Trend analysis - class-XII

Description: trend analysis
Number of Questions: 34
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Tags: financial statement analysis accountancy analysis of financial statements
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Financial statement analysis helps to identify the areas where the managers have been efficient and the areas where they have been lacking behind.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Financial statements helps to understand the financial position of the company. It helps to understand the deviation between the actual position and the position that the company had planned. By looking at the deviation the company can understand how efficiently the managers have worked. 

In periods of inflation, accounting depreciation is ______________ relative to replacement cost and real economic income is ______________.

  1. overstated, overstated

  2. overstated, understated

  3. understated, overstated

  4. understated, understated

Correct Option: C

Financial Analysis does not help the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matters in simplified manner.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

False. Financial Analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matters in a simplified manner. Financial analysis is reviewing and analyzing of financial data, understand the past, present and future projected data. 

It gives a useful insight to the users as to what is the condition of the company.

On the basis of financial analysis, earning capacity of the enterprise cannot be assessed or computed.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

False. On the basis of financial analysis, earning capacity of the enterprise can be assessed or computed. Financial analysis means analysing the financial statements of the firm to make financial decisions. It helps in assessing the earning capacity, present position, past performance, managerial efficiency and helps in inter-firm comparison. 

Which of the following are significance of Financial Analysis?

  1. Assessing the earning capacity.

  2. Assessing managerial efficiency.

  3. Inter-firm Comparison.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Financial analysis means analysing the financial statements of the firm to make financial decisions. It helps in assessing the earning capacity, present position, past performance, managerial efficiency and helps in inter-firm comparison. 

Past financial statement analysis helps in assessing developments in future, especially in the next year.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Past financial statement analysis helps in assessing developing future, especially in the next year. Financial analysis helps in analysing the past and current position of the company which helps the company in further making economic decisions. 

Analysis helps the company understanding what to do next and what not to do in order to achieve goals. 

Inter-firm comparison becomes difficult with the help of financial analysis.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

False. Inter-firm comparison will become easier with help of financial analysis as it analyses and interprets the financial information in a simplified manner. Inter firm comparison is comparison between 2 different enterprises. 

Financial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in a simplified manner.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Financial Analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matters in a simplified manner. Financial analysis is reviewing and analysing of financial data, understand the past, present and future projected data. It gives a useful insight to the users as to what is the condition of the company.

Financial data can be made more comprehensive by _______________.

  1. Charts

  2. Graphs

  3. Diagrams

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Financial analysis can be made more comprehensive by charts, graphs and diagrams. It will be more comprehensive as all the elements will be covered and will be easier for the users of the financial statements to understand the same. 

Which of the following is the limitation of financial statement analysis?

  1. Historical analysis

  2. Ignores price level changes

  3. Not free from bias

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Financial statements of a company as useful as they are have a few limitations as well. They are prepared on historical cost as all the assets of the company are recorded at the cost. 

They ignore price level changes because of the historical cost concept. They are not free from personal bias, as the statements are prepared by humans personal bias being a human tendency might affect the financial statements. 

Long-term and short-term solvency of the enterprise can be assessed on the basis of ___________ statement analysis.

  1. cash flow

  2. income

  3. financial

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: C

Window dressing is one of the limitation of financial analysis.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Window dressing a limitation of financial analysis. Window dressing means where the company shows a better financial position of the company than actual. It Is usually done to impress the lenders or to existing investors. 

Which of the following is not incorporated in Capital Budgeting?

  1. Tax-Effect

  2. Time Value of Money

  3. Required Rate of Return

  4. Rate of Cash Discount

Correct Option: D

Capital budgeting decisions involve huge funds and are long term decisions. As they involve huge costs one wrong decision would have a big effect on the business. The company understands how much tax benefit will the company have after the investment, whether the rate of return is more than the cost of capital and how much is to be paid in terms of present value. All these are taken into account but rate of cash discount is not. 

Which of the following is not followed while taking Capital budgeting decisions?

  1. Cash flows be calculated on incremental terms

  2. All costs and benefits are measured on cash basis

  3. All accrued costs and revenues be incorporated

  4. All benefits are measured on after-tax basis

Correct Option: C

Capital budgeting is evaluating all the big expenses and cost that the business will incur on a project. They only take into consideration all the cash expenses and revenues and not accrued cost and revenues.

