Introduction to force - class-XI

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A force of N acts on a body of $5kg$ mass. Find the acceleration of body? 

  1. $a=\dfrac{N}{50} m/{s}^{2}$

  2. $a=\dfrac{N}{15} m/{s}^{2}$

  3. $a=\dfrac{N}{5} m/{s}^{2}$

  4. $a=\dfrac{N}{10} m/{s}^{2}$

Correct Option: C


$\dfrac { N }{ 5 } =a$
$a=\dfrac{N}{5} m/{s}^{2}$

A stone is suspended by a thread from a rigid support, another thread of same quality is attached at the bottom of done if the lower thread is pulled suddenly then

  1. Upper thread break first

  2. Lower thread break first

  3. Both will break at same time

  4. None of these two threads will break

Correct Option: B

Fill in the blanks .
At least _____________ object must interact for a force to come into play. 

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

Forces are used in our daily life actions like pushing, pulling, lifting, twisting etc. So, a force is a pull or push acting on an object which tends to change the state of rest/ motion of an object. An interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects.

For example, Weightlifter uses muscular force to lift the weights.

Hence, At least 2 object must interact for a force to come into play. 

Which one of the following statements regarding Newton's first law of motion is incorrect?

  1. It is an independent statement

  2. it defines an inertial frame of reference

  3. It was first enunciated by Galileo

  4. It is a special case of Newton's second law.

Correct Option: A

Which statement defines force?

  1. When a force acts on a body that is free to move, the force is the product of the mass of the body and its acceleration

  2. When a force acts on a body that is free to move, the force is the rate of change of momentum of the body

  3. When a force acts on a body that is free to move, the force is the work done by the force divided by the distance moved by the body

  4. When a force acts on a lever and causes a moment, the force is the moment divided by the perpendicular distance of the force from the pivot

Correct Option: B

we know that 

$F= ma $ ..........(1)
and $a = \dfrac{dv}{dt}$
So from above eqn . 
$\implies F = \dfrac{mdv}{dt}$
$\implies F = \dfrac{dmv}{dt}$
$\implies F = \dfrac{dp}{dt}$
So, force = rate of change of momentum

Force exerted is :

  1. Effort

  2. Load

  3. Fulcrum

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Effort is defined as a force exerted by a machine or in a process.

You can increase the amount of force applied on a body by repeatedly:

  1. pushing it

  2. pulling it

  3. dragging it

  4. any or all of the above

Correct Option: D

By repeatedly pushing, pulling or dragging a body, we can increase the amount of force applied on that body. Hence option D is correct.

A force cannot be seen but the effect of force can be felt.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Ambiguous

  4. Data insufficient

Correct Option: A

According to Newton's first law, force is the rate of change of momentum.
Therefore, a force is not a physical object that can be seen. However, the effect of a force on an object can be seen (i.e its changing momentum)

Which of the following class of forces is different from others?

  1. Pulling of a cart

  2. Stretching of a coiled spring

  3. Kicking of a football

  4. Weight of the body

Correct Option: D

Pulling of a cart, stretching of a coiled spring and kicking of a ball take place due to contact forces but weight of the body (gravitational force) is a non-contact force.

Hence option D is correct.

1 dyne is equal to

  1. 980 g wt

  2. $\displaystyle\ \frac { 1 }{ 980 } \ gwt$

  3. 980 kg wt

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The weight of mass of 1 gram of body is

$ w = mg$
$ w = 1 gm \times980 cm/s^2= 980\  dyne $
So, $ 1\ dyne = \dfrac {1}{980} gwt $
gwt is weight equivalnet in grams.
$ Always\, g wt \times \, g = dyne$

Identify the action involved when a north pole of magnet brought near another north pole of magnet it repels? 

  1. Pushing

  2. Throwing

  3. Pulling

  4. Lifting

Correct Option: A

When similar poles of magnets are brought near each other, they tend to repel i.e they push each other away.

Identify the type of force involved when loaded cart is moved.

  1. Lifting

  2. Pulling

  3. Running

  4. Reading

Correct Option: B

To move a loaded cart we have to pull it . Hence action involved is as pulling.

