Transport of water and minerals - class-XII

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Which part In roots has transport proteins that are control points, where a plant adjuste the quantity & types of solutes that reach the xylem. 

  1. Cortical cells

  2. Endodermal calls

  3. Epidermal culls

  4. Root hairs

Correct Option: A

The structures present in the roots to absorb water and minerals are 

  1. Epidermal appendages

  2. Epidermal extensions

  3. Hypodermis

  4. Endodermis

Correct Option: B
  • Root hairs are the lateral epidermal extensions or tubular outgrowths in the roots (zone of maturation) of plants.
  • The root hairs penetrate into the soil and prevent harmful microbes from entering the plant through the xylem vessels.
  • They increase the surface area for absorption of water and nutrients from the soil.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Epidermal extensions'.

Scum float on the surface of water because 

  1. The density of cell is more than that of water

  2. Oxygen accumulate in it

  3. Carbon dioxide accumulate in it

  4. It generates methane gas

Correct Option: A

Select the correct sequence of passive absorption path of water in a plant

  1. Soil $\rightarrow $ Root hair $\rightarrow $ Epidermis $\rightarrow $ Secondary cortex $\rightarrow $ Endodermis $\rightarrow $ Pericycle $\rightarrow $ Metaxylem

  2. Soil $\rightarrow $ Root hair $\rightarrow $ Cortex $\rightarrow $ Passage cells $\rightarrow $ Pericycle $\rightarrow $ Root protoxylem $\rightarrow $ Root Metaxylem

  3. Soil $\rightarrow $ Epidermis $\rightarrow $ Cortex $\rightarrow $ Endodermis $\rightarrow $ Pericycle $\rightarrow $ Root metaxylem $\rightarrow $ Root protoxylem $\rightarrow $ Root hair

  4. Soil $\rightarrow $ Epidermis $\rightarrow $ Cortex $\rightarrow $ Pericycle $\rightarrow $ Endodermis $\rightarrow $ Root protoxylem

Correct Option: A
Option (A)
Soil $\rightarrow$ Root hair $\rightarrow$ Epidermis $\rightarrow$ Secondary cortex $\rightarrow$ Endodermis $\rightarrow$ Pericycle $\rightarrow$ Metaxylem.
The absorption of water by plants is essential for various metabolic activities. Soil water enters into the cortical cells through root hairs to reach the xylem of roots to maitain the supply of water.

Suitable temperature for active absorption of water by root is

  1. $40\, -\, 45^{\circ} C$

  2. $10\, -\, 15^{\circ} C$

  3. $20\, -\, 35^{\circ} C$

  4. Can take at any temperature

Correct Option: C

Active absorption requires input of energy, which is obtained from cellular respiration. Respiration is an enzymatic process and is inhibited at extreme temperatures. Hence, the optimum temperature for active absorption is twenty to thirty five degree celsius.

At low temperature water absorption decreases due to
(I) An increase in the viscosity of water and protoplasm. 
(II) A decrease in the permeability of cell membranes.
(III) A decrease in the metabolic activities of root cells. 
(IV) A check in the growth and elongation of roots.

  1. I and II are correct

  2. I and III are correct

  3. I, II and III are correct

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D

At low temperature, there will be physical changes in water and also water absorption, both due to active and passive means will decrease. There will be an increase in viscosity of water and decrease in respiration in roots. The decreased respiration will lead to reduced supply of ATP. Hence, active absorption will decrease. Also, growth of roots will suffer due to decrease in rate of metabolism. The cell membrane will become less permeable and there will be lesser movement of solutes across them. As temperature rises, the lipids become more fluidic and permit movement of more solutes across the membrane.

In poorly aerated soil, the rate of water absorption will

  1. Increase

  2. Decrease

  3. Remains the same

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Poorly aerated soil, particularly when it is deficient in oxygen, retards absorption of water from the soil. Accumulation of $CO _2$ in the soil also inhibits absorption.

