Different forms of government - class-IX

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The government under the military rule, General Pinochet, was ____________.

  1. Brutal and corrupt

  2. Weak and poor

  3. Concerned for the poor

  4. Strong and democratic

Correct Option: A

It was in the year 1988 that democracy was restored in Chile. In this year Pinochet's military dictatorship came to an end after he decided to hold a referendum. In the referendum, the citizens voted against Pinochet. In this way, he lost both his political as well as military power. The first government to be elected in its inquiries showed that his government was brutal as well as corrupt. 

The development that had taken place in Chile on 11th September 1973 was _________________.

  1. A military coup

  2. Cowardise and treason were punished

  3. Political freedom was restored

  4. New government was set up

Correct Option: A

The military coup occurred in Chile in 1973. It was on 11 September 1973 when the then President of Chile, Salvador Allende's government was overthrown by the military.

Absolute monarchy prevails in _______________.

  1. Saudi Arabia

  2. Libya

  3. Nigeria

  4. India

Correct Option: A

Absolute monarchy prevails in Saudi Arabia. The King is both the head of the state and government. Whereas, in Libya the political condition is uncertain due to the collapse of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. In Nigeria there exist a federal form of government, whereas India is a democratic republic country. 

The economic growth rate of dictatorship governments from 1950 to 2000 was _________.

  1. 3.95

  2. 4.42

  3. 4.34

  4. 4.28

Correct Option: B

Democracy and economic growth have had a strong correlative relationship. The economic growth of dictatorship governments  between 1950-2000 is 4.42.

The better ways to resolve conflicts in a society is provided by the _______________.

  1. Monarchy

  2. Democracy

  3. Oligarchy

  4. Tyranny

Correct Option: B

Democracy provides mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of social conflict. Democratic governance is generally conducive to the resolution of both civil and international conflict. The spread of democracy is good for international society as a whole, for the security of democratic states in particular, and the peoples residing in war-torn regions of the globe.

According to the "Legal Framework Order", the work of the civilian cabinet of Pakistan is supervised by the ___________________.

  1. Military officers of National Security Council.

  2. Security Council of the UN.

  3. Prime Ministers.

  4. Chief Executive council members.

Correct Option: A

The Legal Framework Order refers to presidential decrees issued during military rule in Pakistan in 1970 and 2002 over the organisation of elections. According to this order, the President can dissolve the federal or provincial associations. A National Security Council governed by military officers controls the functioning of the civilian authority.  Hence, Option A is correct. The rest of the government members do not supervise the elections, hence, incorrect. 

Identify the country which has never been under a military rule ___________.

  1. Pakistan.

  2. Chile

  3. Poland

  4. Mexico.

Correct Option: D

Mexico is the country that has never been under a military rule. The following countries have been under military rule:

1) Pakistan- In 1999, General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup. He overthrew the democratically elected government and declared himself as the Chief Executive of the country. 
2) Chile- On 11 September 1973, a military coup took over the seaport. General Augusto Pinochet, an Army general led the coup. 
3) Poland- In December 1981, martial law was imposed by General Jaruzelski.

The rulers are compelled to change decisions in a ___________.

  1. Democracy.

  2. Dictatorship.

  3. One party rule.

  4. Totalitarianism.

Correct Option: B

A dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small person or group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitation. It is in this form of government that the rulers are compelled to change decisions. Whereas in a democracy the final decision-making power must rest with those elected by the people.

Identify the type of government that appears to be more stable in the short term ______________.

  1. Unitary form

  2. Dictatorial government

  3. Presidential Form

  4. Democracy

Correct Option: B

The dictatorial form of government appears to be a more stable form of government as it is an authoritarian form of government, where a country is ruled by a single leader. Dictatorships are the most stable form of government due to no dilution of power and because the opposition has no real chance to form the government. Hence, it avoids electoral turmoil completely.

Frequent change of leadership in a democracy results in _______________.

