Emerging modes of services - class-XI

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To have an account with the online vendor the process is known as ____________.

  1. registration

  2. payment selection

  3. placing an order

  4. neither of the above

Correct Option: A

The very first step in online transaction is registration. A person is required to register himself and his basic information with the vendor so that authentication of a person can be done and transactions can be carried out without any hassle in future.

The selection of the items that are to be put on the cart for purchase is known as __________.

  1. registration

  2. placing an order

  3. payment options

  4. neither of the above

Correct Option: B

While surfing the website or application, customer selects the goods which he wants to purchase, and these selected items go to cart from where an order can be placed with the supplier. This process is known as placing an order while purchasing with the help of Internet.

M-commerce deals with conducting the trancstions with the help of ________.

  1. telephone

  2. pager

  3. calculator

  4. moblie

Correct Option: D

M-commerce means mobile commerce i.e. commercial activities that takes place electronically by mobile phones. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions include purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

The very first step in online transaction is ___________.

  1. placing an order

  2. registration

  3. selection of payment method

  4. input of payment details

Correct Option: B

The very first step in online transaction is registration. A person is required to register himself and his basic information with the vendor so that authentication of a person can be done and transactions can be carried out without any hassle in future.

The acronym of vital information under siege is __________.

  1. Malware

  2. IP Address

  3. VIRUS

  4. GPS

Correct Option: C

VIRUS refers to vital information under siege. A computer virus is a malicious software that is loaded onto a users software without the user's knowledge and performs malicious functions. But not all viruses are destructive though.

Once the information is available over the internet, it moves out of the private domain and it is difficult to protect it from being copied.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Whenever we post any information over internet, it moves out of our private domain and becomes a part of public domain that can be used by anyone and it become difficult for us to protect it from being copied. When it reaches the public domain, an individual does not have any control over it.

Due to risks in online transactions, security and safety issues become most crucial concern in e-business.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The main drawback of e-business is that there remains a risk in online transactions as one cannot trust the person whom he has not seen. Safety is a main issue as personal information of buyer is always on threat as they can be used for any unlawful activities.

Which of the following is a web browser?

  1. Google Chrome

  2. Internet Explorer

  3. Firefox

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

There are many ways in which internet can be surfed by an individual. It includes Google, mozilla firefox, internet explorer. These are the different platforms through which internet facility can be obtained by the individual.

Which of the following is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet _________.

  1. Intranet

  2. Extranet

  3. World Wide Web

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The world wide web is one set of software services running on the internet. Http stand for hypertext transfer protocol. It is the set of rules for transferring files like text, graphic image, sound, video and other multimedia files etc. on the world wide web.

SMS means ______.

  1. Short More Service

  2. Several Messaging Service

  3. Short Messaging Service

  4. Several Machine Service

Correct Option: C

SMS stands for short messaging services and it is commonly known as text messages. SMS is a text messaging component of most telephone, internet, mobile device systems. It is a method of communication that sends that sends text between cell phones or computers.

The first step in decision making is __________.

  1. selection of alternatives to be followed

  2. analysis and evaluation of available alternatives

  3. discovery of alternatives

  4. identifying and diagnosing the real problem

Correct Option: D

The first step in decision making is identifying and diagnosing the real problem i.e. a company is required to keep an eye on the business activities i.e. what is going at the wrong side so that a corrective measure can be done to convert the problem nto an advantage.

With a ______, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos and other multi media and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

  1. Fax

  2. Web browser

  3. Phonogram

  4. Browser

Correct Option: B

With a web browser, one can view web pages as it contains Http that stand for hypertext transfer protocol. It is the set of rules for transferring files like text, graphic image, sound, video and other multimedia files etc. on the world wide web.

Which of the following protocol is used by the web?

  1. HTTP

  2. HTPT

  3. TTPH

  4. TPTH

Correct Option: A

Http stand for hypertext transfer protocol, it is used by the web. It is the set of rules for transferring files like text, graphic image, sound, video and other multimedia files etc. on the world wide web. Http is an application protocol that runs on the top of TCP / IP suite of protocols.

M-Commerce deals with conducting the transactions with the help of ________________.

  1. Telephone

  2. Pager

  3. Calculator

  4. Mobile

Correct Option: D

M-commerce means commerce activities that takes place through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions includes purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

What is OTP in credit card transactions?

  1. Odd Transaction Password

  2. Owner's Transaction Password

  3. One Time Password

  4. One Time Pincode

Correct Option: C

A one time password ( OTP ) is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates a user for single transaction or session. OTP is necessary in credit card transactions so that it cannot be used by any unauthorised person.

E-marketing is defined as _____________.

  1. buying and selling of goods and services through internet

  2. buying of goods through internet

  3. selling of goods through internet

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

E-marketing refers to the buying and/or selling of goods and services through internet or online for the satisfaction of the consumer needs. It reduces the operational cost of the business. The consumers are benefited as they can order anything anytime from anywhere. They also might get goods at a cheaper rate and can compare the prices offered by different sellers at the same time.  

E-Commerce results in _______ transaction cost and ________ margin.

  1. higher, lower

  2. lower, lower

  3. lower, higher

  4. higher, higher

Correct Option: C

E-commerce results in lower transaction cost and higher margin as expenses related to land, labour etc. are very less in online transactions as compared to offline transactions that results in high profit margin.

M-commerce means ____________.

  1. Movable commerce

  2. Mobile commerce

  3. Movement commerce

  4. More commerce

Correct Option: B

M-commerce means mobile commerce i.e. commercial activities that takes place electronically by mobile phones. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions includes purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

Which of the following refers to the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)?