Which of the following actions can be grouped as push?

a. A cricket ball hit by a batsman.
b. A football player kicking the ball.
c. A girl is shutting the open door of a refrigerator. 

  1. Only a

  2. Only a and b

  3. only b and c

  4. a, b and c

Correct Option: D

All the above examples can be grouped as push. As force is applied to move object away from the body.

Identify the action that can cause motion of a book placed on a table.

  1. Pulling

  2. Pushing

  3. Lifting

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The action involved in moving a book placed on a table can be pulling, pushing or lifting for which force is required.

Which of the following actions can be grouped as pull:

a. Moving a loaded cart
b. Applying brakes while driving car
c. Drawing a bucket of water from a well

  1. Only a

  2. a and b

  3. b and c

  4. a and c

Correct Option: D

For moving a loaded cart  and drawing a bucket of water from a well, the action involved is pulling hence can be grouped as Pull.

Fill in the blanks:

An interaction of one object with another object results in a _________ between the two objects.

  1. pressure

  2. attraction

  3. force

  4. repulsion

Correct Option: C

When one object interacts with another object they exert force on each other, either towards or away from each other.

Identify the action involved in opening or shutting a door.

  1. Pulling

  2. Pushing

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

To open or to shut a door the action of pulling and pushing can be applied.

Identify the action involved when a magnet attracts a piece of iron towards it.

  1. Pushing

  2. Pulling

  3. Flying

  4. Picking

Correct Option: B

When a magnet is placed near to the pieces iron, it pulls the pieces of iron towards itself due to it magnetic field action involved is pulling.

Fill in the blanks:

A push or a pull on an object are types of ________.

  1. pressure

  2. attraction

  3. repulsion

  4. force

Correct Option: D

Force is required to move a stationary object, to stop a moving object, etc. The phenomenon required to push or to pull on object is force.

In which of the following cases, a force is not being applied?

  1. A man standing behind a stationary car.

  2. A car being pushed by a man.

  3. A man trying to stop a sliding car.

  4. A man standing on a car.

Correct Option: A

For pushing a car, a force is required in the direction of motion of the car. 

In trying to stop a sliding car, a force is required against the direction of motion of the car. 
A man standing on the car applies the force of weight on the car.
But, to stand behind a stationary car, no net force needs to be applied in the car.
Option A

A force can be applied only when it is in contact with an object. Which of the following is the category of this type of force?
  1. Magnetic force

  2. Contact force

  3. Non-contact force

  4. Muscular force

Correct Option: B

When a force can be applied by an object on another only if it is in contact with each other, it is called as a contact force. 

What happens when there is no interaction between the objects?

  1. Force comes in action.

  2. Force does not come in action.

  3. Force may or may not come in action.

  4. None of the above is correct

Correct Option: C

There are two types of force 
1) Interactive force: Its effect comes when two objects will come in contact.
2) Non- Interactive force: Its effect will come when an object comes in their respective field strength.

exp:  Charge in an electric field, Mass in gravitation field.
Hence Option C.

A force acts between two bodies if:

  1. both the bodies are pushing each other.

  2. both the bodies are pulling each other.

  3. either of the two bodies are pushing or pulling the other body.

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

Force is involved in all kinds of push and pull.

Fill in the blanks:

In the game of tug-of-war, both the teams pulls each other. So ________.

  1. force is applied due to interaction.

  2. force is not applied although there is interaction.

  3. force is applied although there is an interaction.

  4. none of the above.

Correct Option: A

Force always comes into action when there will be interaction between the objects, Here both the teams are exerting force on each other through the rope.

A force when applied on a non rigid object

  1. Does not change the inter spacing between its constituent particles

  2. Do not cause any change in its dimension

  3. Do not produce motion in it

  4. None

Correct Option: D

A force when applied on a non rigid object, changes the inter spacing between its constituent particles and therefore causes change in its dimension and can also produce motion in it.

When a force is applied on a rigid object

  1. It changes the inter spacing between its constituent particles.

  2. It changes the dimension of the object

  3. It only causes motion in it

  4. All

Correct Option: C

A force when applied on a rigid object does not change the inter spacing between its constituent particles and therefore it does not change the dimension of the object.,but cause only motion in it.