  1. Political competition

  2. Instability of the government

  3. Corruption

  4. Nepotism

Correct Option: B

In a democracy, leaders are elected for a particular period and elections are held to form a new government. The leaders keep changing in a democracy. This leads to instability in the government.

General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in ____________.

  1. 1970

  2. 1986

  3. 1990

  4. 1999

Correct Option: D
In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in October 1999. He overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the ‘Chief Executive’ of the country. Later he changed his designation to President and in 2002 held a referendum in the country that granted him a five year extension.

When we compare record of dictatorial regimes with democracies in poor countries, then we find them in ___________.

  1. Upper hand

  2. Outstanding performance

  3. Similar results

  4. Moderate performance.

Correct Option: A
If we consider poor democracies and all dictatorships for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have higher rate of economic growth. The inability of democracy to achieve higher economic development is a matter of worry. Hence, Option A is correct. The rest of the options do not have the expected outcome, hence, incorrect. 

The form of government where one party rule prevails is ______________.

  1. Democratic form.

  2. Non-democratic form .

  3. Dictatorship.

  4. Autocracy.

Correct Option: C

A dictatorship is a form of government where one party or one person rule prevails. The ultimate power without effective constitutional limits is possessed by them. In government, a dictatorship leaves no room for input from anyone who is not in the top authority.

The rulers of a democratic government are elected by the _________________.

  1. Party leaders

  2. Military officers

  3. People

  4. Minorities

Correct Option: C

Abraham Lincoln defines democracy as "the government of the people, by the people, for the people". The term democracy is derived from a Greek language and means " rule by the people". It is clear from the definition of the term democracy that democracy is the rule of the people's representative. In a democratic form of government, the political leaders are elected by the citizens only.

Under the unitary system, either there is only _____ of government or the sub-unit are subordinate to the central government.

  1. One level

  2. Two level

  3. Three level

  4. No level

Correct Option: A
Under the unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government. The central government can pass on orders to the provincial or
the local government. Hence, Option A is correct. The rest of the levels are present only in a federal government, hence incorrect.

The route which involves independent states corning together on their own to form a bigger unit, so that by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security _________________.

  1. 'Holding together' federation

  2. 'Coming together' federation

  3. Both (A) and (B)

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

"Coming Together Federation": It is a type of federation in which independent states come together on their own to form a bigger unit so that by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security. Whereas, "Holding Together Federation" is a type of federation in which a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the National government.

Military rule was imposed in 1962 in__________.

  1. Myanmar.

  2. Bolivia.

  3. India.

  4. Belgium.

Correct Option: A

Myanmar is formerly known as Burma. It gained freedom from colonial rule in 1948 and became a democracy. But this democratic rule was short-lived and ended in 1962 with a military coup.

In dictatorship, executive is responsible to _______________.

  1. An advisory council

  2. The people's representatives

  3. The high administrative officers

  4. No one

Correct Option: D

Dictatorship is a form of government where a country or a group of countries is ruled by one person which can be a dictator or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure that the entity's power remains strong thus the executive is responsible to no one.

Who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in India ?

  1. Army Commander

  2. Commander of Air Force

  3. Prime Minister of India

  4. President of India

Correct Option: D

The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in India. It is the military power of President that he can declare war or conclude peace, on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. All major contracts and treaties are concluded in the President's name.

Communist Party manifesto was written by Marx ______________.

  1. Lenin

  2. Stalin

  3. Engels

  4. Trutsky

Correct Option: C

The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels on February 21, 1848. It is a political document that presents an analytical approach to the class struggle and the conflict of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms.

Which one of the following does not come under the term communalism? 

  1. Anyone religion presented as superior to other religions

  2. Demands of one religious group formed against the other

  3. State power used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest

  4. Politics guided by the ethics drawn from different religions

Correct Option: D

Communalism means allegiance towards one's own ethnic group rather than to the whole society. Ideals and beliefs of different communal groups don't match. Many communal groups believe they are a nation of separate confederacies rather than part of the country. Options A, B and C exhibit the nature of communalism. However, option D considers views from different religions which does not justify communalism. Hence, option D is correct answer.  

