Liquidity ratios - class-XII

Description: liquidity ratios
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Tags: analysis of financial statements elements of accounts accounting ratio and analysis ratio analysis accountancy accounting ratios
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Which of the following items is not taken into account while computing quick ratio?

  1. Cash

  2. Bank Balance

  3. Bank overdraft

  4. Sundry creditors

Correct Option: C

The quick ratio is a financial ratio used to gauge a company's liquidity. The quick ratio is also known as the acid test ratio. The quick ratio compares the total amount of cash and cash equivalents + marketable securities + accounts receivable to the amount of current liabilities.

Which of the following liabilities are taken into account for acid test ratio?
(i) Trade creditors
(ii) Bank overdraft
(iii) Cash credit
(iv) Outstanding expenses

  1. i & ii

  2. i & iv

  3. i, ii, iii & iv

  4. ii, iii & iv

Correct Option: C

Acid test ratio = quick assets / current liabilities. All current liabilities are considered while calculating acid test ratio.

The excess of current assets over current liabilities is called as ___________.

  1. Net tangible worth

  2. Net worth

  3. Gross working capital

  4. Net working capital

Correct Option: D

The formula for calculation of "Net working capital" is as follows:

Net working capital = Total current assets - Total current liabilities
Net working capital is the aggregate amount of all current assets minus current liabilities. It is used to measure the short-term liquidity of a business, and can also be used to obtain a general impression of the ability of a company management to utilize assets in an efficient manner.

What is the meaning of current ratio of less than one?

  1. Current liabilities < Current assets

  2. Fixed assets > Current assets

  3. Current assets < Current liabilities

  4. Share capital > Current assets

Correct Option: C

Current ratio is the measure of liquidity of a company at the certain date. A high current ratio can be signs of problems in managing working capital. When current ratio is low and Current liabilities exceeds current assets, the company may have problems in meeting its short term obligations.

Suppliers and Creditors of a firm are interested in ______.

  1. Profitability Position

  2. Liquidity Position

  3. Market Share Position

  4. Debt Position

Correct Option: B

Liquidity position signify the short term solvency position of the company. Suppliers and creditors are short term liabilities, they are interested to know the liquidity position.

Which of the following ratios is termed as 'acid test ratio' or 'quick ratio'?

  1. Fixed assets Ratio

  2. Current Ratio

  3. Liquidity ratio

  4. Debt-Equity ratio

Correct Option: C

Liquidity ratio measures the company's ability to pay debt obligations and its margin of safety through the calculation of metrics including the current ratio and quick ratio. It also indicates cash flow positioning. It is also called as acid test ratio and quick ratio.

Quick ratio is calculated by using the following formula ___________________.

  1. $\cfrac { Cash+near  cash+debtors - Inventories }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  2. $\cfrac { Cash+debtors }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  3. $\cfrac { Cash }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  4. $\cfrac { Cash+near\quad cash+debtors }{ Current\quad assets } $

Correct Option: A

Quick ratio is calculated by dividing liquid current assets by total current liabilities. Liquid current assets include cash, marketable securities and receivables. Cash includes cash in hand and cash at bank.

If the current ratio is $2 : 1$ and working capital is $Rs. 60,000$, what is the value of the current assets?

  1. $Rs. 60,000$

  2. $Rs. 1,00,000$

  3. $Rs. 1,20,000$

  4. $Rs. 1,80,000$

Correct Option: C

Current Ratio = Current Assets (C.A)/ Current Liabilities (C.L)  = $2/1$

So, CA= $2$ CL

Now, Working Capital = Current Assets(C.A) minus Current Liabilities (C.L) = $Rs.60000$
So, C.A - C.L = $60000$
       $2$ C.L-CL = $60000$
        C.L = $Rs. 60000$

Now, C.A = $2$ x $60000$ = $Rs. 120000$

The current ratio is _________________________.

  1. $\cfrac { Current\quad assets }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  2. $\cfrac { Cash+near\quad cash+debtors }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  3. $\cfrac { Liquid\quad assets }{ Current\quad liabilities } $

  4. $\cfrac { Current\quad liabilities }{ Current\quad assets } $

Correct Option: A

Using the Balance Sheet, the current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities:

Which one of the following is not a leverage ratio?

