Family and its importance - class-VI

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We need to _________ each others feelings.

  1. Misunderstand

  2. Understand

  3. Misinterpret

  4. Misconceive

Correct Option: B

In a family, it is very important that members should understand each other feelings and respect those feelings. The family should be formed by trust, love and mutual understanding.

The word family tree indicates that many generations spread out and grow just like the many branches of the tree.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Family tree is a diagram or representation showing the relationship between people in many generations of a family. It helps us relating ourselves from any person from our family. It is a historical data.

"A man is born free and everywhere he chains" Whose words are these ?

  1. Rousseau

  2. Austin

  3. Plato

  4. Hegel

Correct Option: A

Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote the quote "A man is born free but everywhere he is in chains". Rousseau was a influential philosopher, writer and composer of eighteen century Europe. In his quote Rousseau tries to state that all humans are born with equal rights but some are deprived of these rights and enslaved by the chains of compulsion force. The chains of slavery, poverty, class, sect are the indicators that man is enslaved at some level.

Joint family came into being in ______.

  1. Industrial society

  2. Agricultural society

  3. Modern society

  4. Feudal society

Correct Option: D
In Feudalism Lands were exchanged with services. Lands were granted to peasants as long as they provide services. Peasants used to work hard on small plots granted to them by the land Lords and they remained in possession of land as long as they provided services. It led to the gathering of Families of a holder to live and serve together. They were known as serfs (slaves) and were allowed very little mobility. 
While a small family and nuclear family came into being in Modern society which is basically marked by Industrialisation.

Which came first into existence ?

  1. A society

  2. A tribe

  3. A state

  4. A family

Correct Option: D

Usually, family consists of a group of parents and their children living together as a single unit. A tribe is a social division of society consisting families with links such as social, economic, religious, etc. A society is a group of individuals living together who share similar geographic or social territory. A state is a civil government of a nation with a community of people exercising power over specified territory. Option D - a family is the correct answer, as the smallest and first unit which came into existence. 

Which helps the most in the development of a child?

  1. Home

  2. Family

  3. Hospital

  4. Society

Correct Option: B

Family plays an important role in the mental, physical and emotional development of a child. The family provides a secure and supportive place for a child that is essential for his/her good upbringing.

In which part of Karnataka, matriarchal families are found? 

  1. Uttara Kannada

  2. Mysore region

  3. Hyderabad Karnataka region

  4. Dakshina Kannada

Correct Option: D

Apart from patriarchal families , in matriarchal families women are the head of the family. In this system, family relations can be traced through females. In south Karnataka Bunt communities follow this practice. They are found basically in coastal districts of Karnataka.

In which state of our country, matriarchal families are found ?

  1. Tamil Nadu

  2. Kerala

  3. Andhra Pradesh

  4. Maharashtra

Correct Option: B

Matriarchy is a social organization where the mother is the head of the family. In Kerala, women enjoy a higher status as compared to other Indian states. This is reflected by Kerala's sex ratio and literacy rates. Marumakkathayam was a matrilineal inheritance system prevalent in Kerala, where property inheritance was traced through females. Officially, the state has banned matrilineal family structure by the Kerala Joint Hindu Family System (Abolition) Act, 1975. Kerala state legislature passed this act. Hence, option B Kerala is the correct answer.   

Joint family consists of ______________.    

  1. Parents and children

  2. Grandparents

  3. Close relatives

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

A joint family is a type of family that includes two or more generations related to either the paternal or maternal line who maintain a common residence and lives together. It is a type of extended family composed of two or more than two parents and their children living together.

Nuclear family consists of __________.   

  1. Parents

  2. Children

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

A family is really an important word. A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children. A family can be of two types, either nuclear family or joint family. A nuclear family is a group of the family consisting of two parents and their children.

A group comprising parents and children sharing everything under the same roof is called family.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Which information is correct for the development of the society?

  1. Society $\to$ family $\to$ individual $\to$ community

  2. Individual $\to$ family $\to$ community $\to$ society

  3. Family $\to$ society $\to$ individual $\to$ community

  4. Community $\to$ family $\to$ individual $\to$ community

Correct Option: B

An individual is a fundamental unit of a society. Individual form a family, family form a community and from community society are formed. Thus individual-family-community-society is the correct form for the development of the society.

Society and community are interdependent and interlinked.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Society is built upon social interaction among various people while the community is the collection of people with similar interest and ideology residing in a place. Society and community are interdependent for fulfilling their mutual need and benefits. The cohesion between two is to ensure the survival of each other harmoniously.

Match the following:

1. The number of members a. to lead a peaceful life
2. We need to raise our voice b. each other
3. Society helps c. differ from family to family
4. We depend on d. for the rights of people
  1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

  2. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d

  3. 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

  4. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

Correct Option: C
  1. The number of members - differ from family to family.
    2. We need to raise our voice - for the rights of people.
    3. Society helps - to lead a peaceful life.
    4. We depend on - each other.

Living in one house and sharing meals cooked under the same roof is called __________.