Which of the following are the characteristics of institutional monarchy?

  1. An elected representative acts as the head of the state.

  2. The king is the leader of Parliamenr

  3. If the Monarch is the head of the state, he plays only the symbolic role.

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: A

Institutional Monarchy is monarchy where the sovereign who is elected by the People acts as the head of the State and exercise his power in accordance with the Constitution (written or unwritten).

Sunderlal Bahuguna , a prominent social activist is associated with one of the following movements?

  1.  Chipko Movement

  2. Anti-Corruption Movement

  3. Save Democracy Movement

  4. Narmada Bachao Andolan

  5. Anti price  Movement

Correct Option: A

Sunderlal Bahuguna is an environmentalist and Chipko movement leader. He fought for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas and against constructing large dams. In the rural Himalayan region, foreign based logging companies were attracted to the region's vast forest resources. Although villagers depended on the forest for subsistence, government policy denied them lumber access. Chipko protest meaning "tree hugging" a technique of non-violent resistance was applied. This helped save trees and forests from cutting by forest contractors. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

Following is/are a feature of dictatorship __________________.

  1. Rule of one individual or party.

  2. No faith in religion.

  3. Faith in force and war.

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Features of Dictatorship:

1. One Party, One Leader and One Programme: Rule of one individual or party.
2. Absence of Individual Liberty 
3. National Glorification
4. The glorification of War: Faith in force and war.
5. Totalitarian State
6. Racialism: No faith in religion.

Dictatorship is a government in which ________________.

  1. The dictator is tolerant of any opposing group

  2. The entire power of the government is held by a single person

  3. There is freedom of speech and Press

  4. People can choose new leader by vote

Correct Option: B

Dictatorship is a form of government wherein all the power of the nation is vested in single person known as ruler or Dictator. Dictatorship perpetuates tyranny as it is on the wishes and whims of the dictator the whole system works. The people have less freedom and no choice of changing their representative.

Which of the following is a good example of a dictatorship?

  1. Great Britain

  2. Germany

  3. North Korea

  4. Canada

Correct Option: C

A dictatorship is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior of citizens. They take necessary steps to keep their position strong. Good example of dictatorship is North Korea. 

___________ is a type of government where one person or small group hold all the power.

  1. Monarchy

  2. Direct democracy

  3. Dictatorship

  4. Republic

Correct Option: C

Type of government where one person or small group holds power is called dictatorship. It is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behaviour of citizens. They take necessary steps to keep their position strong. Features of dictatorship are: monopoly of powers, single ruling party and belief in racial supremacy. Good example of dictatorship is North Korea. 

Which of the following are the features of dictatorship?

  1. Monopoly of powers

  2. One party rule

  3. Belief in racial superiority

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A dictatorship is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behaviour of citizens. They take necessary steps to keep their position strong. Features of dictatorship are: monopoly of powers, single ruling party and belief in racial supremacy. Good example of dictatorship is North Korea. 

What type of government has a king or queen that holds all the power?

  1. Monarchy

  2. Dictatorship

  3. Direct democracy

  4. Republic

Correct Option: A

Monarchy is the form of government in which king exercises supreme power. He is the head of the country and rules it. The seat of the ruler is hereditary. It can be of two types:

  • Partial monarchy: in such type powers of the monarch are very limited. An example is the queen of England
  • Absolute monarchy: monarch exercises supreme power in this case. An example is the king of Saudi Arabia.

Which country is ruled by a hereditary king and the people have no role in electing or changing their rulers?

