike in which peduncle has bisexual and sessile flowers. It is a type of the racemose inflorescence. 
D. Spikelet is small and special spike. Flowers are produced in the axil of fertile bracts called lemma. It is type of racemose inflorescence. 

So, the correct answer is 'Coenanthium'.

Inflorescence with single central achlamydeous female flower surrounded by number of achlamydeous male flowers is

  1. Cyathium

  2. Verticillaster

  3. Spadix

  4. Hypanthodium

Correct Option: A

A) Cyathium is the special inflorescence in which the single female flower is present in the center and is surrounded by a number of male flowers inside a cup-shaped involucre.

B) Verticillaster is a special inflorescence in which flowers are arranged in two opposite cymose groups on each node.
ex-Osmium (Tulsi).
C) The spadix is a type of racemose inflorescence in which a spadix is covered by a spathe.
ex-maize and bananas.
D) Hypanthium has a flask-shaped fleshy receptacle a pore or ostiole lined by scales and as short canal bearing hair.
So the correct option is 'Cyathium'.

Match the column I with column II and select the correct option from the gives codes.

   Column I     Column II  
 A.  Pedicel  (i)  Reduces leaf  
 B.  peduncle  (ii)  Stalk of the flower
 C.  Bract   (iii)  Stalk of the leaf 
 D.  Petiole  (iv)  Inflorescence axis

  1. A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(iii)

  2. A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)

  3. A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)

  4. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(iv)

Correct Option: A

(A) Pedicel - Stalk of the flower

(B) Peduncle - Inflorescence axis
(C) Bract - Reduced leaf
(D) Petiole - Stalk of the leaf
So, the correct answer is (a).

Awn of wheat and barley is developed from

  1. Glume I

  2. Glume II

  3. Lemma

  4. Palea

Correct Option: C

Awns are characteristic of many grasses (Poaceae), where they extend from the lemmas of the florets. This often makes the hairy appearance of the grass synfloresce. Awns may be long or short, straight or curved, single or multiple per floret. Some genera are named after their awns, such as the three-awns (Aristida). In some species, the awns can contribute significantly to photosynthesis, as, for example, in barley. The awns of wild emmer wheat spikelets effectively self-cultivate by propelling themselves mechanically into soils.
During a period of increased humidity during the night, the awns of the spikelet become erect and draw together and in the process push the grain into the soil. During the daytime the humidity drops and the awns slacken back again. However, fine silica hairs on the awns act as ratchet hooks in the soil and prevent the spikelets from reversing back out again. So, awn of wheat and barley develops from lemma. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Rhipidium inflorescence of Solanum nigrum is

  1. Modified scorpiod cyme

  2. Helicoid cyme

  3. Capitulum

  4. Multiparous cyme

Correct Option: A

  1. Rhipidium is scorpioid cyme having all flowers in one plane.Ex. Solanum nigrum
  2. In helicoid cyme, the flowers are born on one side. Ex Begonia
  3. Capitulum also called Racemose head in which peduncle is flattened that form receptacle that holds centripetally arranged sessile flowers or floret surrounded by an involucre of bracts. Ex Sunflower Helianthus annuu.
  4. In multiparous cyme, the main branch converts into flower the old flower at the center and younger at the periphery while it produces lateral branch as well. Ex Calatropis.
So the correct option is "Modified scorpioid cyme".

Edible part of cauliflower is

  1. Cotyledons

  2. Mesocarp

  3. Endocarp

  4. Inflorescence

Correct Option: D

Edible part of the cauliflower is inflorescence which can be defined as the arrangement of flowers on the plant. Cauliflower is the member of family Brassica. Only the head part of cauliflower is eaten which is composed of a white inflorescence meristem.

Inflorescence having unisexual sessile flowers is

  1. Spike

  2. Spikelet

  3. Catkin

  4. Raceme

Correct Option: C

A catkin is a slim, cylindrical cluster of flowers with no petals, usually wind-pollinated and sometimes insect pollinated. The female flowers in catkin are sessile and solitary in the axilla of a bractea longer than themselves. In spike, flowers are bisexual, sessile or non- pedicellate. In spikelet, flowers are hermaphrodite. In raceme, flowers are pedicellate an bisexual.