  1. Family

  2. Origin

  3. Extraction

  4. Ancestry

Correct Option: A

A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children. A family can be either nuclear or joint. Living in one house and sharing meals cooked under the same room is also termed as a family. A family is a group of people related to each other either by birth, marriage, or co-residence.

Our relatives, neighbours, classmates and playmates co-exist in a ________.

  1. Society

  2. Community

  3. Nation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

A community is a group of people living in the same place or a group of people having a particular characteristic in common. Our relatives, classmates, neighbours, and playmates co-exist in a community.

Community helps to give security, ____________. 

  1. Rights

  2. Duties

  3. Properties

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Benefits of a community are as follows:

1. Social security
2. Helps in getting our rights
3. Helps in performing our duties
4. Properties
5. Provides an opportunity to apply academic learning to real life
6. A sense of social responsibility

The people depend on each other.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

People depend on each other for survival, fulfilling needs and other interest. No man can fulfil his requirements alone. Everyone needs the assistance of others for this purpose and that is how civilisation develops and social relations came into being. We are dependent for services and other needs.

When many communities live together, it is called _________.

  1. Community

  2. Society

  3. Nation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

A society is a group of individuals sharing the same geographical or social territory involved in any social interaction. When many communities live together, they form a society. It is also termed as large number of people sharing a geographical territory lives together, talk together, makes rules together and work together.

People __________ on each other.

  1. Depend

  2. Distrust

  3. Mistrust

  4. Suspect

Correct Option: A

People depend on each other for various things in a family, community or in society. For example, children depend on parents for education, food, and shelter. Employees depend on an employer for salary. Common man depends upon banker for cash. People depend on the government for basic utilities.

Good parenting involves a style that consider's children's age and stage of development.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Good parenting involves a great deal of consistency and routine, which gives children a sense of control. Good parenting involves a style that considers children's age and stage of development.

Which of the following is not the duty state ?

  1. To serve the people

  2. To command the people

  3. To protect the people

  4. To promote the health of the people

Correct Option: B

The State is a body of government which runs a country. It is present to implement the rules and law among the citizen's of the state. In the process of overlooking administration, functions such as serving, protection, healthcare are carried out by the State. So, options A, C and D reflect duty of a State. Whereas, commanding people in option B is quality of dictatorship or authoritarian regime and not a duty of State.

Transformation of ideas, thoughts and practices of the people is called _____.

  1. Revolution

  2. Evolution

  3. Revolt

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Revolution is a sudden or radical change in the behaviour of people to achieve common goals. Revolution aspires to change in the established system and replace it with another system. It shows the trait of changed ideology, thoughts, and beliefs of people towards the existing system. Overthrowing established government is the example of revolution. It is characterised by rapid changes.

What does the word Vegar' mean?

  1. Practice where the worker is forced to render service to the 'master' free ofcharge

  2. Claims of persons recognised by society and sanctioned by law

  3. Selling and buying of human beings

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

It is to our advantage that everyone has a role in making decisions about changes in our surroundings. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
It is completely true that it is to our advantage that everyone has a role in making decisions about changes in our surroundings. We all agree to the fact that each person has his own opinion, ideas, and knowledge, that makes him different from another person. The reform in our society does not occur by an idea of one single person, but the reform happens by the efforts of everyone who strive to bring changes in our society.
Accumulation of a variety of thoughts helps us to identify the pros and cons of a situation.

How and when do we learn to be honest?

  1. When we realize that we have made a mistake, we should talk about it openly with our friends and family

  2. When we realize that we have not made a mistake, we should talk about it openly with our friends and family

  3. When we realize that we have made a mistake, we should not talk about it openly

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Honesty is the base for any kind of relationship. Without honesty, there is no foundation for a lasting relationship. Honesty heals the wounds and helps in solving any kind of serious problem. Realization of honesty is also very important for living a balanced life. When we realize that we have made a mistake and we should talk about it openly with our family and friends. That is the time when we actually learn to be honest with yourself and with others too.

How are we a part of the decision-making in the family?

  1. We have love and affection for each other and we are concerned about other people's well-being

  2. We talk to each other before making decisions about anything in the house

  3. We consult each other and make decisions that everyone agrees with

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Family plays a very important role in decision making. We are a part of the decision-making in the family in the following ways:-

1. We have love and affection for each other and we are concerned about other's people feelings.
2. We talk to each other before making decisions about anything in the house.
3. We consult each other and make decision that everyone agrees with.
4. We make the decision that is suitable for everyone.
5. We must respect each other opinion during the decision-making process.

Who should make decisions regarding changes in our environment?

  1. Government should take all decisions

  2. Everyone has a role in making decisions on our environment

  3. An individual alone

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Everyone has an equal right to make decisions on any matter, whether it is related to family, society or community. We are free to make decisions for the welfare of our society and environment. Nobody has the right to stop us from doing so. Everyone has a role in making a decision on our environment. But the decision should be in the favour of the environment. Our decision shouldn't harm the environment.