Root cap plays no role in the absorption of water in a plant, because

  1. Its cells are loosely arranged.

  2. It has no root hairs.

  3. It has no connection with xylem tissue.

  4. Its cells are dead.

Correct Option: B

Root hairs are unicellular extensions of root epidermis or epiblema. They increase the surface area for absorption and are involved with absorption of water. Root cap typically lacks root hairs and hence not involved in absorption process.

Water and minerals travels upwards through _________

  1. Xylem

  2. Pholem

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Water and salts travel upwards mainly in the xylem and food substance travel up and down in the phloem.

Many transplanted seeding may not survive because

  1. They do not like the new soil.

  2. They do not get required mineral salt.

  3. Most of the root hairs are lost during transplantation.

  4. The leaves get damaged.

Correct Option: C

Root hairs are important for absorption of water and minerals. If root hairs are damaged during transplantation absorption of water and minerals will suffer. Hence, transplanted seedling may not survive.

Maximum absorption of water by a root occur in the region of

  1. Cell division

  2. Cell elongation

  3. Cell maturation

  4. Cell division and root cap together

Correct Option: C

In a typical dicot root; root hairs are present in the zone of cell maturation. Root hairs are unicellular extensions of root epidermis, called as epiblema, which absorb water due to increased surface area for absorption. Zone of cell division, zone of elongation and root cap generally lack root hairs.

When the concentration of the soil solutes is low, the absorption of water is

  1. Retarted

  2. Increase

  3. Remains normal

  4. Stopped

Correct Option: B

When concentration of soil solutes is low then the soil solution is hypotonic as compared to cell sap. Water always flows from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution. Hence, when the soil solution is hypotonic due to low concentration of solutes, the water flows into the cell due to the process of endosmosis and absorption of water is increased.

During absorption of water by roots, the water potential of cell sap is lower than that of

  1. Pure water and soil solution

  2. Neither pure water nor soil solution

  3. Pure water but higher than that of soil solution

  4. Soil solution but higher than that of pure water

Correct Option: A

Water flows from higher water potential to lower water potential. Water potential of pure water is zero. As solutes are dissolved in it, the water potential decreases. More the dissolved solutes, lower will be the water potential. Water potential of all the solutions is always negative. Hence, water flows from higher water potential (i.e., less negative water potential) towards a lower water potential (i.e., more negative water potential). It is clear that absorption of water will occur if water potential of cell sap is lower than pure water and soil solution.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?

  1. Water and salts are taken simultaneously by root hairs.

  2. Plants absorb one thing at a time either water or inorganic salt.

  3. Plants absorb excess quantity of water.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: B

It is wrong to believe that water absorption and absorption of mineral salts are two unrelated processes. In fact the active uptake of ions is partly responsible for the water potential gradient in roots, and therefore for the uptake of water by osmosis. Some ions also move into the epidermal cells passively. Since soil has less concentration of minerals; most of the minerals are absorbed actively.

When concentration of solutes is low in the soil, absorption of water is 

  1. Stopped

  2. Increased

  3. Retarded

  4. Normal

Correct Option: B

Roots absorp water from soil through diffusion process. Diffusion occurs in the presence of  concentration gradient. When amount of solute is less in soil solution then amount of water is more in soil solution. In this condition more amount of water will diffuse from soil to roots that's why water absorption is increased.

Lignin and cellulose have affinity for water. This is called

  1. Adhesion

  2. Cohesion

  3. Root pressure

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

  • The attraction between the molecules of dissimilar substances is termed as adhesion. 
  • Walls of tracheid and vessels of xylem are made up of lignin and the cellulose. Hence due to the adhesive force, they have a close affinity for water.
  • So, the correct answer is option A.