  1. Total debt ratio

  2. Debt-Equity ratio

  3. Interest coverage ratio

  4. Quick ratio

Correct Option: D

Quick ratio is a liquidity ratio or short term solvency ratio. Whereas the remaining three ratios are leverage ratios.

Liquidity ratio is also known as :-
a. Quick ratio
b. Acid test ratio
c. Working capital ratio
d. Stock turnover ratio

  1. A and B

  2. A and C

  3. B and C

  4. C and D

Correct Option: A

A liquidity ratio is an indicator of whether a company's current assets will be sufficient to meet the company's obligations when they become due. The liquidity ratios include the current ratio and the acid test or quick ratio. The current ratio and quick ratio are also referred to as solvency ratios.

Consider the following :
i)Basic defensive and interval ratio
ii)Current ratio
iii)Superquick ratio
iv)Quick ratio
Arrange these ratios in sequence to reflect the liquidity in descending order.

  1. (ii), (iv), (iii) and (i)

  2. (i), (ii), (iv) and (iii)

  3. (iv), (ii), (iii) and (i)

  4. (iii), (iv),(i) and (ii)

Correct Option: A

  1. Current ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities
  2. Quick ratio = [Current assets minus inventory]/ Current liabilities
  3. Super quick ratio = [Cash + Marketable securities]/ Current liabilities
  4. Basic defensive and interval ratio = [Cash + Marketable securities + Trade receivables] / Average daily expenditures
 As we move from ratio number $1$ to ratio number $4$ we are calculating the liquidity on more and more conservative basis as it can be seen that as we move from ratios $1$ to $3$ we are considering few and fewer assets  and in the $4$th  ratio we are considering average daily expenditures instead of the whole of current liabilities as this ratio helps us to understand that for how many days can the company survive without having to liquidate its long term assets.

Which of the following is correct?
i.Liquidity ratios measure long term solvency of a concern.
ii.Inventory is a part of current assets.
iii.Rule of thumb for acid test ratio is 1 : 1.
iv.The amount of gross assets is equal to net capital employed.

  1. (i), (ii) and (iv)

  2. (ii), (iii) and (iv)

  3. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
  1. The liquidity ratios measure the ability of a concern to pay off its short term obligations.
  2. Inventory is a part of current assets and not liquid assets.
  3. Rule of thumb for acid test ratio is $1:1$
  4. The amount of gross assets minus the current liabilities is equal to net capital employed. 

The ideal level of liquid ratio is _______.

  1. 1:1

  2. 2:1

  3. 3:1

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Ideal level of quick ratio or acid test ratio is 1:1. Usually, a high acid-test ratio is an indication that the firm is liquid has ability to meet its current or liquid liabilities in time and on the other hand a low quick ratio represents that the firm's liquidity position is not good.

The appropriate ratio for indicating liquidity crisis is_________.

  1. Operating ratio

  2. Sales turnover ratio

  3. Current ratio

  4. Acid test ratio

Correct Option: D

Acid test ratio or Quick ratio = Quick Assets/ Current Liabilities

                                                = [Current Assets minus Inventory]/Current Liabilities
The Quick ratio is a much more conservative measure of short term liquidity than the Current ratio. We reduce the amount of funds held up in inventory  form the current assets ,so that we can get a clear picture of how much fund can we mobilize for payment of dues in case of a cash crunch or a liquidity crisis.

Which of the following is not included in current assets?

  1. Debtors

  2. Opening Stock

  3. Cash at bank

  4. Cash in hand

Correct Option: B

Current assets is a balance sheet account that represents the value of all assets that can reasonably expected to be converted into cash within one year. current assets include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, marketable securities, prepaid expenses, debtors etc.

 The most precise test of liquidity is ______________.

  1. Quick ratio

  2. Current ratio

  3. Absolute liquid ratio

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The most precise test of liquidity is "absolute liquid ratio". The ideal absolute liquidity ratio is 1:2. If the ratio is 1:2 or more than this the concern can be considered as liquid. This ratio establishes a relationship between absolute liquid assets and quick liabilities. 

Current ratio is chiefly used to assess the                   .

  1. effective utilization of capital

  2. application of debt

  3. liquidity position

  4. levels of inventory piled up in different forms.

  5. prompt payment of long-term liabilities.