Inflorescence of sunflower is

  1. Umbel

  2. Cyathium

  3. Hypanthodium

  4. Capitulum

Correct Option: D
Sunflower is an annual plant of family Asteraceae with a large head (capitulum), which is the characteristic inflorescence of sunflower. Depending upon the variety, the inflorescence may consist of ray flowers, disk flowers or both. The ovary of each flower is situated below the attachment of the corolla and stamens, a condition referred to as epigynous or inferior. This is the largest family of flowering plants
So, the correct answer is 'Capitulum'

Arrangement of floral members which are partly spiral and partly in whorl is

  1. Cyclic

  2. Acyclic

  3. Hemicyclic

  4. Pentacyclic

Correct Option: C

Hemicyclic flowers are flowers having floral leaves partly in spiral and partly in whorl. 

The inflorescence found in the coconut plant is

  1. Spadix

  2. Compound spadix

  3. Compound spike

  4. Compound corymb

Correct Option: B

  1. The type of inflorescence in which flowers are protected by enveloping bracts known as a spathe. ex:-banana.
  2. The flowers are protected by spathe but the axis is branched. ex: palm and coconut.
  3. The axis is branched and the flowers are born sessile on the branches. ex: wheat.
  4. When the main axis is branched and flowers are arranged in a corymbose manner. ex:-cauliflower
So the correct option is "Compound spadix".

Axis between corolla and androecium is

  1. Anthophore

  2. Gynophore

  3. Gynandrophore

  4. Androphore

Correct Option: D

The axis or the internode that elongates between the corolla and androecium is called androphore. It is also called as gynandrophore. Anthophore is present between calyx and corolla. Gynophore is present between androecium and gynoecium.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Androphore'

A student observed $34$ inflorescence in Bougainvillea and $42$ inflorescence in Poinsettia. Find out the number of flowers in Bougainvillea and the number of female of flowers in Poinsettia respectively.

  1. $34, 126$

  2. $204, 164$

  3. $102, 42$

  4. $68$, indefinite

Correct Option: C

The inflorescence in the Bougainvillea flower is a simple cyme or cymule. In the cymule, the peduncle ends in a flower and only 2 lateral branches. These are produced which also ends in flowers. Thus, 3 flowered inflorescences will be formed. Flowers are arranged in a basipetal manner. Since the inflorescence number will be given here 34. Thus, the total numbers of flowers would be $34 \times 3 = 102.$

Single female flower-like inflorescence of the Euphorbiaceae i.e. Poinsettia is called a cyathium. The single female flower of cyathium has 3 carpels syncarpous pistil. Also, the inflorescence number given here is 42. Thus hence the number of female flowers is 42.

So, the correct answer will be 102,42.

The correct option is C.

Cup-like structure developed from adnation of sepals, petals and stamens is

  1. Cyathium

  2. Hypanthodium

  3. Hypanthium

  4. Capitulum

Correct Option: C

Hypanthium is the cup-like structure that develops from the fusion of sepals petals and stamens to the thalamus outgrowth and it is seen in the family Rosaceae. 

A. Cyathium is the inflorescence seen in Euphorbia in which a cup-shaped involucre surrounds pistillate flowers. 
B. Hypanthodium is the flask-shaped inflorescence, the male flowers are near the periphery while the female flowers are near the centre. Example, Ficus.
C. Hypanthium is the cup-like structure that develops from the fusion of sepals petals and stamens to the thalamus outgrowth and it is seen in the family Rosaceae
D. The capitulum is the head like inflorescence having an aggregation of the sessile flowers. Example, Asteraceae.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Hypanthium'

Consider the following statements.
(a) In racemose inflorescence the flowers are borne in a basipetal order.
(b) Epigynous flowers are seen in rose plants.

(c) In Brinjal, the ovary is superior.
Of these statements

  1. A and b are true but c is false

  2. A and c are true but b is false

  3. A and b are false but c is true

  4. B and c are true but a is false

  5. A and c are false but b is true

Correct Option: C

(a) In the racemose type of inflorescence, the youngest flower is borne near the apex and the oldest is borne at the base of the inflorescence. This is called the acropetal order. Basipetal order is seen in the cymose inflorescence.