A water-logged soil is physiologically dry because of

  1. Anaerobic conditions

  2. Non movement of water capillaries

  3. Increased viscosity of water

  4. Abundance of salts

Correct Option: A

Water-logging indicates to the concentration of soil with water. When the soil is saturated with water over the course of time leads to blockage of air phases and anaerobic condition is succeeded, now the soil may be regarded as waterlogged. In the intense condition (physiologically dry) continued waterlogging leads to anaerobiosis (life sustaining by organism in the absence of oxygen), mostly occurs to mesophytes roots, denitrification and methanogenesis due to reduced atmosphere. 

So, the correct answer is option A.

Root hair absorbs water from soil through

  1. Turgor pressure

  2. Ion exchange

  3. Osmosis

  4. DPD

Correct Option: C

Root hair absorbs water from soil through osmosis. Water will be absorbed by root hairs by osmosis as the environment in the soil is hypotonic. This kind of absorption takes place passively. The water can easily move from the region of higher concentration to the low concentration without expenditure of energy. The cell membrane of the root cells acts as a semipermeable membrane. It passes the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, casparian strip and pericycle and protoxylem and metaxylem.

So, the correct answer is option C.

Loss of water taken place through.

  1. Stomata, cell wall of mesophyll cells and hydathodes

  2. Stomata and cell wall of mesophyll cells

  3. Stomata and hydathodes

  4. Cell wall of mesophyll cells and hydiahodes

Correct Option: A

Whose water potential is less than water potential of root hair during water absorption (by root hair)?

  1. Gravitational water

  2. Pure water

  3. Vacuolar sap

  4. Soil solution

Correct Option: C

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given the lists.

List-I(significance of the phenomenon in cell-water relations) List-II(Quantity)
a. Degree of hydration of protoplasm $1$. Wall pressure
b. Stretches cell walls and may lead to their enlargement if the walls are sufficiently plastic $2$. Water potential
c. Increases the free energy of water molecule $3$. Turgor pressure
d. Indicates the direction of diffusion of water $4$. Osmotic potential
  1. A-$1$, B-$3$, C-$2$, D-$4$

  2. A-$4$, B-$3$, C-$1$, D-$2$

  3. A-$4$, B-$1$, C-$2$, D-$3$

  4. A-$3$, B-$4$, C-$2$, D-$1$

Correct Option: A

Rate of water absorption can be increased through 

  1. Decreased transpiration

  2. Decreased ion absorption

  3. Increased photosynthesis

  4. Increased transpiration

Correct Option: D
The rate of transpiration is high on a bright sunny day. The water is lost from guard cell which leads to decrease in the water potential of guard cell as compared to the surrounding cell. To stabilize the water potential in the guard cell water rushes from the neighbouring cell which creates a cohesion pull in the xylem vessels to pull the water up to the guard cell. Thus, the rate of water absorption increases when the transpiration is high. 
So, the correct answer is option D.

Roots play insignificant role in absorption of water in

  1. Sunflower

  2. Pistia

  3. Pea

  4. Wheat

Correct Option: B

Pistia is a hydrophyte where absorption of water by root is insignificant   It floats on the surface of the water, its roots hanging submersed beneath floating leaves. 

So the correct option is "pistia".

The transpiration-driven ascent of xylem sap depends mainly upon _______ property of water.

  1. Cohesion

  2. Adhesion

  3. Surface tension

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

There is a continuous column of water from root through the stem and into the leaves. The water column is present in tracheary elements. The column of water does not fall down under the impact of gravity because forces of transpiration provide both energy and necessary pull. Cohesion, adhesion and surface tension-keep the water in place.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Endodermis is impervious to water due to the presence of suberized Casparian strips

  2. Xylem vessels and tracheids, being non-living, are parts of the apoplast

  3. Ascent of sap is best explained by root pressure theory

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Cohesion tension theory(Cohesion-tension and transpiration pull theory) explains the ascent of sap best. It was put forward by Dixon and Jolly in 18941894. It was further improved by Dixon in 19141914. Therefore, the theory is also named after him as Dixon's theory of ascent of sap. Today most of the workers believe in this theory.