 In capital budgeting cash is more important than profit. All benefits are measured on cash basis, tax is taken into consideration to understand the tax benefit. 

Which of the following is not true with reference to capital budgeting?

  1. Capital budgeting is related to asset replacement decisions

  2. Cost of capital is equal to minimum required return

  3. Existing investment in a project is not treated as sunk cost

  4. Timing of cash flows is relevant

Correct Option: C

Sunk cost is a cost that cannot be recovered and has been incurred already. Existing investment in a project is treated as a sunk cost as it is incurred in the past and cannot be recovered. 

Which of the following is not true for capital budgeting?

  1. Sunk costs are ignored

  2. Opportunity costs are excluded

  3. Incremental cash flows are considered

  4. Relevant cash flows are considered

Correct Option: B

Capital budgeting decisions involve huge funds and are long term decisions. As they involve huge costs one wrong decision would have a big effect on the business. They include all the potential expenses/costs. It includes opportunity cost, actual cost, incremental and relevant cash flows. It does not include sunk costs.

Capital Budgeting Decisions are __________.

  1. Reversible

  2. Irreversible

  3. Unimportant

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Capital budgeting decisions involve huge funds and are long term decisions. As they involve huge costs one wrong decision would have a big effect on the business. Hence, capital budgeting decisions are irreversible as its difficult to take back the decision. 

Risk in Capital budgeting implies  _____________.

  1. Uncertainty of Cash flows

  2. Probability of Cash flows

  3. Certainty of Cash flows

  4. Variability of Cash flows

Correct Option: A

Risk is the probability of damage, loss or threat. Risk in capital budgeting implies that the decision maker knows the probability of cash flows. Therefore, risk in capital budgeting means uncertainty of cash flows. 

Feasibility Set Approach to Capital Rationing can be applied in ____________.

  1. Accept-Reject situations

  2. Divisible projects

  3. Mutually Exclusive Projects

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: A

Feasibility Set Approach to capital Rationing can be applied in Accept-reject situations.  Accept-Reject situations are the situations which the company is not sure about, so conducting a feasibility test would ensure if the project is suitable or not for the company. 

In case of the indivisible projects, which of the following may not give the optimum result?

  1. Internal Rate of Return

  2. Profitability Index

  3. Feasibility Set Approach

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Feasibility Set Approach to capital Rationing can be applied in divisible projects. Indivisible projects are the one which can be accepted or rejected wholly. So conducting a feasibility test would ensure if the project is suitable or not for the company. 

Real rate of return is equal to__________.

  1. Nominal Rate x Inflation Rate

  2. Nominal Rate $\div$ Inflation Rate

  3. Nominal Rate - Inflation Rate

  4. Nominal Rate + Inflation Rate

Correct Option: B

The real rate of return formula is the sum of one plus the nominal rate divided by the sum of one plus the inflation rate which then is subtracted by one. The formula for the real rate of return can be used to determine the effective return on an investment after adjusting for inflation.

Risk in capital budgeting implies that the decision-maker knows _______ of the cash flows.

  1. Variability

  2. Probability

  3. Certainty

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: B

Risk is the probability of damage, loss or threat. Risk in capital budgeting implies that the decision maker knows the probability of cash flows. The decision maker after analysing the risk will have of fair idea of the cash flows that might arise from the decision that is made. 

A proposal is not a capital budgeting proposal if it____________.

  1. Is related to fixed assets

  2. Brings long-term benefits

  3. Brings short-term benefits Only

  4. Has very large investment

Correct Option: C

A proposal is not a capital budgeting proposal if it brings short-term benefits only. Capital budgeting decisions involve huge funds and are long term decisions, it benefits the firm in long term. As they involve huge costs one wrong decision would have a big effect on the business.

Profitability Index, when applied to Divisible Projects, impliedly assumes that_____________.