Correct Option: C

Current ratio is chiefly used to assess the liquidity position of a company. Let us look at the following example.

Let Current asset = $Rs.100000$ and Current liability = $Rs. 50000$

Current ratio = Current asset/Current liability
                       = $100000/50000$
                       = $2$
So, if at any given point of time if there is a liquidity crisis then the company has twice the amount of  assets to liquidate and pay off the dues. 

The most rigorous test of liquidity is ___________.

  1. Current ratio

  2. Acid ratio test

  3. Absolute measure

  4. Stock turnover ratio

Correct Option: C

Absolute measure ratio = absolute cash/current liabilities
Absolute cash = cash + Bank + Marketable Securities

Which of the following transaction change the current ratio?

  1. Purchase of goods for cash

  2. Plant acquire on account

  3. Sold goods on credit

  4. Debentures converted into equity capital

Correct Option: B

When plant is acquired on account the fixed asset would increase and there would be increase in the creditors amount, hence the current ratio would decrease. When goods are sold on credit the stock would decrease and the debtors would increase and hence there would be no effect on current ratio.

Formula for current ratio is                   .

  1. Current liabilities/current assets

  2. Current assets/current liabilities

  3. Fixed asset/ fixed liabilities

  4. Fixed liabilities/fixed assets

Correct Option: B

Current ratio = Current Assets/Current liabilities

                       = [Inventories + Sundry Debtors + Cash and Bank balances + Receivables +
                          Loans and advances + Disposable Investments etc] /
                          [Creditors + Short term loans + Bank Overdraft + Cash credit+ 
                          Outstanding Expenses+ Provisions etc}

Ratio which comes under liquidity ratios is 

  1. Debt ratio

  2. Quick ratio

  3. Proprietary ratio

  4. Debt-equity ratio

Correct Option: B

Liquidity ratio includes the following ratios :

  • Current ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Cash Ratio
  • Net working capital ratio

 The ability of the business to pay the amount due to stakeholders is calculated by ___________.

  1. Solvency ratios

  2. Activity ratios

  3. Liquidity ratios

  4. Profitability ratios

Correct Option: C

Liquidity ratios calculate the ability of the business to pay its due to the stakeholders. Examples of liquidity ratios are Current asset ratio, Quick ratio, Cash ratio and Net working capital ratio

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

  1. Average collection period evaluates all aspects of credit policy

  2. All other things remaining the same, issue of new shares for cash will improve the current ratio.

  3. Ratio analysis is technique of planning and control

  4. All of the above

  5. Both (A) and (C) above

Correct Option: B

If a firm has realized its debtors and has paid off its creditors to the same extent then                       .

  1. The current ratio will increase if it was less than 1 previously

  2. The current ratio will decrease if it was more than 1 previously

  3. The current ratio will remain the same if it was equal to 1 previously

  4. All of the above

  5. Both (A) and (C) above

Correct Option: C

If the firm has realized its debtors and paid-off its creditors to same extent then the current assets will increase and the current liabilities will decrease by the same amount and consequently the current ratio will remain unchanged.

Let Current Asset be $Rs. 500000$ and Current liabilities be $Rs.500000 $
So, Current ratio = Current asset/ Current liabilities

Now, if the amount realized from debtors = $Rs .100000$ and the amount paid off to creditors is $Rs. 100000$ then,
New Current ratio = $[500000-100000]/[500000-100000]$
                                = $1$.

Which of the following is normally treated as a satisfactory ratio of current assets to current liabilities?

  1. $1 : 1$

  2. $2 : 1$

  3. $3 : 1$

  4. $1 : 2$

Correct Option: B

The rule of thumb for a satisfactory current ratio is $2 : 1$. Let Current assets be $Rs. 100000$ and the Current liabilities be $Rs. 40000$

Now, Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
                                = $100000/40000$
                                = $2.5 : 1$ . 
This current ratio is satisfactory as it shows that the current assets available are $2.5$ times the amount of current liabilities.

Which of the following items is not taken into account when computing current ratio?

  1. Sundry Creditors.

  2. Sundry Debtors.

  3. Bank Overdraft.

  4. Furniture.

Correct Option: D

Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
Current assets include inventories, sundry debtors, cash and bank balances,receivables, loans and advances, disposable investments etc.
Current liabilities include creditors, short term loans, bank overdraft, cash credit, provisions, outstanding expenses etc.
Furniture is a fixed asset and it is not included in current assets. Hence while calculating the current ratio furniture is not taken into account.                  