  1. BPO

  2. E-commerce

  3. M-commerce

  4. N-commerce

Correct Option: C

M-commerce means commerce activities that takes place through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions includes purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

In which of the following, personal digital assistants (PDAs) are used for buying and selling of goods and services?

  1. E-commerce

  2. M-commerce

  3. V-commerce

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

M-commerce means mobile commerce i.e. commercial activities that takes place electronically by PDAs i.e. mobile phones. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions include purchasing stocks, remitting money etc. this service is often referred as mobile banking.

Abbreviation FTP means ________.

  1. file Transfer Promotion

  2. File Tall protocol

  3. Foreign Transfer Protocol

  4. File Transfer Protocol

Correct Option: D

FTP stands for File transfer protocol. FTP is the commonly used protocol for transferring files over the Internet. FTP uses a client server architecture. Files can be transferred between two computers using file transfer protocol. 

Which of the following reflects 'parent ego' as per the concept of Transactional Analysis?

  1. I would not do so again

  2. Do not worry

  3. Do not leave me

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

In the concept of Transactional analysis, parent ego is reflected by the word do not worry. 

Identify the latest concept in e-commerce ______________.

  1. B2B Commerce

  2. C2C Commerce

  3. B2C Commerce

  4. M-Commerce

Correct Option: D

M-commerce is a latest concept in e commerce. It means commerce activities that takes place through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone. M-commerce enables users to access internet without finding a place to plug in. These transactions includes purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

The abbreviation 'VSAT' stands for ________________.

  1. Very Straight Aperture Terminals

  2. Vast Small Aperture Terminals

  3. Very Small Aperture Transfer

  4. Very Small Aperture Terminal

Correct Option: D

VSAT stands for very small aperture terminals. Very small in VSAT refers to the size of the antenna on VSAT dish. The earth station is designed to transmit and receive data signals via a satellite signals. The satellite sky transponder then forwards the data transmission to the end user's VSAT antenna and finally to the end user's device.

Choose the example of M-commerce from the following.

  1. Online shopping using a Personal Computer

  2. Online purchase of books using smartphone

  3. Paying by Plastic Card (Debit/Credit) at a restaurant

  4. Withdrawal of cash at ATM

Correct Option: B

Online purchase of books using smartphone is a kind of M-commerce. M-commerce means commerce activities that takes place through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone. These transactions also includes purchasing stocks, remitting money, this service is often referred as mobile banking.

Which among the following is true about the mobile app used in mobile phones?

  1. Customers using app are considered more loyal.

  2. Customers invest in saving and downloading app.

  3. Probability of purchase from the users of app is high.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Mobile apps used by the customers makes them seem more loyal towards the application. Customers invest in savings and downloading app, it increase the wealth of app makers. Probability of purchase from the users of app is high, it also shows the interest of consumers in purchasing.

Which of the following is/are not an obstacle(s) of m-commerce?

  1. Slow Connectivity

  2. Standardization

  3. Security

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D

There are many obstacles in the functioning of m commerce i.e. our security is always on threat i.e. our personal information can be misused, slow connectivity i.e. networks are not available or poor in a particular area acts as a hindrance in the working of m commerce, standardization is also an issue in m commerce.

Lufthansa Air passengers can check in and board flights with an electronic ticket on their mobile device?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

It is true that Lufthansa air passengers can check in and board flights with an electronic ticket on their mobile phones. Currently, there are many airline companies whose tickets ca be easily booked online, even people can book the seat they want using mobile phones.

Major disadvantage of M-commerce is that __________.

  1. security measures are few

  2. it is too expensive

  3. it is considered only for the elite status group

  4. security measures are strict

Correct Option: A

The main drawback of m commerce is that our personal information are always on the threat.Very few, security measures are there to protect the data that can be misused by others. Foe example: our bank account numbers can be used by some digital hackers for theft.

M-Commerce is significant because ___________.

  1. advertising in social media reaches fast to people

  2. of growing trend in the use of mobile phones

  3. it gives enhanced shopping experience with the availability of useful apps

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

M-commerce is considered to be significant as mobile phones are used by almost every people and advertising in social media reaches very fast to people. It is realized as a powerful medium of E-commerce as there is an increase in the popularity of people using applications for their daily use and also there is a positive trend of customer experience in M-commerce.

Which of the following is not considered a device suitable for m-commerce?

  1. An iPod Touch

  2. Blackberry

  3. Mortorola droid

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D

M-commerce means mobile commerce i.e. commercial activities that takes place electronically by mobile phones. All mobile devices i.e. an ipod touch, blackberry phones, Motorola phones, Samsung mobile phones etc. can perform m-commerce functions.

Which is/are the factor(s) that makes/make M-commerce a powerful concept of future?

  1. It is realized as a powerful business medium of e-commerce.

  2. Increasing popularity of innovative apps.

  3. Positive trend of customer experience.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

M-commerce is considered to be a powerful concept of future as mobile phones are used by almost every people. It is realized as a powerful medium of e commerce as there is an increase in the popularity of people using applications for their daily use and also there is a positive trend of customer experience in M-commerce.

The advantage(s) of M-commerce is/are _________.

  1. personalisation

  2. flexibility

  3. ease in distribution

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

M-commerce ensures that there is an interpersonal communication with people using different applications. M-commerce provides flexibility of time i.e. transactions can be carried out without any time restrictions. It ensures ease in distribution of products purchased or sold.

Phones with bigger screens enhance shopping experience. Is this true or false?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

It is true that mobile phones having bigger screens enhance shopping experience as product's visibility increases, their design can be seen thoroughly. Big screens ensures clear visibility that increases the trust of consumer on the product.

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