  1. Project cannot be taken in parts

  2. NPV is linearly proportionate to part of the project taken up

  3. NPV is additive in nature

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

Profitability index is an index that identifies the relationship between cost and profitability of a project. Profitability Index. when applied to divisible projects impliedly assumes that project cannot be taken in parts has to be accepted fully, NPV is linearly proportionate to part of the project taken up and NPV is additive in nature. 

Evaluation of capital budgeting proposals is based on cash flows because_____________.

  1. Cash rows are easy to calculate

  2. Cash flows are suggested by SEBI

  3. Cash is more important than profit

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Capital budgeting is based on cash flows because there is discounting and other factors used which can be done only on cash. Moreover, cash can be spent and not profit. Cash is more important than profit as the company has to focus on many costs. As in the long run the company will succeed if it focuses mote on cash flow statement. 

NPV of a proposal, as calculated under Risk Adjusted Discount Rate(RADR) & Real Certainty Equivalent(CE) Approach will be __________.

  1. Same

  2. Unequal

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of A and B

Correct Option: B

What factors increase the riskiness of  a Capital budgeting Project?

  1. Industry specific risk factors

  2. Competition risk factors

  3. Project specific risk factors

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The factors that increase riskiness of a capital budgeting project are industry specific risk, competition risk and project risk. Industry specific risk/market risk are the risks that might occur due to change in the industry, competition risks are the risk that can occur because of the competitors strategy and lastlyt project risk are the risk that are associated with the project as whether or not the project will be profitable or not. 

Risk-aversion of an investor can be measured by______________.

  1. Market Rate of Return

  2. Risk-free Rate of Return

  3. Portfolio Return

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Risk aversion means the tendency of a person to avoid a decision/investment when there is risk involved. Risk aversion is a personal trait of a person. Risk-aversion of an investor cannot be measured by market rate of return, risk free rate of return or portfolio profit. 

For calculating trend percentage, which of the following formula is used? 

  1. (Present year value/Base year value) x 100

  2. (Base year value/Present year value) x 100

  3. (Present year value/100) x Base year value

  4. (Base year value/100) x Present year value

Correct Option: A

Generally the first year is taken as the base year. The figure of base year is taken as 100. Trend percentage is calculated by following formula:

(Present year value/Base year value) x 100

The most commonly used tools for financial analysis are _______________.

  1. Horizontal analysis

  2. Vertical analysis

  3. Ratio analysis

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Commonly used tools of financial analysis are: Comparative statements, Common size statements, trend analysis, ratio analysis, funds flow analysis, and cash flow analysis.

Select the correct statement.

  1. General reserve is created out of divisible profits

  2. General reserve is used for some specified purposes

  3. Revenue reserve include capital reverse also

  4. All the three

Correct Option: A

General reserve is created out of divisible profits. This is the only true statement. General reserve is created to meet any future uncertainties, they are basically the retained earnings of the company.  

Which of the following statements are false?
A) When all the figures in a balance sheet are stated as percentage of the total, it is termed as horizontal analysis. 
B) When financial statements of several years are analyzed, it is termed as vertical analysis. 
C) Vertical Analysis is also termed as dynamic analysis. 

  1. Both A and B

  2. Both A and C

  3. Both B and C

  4. A, B and C

Correct Option: B
Statements are A and C are false. 
A) False. When all figures in the balance sheet are stated as percentage of the total, its termed as vertical or common-size analysis. 
C) False. Horizontal analysis is termed as dynamic analysis. Vertical analysis is done to review and analysis the financial statements for a year only and therefore it is also called static analysis.

A company discloses the following information in relation to its receivables in the notes to its financial statements.
Gross amount receivable - Rs. 4,800
Provision for doubtful debts - Rs. 360
Net Carrying amount of receivable - Rs. 4,400
Which one of the following is the maximum credit risk that it must also disclose in the notes to comply with IFRS 7?

  1. Rs. 360

  2. Rs. 4,400

  3. Rs. 4,800

  4. No disclosure is required

Correct Option: D

A firm has an Return on Assets (ROA) of 14%, a debt/equity ratio of 0.8, a tax rate of 35%, and the interest rate on the debt is 10%. What is the firm's Return on Equity (ROE)? 

  1. 11.18%

  2. 8.97%

  3. 11.54%

  4. 12.62%

Correct Option: A
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