A person whose assets are less than business liabilities is known as insolvent.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A person or firm whose liabilities exceed the value of owned assets is termed as insolvent. It is the inabilities of the company or person to pay liabilities as they become due. 

Cash in hand is the __________asset.

  1. Least liquid

  2. Most liquid

  3. Fixed assets

  4. Intangible asset

Correct Option: B

Quick ratio is the ratio of quick (or liquid) asset to current liabilties. It is expressed as:

                       Quick ratio = Quick Asset/Current Liabilities
The quick assets are defined as those assets which are quickly convertible into cash. While calculating quick assets we exclude the closing stock and prepaid expenses from the current assets. Because of exclusion liquid current asset, it is considered better than current ratio as a measure of liquidity position of the business. Cash on hand is the most liquid asset. It is also known as "Acid-Test Ratio".

Sale of inventory for cash will cause the current ratio to __________.

  1. increase

  2. decrease

  3. remain unchanged

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities

When inventory is sold for cash then, the amount of inventory decreases and simultaneously the cash balance increases and there would be no net effect on the current asset figure. And so the current ratio will remain unchanged.

Purchase of inventory on credit will cause the quick ratio to               .

  1. increase

  2. decrease

  3. remain unchanged

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

Quick Ratio = [Current assets minus Inventory] / Current liabilities

Let Current assets = $Rs. 100000$, Inventory = $Rs. 20000$ and Current liabilities = $Rs. 40000$
 So Quick Ratio = [$100000-20000] / 40000$ = $2 : 1$
Now let inventory purchased on credit be $Rs. 20000$, so revised Inventory = $Rs. 60000$ and Current liabilities = $Rs. 60000$
Revised Quick Ratio =[$100000-60000] / 60000$ = $2 : 3$
So , Purchase of inventory on credit will cause the quick ratio to decrease.

Which of the following transactions will change the current ratio?

  1. Purchase of goods for cash.

  2. Plant acquired on account.

  3. Sold goods on credit.

  4. Debentures converted into equity capital.

Correct Option: B
  1. When goods are purchased for cash the stock would increase and the cash balance would decrease and so there would be no effect on the current ratio.
  2. When plant is acquired on account the fixed asset would increase and there would be increase in the creditors amount, hence the current ratio would decrease.
  3. When goods are sold on credit the stock would decrease and the debtors would increase and hence there would be no effect on current ratio.
  4. When debentures are converted into equity capital there would be no changes in current assets and current liabilities  and so no change in current ratio.

The immediate solvency ratio is                 .

  1. quick ratio

  2. current ratio

  3. stock turnover ratio

  4. debtor turnover ratio

Correct Option: A

Quick Ratio = [Current Assets- Inventory] / [Current liabilities - Bank Overdraft and Cash credit]

While calculating quick ratio we reduce the amount of inventory as it is less liquid than the other current assets. The reason to reduce the amount of bank overdraft and cash credit is that mostly these are secured against inventory. So quick ratio gives us an immediate solvency ratio and is a much more conservative ratio than current ratio.

Current ratio is increased by :
1) Issue of redeemable debentures.
2) Selling of old machine for cash.
3) Converting debentures into equity capital.
4) Cash received from debtors.

  1. 1, 2 and 4

  2. 3 and 4

  3. 1 and 2

  4. 4 only

Correct Option: C

Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities

  1. When Redeemable debentures are issued, long term liabilities and the current assets increase,while  the current liabilities remain constant so  the current ratio would increase.
  2. When old machine is sold for cash, fixed assets would decrease and the current assets would increase, while  the current liabilities remain constant so  the current ratio would increase.
  3. When debentures are converted into equity capital there would be no changes in the current assets and the current liabilities and ultimately no change in the current ratio.
  4. When cash is received from debtors there would be no net changes on the current assets as the cash balance would increase and the debtors balance would decrease by the same amount and hence there would no change in the current ratio.

Current ratio may be increased by                    .