(b) Rose belongs to the family wherein, the ovary is superior and present in a hypanthium, so the flowers in rose plants are hypogynous.
(c) Brinjal belongs to the family Solanaceae. It has hypogynous flowers as the ovary is superior.
Hence, the correct answer is 'A and B are false but C is true'.

In moss capsule, the number of peristome whorls are

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

In mosses, the peristome is a specialized structure in the sporangium that allows for gradual spore discharge, instead of releasing them all at once.
Peristome is a ring of triangular teeth formed from the remnants of dead cells with thickened cell walls. There are usually 16 such teeth in a single peristome, separate from each other and able to both fold in to cover the stoma as well as fold back to open the stoma. There are two rings of peristome teeth - an inner endostome and an exostome. These are also referred as perostome whorls.
Therefore the correct option is B. 

Edible part of cauliflower is _______

  1. Bud

  2. Bract

  3. Inflorescence

  4. Leaves

Correct Option: C

Arrangement of flowers on the floral axis of plant is called?

  1. Inflorescence

  2. Phyllotaxy

  3. Placentation

  4. Corymb

Correct Option: A
A. An inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis of the plant. Two major types of the inflorescence are - 1. Racemose - the shoot axis continues to grow indefinitely and the flowers are borne in acropetal succession. Examples are radish, Lupin, and mustard. 2. Cymose - the main axis terminates into a flower and has a limited growth and the flowers are borne in a basipetal order. Examples are begonia, teak, and Solanum.
B. Phyllotaxy is the pattern in which the leaves are arranged on the stem or its branches. The leaves are arranged in three ways - 1. Alternate - single leaf is present at each node in the alternate fashion. Examples are China rose, mustard, and sunflower. 2. Opposite - a pair of leaves arise at each node on the opposite side, the leaves lie opposite to each other at each node. Examples are guava and calotropis. 3. Whorled - more than two leaves arise at each node and form a whorl or a circle, the leaves of one whorl alternate the leaves of the next successive whorl so that all the leaves receive maximum sunlight. Examples are Alstonia and Nerium.
C. Placentation is the arrangement of ovules on placenta within the ovary. It is of six types- marginal, axile, parietal, free central and basal.
D. A corymb is lower flowers have long pedicels than upper ones so that all the flowers are brought more or less to the same level. The main axis is short. Examples are Iberis and Capsella.

So, the correct answer is 'inflorescence'.

An inflorescence with single, oldest, female flower and many younger male flower has to be

  1. verticillaster

  2. hypanthodium

  3. spike

  4. cyathium.

Correct Option: D

An inflorescence with single, oldest, female flower and many younger male flowers is cyathium. For example, inflorescence in Euphorbia

So, the correct answer is 'cyathium.'

In an inflorescence where flowers are borne laterally in an acropetal succession, the position of the youngest floral bud shall be

  1. Proximai

  2. Distal

  3. Intercalary

  4. Anywhere

Correct Option: B
In race mose inflorescence younger flowers are born at the apex or distal end while older flowers are at the base, this type of succession is acropetal succession. Thus, the position of youngest floral but would be distal. 
Correct option is B.

Which type of fruit is found in rice

  1. Legume

  2. Caryopsis

  3. Drupe

  4. Berry

Correct Option: B

The type of fruit that is found in rice is Caryopsis. Caryopsis is a type of simple dry fruit—one that is monocarpellate (formed from a single carpel) and indehiscent (not opening at maturity) and resembles an achene, except that in a caryopsis the pericarp is fused with the thin seed coat.

So, the correct answer is 'Caryopsis'

The hypanthodium inflorescence is characterised by?

  1. Presence of bisexual flower

  2. Pressure of unisexual male flowers near base

  3. Presence of trimorphic flowers

  4. Absence of gall flower

Correct Option: A

Which statement is incorrect for cymose inflorescence?

  1. Basipetal arrangement of flowers

  2. The main axis continues to grow

  3. The main axis terminates in a flower

  4. Definite inflorescence

Correct Option: A
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