Which of the four most abundant elements in most plants (C, H, O and N), does a terrestrial green plant procure mainly through its roots from the soil?

  1. H and O

  2. H and N

  3. C and O

  4. O and N

Correct Option: B

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
Pressure on a plant cell wall caused by the osmotic movement of water is called

  1. Osmotic pressure

  2. Wall pressure

  3. Turgor pressure

  4. Tonic pressure

Correct Option: C

When a plant cell is placed in the hypotonic solution, it causes endosmosis i.e. movement of surrounding water into the cell. This creates a turgor pressure against the rigid walls due to the entry of water.

Osmotic pressure is the hydrostatic pressure developed in a solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semi-permeable membrane in a rigid vessel.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Turgor pressure'.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
During the day most plants lose .......... and take up .......... 

  1. Carbon dioxide; oxygen

  2. Oxygen; water

  3. Water; oxygen

  4. Water; carbon dioxide

Correct Option: D

During the day time, plants lose a lot of water in the form of water vapour due to the process of transpiration. Whereas it takes up carbon dioxide through stomata to carry out photosynthesis.

Hence,the correct answer is 'Water; carbon dioxide'.

The most important factor for absorption of water in plants is?

  1. Living cell

  2. Force of capillarity

  3. Imbibition

  4. Cohesive force of water

Correct Option: B

Which is not true regarding active water absorption?

  1. Require energy

  2. Occurs only when transpiration is slow

  3. Living cells are essential

  4. Force develops in shoot

Correct Option: D
  • Active absorption of water occurs in root cells which utilizes the metabolic energy released through respiration. It is of two types. Osmotic absorption is when water is ab­sorbed from the soil into the xylem of the roots according to the osmotic gradient. And Non-osmotic absorption is when water is absorbed against the osmotic gradient. Usually, transpiration is passive absorption but when it is low active absorption occurs. 
  • It takes place in living cells.
  • The force for passive absorption develops in shoot not of active absorption. 

So, the correct answer is 'Force develops in shoot'.

Death of protoplasm is a pre-requisite for a vital function like

  1. Transport of sap

  2. Transport of food

  3. Absorption of water

  4. Gaseous exchange

Correct Option: C
  • Hollow space is needed to allow water to pass. Hence the cells have to be empty thus dead for that. As water gets transported to the upper part of the plant, more water is absorbed.

So, the correct option is 'Absorption of water'

Which of the following would not contribute to water uptake by plant cell?

  1. an increase in the water potential $\Psi $ of the surrounding solution

  2. a decrease in pressure on the cell exerted by the wall

  3. the uptake of solutes by the cell

  4. an increase in tension on the surrounding solution.

Correct Option: A

Plant absorb water from the soil by osmosis. Root hair cells are adapted for this by having a large surface area to speed up osmosis. The absorbed water is transported through the roots to the rest of the plant where it's used for different purposes. It's a reactant used in photosynthesis.

So, the correct option is 'an increase in the water potential of the surrounding solution.'

The active uptake of minerals depends upon

  1. Respiration

  2. Transpiration

  3. Photorespiration

  4. Dephosphorylation

Correct Option: A

Plants can absorb minerals that are dissolved in solution.The minerals present in the soil can be absorbed through their root hair cells. However, the concentration of minerals in the soil is very low. While water is absorbed by the plants through osmosis,  minerals are absorbed as ions by active transport (transport against the law of diffusion, by spending cellular energy). The cell membrane has transport proteins that allow the ions to cross the membrane. The ions then move upward through the xylem, to the leaves and other aerial parts of the plant. The absorption of minerals using respiratory energy is called active absorption and is influenced by temperature, oxygen concetration and respiratory poisons

Which of the following helps to move the water from root to xylem vessels?