  1. Overstating the current assets

  2. Overstating the current liabilities

  3. Understating current assets

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Current ratio = Current assets/ current liabilities

So when current assets = $Rs 150000$ and current liabilities = $Rs. 100000$ then,
Current ratio = $100000 / 50000$
                       = $2 : 1$
Now if we overstate the current assets by $Rs. 50000$ then ,
Revised Current ratio = $150000/50000$
                                     = $3: 1 $
So, the current ratio may be increased if we overstate the current assets. 

The ability of a company to meet its short-term obligations known as                     .

  1. Liquidity

  2. Solvency

  3. Profitability

  4. Trading on equity

Correct Option: A

Liquidity refers to both an enterprise's ability to pay short-term obligations and a company's capability to sell assets quickly to raise cash.

Given current ratio = $2.5$
Quick ratio = $1.5$
Net working capital = Rs $30,000$
What is the amount of current liabilities?

  1. $Rs20,000$

  2. $Rs30,000$

  3. $Rs50,000$

  4. $Rs60,000$

Correct Option: A
Net working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
$Rs. 30000$ = Current assets - Current liabilities
Therefore, Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
$2.5$ = [Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$] / Current liabilities
 $2.5$ Current liabilities  = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current liabilities = $Rs. 30000/ 1.5$
Therefore, Current liabilities = $Rs. 20000$

Given current ratio = $2.5$
Quick ratio = $1.5$
Net working capital = Rs $30,000$
What is the amount of quick assets?

  1. $Rs 20,000$

  2. $Rs 30,000$

  3. $Rs 50,000$

  4. $Rs 60,000$

Correct Option: B
Net working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
$Rs. 30000$ = Current assets - Current liabilities
Therefore, Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
$2.5$ = [Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$] / Current liabilities
 $2.5$ Current liabilities  = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current liabilities = $Rs. 30000/ 1.5$
Therefore, Current liabilities = $Rs. 20000$
Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
                          = $Rs.20000 + Rs. 30000$
                          =$Rs. 50000$
Now, Quick Ratio = Quick Assets/ Current liabilities
                     $1.5$   = Quick Assets/ $20000$
                  Quick Assets = $Rs. 30000$

Quick assets include which of the following?

  1. Cash

  2. Accounts Receivable

  3. Inventories

  4. Only (a) and (b)

Correct Option: D

Quick assets are assets that can be converted to cash quickly. Typically, they include cash, accounts receivable, marketable securities, and sometimes (not usually) inventory.

Current liabilities of a company were Rs. 1,75,000 and its current ratio was 2: 1. It paid Rs. 30,000 to a creditor. Calculate current ratio after payment :

  1. 2: 1

  2. 1: 1

  3. 1: 5: 1

  4. 2.21: 1

Correct Option: D

Current liabilities = Rs-1,75,000
Current Ratio = 2:1

If 30,000 is paid to a creditor it will reduce both current assets as well as current liabilities as cash is being paid and creditors are reduced. Hence, new ratio will be:- 

Current Ratio = Current Assets
                        Current liabilities

                      =  3,50,000 (WN 1) - 30,000

                           1,75,000 - 30,000
                      = 3,20,000
                     = 2.2 : 1

Working note 1) = Current assets 
Current Ratio = Current Assets

                        Current liabilities
Current Assets = Current liabilities x current ratio 
                         = 1,75,000 x 2
                         = 3,50,000.


For calculation of current ratio which of the following is relevant ?

  1. Current assets and Fixed liabilities.

  2. Current assets and Current liabilities.

  3. Fixed asset and Fixed liabilities.

  4. Fixed liabilities and Current liabilities.

Correct Option: B

The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures whether a firm has enough resources to meet its short-term obligations. It compares a firm's current assets to its current liabilities, and is expressed as follows: The current ratio is an indication of a firm's liquidity.

Collection of sundry debtors would _______________.

  1. Increase current ratio

  2. Decrease current ratio

  3. Have no effect on current ratio

  4. Increase debtors turnover

Correct Option: C

Current ratio measures the liquidity of the firm and also checks the ability of an organisation to repay to current debts. The ratio is calculated by comparing the current assets with current liabilities. 

Collection of sundry debtors would increase cash inflow and reduce the amount of debtors and hence there is nil affect or say no change in the Current assets. Thereby, having no effect on the current ratio.  