If two bodies do not interact

  1. still a force can be applied

  2. no force can be applied

  3. contact force can be applied

  4. non-contact force can be applied

Correct Option: B
If two bodies do not interact there won't be any force between them as
interaction is must for having any sort of force between two bodies.

Mark the incorrect option:

  1. A force always make an object to move

  2. A force has both magnitude and direction

  3. A force can be represented by an arrow

  4. Force is a vector quantity

Correct Option: A

We are to remember that force does not always make an object to move. For example,we may push a large piece of rock without displacing it from its position.We may even push a wall without any success. And, on the other had, we may apply force on a dough by our fingers to change its shape and size. So, a force does not always make an object to move, it may be used to change the shape and size of an object as well.

Force is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction.

Fill in the blank.

When a force is applied on a soft object,it changes the_________ of the object. 

  1. Shape

  2. Size

  3. Direction of force

  4. Both a and b

Correct Option: D

Force can change the shape and size of an object-when a force is applied on a soft object, it changes the shape and size of the object.

When a spring is pulled :

  1. shape of the spring changes

  2. size of the spring changes

  3. size of the spring doesn't change 

  4. both a and b

Correct Option: D

When a spring is pulled, it's shape and size changes. When a force is applied on a soft object,it changes the shape and size of the object.

Mark the correct option

  1. Force can be seen

  2. When an inflated balloon is pressed between the two hands,only its shape changes

  3. Force is a push,pull or squeeze

  4. All

Correct Option: C

Force cannot be seen.we can 'see' or 'feel' the force through its effects.when an inflated balloon is pressed between the two hands,its shape and size changes.

Force acting on a body is a push,pull or a squeeze.

As longer the interaction between two objects exist

  1. The force remains

  2. The force stops after the initial interaction

  3. Both a and b

  4. The force remains for a specific time interval 

Correct Option: A

A force is a push or pull on an object. This push or pull comes from the objects interacting with one another and only from such interactions. Once the interaction stops, there is no longer any force.

Mark the correct option

  1. A force can make stationary object move.

  2. A force can stop a moving object

  3. A force can increase the speed of a moving object

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Force acting on a body can change its state of rest or of motion.

A force can make a stationary object move-when you kick a stationary football,it moves.

A force can stop a moving object-when a force is applied on a moving object in the direction of motion,its speed increases.

 Fill in the blank.

Interaction of one object with ________ results in a force.

  1. Itself

  2. Another object

  3. Both

  4. May itself and may be another object 

Correct Option: B

$Answer:-$ B

Best example we can take into account is gravitational force.
Gravitation or gravity, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are brought toward  one another, including planets, stars and galaxies.
And for that attraction force is responsible known as gravitational force.

Which of the following is/are correct

  1. At least two objects must interact for a force to come into play.

  2. Interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects.

  3. Interacting forces may be push or pull

  4. All

Correct Option: D

We can infer that at least two objects must interact for a force to come into play.Thus,an interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects.

A force between two objects come into play when

  1. Both objects are very heavy

  2. Both objects move with some speed

  3. Both objects interact with each other

  4. All

Correct Option: C

At least two objects must interact for a force to come into action.

An interaction of one object with another object ,results in a force between the two objects.

Pulling of a cart/tram is an example of

  1. Resultant force

  2. Gravitational force

  3. Contact force

  4. Action at a distance force

Correct Option: C

The contact forces represent the result of physical contact between two objects,one by which force is exerted and the other on which force is exerted.

Suppose a man is standing behind a stationary car.Which of the following options will be correct?

  1. The car will start moving towards the man

  2. The car will start moving away from the man

  3. The car will not move at all

  4. None

Correct Option: C

Forces are due to an interaction.So the car will only move on application of force.

This S.I. unit of force is____

  1. Joules

  2. Newton

  3. Watt

  4. Dyne

Correct Option: B

F = ma

unit wise, $  \dfrac{kg m}{s^2} $
This is defined as Newton.
So, option B is correct.

A ball of mass $400 \ gm$ is dropped from a height of $5 \ m$. A boy on the ground hits the ball vertically upwards with a bat with an average force of $100 N$ so that it attains a vertical height of $20 \ m$. Find the time for which the ball remains in contact with the bat.