  1. Kosovo

  2. Saudi Arabia

  3. U.S.A.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Find the odd one out.

  1. Augusto Pinochet

  2. Kim Jong-il

  3. Robert Mugabe

  4. Barak Obama

Correct Option: D

Among the given options Barak Obama is Odd because he is the ruler of a democratic country where people elect their leader. Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Kim Jong-il of North Korea and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe are examples of dictators.

A dictatorship is characterized by ____________.

  1. Constitutionalism

  2. Authoritarianism

  3. The rule of law

  4. Guarantees of basic rights and liberties for the individual member of society

Correct Option: B

Type of government where one person or small group holds power is called dictatorship. It is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior of citizens. They take necessary steps to keep their position strong. Features of dictatorship are the monopoly of powers, single ruling party and belief in racial supremacy. A good example of dictatorship is North Korea.

In a constitutional monarchy, the real power is enjoyed by the _________.

  1. King

  2. The council of ministers

  3. The majority party

  4. Electorate

Correct Option: B

Type of government in which king or queen holds the power is called Monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written or unwritten constitution. In a constitutional monarchy the real power is enjoyed by the council of ministers. Japan, Thailand and United Kingdom are examples of constitutional monarchy.

An autocratic form of government in which military leaders govern the state is called ___________.

  1. Democracy

  2. Military dictatorship

  3. Monarchy

  4. Anarchy

Correct Option: B

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. An autocratic government in which military leaders govern the state is called Military dictatorship. An example is a military dictator Augusto Pinochet of Chile who ruled from 1973-1990. 

Which of the following countries does not have monarchy form of government?

  1. Brunei

  2. Qatar

  3. Oman

  4. India

Correct Option: D

Type of government in which king or queen holds the power is called Monarchy. Monarchy is the form of government in which king exercises supreme power. He is the head of the country and rules it. Among the given options India does not have a monarchy. India has a democratic form of government.

A governmental system in which unlimited power is in the hands of one person is referred to as __________.

  1. An oligarchy

  2. An autocracy

  3. An absolute democracy

  4. The rule of law

Correct Option: B

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. Absolute monarchy is the best example of autocracy. Absolute monarchy is an autocracy in which monarch exercises supreme power. Example is king of Saudi Arabia.

Constitutional monarchy is seen in which of the following country/countries?

  1. Japan

  2. Thailand

  3. United Kingdom

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Type of government in which king or queen holds the power is called Monarchy. Monarchy is the form of government in which king exercises supreme power. A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written or unwritten constitution. Japan, Thailand and United Kingdom are examples of constitutional monarchy.

Military dictator of Chile who ruled from 1973 to 1990 was _____________.

  1. Augusto Pinochet

  2. Kim Jong-il

  3. Robert Mugabe

  4. Joseph Stalin

Correct Option: A

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. An autocratic government in which military leaders govern the state is called Military dictatorship. An example is a military dictator, Augusto Pinochet of Chile who ruled from 1973-1990. 

Which of the following statements is true?

A. In more and more countries rulers are elected by people.

B. There are no more dictators in the present world.

  1. Only A

  2. Only B

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the two statements are true

Correct Option: A

Among the given statements, the true statement is, in present days, in many countries people elect their ruler which is a form of democratic and republic government. There are very few places which still follow monarchy and dictatorship.

In monarchical system of government power usually rests with __________.

  1. The most powerful military leader

  2. An elected head of the state

  3. The popularly elected monarch

  4. A hereditary ruler

Correct Option: D

Type of government in which king or queen holds the power is called Monarchy. Monarchy is the form of government in which king exercises supreme power. He is the head of the country and rules it. The seat of the ruler is hereditary. It can be of two types:

  • Constitutional monarchy: In this type, powers of the monarch are very limited. An example is the queen of England

  • Absolute monarchy:  Monarch exercises supreme power in this case. An example is the king of Saudi Arabia.

An Economic and social system in which all properties and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens ______________.