Given that,
Current Ratio = 2.5
Acid-test ratio = 1.5
Net working capital = Rs. 60,000
The value of current liabilities will be ___________ .

  1. Rs. 15,000

  2. Rs. 40,000

  3. Rs. 60,000

  4. Rs. 1,00,000

Correct Option: B
Current ratio = 2.5 : 1
Quick Ratio = 1.5 : 1
Net working capital  = 60,000

Net working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
Current Assets        = Net working capital + Current liabilities
                                 = 60,000 +  Current liabilities (1) 
Current ratio           = Current assets
                                 Current liabilities
Current Assets      = Current liabilities x 2.5 (2) 
Merging equation (1) and (2)
60,000 + Current liabilities = 2.5Current liabilities 
60,000                                 = 2.5 current liabilities - Current liabilities
60,000                                 = 1.5 Current liabilities
Current liabilities                 = 60,000
                                              = 40,000 
Therefore, current liabilities = 40,000. 

Current Ratio $2.5$, Liquid Ratio $1.5$ and Working Capital $Rs. 60,000$. What is  the amount of Current Assets?

  1. $Rs. 60,000$

  2. $Rs. 80,000$

  3. $Rs. 1,00,000$

  4. $Rs. 1,20,000$

Correct Option: C

Current Ratio = Current Assets (C.A)/ Current Liabilities (C.L)  = $2.5$

So, CA= $2.5$ CL

Now, Working Capital = Current Assets(C.A) minus Current Liabilities (C.L) = $Rs.60000$
So, C.A - C.L = $60000$
       $2.5$ C.L-CL = $60000$
        C.L = $Rs. 40000$

Now, C.A = $2.5$ x $40000$ = $Rs. 100000$

To test the liquidity of a concern, which of the following ratios are useful?
I. Acid test ratio
II. Capital turnover ratio
III. Bad debts to sales ratio
IV. Inventory turnover ratio
Select the correct answer using the codes given.

  1. I and III

  2. I and IV

  3. II and IV

  4. II and III

Correct Option: B

The ability of the business to pay its stakeholders when it is due is known as liquidity. And the ratios used to calculate are known as liquidity ratios and are essentially short term in nature. The following are the type of liquidity ratios:

  • Current ratio
  • Quick ratio or Acid test ratio
  • Cash Ratio or Absolute liquidity ratio
  • Net working capital ratio ( This can be further segregated into Inventory turnover ratio, Debtors turnover ratio and Creditors turnover ratio. So these $3$ ratios  can also be interpreted as liquidity ratios).

Quick ratio is 1.8:1, current ratio is 2.7:1 and current liabilities are Rs. 60,000. Determine value of stock.

  1. Rs. 54,000

  2. Rs. 60,000

  3. Rs. 1,62,000

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
QA = Quick assets; CL = Current liabilities; CA = Current assets
QA = 1.8 x CL
QA = 1.8 x Rs. 60,000
QA = Rs. 1,08,000
CA = 2.7 x CA
CA = 2.7 x Rs. 60,000
CA = Rs. 1,62,000
Stock = CA - QA
Stock = Rs. 1,62,000 - Rs. 1,08,000
Stock = Rs. 54,000
Hence, the value of stock is Rs. 54,000.

Which one of the following is correct?
i) A ratio is an arithmetical relationship of one number to another number.
ii) Quick ratio is also known as acid test ratio.
iii) Rule of thumb for current ratio is $2:1$.
iv) Debt equity ratio is the relationship between outsiders fund and shareholders fund.

  1. All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

  2. Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

  3. Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

  4. Only (ii) and (iii) are correct.

Correct Option: A
  1.  A ratio is an arithmetical relationship of one number to another number. in terms of accountancy, an accountancy ratio would be the relationship between two figures obtained from the account statement. For example Net profit ratio is the ratio of Net profit to the Net sales made.
  2. Quick ratio is also known as acid test ratio because it measures the ability of the company to meet unexpected liabilities without having to depend on the sale of inventories.
  3. The rule of thumb for current ratio is $2:1$, this is not a constant rule but rather relative. Whether or not the current ratio is satisfactory completely depends on the nature of business, current assets and current liabilities
  4. Debt equity ratio is calculated as Total outside liabilities/ Shareholders equity and so it can be said that it is the relationship between outsiders fund and shareholders funds. 