What happens when everyone has a role in decision-making?

  1. Each person gets the opportunity to say what they think

  2. By asking everyone's opinions, the subject is thoroughly discussed from every aspect

  3. We feel like a more important part of the family when we see that our opinion is valued

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Decision making is a process of making important decisions. Everybody has a role in decision making. As a family, it is our responsibility to involve everyone in the decision-making process. It helps in the following ways:-

1. Each person gets the opportunity to say what they think.
2. By asking everyone's opinions, the subject is thoroughly discussed from every aspect.
3. We feel like a more important part of the family when we see that our opinion is valued.

No one respects an honest person.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B
There is a saying that "Honesty is the best policy." It is true that everyone respect an honest man. Honesty takes a man to places in life that he has never dreamt of. Honesty is the core moral principle. By telling a truth the other person do not get hurt and respect a person for his honesty. It is opposite with the person who try to deceit someone by telling him a lie.
Honesty engenders confidence, faith, empowers our will power and represent us in our best way.

Honesty is the best way to _________.

  1. Increase discipline in public life

  2. Increase efficiency in public life

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The benefits of honesty are as follows:-

1. Honesty brings courage.
2. Honesty brings discipline in one's life.
3. Honesty brings efficiency in one's life.
4. Honesty creates a circle of love
5. Honesty keeps one's out of trouble.

What are the qualities of a family?

  1. Love and affection

  2. Care

  3. Concern about others well being

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

We live together in a family. Every persons likes and dislikes are different. Thoughts and opinion can also differ. We have love and affection for each other. We take care of each other and are concerned about others well being.

What are the advantages of every one from family involving in decision making?

  1. Opportunity to say what they think

  2. Subject is thoroughly discussed from all the aspects

  3. Feeling of important part of family

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

When every one has role in decision making, Each person gets opportunity to say what they think. By asking everyone's opinions, the subject is thoroughly discussed from every aspect.We feel like a more important part of family when we see that our opinion is valued.

Which of these factors form a good family?

  1. Having feeling of love affection, care and concern for others

  2. Being a part of decision making and giving opportunity to everybody to speak

  3. Valuing others opinion

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

We live together in a family.Every person's likes and dislikes are different. Still we have love and affection, care and concern for each others well being. Each person gets opportunity to speak in decision making and every person's opinion is shared. Also person feels important part of family as his opinions are valued.

What is public participation?

  1. Decision making to get minor changes in surrounding and environment

  2. Registering our opinion if Government decision feels to be incorrect

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of above

Correct Option: C

Just as we participate in family decision making we have a role in public decision making too. In newspaper we read about public participation which means making decision for changes in surroundings. If government selected by us makes a wrong decision regarding public matters we have a right to register our opinions.

What is tolerance?

  1. Listening to others

  2. Respecting opinions

  3. Not debating for our point to be right

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Respecting opinions which are different from our own is called tolerance or broadmindedness. Sometimes there are disagreements but we must try to understand the point of view of others instead of insisting that only our point of view is correct.

How does co-operation in a public life help us?

  1. Help can be seeked from each other

  2. Fairs,rallies and gathering can be arranged

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

How does honesty play a important role in public life?

  1. Better public services and facilities

  2. Increase efficiency of public life

  3. Increase discipline

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

What is a good behavior and our strength?

  1. Dishonesty

  2. Not trustworthy

  3. Honesty

  4. Disrespect

Correct Option: C

Why tolerance is important?

  1. Diversity is preserved

  2. Others opinion can be respected

  3. Enriches social life

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

What are the boons of being honest in life?

  1. We are not afraid of anything

  2. We retain our self confidence

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

It is necessary to be honest and sincere in our work. We must try hard to keep trust in any relationship and never cheat. If we are honest we do not have to be afraid. But if we are dishonest we lose our self confidence.We must be honest at home as well as in public.

Which is a good manner among these?

  1. Person should buy a ticket while travelling through public transport

  2. Throw garbage in public area

  3. Cheat a person by doing robbery

  4. Disrespect the elderly

Correct Option: A

If we are honest in our public life, we will get better public services and facilities. Our public transport system will run at a loss and would soon shut down if people don't buy ticket and travel. So if each person honestly buys a ticket, this problem will be solved. Similarly person should possess such other good qualities too for ourself and public betterment.

Where we can see the quality of co-operation among these?

  1. Family

  2. Team sports

  3. Public life

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

In a family, we co-operate with each other. Similarly, in a team sports,the more the players co-operate with one another, better is the game. Instead of keeping the feeling of co-operation restricted to game we can inculcate in public life too for betterment of it.

Why tolerance has special importance in our country?

  1. Presence of people belonging to different religion, creed, cultures and customs

  2. Diversity is preserved

  3. Encourages to think about others with concern

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Tolerance has special significance as people from different religions,creeds, cultures and following different customs live here. That is why , it is necessary for every one to be tolerant or broadminded. Diversity can be preserved. Diversity enriches our social life. It encourages us to think about others with concern.

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