Meaning and characteristics of not-for-profit organizations - class-XI
Description: meaning and characteristics of not-for-profit organizations | |
Number of Questions: 53 | |
Created by: Rekha Rai | |
Tags: accounting for not-for-profit organization elements of accounts book keeping and accountancy accounting for not-for-profit organisation accounting for non trading organisations and professional persons accounts of non-trading organisations financial statements of not-for-profit organisations accounts of not-for-profit organisation accounting for not-for-profit organizations accounts of non-trading concerns accountancy |
Receipt and Payments Account is summary of all capital receipts and payments.
Receipts and Payment Account does not differ between capital and revenue receipts.
State True or False:
Receipt and Payment Account records the receipts and payments of revenue nature only.
Receipt and payment Account is equivalent to profit and loss account.
The Receipt and Payment account starts with the opening balance of ______ and _____.
In the Receipt and Payment account both capital and revenue transactions are recorded, whereas in Income and Expenditure account ________ transactions are recorded.
Which of the following items are not considered in Receipt & Payment A / c but are considered Income & Expenditure A / c?
Donations received for a special purpose will be transferred to the ___________.
Which of the following items should not be entered in receipts and payments account of a club?
Donations received by a non-profit organisation are usually ___________.
Any profit on the sale of furniture of a cricket club will be taken in the _________.
Which of the following items should be entered in the receipts and payments account of a club?
I. Sale of old newspapers
II. Loss on sale of some asset
III. Payments for investment
Select the correct answer using the codes given.
Income and Expenditure Account of non-profit organisation is a ________________.
Receipts and Payments Account is prepared by _________________.
Final accounts prepared for professionals is termed as __________ Account and not Income and Expenditure Account.
The Receipt and Payment Account ending with the closing balance of _______ and _______.
The receipt and payment account generally shows _________________.
The receipt and payment account records both ______ and _____ nature items.
In receipt and Payment account cash transactions are recorded where as in Income and expenditure account:
The Income and Expenditure account records:
Receipt and Payment account is prepared on the ______ day of accounting year.
Receipts are recorded on the _______ side while payments are entered on the ______ side.
Debit balance of receipts and Payments account indicate:
Amount received from sale of scraps by a charitable hospital is treated as:
Legacy is generally shown on the____________.
Excess of revenue income over revenue expenditure is termed as loss.
Select the most appropriate alternative from those given below:
Interest on Investment is ______ of business concern.
Rent paid to the landlord is debited to _____.
Sales proceed of goods sold received is _________.
The gross inflow of economic benefits is referred to as ________.
Receipts and Payments Account is a ____________.
To which account unrecorded asstes/liabilities are transferred?
Receipts and Payments Account is prepared on -
(I) Accrual basis of accounting
(II) Cash basis of accounting
(III) Hybrid basis of accounting
The correct answer is -
It is the amount which a non-trading concern receives as per the will of a deceased person.
Which of the following items are included in the Receipts and Payments Account ?
Receipts and Payments Account is in nature of _______________.
Which of the following is correct treatment of legacy received by non-profit organization?
Which of the following is not recorded in the Receipts and Payments Account:
W. Outstanding subscription
X. Prepaid insurance premium
Y. Depreciation
Income and Expenditure Account is a ______________.
Income and Expenditure Account records income and expenditure items of ______________.
Excess of income over expenditure is also known as ____________.
How much amount as Rent A/c will be debited to income & Expenditure A/c ?
Subscription A/c will be credited to Income & Expenditure A/c after making following adjustments:
How much amount as Staff Salary A/c will be debited to Income & Expenditure A/c ?
Purchase of a fixed asset by a non-profit organization will be shown in _____________.
In accounting of non-profit organizations, the sale of old newspapers is generally considered as a/an ______________.
Admission fee income should be ____________.
Preliminary expenses are an example of ________.
Excess of expenses over income is a _____________ .
Which of the following items should be entered in the Receipts and Payment Account of a club ?
1. Sale of old newspapers.
2. Loss in sale of some assets.
3. Payments for investments.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Receipt and Payment account includes all receipts and payments whether they are of __________ nature or of _________ nature.
A Club is of 100 members Subscription per member is Rs. 2,500 p.a. 2,18,000 received during the year 2016-2017 which includes 20,000 and 15,000 subscription for the years 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 respectively. At the end of the year 2016- 2017, the amount of outstanding subscription will be ____________.
From the following particulars, calculate the amount of subscription to be credited to Income & Expenditure A/c for die year end March 2018.
Particulars | 31.3.2017 | 31.3.2018 |
Outstanding subscription | 1, 500 | 1, 200 |
Subscription received in advance | 900 | 540 |
A sum of Rs, 14,670 was received as subscription during the year ended 31st March 2018.