  1. Democracy

  2. Communism

  3. Anarchy

  4. Autocracy

Correct Option: B

An economic and social system in which all (or nearly all) property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens is called communism. It is a political thought which is the establishment of government by a specific community. In this, each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Sickle in the symbol of communism symbolises _________.

  1. Industrial workers

  2. Government officials

  3. Agricultural workers

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

The hammer and sickle is a communist symbol that was conceived during the Russian Revolution. Hammer stood for industrial labour and sickle stood for the peasantry. They together stood for a worker-peasant alliance for socialism.

On what ideology is the Soviet theory based?

  1. The socialist system of government

  2. The communist system of government

  3. The democratic system of government

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: B

Soviet theory is based on the ideology of communist system of government. According to this theory, the government undertakes or controls the total media and communication to serve working classes and their interest.  

Which of the following East European countries were ruled by communist parties in the 1980s?

  1. Poland

  2. Russia

  3. Romania

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

In the Communist form of government, a state plans and owns the economy. In this, each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Among the given options Poland, Russia, and Romania are the examples of East European countries which were ruled by communist parties in the 1980s.

Hammer in the symbol of communism symbolizes _________.

  1. Industrial workers

  2. Government officials

  3. Agricultural workers

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A

Communism is a political thought which is the establishment of government by a specific community. In this form of government, a state plans and owns economy. In this each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Symbol of communism is hammer and sickle. The hammer stands for the industrial working-class while the sickle represents the agricultural workers. Together represents unity of these two groups.

Symbol of communism contains __________.

  1. Sickle

  2. Hammer

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Communism is a political thought which is the establishment of government by a specific community. In this form of government, a state plans and owns economy. In this each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Symbol of communism is hammer and sickle. The hammer stands for the industrial working-class while the sickle represents the agricultural workers. Together represents unity of these two groups.

Rule of Adolf Hitler in Germany is an example of __________.

  1. Democracy

  2. Monarchy

  3. Anarchy

  4. Military dictatorship

Correct Option: D

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. An autocratic government in which military leaders govern the state is called Military dictatorship. Rule of Germany by Adolf Hitler is an example of military dictatorship.

The military dictatorship of Chile came to an end in which year?

  1. 1973

  2. 1990

  3. 1995

  4. 2000

Correct Option: B

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. An autocratic government in which military leaders govern the state is called Military dictatorship. An example is a military dictator, Augusto Pinochet of Chile who ruled from 1973-1990. The military dictatorship of Chile came to an end in 1990.

Communism is founded by ___________.

  1. Plato

  2. Adolf Hitler

  3. Karl Marx

  4. Socrates

Correct Option: C

Communism is a political thought which is the establishment of government by a specific community. In this form of government, a state plans and owns economy. In this each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Communism is founded by Karl Marx.

Which type of government will most likely lead to a military dictatorship?

  1. A strong central government with a standing army

  2. A confederacy of competing states

  3. A monarchy that is well protected on all frontiers

  4. A nation that only relies on a military

Correct Option: B

An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions can never be subjected to legal restraints. An autocratic government in which military leaders govern the state is called Military dictatorship. The main reason that leads to military dictatorship is when the competitive states form alliance against the nation.

Which kind of democratic governance system is there is our country?

  1. Presidential

  2. Parliamentary

  3. Independent

  4. Neutral

Correct Option: B

Lord Cornwallis introduced the 'Cornwallis Code for British India' in 1793. What were true effects of this Code.

  1. the collector was to collect the Revenue only

  2. the magesterial powers of the collection of revenue were taken away

  3. the Court fees were abolished

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D
The Cornwallis Code is a body of legislation enacted in 1793 by the East India Company to improve the governance of its territories in India. The Code was developed under the guidance of Charles, Earl (Lord) Cornwallis, who served as Governor of Bengal from 1786 to 1793. The true effects of the Code were:
1) the collector was to collect the Revenue only
2) the magisterial powers of the collection of revenue were taken away
3) the Court fees were abolished
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