  1. Stem cells

  2. Root cells

  3. Soil

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
In plants, transpiration is the process by which water and solutes are taken up by the roots and transported via the xylem to the leaves. 
The water passes from the soil to the root by osmosis. The long and thin shape of root hairs maximizes surface area and water passes from the soil to the root hairs. The next stage in the transpiration stream is water passing into the xylem vessels. The water either goes through the cortex cells (between the root cells and the xylem vessels) or it bypasses them – going through their cell walls. After this, the water moves up the xylem vessels to the leaves through diffusion.
So, the answer is B.

Identify the vascular tissues in plants.

  1. Xylem

  2. Phloem

  3. Stem

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D
Vascular tissue is an arrangement of multiple cell types in vascular plants which allows for the transport of water, minerals, product and of photosynthesis to be transported throughout the plant. There are two types of vascular tissues of a plant namely, xylem and phloem.
So the correct answer is 'Both A and B'.

The absorption of water is not affected when

  1. Soil is waterlogged (poorly aerated)

  2. Soil temperature increases

  3. Soil solution is highly concentrated

  4. Soil water is available in maximum

Correct Option: D

Absorption of water occurs via root hairs of roots through diffusion of water from high concentration to lower concentration.

Because transpiration pull induces the absorption of water. Thus when there is a scarcity of water inside the plant it absorbs water and it is not affected by maximal soil water present in the soil. 
So the correct answer is 'Soil water is available in maximum'.

For absorption of water, the roots act as 

  1. Sucking organs

  2. Osmotic system

  3. Manometer

  4. Anemometer

Correct Option: B

Osmosis occurs when there is a concentration gradient and water flows out from the region of high water potential to lower water potential. So for absorption of water roots act as an osmotic system because there is high er solute concentration (water) in the soil as compared to the roots due to which water is absorbed by the roots by osmosis.

So the correct answer is 'Osmotic system'.

Optimum temperature for water absorption by plants is

  1. $ 0^o - 5^o C $

  2. $ 5^o - 20^o C $

  3. $ 25^o - 35^oC $

  4. $ 40^o - 50^o C $

Correct Option: C

Temperature about 30°C favours water absorption. At higher tem­peratures water absorption is decreased. Also, low temperature decreases the permeability of the cell membrane. Metabolic activities of the root cells are decreased below the optimum temperature. 

So the correct answer is '25°C - 35°C'.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
An arachnid differs from a crustacean because:

  1. arachnids lack antennae

  2. arachnids are mostly aquatic and crustaceans are mostly terrestrial

  3. only arachnids shed their exoskeletons

  4. only arachnids have two major body segments of cephalothorax and abdomen

Correct Option: A
Crustaceans and Arachnida are classes of Phylum Arthropoda. Crustaceans have 2 pairs of antennae but in arachnids they are absent. 
So the correct answer is "arachnids lack antennae".

Osmotic potential and pressure potential of three cells, a, b, c located in different parts of an actively transpiring plant are: 

Cell O.P (MPa) P.P. (MPa)
a -0.87 0.44
b -0.92 0.34
c -0.68 0.27

Which ones are root hair, root cortical and mesophyll cells respectively?

  1. a, b, c

  2. a, c, b

  3. c, a, b

  4. b, c, a

Correct Option: C

  • Osmosis occurs only through the semi-permeable membrane. Osmosis is a gradient dependent process, osmosis is different from diffusion as it is characterized by a semi-permeable membrane.
  • Net direction and rate of osmosis depend on both pressure gradient and concentration gradient.
So, the correct answer is 'c, a, b'.

Water absorption mainly occurs through the root-hair. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The force of water absorption is created at the leaf end i.e transpiration pull. The water will enter the plant via the root cells that can be found in the roots.

Water absorbed by the roots reaches the leaves and is used in producing food for the entire plant.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The leaves prepare food for the plant, using water and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. The roots have root hair. The roots hair increase the surface area of the root for the absorption of water and mineral nutrients dissolved in the water.

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