'X' Ltd. has a liquid ratio of 2:1. If its stock is Rs. 40,000 and its current liabilities are of Rs. 1 Lakh, What will be the current ratio________.

  1. 1.4 times

  2. 2.4times

  3. 1.2 times

  4. 3.4 times

Correct Option: B

Liquid Ratio = [Current Assets minus Stock]/ Current Liabilities

             2      = [Current Assets - $40000$]/ $100000$
        $200000$ = Current Assets - $40000$
Therefore Current Assets = $Rs.240000$
Current Ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities
                        = $240000/100000$
                         = $2.4$ times

The appropriate ratio for indicating liquidity crisis is                        .

  1. Operating ratio

  2. Sales turnover ratio

  3. Current ratio

  4. Acid test ratio

Correct Option: D

Acid test ratio or Quick ratio = Quick Assets/ Current Liabilities

                                                = [Current Assets minus Inventory]/Current Liabilities
The Quick ratio is a much more conservative measure of short term liquidity than the Current ratio. We reduce the amount of funds held up in inventory  form the current assets ,so that we can get a clear picture of how much fund can we mobilize for payment of dues in case of a cash crunch or a liquidity crisis. 

Which of the following items is not taken into account when computing quick ratio?

  1. Cash.

  2. Bank Balance.

  3. Bank Overdraft.

  4. Sundry Creditors.

Correct Option: C

Quick Ratio = [Current assets minus Inventory and prepaid expenses] /

                       [Current liabilities minus Bank overdraft/ Cash credit]
Here inventory is considered as less secure than other current assets  and prepaid expenses  as the name suggests are paid in advance for a reason, bank overdraft and cash credit are usually secured against inventory and so all these $4$ items are excluded while calculating quick ratio.

When current ratio is $2 : 1$, an equal increase in current assets and current liabilities would                .

  1. Increase the current ratio

  2. Decrease the current ratio

  3. No change in current ratio

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

When the current ratio is $2 : 1$ , an equal increase in current assets and current liabilities would decrease the current ratio. Let us understand this through an example;

Current Assets = $Rs. 100000$ and Current Liabilities = $Rs. 50000$
Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
                       = $100000/50000$
                       = $2 : 1 $ 
Now let us increase the current assets and current liabilities by $Rs. 50000$ and calculate the new current ratio ;
 Current ratio = $150000/100000$
                        = $1.5 : 1$.

Given current ratio = $2.5$
Quick ratio = $1.5$
Net working capital = Rs $30,000$
What is the amount of stock?

  1. $Rs 20,000$

  2. $Rs 30,000$

  3. $Rs 50,000$

  4. $Rs 60,000$

Correct Option: A
Net working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
$Rs. 30000$ = Current assets - Current liabilities
Therefore, Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
$2.5$ = [Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$] / Current liabilities
 $2.5$ Current liabilities  = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current liabilities = $Rs. 30000/ 1.5$
Therefore, Current liabilities = $Rs. 20000$
Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
                          = $Rs.20000 + Rs. 30000$
                          =$Rs. 50000$
Now, Quick Ratio = Quick Assets/ Current liabilities
                     $1.5$   = Quick Assets/ $20000$
                  Quick Assets = $Rs. 30000$
Quick Ratio = Quick Assets/ Current liabilities
Quick Ratio = [Current Assets - Stock ]/ Current liabilities
            $1.5$ = [$50000$ - Stock] / $20000$
Stock = $50000 - 30000$
          = $Rs. 20000$

Given current ratio = $2.5$
Quick ratio = $1.5$
Net working capital = Rs $30,000$
What is the amount of current assets?

  1. $Rs 20,000$

  2. $Rs 30,000$

  3. $Rs 50,000$

  4. $Rs 60,000$

Correct Option: C
Net working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities
$Rs. 30000$ = Current assets - Current liabilities
Therefore, Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current ratio = Current assets/ Current liabilities
$2.5$ = [Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$] / Current liabilities
 $2.5$ Current liabilities  = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
Current liabilities = $Rs. 30000/ 1.5$
Therefore, Current liabilities = $Rs. 20000$
Current assets = Current liabilities + $Rs. 30000$
                          = $Rs.20000 + Rs. 30000$
                          =$Rs. 50000$.
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