  1. $0.12 s$

  2. $0.24 s$

  3. $0.36 s$

  4. $0.48 s$

Correct Option: A

$M=0.4 gm$ $=0.4 kg$

${h _1} = 5\,m$ $,$ ${h _2} = 20\,m$
$g = 10 \,m/{s^2}$
Velocity of the ball after dropping $5m:u$
Velocity of the ball after being hit by the bat$:v$
${u^2} = 2g{h _1} ; u = \sqrt {\left( {2 \times 10 \times 5} \right)}  = 10\,m/s\,\left( {downwards} \right)$

${v^2} = 2g{h _2} ;  \left( {2 \times 10 \times 20} \right) = v = 20\,m/s\left( {upwards} \right)$

Change of momentum $=$impulse$=$ $m(v+u)=12\,kg\,m/s$
$t=$ time of contact $=0.12sec$
option $(A)$ is correct answer.

Swimming is based on Newton's:

  1. First law of motion

  2. second law of motion

  3. third law of motion

  4. law of gravitation

Correct Option: C

When swimmer apply force on the water , then reaction force act on the man due to water. This force on the man drive man forward in the water.

This is an example of Newton’s 3rd law of motion.

If force $\vec {F} = 5\hat {i} + 3\hat {kj} + 4\hat {k}$ makes a displacement of $\vec {s} = 6\hat {i} - 5\hat {k}$, work done by the force is

  1. $10\ unit$

  2. $122\sqrt {5}\ unit$

  3. $5\sqrt {122}\ unit$

  4. $20\ unit$

Correct Option: A

We know that 

Work done $=force \times  displacement$
Work done $=\left( {5\widehat i + 6\widehat j + 4\widehat k} \right) \cdot\left( {6\widehat i + 0\widehat j - 5\widehat k} \right)$
Work done$=30-20=10$ $unit$
option $(A)$ is correct answer.

If the interatomic spacing in a steel wire is ${ 2.8\times 10 }^{ -10 }$ m. and ${ Y } _{ steal }=2\times 10^{ 11 }N/m^{ 2 }$,then force constant in N/m is-

  1. 5.6

  2. 56

  3. 0.56

  4. 560

Correct Option: B

Interatomic  force  constant
$= Y \times inter\ atomic \ distance$
$ = 2\times 10^{11} \times 2.8\times 10^{-10}$
$ = 2\times2.8\times 10$
$ = 56 N/m$

State whether true or false:
The SI unit of force is newton.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The SI unit of force is the newton, symbol N. The base units relevant to force are: the metre, unit of length, symbol m, the kilogram, unit of mass, symbol kg, the second, unit of time, symbol s.

$ 1N = 1 \dfrac {kg m}{s^2} $
So, given statement is true.

If in a system of forces acting on a rigid body R.G  $\neq $ 0, then the given system of forces is equivalent to

  1. degenerate wrench

  2. non-degenerate wrench

  3. a couple

  4. a single force

Correct Option: B

Since neither force nor couple on body is zero, thus it is non-degenerate wrench.

State whether true or False 
10 mN is equal to $10^{-3}$ dynes.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Newton (N) is a SI unit of Force while dyne is a CGS unit of force.   

Relation between them is given as 

$1 dyne=1*10^{-3}*1*10^{-2}N$
$1 dyne =10^{-5}N$
$1 N = 10^5 dyne$
$10 \ mN = 10 \times 10^{-3} N= 10^{-2} N = 10^{-2} \times 10^{5} dyne$
$10 \ mN=10^{3}dyne$

Which of the following laws represents the qualitative measure of force?

  1. Newton's first law of motion

  2. Fleming's right hand rule

  3. Fleming's left hand rule

  4. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Correct Option: A

Newton's first law of motion represents the qualitative measure of force.It states that:

An object remains in the state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change that state by an applied unbalanced force.
All objects resist change in their state of motion. The tendency of undisturbed objects to stay at rest or to keep moving with the same velocity is called inertia. This is why, the first law of motion is also known as the law of inertia.

The state of rest or state of motion of a body can be changed by using

  1. Pressure

  2. Force

  3. Heat

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

First law of motion:

A body in rest or a body in motion will continue to do that unless and until an external force is applied on it.
Force will accelerate or decelerate a body.

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